The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1912, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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FORT noCK. Nov. 2 J. W. Km-
body and Alox Orccu ot tho Embody
aawmlll were business visitors tho
llrat of the week.
Mra, a W. Hleo, who has spent the
past two months visiting friends nnd
relatives In Notiraska returned Tues-
hnwovcr. nnd mndo nearly B. Every
body enjoyed tho excellent pumpkin
pies the ladles provided nnd nil went
homo voting the evening a success.
Mr. Patten was In town on busi
ness Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith nnd Mrs.
Howard and Fred Wilson were all
business visitors to Ueml Saturday.
Sam Nichols went to Hay Crook
last cck on business.
Dr. Suytler. who Is visiting his
The all-night dance Hallowe'en l,,r'hr- J- ,w- Snyder.. Is quite sick
nun WIG K'H'.
-was wotl attended.
J. U. Qauldln had business In the
Christmas Lake Valley Mondays and
K. W. Droves ot Arrow was seen
here Saturday.
Davo Sterling was a Dead goer on
the stage Saturday.
Fifteen hundred and forty-eight
pounds of mall was received at and
dlsnatcheri from thts otneo tor the
month of October.
E. It. Rldgeway, with his family,
from Newborg, arrived Sunday and
will begin at once to erect a cottage
on his homestead.
HAMPTON. Oct. 29 I. Zerotf
finished seeding 150 acres last week,
about one-third ot which Is his own
land, tho rest rented for the season.
Floyd Phillips left tor Dend the
23rd where bo has a position for tho
winter with tho Weuandy Uvery Co.
Mr. Dunn was In Prlnevtlle last
week after a load of grain.
Ivan Knotts cams In tor the winter
recently and is at work on his home
stead. A. S. Fork Is plowing 10 acres
ready for spring seeding.
Our first snow fell last week and
tor a few days it seemed as If winter
was at hand. However, It is clear
and bright at present but the nights
Karl Kellar came In to his home
stead last Tuesday. Mr. Hocman ac
companying him with a load of lum
ber. His house Is nearly completed
and Mr. Kellar will begin Improve
ments at once.
Coyotes are unusually bold, com
ing up to the homes in broad day
light. A. Weber caught one in a
jaall rabbit trap last wk.
V. Harrison, with the assistance
T Durr lilack. is clearing and plow
ing 20 acres on his place.
Leo Miller recently brought In 2K
tons of feed from Dend with a four
liorse team.
Mrs. Jack Winter Is sick with
tonllltts this week.
Mrs. Dora Hall sustained qulto a
painful accident last Thursday. She
was In the attic cleaning a stovepipe
aad stepped on the eud of a board
which tilted nnd struck her a terrific
blow In tho face. Her face Is black
and swollen.
John Coen took a load of hay to
Dend Monday and brought a load of
cement home.
A number of Odd Fellows from the
local lodge attended the Uend lodge
Monday night to help the Dend boys
shake a tin can In front of their goat
PRINGL15 FLATS. Oct. 2S. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Evans celebrated
Their 15th wedding anniversary by
giving a fine dinner and Inviting their
children. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ralsley
ana Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Comatock and
their Mend. U White.
W. E. Bingham la down twenty
nine feet in Ws well and has no sign
of water yet.
M. HaUmeyer and Fred Lund re
turned trom Bend Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlggam left for Dend
last week.
Mrs. C. A. Uatsley called on Mrs.
.A. n. Taylpr. Sunday afternoon.
Harry Evans has dug a cellar and
Is now busy putting In his gaiden
things, Including carrots, parsnips,
cabbage, turnips and radishes.
Some nice potatoes have been
raised on tho ridges of Pringle Flats
this season.
Dy the large amount of fruit trees
nold arooad here th's season there
will be a large amount ot fruit In a
few years or a lot of disappointment.
Walter Smith baa arrived on bis
homestead lately from Prinevllle and
ts hauling lumber to build a barn.
iHe expects to stay all winter.
"VAlOLAtfi tfofc- -Tbe Hallow
e'en supper was a success both from
a monetary and social standpoint
The ladles made $36.25 and bad $30
tdear to turn over to tho league. The
myotic spring was very awe-inspiring.
The young men saw their future
-wives, the young ladles saw their
future "husbands, and the married
ueekera saw their future seconds, all
In the same lovely (?) masked face
at the bottom of the spring, which
Tippled and gurgled from a tub amid
'green brahdhes and dead fodder. It
was most thrilling. The ghost
'march was also a very grewsome
hteeno. The spirits mingled with the
maskers as it they were perfectly
used tt 'It. The bar maid dispensed
tsweet elder and doughnuts and did a
very lively business. Jack Wimer
and Chancy Docker, after having a
iglass apljjce, insisted on paying for It,
and Chancy Anally asked her If she
carod who iiald for their drinks. On
'being ttaeured she did not be said,
"Then IT you don't care, we will Just
let you pa for It" The laugh was
on the maid, Ted Decker also asked
Tier it "sho wouldtake last cent
'tor a drlpi?' On being told she
would he gave her the cent and called
Ut square. She stood her ground,
POWELL BUTTE3. Nov. 4. Mrs.
Mary Smith, who has been visiting
aer son, Walter Foster, returned to
her home In Portland last week.
Mr and Mrs. Smith will spend the
winter In California,
Geo. Reynolds brought over a load
ot honey ftom his John Day ranch
recently, disposing of It here at IS
cents per pound. Ranchers here are
becoming more and more Interetcsd
In bee culture, and are finding It a
most profitable undertaking.
Pearl Fulkerson has been rushing
tho work on his new cistern to get It
finished before the water Is shut off.
E. F. Archer just finished a largo
c'stern on his ranch In the river bed.
Geo. Hobbs finished potato digging
last week.
Nathan Deach, who has been farm
ing Harvey Whitman's ditch 40 for
the past two years, has moved back
to his own ranch.
T. D. Osborn and family, will soon
move on Frank Smith's farm, having
rented It for the oomlng year.
J. D. Davidson came out from Dend
Sunday for a few days stay on his
The share holders in tho imported
Delgian horse that was owned by
Pilot Dutte ranchers and was burned
In the Carl Wood's livery barn at
Redmond last summer, held a meet
ing in Prinevllle last Friday for a
final adjustment ot financial matters.
They paid $4000 for the horse and as
It was not Insured, was a total loss.
day on his bicycle.
Mr ami Mrs. Harry Sly, who have
been vtsltlng In Doris, Cal., huvo re
turned to Paulina Prairie where they
will spend the whiter.
Joo L. Rlugo and Glenn Howard
canto In from Camp Lonroth Monday.
C. C. Low, republican nominee (or
sheriff ot Klniimtit oaui.ty, was lit
town Thursday. W. n. linruca, tho
Incumbent, brought over the election
supplier. ,
Dr. Forroll and Mrs. Rachel Me
Cattery of Uend wore bore on profes
sional business last wtek,
A stx nnd one-half pound girl was
botm to Mr. and" Mrs. Clarence Den
nett Saturday. Oct. 2$.
Mr. nnd MrsoiS. D. Tyler were In
Sunday from the Knott rond ctiup
IHe miles south ut Crescent.
The Humiaton brothers passed
through Saturday tq Crooccnt Lako
where titty will trap this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1 la timer have
returned from a visit with tho lat
ter' parents at Oakrldge.
Jim Sawltlll of Dend drove In early
Friday morning by auto bound for
Fort Klamath where he was to de
liver an address that afternoon.
G, W. Anderson, llracken
and Charles Thomas went to Davis
Lake Thursday to hunt.
Ranger W. J. Nichols has been
transferred to Wind Creek near the
Columbia where ho Is to remain un
til January when ho will take his
annual leave and visit hU family In
Central Point, returning to Crescent
the latter part of that month.
A Hallowe'en cost j me danco was
given In Kclsor's hall Saturday eve
ning by Mosdamcs W. W. Crydor and
C. W. Long. Tho hall was appropri
ately and artistically decorated with
black cats, bats, owls, pumpkins and
a witch over a crescent moon, as well
as crepe paper, Japanese lanterns
and manzantta. Many are deserving
of special mention for costumes,
among which arc Messrs Long nnd
Graves as the Dull Moose clowns, L.
C. Rich as a red clown. Mesdames
Cryder, Cleaves, Thomas and Graves
as ghosts. Misses Anderson and
Applegnte as puntpkln-hcadcd ghosts
and Miss Edwards as tho witch. A
delicious lunch of sandwiches, coffee
and cake was nerved at the midnight
hour. Those attondtng from La
Pine were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Harrl
man, Miss Emma Mead, Messrs. D.
L. and O. L. Peterson. C. V. Car
rolchacl, J. D, Redmond and Fred
Miss Arda L. Edwards visited Sat
urday and Sunday wtth Miss lona
fnffoy and Leo Young returned Satur
day front n hunting trip. They re
port plenty of hunt'ng, knt n annr
city of game.
Tho Ladled Juniper Club held an
enthusiastic meeting at tho home ot 4
Mrs. O. 0. Cardwell last Thursday. I
The next meeting will be with Mrs.
Thursday, November 7, tho Orattgo
will give a basket social. All mem
bers nnd their friends nro Invited to
bo present. And don't forget to
bring n basket,
Rnlph Dilute of the Pilot Dutte
ranch I usp to the forest reserve after
the rest ot the Pilot llutto cattle.
I. M. McKnlght spept Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 torch.
ALFALFA. Nov. 2. II. L Mo
lousy lias secured n position with the
Pine Fori'dt Lumber Co. Ills son Is
also working at the same place.
Guy Hitter and family have moved
to the Chase place.
Hilly Pyntt has returned from his
trip to Eugene, Portland nnd other
S. M. Johnson has received a ship
ment of registered O. I. C. hogs from
S. 8. Stearns of Crooked lllver
pasicd through Alfalfa November
first with about three hundred head
of cnttlo, returning from his summer1
range on the upper Deschutes.
y ---- -- IIMMI
PINEIIt'HST. Nov. I. A recep
tion was given at the home ot Mr.
and Mr. J. II. Nichols Saturday night
lit honor of Mr, and Mrs. W. F, lev
trent. who arrived from Spokane.
Wash., recent!). A pleasant evening
was spent In listening to musical se
lections and other amusements, after
which refreshmenta wero served.
Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs,
Dan Smith, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wi
nter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hpaugh,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Couch, Mrs. How
ard, Fred Wilson, Mrs, Charles John
We Are Locating Fifty Families on
This U Just mm Rroup of tlto ninny for whom wo nro Rot
ting froo homos In Ontrnl Orejfun, TIhw fifty fmullloi
htivo como to us tlirouuli tho Hobrow AKrlctilturnl Society
of Portland,
Why Did Tfwy Select CENTRAL OREGON?
HecnUiMj Invostlitfttlon proved that tho best free limdi In
America nro found hero.
Why Did They Select Us to Locato Them?
-Heonuso InvestlKntlon prnvuri tbnt wo nru tho boat Informed
nnd tho most rolinblo locator In the ItuslnoiM,
Ore. Land & Immigration Co.
Uend, Oregon
catld at Mrs. McCord's Saturday 'done other Improvements on lilt farm
afternoon. (thin fall which add greatly to Km up.
Mr. McCanl and Din Winkle oroilnrrtUCtf-
transacting business In Dend last
George Crawford "as In Laldlaw
DRV I.AKK. Oct. 31. -Fall seeding
Is well under wty
Mrs. M. K. Prescott and daughter
llessln are tho latest arrlvsls In the
C llengston has given the use ot
his new dwelling for school, whlrh
till beln on Nov. 11th. with MUs
Ruth Langford as teacher
Mr. Hwanson has completed his
work and gone out for tho winter
N. N. Kins Is on the Dend road
lth Mrs Preneott's household effects
Fisher l.ogau has finished his fall
Mrs. Aide Daker will go lit LtLU
law this week to reside for the win.
ter, after spending to mo time with
titer parents at Tumalo.
Mr. RIkrs delivered some tine ap
ples to the Star ranch last week 1h.1t
were grown on his Metollus farm.
They are good fruit ami prove what
can be raised In this part of Kasteru
George Qampbell nnd Karl t'Hikn
attended the daaeo at Laldlaw Thurs
day night.
The Mls" Murk of Lildlaw came
out and spent Sunday with Mrs H.iV
er and Mrs Wimer on the Htr lUm-h
MIm lota will remain with Mrs Wi
nner for the winter.
CRESCENT, Nov. 3 George May
field passed tbroug Sunday with a
band of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graves. Jr.
have moved Into the ''Honoymoon
tiungalow," on Jones street
O. C. Tyler went to La Pine Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Havcmann spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Hoech.
L. C. Coffey let Dend Monday
morning for bpokane and other Wash.
Ington points.
C. K. Smith, R. M. Klder and Mr.
Griffith were in Terrebonne Sunday
in the Interest of tho Water Users'
Miss Marv Denson snent Sunday
with Mrs. Ralph Grlmis
R. M Elder, C E. Smith. 1 C.
p Hog Center
All Indications point toward Dend aa tho center of
a profitable and extensive bog raising section. The ell
matlc conditions of this section are Ideal, Shipping
facilities make rapid transportation at low cost possible.
Farmers will do well to look Into the hog raUlog busi
ness as it Is a paying one.
Getting the largest profit out of a plr, requires
.-., slaply proper feeding to devojop (he greatest amount of
.weight la. the shortest time, on the most economical feed.
Union Meat Company's Digester Tankage devolops
bone and muscle In young pigs, and' makes them grow.
It prevents rheumatism, thumps and rlckotta. It Im
parts such fit and finish to "show" swine and market
bogs that it has won the title. "The feed that makes
Prize Winners and Market Toppers,"
Union Meat Company's Digester Tankage Is the most
economical feed obtainable. Experiments have shown
that 11 worth of Digester Tankage puts more weight on
to a bog than II worth of any other kind of food.
Digester Tankage Is a concentrated Protein Meal.
It Is made from fresh, wholesome pieces of moat trimmed
from beef. It is shipped in tho form of a meal which
makes It easily mixed In inaoh feeds. Shipped In con
venlent 100 pound sacks. Keeps Indefinitely.
Digester Tankage baa been triod and recommended
and la now being used by best growers and authorities
la the Northweit. It Is becoming more popular every
day. It will pay you to know more about it. 8end at
once for circular No. 4!.
union mr COMPANY
Central Orago ikrokerage Co.
. Henri, Oregon,
wuHiijBiijiri mm 1 1 mi ,
son. L. II. Root. Earl Smith. Mahl.111 1 seeding.
Couch, McKluley llasselberg. Ray- John Nlllsen's family will move to
motid Wlmor, Misses Edna Root. ' l"e Kins place for sehool prlvllage.
Utile Haslbcrg. Frances Murk,! The days bring all sorts of weather
Iota Murk, Violet Spaugh, Myrtle!'""" sunshine to snow.
Spaugh. Dernlce Couch. Willie Janns, I Many new Undteeker are about
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Uvereni. George ihe country.
Couch nnd Mr. and Mr. J. II. Nichols. I Mr. Oelger is eipected soon He
A number of !inBlmr.t i,,.i.i m.'u "nxloiisly awaited as he bring
tended the Hallowe'en party In (.aid
law Thursday aud report a good
J. It. Couch left Monday for Cun
ningham, Wash., to look after his
business Interests at that place.
Mrs. A. McCalllster spent Sunday
at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Frank Swisher made a business
trip to Dend Saturday,
Mrs. C. E. Nichols of Laldlaw spent
two or three days at the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Couch.
The Infant child of Mrs. Iloyd has
been ill this week.
J. D. Nichols made a business trip
to Dend Tuesday.
L. II. Root and daughter, Mrs.
Chas. Johnson, went to Dend Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hnrter visited
Mrs. Harter's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
G. M. Couch, last week.
Miss Nellie Snyder has been on the
sick list this week.
FREMONT. Nov. 3. Everybody U
picking turnips this week at J, D,
Rev. M. Neol has returned from
Portland attor bolng absent for four
months, There will bo preaching
every Sunday at 11 o'clock at the
Fremont schoolhouse.
J. II. Fox returned Sunday after
noon from the ice cavos.
Pert Fish went over to Fdrt Rock
to prove up on his homestead last
OIST, Nov. 4. -Mr. Duckett and
Mr, Asbmore woro callers at the
home of Mr. McCord Sunday.
Everett Ashmoro of Sisters, who
has been connected with the Duckett
& Asbmore sawmill, passed through
here Tuesday on bis way to Spokaito
where he will attend business col
lege this winter.
Mrs. P, Van Tassel and Mrs. Lucy
Winkle were visitors In Slstora Wed
nesday. Myrtle Scogglns was a visitor at
the Plalnvlew school house Wednes
day afternoon.
Hubert and Myrtle Scogglns nd
sister Mrs. Dennett and Ellen Craw,
ford, attendod the Hallowe'en party
at Laldlaw Thursday night.
Mrs. Donnett and little daughter.
Who are visiting at the Hoogglui
botuo, will return homo tho last of
the week,
Mr. Strabm and son woro in Dotid
Miss Crawford and Oleaves Strabm scholar, wtth him
Misses M nnd C. Whltaker are well
settled In tholr llutto home nnd like
It well.
---.. 4
TUMALO, Nov. I.Charlen Wimer
and Earl Updike made a business trip
to Laldlaw Sunday.
George Campbell has been hauling
lumber from .the Durkhard mill near
Print Vantassel purchased some
fine hogs of I E. Wimer recently,
J. E. Milts of Gist passed hero Sat
urday with a load of clay from Dend
to be used In building a cistern on
bis. farm. Mr. Mills has fenced and
ROLYAT, Nov I -M F Haw.
thorn, for tin 11 of the emntr nd
work, has completed the big fill
acrHt tlw old rlvertHd H u cmt
ft loan and file feet high lli
road la now ready to trarel or
The new school house was drill
rated last Saturday evening The
evening was ptnssintlyjspent lit plir
Ins uld orhool gams ami In "iil
talk. Mr Kehreder as ciialrtiimi of
the board presented the school Iioum,
to the district In a very ItnpriMMivn
speech. Lunch wan served by the
ladles. Those present were Mr ami
Mrs. Schreder, Mr and Mrs Cvl,
Mrs and Mlaa Hhrpnrd. Mr. and Mrs.
Aspaugh, Mrs Stewart, MUs Drloksy,
Mlts llanks, Mr. frrnff, Mr. Johnson.
Mr Whlttaker. Mr llodxers, Kmll,
John and Agnes Schreder, Percy
Cook, Ia'.IIo Smith, Merldan Ash
paugh, School began this week with Mr
Ashpaugh as teacher.
Mrs Schreder visited her daughter
Mrs Street, at Fife this week.
Mr. ORleld and Mr Rogers mule
a business trip to Dend Mr. Omeld
Intends to trap in the Paulina moun
tains this winter.
Wc GuarAntcc Oui ProdUct
Money Returned If not Satisfactory.
Pioneer Cream Company
"The Bend Creamery"
Hesdqusrter for Commercial Men
Electric Lighted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
Qood Room
Pre bus to
and from trains
Qood Meals
All arrangements made for persons
desiring to go south and east of hero
M "' M., ,
v ft