The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1912, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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PAQR 6. .
Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
An Independent nowspnpor stand
ing for tho square deal, cloan busi
ness, cloan politics and tho best In
terests of Rend and Central Oregon.
Ono year 'O
Six months "
Throo months B0
All subscriptions are duo and
of expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and If renewal Is not made with
in reasonablo tlmo tho paper will bo
Plcaso notify us promptly of any
chango of address, or of failure to re
celvo tho paper regularly.
Mako all checks and orders pay
nblo to Horn! Uulletln.
useless uvws.
Useless and unlnforced laws are
tho'b'ano of modern administration.
Every city, every state, and tho
nation, has them. Tholr existence
is usually cither duo to carelessness
on tho part of legislators or to tho
fact that unnecessary lows aro shuf
fled through at tho Instnce of some
faction or other, and then later they
aro found to bo cither unwise or uu
nppllcablo. Also, many laws simply
outgrow their usefulness n changed
condition causes thorn to bo no
longer efficient or desirable.
It U to be hoped that at yester
day's election a numner or unuccvu
tarv nronoscd lawa were not put Into
being by tho vote of tho people. Ore
gon has enough and to spare or com
tiiin.iteI and unnecded laws as It Is,
without adding, through Initiative
petition or otherwise, to tho existing
crop. Before adding more let us
tlrst do away with many that aro now
dn the statutes, cluttering tho
mechanism of state, accomplishing
nothing, other than to add to admin
istrative and legal complications, and
notably lowering popular respect for
wise and- useful laws because they
exist side by side with tho latter.
unenforced and ridiculed.
A striking example of tho sltu-
.nn i fnun.1 In Washington. That
state has a law forbidding tho salo
of cigarettes. Today, In any tobacco
storo In Seattle, you oan buy cigar
ettes. There Is no slightest pretense
of secrecy, the outlawed product Is
sold as freely and openly as cabbages
o, khoes. The law was a ridiculous
oner It could novcr be enforced as
was demonstrated and It should
never havo been Inacted. That It
r.min. and that thousands of
Waahlngtonlaas aro violating It dally,
makes not only that particular law,
hute hi a measure, all Ibwb and legal
machinery, a Joke, and a vicious Joke
at that.
The dead timber should be cut.
Legal, etmpllfleatlou would be a
The recently organized Hebrew
Agricultural Association of Oregon is
doing excellent work in' induolng
members of their faith, particularly
headB of families to fllo on govern
ment lands in Central and Eastorn
About thirty heads of families have
already filed on lands in the Hond
and tLakevlew districts and a number
of others are ready to do so In the
early spring. All these homestead
ers are self sustaining and havu suf
ficient money to ktep thorn going
while on the land.
Tho "Hack to (he Boll" movement
Is spreading among the JewUh people
all over 'the country. Over B000 of
thgm are now earning their liveli
hood In the New England states by
tllU(0tho soil and many abandoned
farms have again become fruitful
iinder-'thelr skillful and patient work.
One of the principal supporters of
this movement Is lion Bolting, tho
iiromlneut Portland merchant, who Is
very much Interested in tho upbuild
ing of the sparsely settled sections of
Oregon particularly Central and
Eastern Oregon, with desirable home
steaders and homefccckers. A num
berof other prominent men nro back
lug the-movement and much cna be
expected from this organization In
the encourageroout of the proper kind
of sottlera filing on Oregon lands.
years In tho general character of tho
papors, but calls attention to tho fact
that very few aro Riving any ado-
quato attention to tuo field of agri
cultural development. Howcvor,
Tho Uulletln Is cited as an exception
of this general neglect, In tho follow
ing paragraph:
In tho recent publication by Tho
Rend Uulletln of a series of articles
written by an authority on agri
culture, wo have a rather signifi
cant suggestion of what may bo
done In the Interest of rural sub
scrlbers. The fact to be particu
larly noted In this connection, how
over, Is that these articles nro be
ing prepared especially for this
community, and thus will be based
upon an actual knowledge of Its
Perhaps tho most notable feature
of tho Just-completed presidential
campaign Is the fact that tor tho first
tlmo In the history of similar politi
cal eruptions, there has been no
business Hurry and no appreciable
economic disturbance. Tho country
has gone on about Its business un
disturbed. Prosperity Is general.
All lints of enterprises throughout
the United States art nourishing.
Tho customary '"hard times" howl of
tho presidential year has boon
shelved, because thero Isn't nuy ox-
cuso to put It In operation. AH of
which means that the far sighted
men of the country reallzo that n
period of unoxampled prosperity lies
before us and that they further re
alizo that whatever their icrsonaI
preferences, so far as candidates arc
concerned, and whatever tho Indi
vidual benefits or disadvantages that
may result to tholr Investments
through tho election of ono or an
other candidate, the fact remains
that fundamentally business Is going
to progress Just about as sntlsfac
torlly under one presidential reglmo
as under another. Thero can be no
other explanation. Whatever tho
outcome of the election, the people
of business jxiwer hao no fears
Whence comes the peculiarly stable
and unhysterleal existing stato of
national business, despite tho elec
tion. And whenco also may be
drawn a big measure of satisfaction
on tho part of every busluessman,
property owner and wage earner
for tho outlook holds nothing but
that which Is promising.
FOR RENT Furnished cabin, If.
per month, ono btk oast of dopot,
cor. 7 St. and Fir nvo. w. u, i.on.
3G-38p (Advertlsomout)
Departmont of. the Interior. U.
In tho course of trying to cook up
nasty things to say about Dr. Coe,
one of the Redmond papers remarked
something or other about "tho timber
Interests that center at Rend". Now
for one of our nclghtiors. Hint Is
something of an admission. For not
so long ngo the prom of our sister
community camo forward with tho
bald assertion that there wnsu't a
stick of commercial timber anywhere
aear Rend, or words to that effect.
So, at least, the late lamented cam
paign has brought tho light of ver
acity In one recpeet to an unwilling
eriue. The truth will out.
The management of the Pioneer
Telephone Company ' to b congrat
ulated upon Its progresslvenoss In
obtaining the full county and other
election returns, and Its generosity
In distributing this Information Is to
be commended.
Land onico, Tho Dalles, Oregon,
October 31, 10 12.
To Philip Jones, of 313 M 1st St.,
Portland, Oregon, Contesteo:
You are hereby notified (bat Emlto
N. Landro, who gives caro E, E. Par
ker, Rend, Oregon, as his postolllco
nddress, did on Soptcmbor C, 1012,
file In this office his duly corroborated
application to contest nml securo the
c-tuccllatlon of your homestead entry
No. Serial No. 07122 mndo
July 1, 1910, for E4. Section 10,
Township 20. S.. Range 17, E., Wil
lamette Meridian and as grounds tor
his contest he allege that said Philip
Jones tins inner established residence
upon said land; that he has never cul
tivated or Improved tho same.
You are, thoreforo, further noti
fied that the said nllcgatlonn will be
tnkou by this ottlco as having bcou
confessed by you, nnd your said entry
will be enncolcd thureuuder without
your further right to bo heard therc
lu, either before this otllco or on np.
peal. It you tall to file In this ofilcc
within twenty das niter tho
FOURTH publication of this notice,
as tthown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically meeting nnd re
sponding to thoso allegations nt con
test, or If you fall within thnt tlmo to
file In this otllco dlio proof that you
havo served n copy of your answer
on tho said contestant either In per
son or by registered mnll It this ser
vice Is made by tho dollvery of a copy
of your answer to tho contestant In
person, proof of such son Ice must be
either the said contestant's wrltton
acknowledgement or his receipt of
tho copy, showing tho dato of Its re
cotpt, or tho affidavit of tho person
by whom tho dollvery wna mado stat
ing when nnd where tho copy was de
livered; It mado by registered mnll,
proof of such servlco must consist ol
tho ntnidavlt of tho person by whom
tho copy was mailed stating when
nnd tho post olDee to which It was
mailed, and this nfildavit must bo no
companled by tho postmaster's re
ceipt for tho letter.
You should state tn your answer
tho namo of tho post otllco to which
you desire future notices to bo sent
to you.
C. V. MOORK, Rcglstor.
Dato of first publication November
C. 1912.
Dato of second publication Nov.,
13, 1912.
Dato of third publication, Nov.,
20. 1912.
Dato of fourth publication, Nov.,
27, 1912".
It begins to look as If Turkey will
bo cooked a trifle In advrcnoe of
Thanksgiving Day.
jell fes.
The October Iwuie of tho "Oregon
JfpntW." published nt tho Univer
sity Of' Oregon, contains an Interest
ing nrMale upon tho country Journal
ism f the state, written by Ednft
MaKalgbt. and baaod upon on ox
topd! study of ,QrKP" weekly
payors. T,, vrflw flnds a deed
Improvement dujR'S the last flvo
mxsmz&ii7z0 v
'UFliKsV && mj
NOV, 6, 1912
i Dear Friend:
We were away from
home in- Jelly-making
Jtime, but Mama nays
one is not going to
worry over a hot stove
any more to make Jelly
and Jam. She says she
can buy it cheaper than
I r.Va nan tnnV-A i t. nnd
Just as good. Do you
know you can get a real
nice glass of Jelly,
any kind you Yant for
25 cts.
Your friend,
p. S. It would sur
prise you to see how
many different kinds
of Jams and Jellies
and things put up in
glasses and bottles
you can get at
j i i,.
A .
s i
'Yianniaimer Kjjrotiers
announce the removal into their new storconc
rioor sottti of the Star ulieatre
tJTormal Opening
Oaturclatj, Joucm6er I he Jinli
? cordial invitation crtendctl to all to visit tlic
fin est store in Gentral Oreaon
J)Lannicimer KjJrotiers
f?tc Store for all ttc People
." '
H - It , , . .
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