Tin: iii:ni iirtj.i-rri.v, nv.su, wi;im:hdav, novemheii a, tins. rAGB 9. fr JEWISH PAPER GIVES GOOD AD MESHER LAND, , OF PORT BOOSTS Inltiirntlnl IVilodlenl In New York Him Viiliuible A rlli Ic Tclllnjr of Hebrew (.'olnnluitloii In OiMilrnl HrrKUii Through tho nativity of A. Mealier if Portland, mi uxtoiiitlvo article, ad rllliiK Ilmiil mid Citntrnl Oregon -lmsJust been published lu tlio Jewish, Dully Nuwh, uf Now York Clly, it periodical uf very wldo circulation. , portion jif Ilia tirtlclo, translated IlltO English, U ItH follOWHi "A enr o, two of tho gruntest irtllrtiHtl (ehis In tho country cut tliolr wny through tlm Interior of Oregon tho OrcKOii Trunk and Des chutes Hallways mndu n path of rails between tho city uf I'ortlnml mill tho clly or llend. Iltiiid In !() uated on tho Deschutes Itlver which In ono of tho greatest 1n tho North west for tho developing of powrr, Hint will noon Im heavily needed In this part of tho country. "During my business operations I litiil tho opportunity to study tho situation of thn country nml n n farmer of tho Northwest, I foresaw I lie oportunltlea (hut nro to lie made In tho clly of Mo ml and Citntrnl One Kflii. I Immediately took up Hut matter with prominent people. In tho rlly of I'ortliHttl and after a ureal itcnl of work I havo formed an or KnuUtlon known aa the Hebrew Acrlculiurat Association of Oregon, with nolo Intent of hating our people fako up claims of either 100 or 320 ncrea of government Uml aa provlilml uniler tho hoiucatead not. 'Tho Association linn Mint out n commlttro to Central Oregon, to -Minimi tho condition nnd resources of the territory, nnd itftor a thorouxh loteatlgullnn, they emmt hsrk and re IKirted tatorably. Ktp were taken hiiiI arrnngomenla made to settle the oiuHlry with Jttwh rolonlc. This colonisation will Ik? situated around Hcnd on thn Irrigation project ami on the dry fnriuliiK land. Thn reason that thane IS fmnltlen have Med their claim ao soon la on aceoiint of thn fact that tho land In thU section of the country I well adapted to tho kind of farming na theto eoplu nro to do. "ThU new ttrrllory contain over n million and a half acrea of land, which la kooiI for wheat, onta, hay, corn nnd alfalfa. Thn clluialn la ustlsfsclory In all canon. It la not too cold In winter with n moderate A Valuable Silver Cup for the Best Agricultural Exhibit of products Krown tributary to tho Oregon Trunk. Spokane. Tort land nml Jk-nttle, Oregon Electric nnd United Railways nt the Pacific N.-W. Land Products Show i'OHTLANI). NOV. 18.2!l. w I' lw jriven hy these Itnllwnyii. $9.P.r. Kound Trip to I'ortlnml from Hcml. Tickcla on sale Nov. 18, 10, 20. Return limit Nov. 2.. xggts $16.75 KcHd Trifi to Sfokww for Um NATIONAL APPLE SHOW Tickets on wle Nov. 10th to 10th Inclusive. Return limit Nov. 20. Train leftvlnp; CentrahOregon In morning arrives Portland A. 6:;i0 l M and Spokane u:to r. w. ifl Schedules, details, etc., will be furnlsheil on application. W. E. COMA.N. Gen. Frt. & Tasa, Agt. 3F Hotel Wright (Successsr to the New Taggart Motel.) Lirgcst Modern tlostlery In Bend STEAM HBAT, Rl.nCTRIC LiailTS, HOT AND COLD WATP.R CENTRALLY LOCATED at Bond Street and Greenwood Avenue, . Free Auto Service .EXCELLENT MEALS SERVED. hiiow fall. Tlio mi in mora nro not uaunlly warm mid thn nights nro vory cool, "Tho Drat colony la now located In l,nko county( lift miles anutHpaat of llond. Tlio Eastern Oregon It. It., which aiirvoy la now complotod, will cut through Ihla liiml which will glvo llond three rullronda, All this land Ilea within tho boundary of Crook, lliiruoy mid Ialo coiintlea." A clilllrd ml In Tho IJiillrlln I trail Ity hundred rind Orlnu tlm nil vertlier kwmI returns for the money Invented, , TELLS SCHOOL OF WORK Alii Hixlety Worker lrrrllr Condi Ilium of t'lifortiinntc Children. John K: (lllpack, of tho (llrla nnd Doya Aid Koclety of Oregon, wna huro Friday, mid during lila vlalt wna n Kiieat nt tho lloild Uchoola for nu nfternooii, Ho nddiced tho puplla lu ovory room upon toplca connected with tho work of tho society, telling chiefly of tho conditions nnd tho treatment of dollnuuout children throughout tho atnto. Ilia Interest lux Inforiniil tnlka worn received with grent lutvroat hy acholata mid teach era. Aa a roaiilt of hla vlalt thuro will ho n Thanksgiving contribution laknii u i atnoiiK tho school-goor. money nnd various articles being re ceived for dlatrlliutton anionic tho un fortunate children with whom tho Portland homo worka. The aoclety now linn anmo 70 children In Ha Portland homo, mid about 000 are under Ito general onro, IIvIiik nt houiea throughout the atnto. Two hoya from llend, tho Hlnvcna youiiRaiera, who were taken by Mr. Kllpack anmo uiontha a no, ho report aa dolnic well. One la IIvIiik with n family and oiin I at thn home. SEND THE KNOCKERS OUT .mi ifca I'otilaml Woman, Delighted Willi Tom it. I'luiU llnrinfiil tVlllm II err. Mra. Uia Porter of rnrllnnd, who la Interested In llend mid ha been connected with tho aale of llend properly to outaldo luveatora waa hern laat week Kottlnx aniualntcd with the town and tho opportunltlea of the adjacent territory, "I have boon an Orexonluii for S3 yen i a mid hnvo IIvihI In nil aectloua of the atale," ald Mra. 1'ortor. "nnd nowhere have I aceu n town with batter proapecta than llend. Thuro la Juat ou M)ul that iieeda ntteutlnu. A few knock era rlKht hero In town atioulitlie Klveu free tlcketa not re turn tlcketa, mind ou. (let rid of them. If they don't like the town they ahniild be Kind to kcI out. Tho Drat ovenliiK I wna hero n man nnd hla wife, who wero In thn hotel lob by, look tho trouble to tell mo Juat why llend waa no i;ood. They 'knocked' for half an hour, and they anld they worn old realdeuta. People llkii that du n lot of harm, to them aelvea mid to tho town." CENTIUU. OREGON LINE J. H. CdttBrHT. At.f Dend, Ore. tofand from Trains. I1EC0BD OFJPSFEBS Dreila nml I'ntenU I'lleil Ilerently With County Clerk nt I'rluevllle IrvliiK II. Hii-ll to (leo. IJ. Wok Konnr, It 'i, blk 37, Center Add, llend. 200. Hldnoy I). I'erclvat lo ICro BprliiR Well Co., e' Ha 0, 7, w It H, blk , Oateway. $20. llond I'nrk Co. lo Kmll M. I ward, It 2, blk 1 24. lat nil llond I'ark. 1200. Win, (I. I'ordhani to llrndcnuib Town IrrlKntlon &, Tower Co., aoU -' t-Ul-10. 11000. J, II, Mean to II. J. Overturf, Ita 2-:i. blk 27. llond. $1. I ,u I'lno Towualte Co. to M, Kit Ketila I'ratt, It 30, blk 33, Lu I'lne. $100. Oeo. Koronaeti to J. II, Cartwrlght, undivided of SO-17-12. $1, i, K. Hawlilll to O. C, llciikle, Ita 3-1, acVi aw4 7, ie' nw'i 18-20. 11. $1. Nowlon KAIIer Co. to L. I). Wleat. It I. blk V, It 10, blk II, Wlcatorlu. O, Itllaaetl Trim to A. J. Atllleraon, MVi UH-Vi 31-17-13. $10, C. C. Covey to W. C. Olbaon. iio4 21-10-13. $2r00. A. J. Iloyd to -John J. Hupp, a' nu',',, n',4 aoU 0-18-11. $10. C. H. Itaiidolph to M. (). Coo, a)U awVi, part of aw1, an' boliiK 22 rods on wt aide, of 27-17-12. $1. cacnsi HOIMONH. In tho Circuit Court or tho Hliite of Oregon, for the County of Crook. II. J. Overturf, plaintiff, va. K. II. Kiiiuniy nnd Helen II, Hum my, de fendant. To K. II. Htimniy and Helen It. Hum- my, defendanta: In the natiio of tho Btato of Ore Kon vou are Urreby required to -pear nnd nnawer complaint filed aRalnat you In the aliovo entitled ault within alx weeks from the dato of the flrat publication of thla aum inona, and If you fall to appear nnd nnawer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: 1'or thn forecloaiiro acoordliiK to law of that certain morttcnRO bear lux dale tho Slat day of October, 1011, executed by you to aecuic plaintiff In tho payment of the aum of $22150 with Interim nt 0 cr cent K)r nullum from the lat dny of Oc tober, 1011, and that tho premlaea deaerlbed lu mid mortRauo bo aold accordliiK to the law and practice of thla Court, and that tho proceoda of aald aale be applied to tho payment - - ff .- Bend 't 4 H nr j of anld aum, and $225 attorney's fees, totfothor with tho coats and dlaliurae meiits of suit, nnd thnt tho plaintiff Imvo Judgment affalnat you ami each of you for tho aum of $2250 with Interest thereon at tho rnto of 0 per cent per annum from tho 1st day of October, 1011, for $225 nttoruey'a fees and for tho coats and dlaburao meuta of thla action, nnd such other relief aa to tho Court tuny aeem Just and equltablo, Ihls summons Is served upon you by puhllcat'on by authority of an ordor of tho Hon. H. C. Kills, Judge of the County Court of Crook County. Htnlo of Oregon, said order Is dated the 30th day of October, 1912, and la duly recorded and entered lu snld suit. Date of first publication, October 3oth, 1012. VKIIN'ON A. FOKHKH, 34-10 Attorney for plaintiff. fcl'MMONH. In tho Circuit Court or the Htate of Ort'Kon, for the County or Crook. First National Hank or llend, n corporation, plaintiff, vu, Knrl H, Houston, May Houston and J, O. Hogora, defoudauta, To J, I). ItoKora, ono or tho above named defendants, In tho name or the Ktato of Ore xou, you nr hereby required to ap pear and nnawer tho complaint Died against you in thn nlove entitled ault within six weeks from tho date or tho flrat publication of thla aiimmuna, and If you rail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will npply to the Court for the relief prayed for lu tho complaint, to-wlt: For the cancellation and sotting asldo of that certain conveyance nnd transfer made hy tho defendants, Karl II. Houaton nnd May Houston, conveying to you the N, Hair or the N'. l. Quarter nnd the N. K, Quarter of N. V. Quarter or Section 15 nnd the 8. i:. Quarter or the 8. W. Quarter or Section 30, Township 17, South or Itnnjte 12, K. W. M. In Crook County, Oregon, as fraudulent and void against thla plaintiff. That you account under the direction of this Court for ull the property so re ceived by you by conveyance rrom aald Karl II. Houaton and May Hous ton, nnd that you and each or said idofetidanta be restrained rrom trans ferring or incumbering said property, and that aald property be adld and the proceeds or said sale Ixi applied to tho payment and satisfaction or plalntlffa Judgment as secured against the defendanta, May Houston nnd rtarl Houston on the lGth dny of Fol runry. 1912 In tho Circuit Court or Crook County, Oregon, for the sum or $90C.3h nn, $10 costs nnd $106 j attorney fees. This summons Is served tion you 1 by publication by authority of an - .. Announcement Commencing November first we shall confine our bnsiness to a cash basis. In doing so we will be able to furnish our customers Flour, Feed and Mill stuffs at the very lowest prices. IWe wish to thank our many friends for the loyal support they have given during the last year, and we take pleas ure in stating that we are now in a position to turn out a better product at less cost than in the past. JWe shall be pleased to have old and new customers. call . and -inspect o.ur. mill and our methods. iff 3P Milling (2b Warehouse Company "BEND'S FLOUR MILL" 'Is C. MOZELL, ftgMMgttv -. --.v. ordor of tho Hon. It. C. Kills, Judge or tho County Court or Crook County, Oregon, Hald ordor lit dated tho 20th dny or October, 1912, and Is duly recordod and entered In said suit. Onto or first publication, October Both, 1012. VKHNO.V A. FOHHEH, 34-10 Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICIJ TO CIIKDITOHH. In the County Court of the Btato of Oregon for Crook County, In the mattor of tho Kstato of Anna T. Auno, deceased. The undersigned having been np polnted Kxecutor or the Iast Will and Testament or Anna T. Auno, de ceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors ot said Katnto nnd all tier- jiona having claims against said de ceased to present them duly verified as required by law, within alx months from the date of this Notice, to the undersigned nt tho office or C, 8. Hcnson, lawyer, Hend, Oregon. Hated this Oth day of October, 1912. ANTON A. AUNK, Kxecutor or tho Last Will nnd Tcsta mont of Annn T. Aune, deceased. 8U.MMOXH. In tho Circuit Court or tho Btato of Oregon, for tho County or Crook. Tho Hend Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. O. C. Cooper and N. A. Cooper, co-pnrtners, doing business under the Arm name nnd stylo of The Terrebonne Lumber Co., De fendants. To O. C. Cooper and N. A. Cooper, nltovo named Defendants: In the name ot the State or Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and nnawer tho complaint f"d against you In tho above entitled ault within alx weeks from the date of the flrat publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to appear and answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief prayed for In the Complaint, to-wlt: for Judgment against you and each ol you ror tho aum of $719.20 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per nnnum from April 17, 1912, until paid, and for tho costs and dis bursements of this action. This summons Is served upon you by publication by authority ot an order or the Honorablo H. C. Kills, Judge of the County Court ot the State of Oregon for tho County or Crook. Bald ordor Is dated the 24th day or September, 1912, and Is duly recorded nnd entered In aald Court nnd action. Date or first publication Septem ber 26, 1912. VERNON A. FORHES. 29-35 Attorney for Plaintiff. -! 'S5V. :. ? S ! t ri. 1 NOTICE TO CHKIHTOItH. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for Crook County. In tho matter ot the Kstato ot Arnt Auno, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed Kxecutor 01 the La Will and Testament of Arnt Auno, Do ceased, notice Is hereby given to tho creditors' of said Kstato and nil per sons having claims against ssld de ceased to present them duly verified as required by law, within six montha from tho date of this Notice, to tho undersigned nt tho office of C. 8. Hcnson, lawyer, llend, Oregon. Dated this 9th dsy or October, 1912. ANTON A. AUNK, Kxecutor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Arnt Auno, deceased. 34 HCMMONH. In tho Circuit Court of the Btato of Oregon, for tho County of Crook. Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Stevens and S. L. Dew and Desert I-and Hoard of Oregon, De fendants. To Frank Stevens and S. L. Dew, Defendants. - In the name of tho Btato of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and nnawer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit within six weeks from tho day of the first publication of this summons and It you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In complaint, to-wlt: For the cancellation and aettlng aside of a certain contract, dated October 21, 1904, mado between you and tho Deschutes Irrigation and Power Company and assigned to said plain tiff, relating to the settlement of cer tain lands, and the purchase of water rights appurtenant thereto, situate In Crook County, Oregon, and for such other and further relief as may seem to the Court Just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication by authority of an order of the Hon. XV. L. Hradshaw, Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Crook, and said order Is dated the 12th day of September, 1912, and Is duly recorded nnd entered In said Court nnd suit. Date ot flrat publication, Septem ber 18th, 1912. JESSE STEARNS, 8-34 Attorney tor the Plaintiff --- Central Oregon Brokerage Co. ; Agents for the ! UNION MEAT COMPANY I OP POHTLAND, ORE. Wo carry a complete stock of hams, bacons, salt meats, J lards and compounds with the United Warehouse Co. t at Bend. Prompt attention f to mall or phone orders. Wholesale only t Office ant Salesrooms '' f Bend, Oregon. X 5 Selling Agents for Aubrey Heights tj The most beautiful resi dence property in Bend. Only 6 to 8 blocks from business center on easy terms. Fire, Accident and Liability Insurance. Surety Bonds. All classes of Real Estate. J. A. EASTES Oregon Street. f- J. J. RYAN Sanitary Ptambiig STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATINO. JOBBINd Promptly Attested to. PMtotfk Box No. 171 Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Y Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. --