The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 13, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    lwnra 4.
Tin: hkni) ui't.i.r.Tiv,, vnN:siAY, nokmiu:u in, nun.
Startling Presenlalion ot Gam
ing Events.
Church! of All Denominations andtht
Civil Powtrt of Earth Am About to
Unit In Common Cautt Powerful
Influence Preparing For the Battle
of Armaoeddon A Reign of Anarchy
Will Be the Result of the Warfare
Until The Meteiah Takee Control.
Brooklyn. N. Y
Nor. a, T li c
Orooklyn Academy
of Music w n h
crowded to the lim
it today to bear
t'nutor HumcII'h
dlKi-uiirne ou tliu
"Itmtle of Armu
Kvdduu." Ill text
wna: -lie irjlborml
them toetlior unto
a placv culled lu
the Hchrcw nincue
(Revelation xvl. jai The tikcr wild:
ArmuKvtldou In the Ucbrvw lstilt!i.i
the "Hill of Sleclddo." or Mount of De
struction It wna famous u a battle
field In Old Testament time.
Tbe Lord tin tteen tit to uoclate the
came Artnncrddon, with the ctvat con
troversy between Truth and Crror.
rlsbt and wrung. Ood and Mamumn.
with which tliU use will clone. -rth.
and the New Atfe of Mr-wlah's Rlory
be ushered In. He hn purjoely mod
Wcbly nymbollcal tlcures of speech In
tbe last book of tbe tllble. evidently
with a view to hiding rertnln Impor
tant tnalw until the due time for their
revcitlmetiL Hut even In tbe dun time,
tbe illble assure us. "None ot the
wicked thall understand" (P.wlel ill.
it. Itli none wbo are out of heart har
mony with (Sodtint only the wise of
ills people-the -wise virgin" class of
tbe Master's jiarable.
1 bnve Iouk nrolded presentation of
tny understanding of our text and Its
.context. I up now by request
nnd because I lielleve It Is due time to
be understood. I disclaim any special
inspiration. In some particulars my
views acre with those of other illble
students, and In other respect they
disagree. Ki'cb bearer must use hU
owu JildjancoLdo bis own Illble study,
and reach bis own conclusion.
Kindly remember that I am not re
sponsible for the figures of speech Used
by the l.nrri. My interpretations do In
deed constitute a terrible arraignment
of Institutions which we havo all rever
enced and which embrace good people,
of good words and kikkI works. God's
saintly people In the various Institu
tions, being comparatively few, are
Ignored when systems as a whole are
dealt with In prophecy.
The Dragon. Beatt. Fade Prophet.
Our context tells us that three Im
pure spirits tteaclilUKSi will go forth
fmiu tbe mouths of the lrnpin. the
ttt-ustand the False I'rnpbet. Slid these
three will he In accord, and symlsillcar
ly the dtictrlues are n-pn-wnted by
"frogs." These thn-e dis-trlncJ are to
dnrea mighty Itiduenre throughout tbe
civilized earth They are to gather
the kings and their nrmlen to tbe itreat
Itattle of Armageddon.
The ecclesfristlntl kings and prlnres,
ami their retuiiu-s of Henry ami faith
fill adherents will tie gathered In solid
jdinlunx -I'rotestant and Catholic. The
kings and captains of Industry, and as
many as can be Influenced by them,
wtlj'lte gnthereil to the same side. The
tsdltirnl kings and princes, wltb all
their henchmen and retainers, will fol
low In line ou the same side. The
tlniinrlnl Icings and merchant princes,
nudall whom they can Influence by the
most gigantic (Hiwer ever yet exenis
ed In the world, will Join the same
side, according to this prophecy.
These "doctrines of demons." repre
sented by the "frogs." will lead many
noble people In this great army to as
siune an attitude quite contrary to
their preference. For a time the
wheels of lllMTty and progress will I
turned Imrkward and medieval re
st mints will le considered necessary
for self-prewrvHfion for the mainte
nance' of the present order of things.
. in giving ibis Interpretation. It l
tifressHry for us "to Indicate what Is
syuiltollmi by the Dntcnn. the Iteast.
aid the 1'alse Prophet. Illlile students
of nearly all denominations agree with
us that the "Dragon" of Revelation
retirements the purely Civil Power.
Protestant Interpreters generally agree
flint the "Meant like a leopard" (Iteve
intlon xll, ' represents the Pauey.
ilut fewer still, we fiir, will Ih ready
to suisirt our view tlmt Proti'stantlsm
Is the "Image of the ReHst" (Revelation
x ill. I.'i n our context given another
name, "the False Prophet" We urge
no one to accept our Interpretation,
nor shall we think hard uf any who
refuse It We will neither slander nor t
otherwise Injure them now, nor threat
en them with eternal torture. They
hire the same right to their views that
I have, and the same right to make
them known to others. And I. for
one. will he very glad to consider any.
thing wlil'-h opponents may set forth
as their Interpretations of our text.
"Unclean Spirits Like Froge."
The sfitilKillsms of fVrlpture, rtcht
y understood, are'alwaya forceful
When thH'HMr Pplrft used a fruit"
to symbolically ropresuijt certain
doctrines or teaching, wo may b
turv tlw true application will Ut welt
A frog ha n sako look, a wise look.
It swells Itself up In nu apparent en
deavor to Impress (ho beholder. Its
great mouth well represent Its chief
power. uwtl to erottk.
Applying these symbols, we team
that nu evil spirit. Influence, teaching,
will come from the Protestant churches
federated, from the Church of Rome,
aud from tbe Civil authorities, nil In
full ngreemcut. The wplrlt of all will
be boastful; an air uf superior wisdom
aud kuuwledgo will be proudly assuue
cU-nll will croak In harmony. All will
tell of dire results that would follow.
Involving the Interests of both the
present and the future life. If their
counsel be not followed However con
flicting tbe creeds, the difference will
be Ignored In the general proposition
that nothing oncleut must be disturb
ed, or looked Into, or repudiated.
The Divine authority of the Church,
nnd the Divine right of kings, nslde
from the Church, will not be allowed
to coutflet Any person or teachings
in conflict wltb these boastful and tin
.scriptural claim will Ih branded as
everything riff, nt the mouths of these
"frogs" speaking rrom pulpits and
platforms uud through the religious
and secular pros The nobler senti
ments of some will bo strangled by tbo
philosophy of the same evil spirit
which spoke through Cnlaplms. the
high priest, respecting-Jesus. As Cala
pftas declared It expedient to commit
a crime In violation of Justice, huiiuin
aud Divine, to be rid of Jesus and Ills
teaching, so this "frog" spirit will ap
prove of every violation of principle
nece-wary to their self-protection
The croaking of these "frog" spirits or
doctrines will gather the kliic and
princes, financial, political, religious
md Industrial Into one great tinny.
The spirit of fear. 'Inspired by the
croaking of these "frogs." will scourge
the iiusslous of otherwise good nnd
reasonable men to fury. decmtlon.
In tbelr bllud following of these evil
spirits, evil doctrines, they will Isi
ready to sacrltice lilt and everything
on the nltnr of what they mistakenly
suppose li Justice, truth and rishteou.
ncs. under a Divine urrtiujcumeiiL ,
For n brief time, ns we understand
the Scriptures, these combined forces
of Armageddon will triumph. Free
spcts-h. free malls, anil other liberties
whlrh have come to be tbe very breath
of the masses In our day. will tie ruth
lessly shut off under the plea of neces
sity, the glory of (Sod. the commands
of the Church, etc. All will seem to lie
serene, until tbe great social explosion
In our context described as the "great
Earthquake." An "earthquake." in
symbolic language, signifies social
revolution, and the declaration of the
context Is that none like unto It ever
before occurred,, iltcvelatlon xvl, IS.,
' Ifl.i Jesus describe-.! It us a time of
trouble such as never was since there
vn it tuition. Mntthuvv xxlv, si.
The Lord Will Qathei1 Them.
The fivNe. fron-llko tonchltiK will
gather together Into one host the grout,
the rich, the wise, the learned and the
king of the earth, to buttle. At this
Juncture Divine Power will step fop
ward, nnd our text tells us tlmt WW
shall gather the uuindmletl hosts to
Armngcddon-to the Mountain of De
struction. The very thing which they
sought to avert by their union, federa
tion, etc., will be the very thing they
will hasten Other .Scripture tell us
that (Iisl will lie represented by the
tlrvnt Messinb, and that He will be on
the side of the masses Thus wo read
lu Daniel xll. It "At that time shall
Mlthsel the Oodltkc One Mcstah
stand up" assume authority He will
take possession uf Ills Kingdom lu n
manner little looked for by tunny of
those who erroneously have been
claiming that they were Ills Kingdom,
uud uu.hiirlxcd by Illm-to reign lu Ills
name and lu Ills stead.
Jesus declared, "Ills servant ye are
unto whom ye render service." Nome
may Ik rendering service to Sutan uud
to error, who claim to bo rendering
service to Cod and to rlcbteoustU'ss:
ami some of these may be serving lg
norantly. ns did Saul of Tarsus, who
"vorlly thought that be did Ood it serv
ice" lu ivorsecutlng the Church The
same principle holds true reversely.
As an earthly king doc not hold him
self resisiiisllile for the moral character
of each soldier wbo tight In his but
tles, so the Lord dues not vouch fur the
moral clianuti-r uf till who will enlist
and tight on His side of any question
"His servants they are to whom they
render service," whatever the motive
or object prompting them
The same principles will apply In the
coming Rattle of Anungeddou Hod's
side of Unit tiattle will be the people's
side, and the very nondescript host,
the people, will be pitted at the hogln
nine of the battle. Anarchists. Social
ists, nnd hot-hetidcd radicals of every
school uf reasuu and unreason, will be
in the forefront of that buttle. The
majority of the po-ir and the middle
class prefer -ece ut almost any price
A romHirntlvely small number, (lexis
n.tlc.u.P.....! ..-Ill III ll..l,rt lu.
ivtiar. in,,-, -"'n-. ".it ri, .,. -" .
Iiiiitrliii titr .Mi-iulnli's Klnnlnlll Tbi-oe '
will bide the"s time nnd wait pa
tiently for It: they will ( of gml
courage, knowing the uutmmr outlined
In the "more sure word of prophecy."
to whlrb they have dune well to take
heed, "as unto a llwtit sliluliuj In a
dark piac until the Day dawn." II
Peter 1. ID
The masse will be restless of their
restraints, but will Is- conscious of
their owu weakness ns compared to tbe
In the Circuit Court of the Htnto of
Oregon, Tor the County of Crook,
Nolllo Wright, plnlntllT, vh. Harry
Joseph WiIkIiI, dofoutlnitt.
To Harry JoBOph WiIkIU, nhovo nam
ed defendant:
lu the nnnto of tlio Htnto of Ore
gon you two hereby requlrod to ni
per ntiil answer the votiiplnlttl llled
nRaliiht you lu the above ontltlod
suit within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
motiH, nnd If you fall to nppear mid
answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt?
For I ho dissolution of the. hnnils
ot matrimony now existing between
you nnd the plaintiff, and for n fur
ther decree thnt the property now
owned by the plnlntllT shall bo and
rotualn Iters, free from nny rlcth,
title or Interest tin your part, either
ut law or In equity.
This numinous 1 served upon you
by publication by authority of nn
(Continued on Page Nine)
vacuum m
This is something that every neat
housekeeper should have. It is a
simple and efficient cleaner, and will
do the work ,of one that costs ten
times as much. Come see them.
Bend Hardware Co.
Located 15 miles east ot Bend
on the Central Oregon Ciinul.
OFFER FOR Fenced and J) 5 acres cleared.
SAlJE ISO All irrigable. Small house.
ACRES OF Price 81,000 cash. This land is
IRRIGATED loc.ated i Sections 1 and 4. T.
LANP .18S.,R. 14 E. Go look at it.
If you want it address Lock Box
HAA . Polinnhtis. Ohio.
, .., .rr yi -".;-. ,-
Every thi ng
the line of
Cliipicvn ntiil Itucklnglinm
& Hvcht
A.L. French
ordor ot tltn Uonornblo II C, UIIIh, and lutUirod In hhM ('unit of uillvii.
Judo of thu County Court of tho Tito ditto of lltdt publli'iilloii tliu
Htnto of Oregon for Crook Count. I Mill day or Ootohor, 1UU.
Haiti order In dated tho aoth day of I VISUNON A. roltlllCM.
Ootol.or, 10ia, mid la duly recorded ( .11 10 Atlorntty fur inlntlff,
fl H E X C URSION1'" jEnl
I rAncs rnoM Ait n.iwn.M stations T
1 llfll 1
If You Want Good
Residence Lots
Business Sites
Irrigated Land
320Acre Homesteads
investigate what we have to offer. We have the
best on the market, at the best prices and terms.
CfThis firm also makes a specialty of Fire Insur
ance, Indemnity Bonds and Plate Glass, Show
Case and Mirror Insurance. Our companies are
the best in the United States, and pay their losses
promptly. JWe are the oldest established real
estate firm in Bend, and have a first class record
for fairness and efficiency. If you have something
to. sell, or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oreg. Investment Co.
in t r- -
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon