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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1912)
TAGK 2. THU RKNI UUM.KTIN, IlKNI), WKIUWKpAY, J$0,VIMU!iUJi iQVi, FOR. THE BEST CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE PROP ERTY IN BEND INVESTIGATE LYTLE There you will find property ideally located as to closeness to the business district; property to any lot of which city water can be immediately piped; from nearly every lot there may be had a gorgeous view of the Cascade Mountains; and from where you can choose lots to suit your taste as to topography, such as outcroppings of rock ideally adapted for bungalows, or smooth, clear, level lots, free from rock, where gar dens and lawns may be had the first year. If convenient call at our office and be taken out over LYTLE so that you may see for yourself; or if you are out of town, write for. further information which we will be pleased to fur nish. We can also take actual photographs of the property and send you if you are interested. BEND PARK COMPANY 450-4-5-G Empire Bldg., SEATTLE, WASH. BEND, OREGON ODD owe DAVE BANQUET CELEBRATE MOVE TO NEW HALL Vlnltors Present From Lodges of County Interetitlng I'rwrntnUon Made by I. J-u .McKay Midnight Dinner at Hotel llend. Fraternal orders In llend which have been without a permanent meet ing place since tb fire of July 3 are now moving Into modern and well equipped quarters. In celebration of this, the Odd Fellows on Monday eve ning had a big meeting. Tho chief event of this was the banquet served near midnight nt the Hotel llend, at which some 80 plates were laid. Members of the three-link order wero present from all tho lodges in the county except those at Madras and Prlnevllle, making the attend ance large. Two candidates were initiated during the evening. An Interesting feature of the eve ning's session was the presentation to llend Lodge No. 218 by D. L. Mc Kay of his Grand Lodge collar and jewel, and acceptance of the same by the lodge, Mr. McKay received tho I. O. O. K. insignia 42 years ago. The following excellent menu was served at the Hotel Rend: Oysters on the Half Shell Consomme Olives Aquau Salad Fried Chicken, Maryland Style Cream Potatoes Rolled Tongue La Quao Oreen Peas Ice Cream Chocolate Cake Macaroons Fruit Black Coffee After dinner speeches were made by a number of the visitors and local men. " -Tho. present corps of elective offl- . , 'qr.o'( toe Jddge aro:'.,Halph Spen- H w'jfer' noblS raritl; Vernon'.'A.'jrprbe-M,' vlco grand; J. B. Engebretsorf, 'eec- retary; Charles D. Itowe, treasurer, -- 9 A. G. LUCAS HELO UP BY HIGHWAYMAN NEAR HOME, 1'nl.novtii Aalluit Knock llhii KeiiM.'lc, Leaving no Clue Other Than Supplied by Aldrldge. .Efforts are being made to appre hend a hoodlum who attacked a. C. Lucas on Monday night at about 10 o'clock, a short distance from Mr. Lucas home. A man spoke to Lucas, who turned, and then was struck In the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Wheu he regained his senses he says he was wandering around aimlessly, east of the rail road. He had tome money loose In his pocket, part of which was taken by the highwayman. Some change was found on the ground at the place of the attack, apparently dropped In being removed from his pocket Mr. Lucas Is able to clue to the appearance or Identity of his assailant. However, 8. O. Aldrldge, who has been working at tho Wright Hotel, says he has twice encountered a suspicious character while on his rounds distributing paiwrs. Once the man In question stopped him and asked hlrn how much money ho had, says Aldrldge, and on learning that but a small amount of chango was In his pocket, said something about It "not being worth while to hit blra." Aldrldge has given the authorities a description of the man. 4-- ----- lUXIJ.1I.Ii UAMi; HATUKDAV. Probably the only football game of the season In Rend will occur Saturday of this week on the athletic field. The contest ing teams are those of the County High School and of tho Rend High School. The local team Is confident that It can play as good football as can the Prlnevllle team. Oame Is called for 2 u clock. -"-- - ORCIIKSTHA DA.NCK HATURDAV. On Saturday night tho Rend Orchestra will give a dedication dance in tho new hall In the Sather building. This will mark the offi cial opening of the hall, which Is one of the most attractive In Central Ore gon, With the excellent now floor aod4ho high class muslc, the dance prtomlseVto' be bnedflbo''lcst.Bentf has yet had. ,., . 1 DGCUPES NEW QUARTERS MANNHEIMERS1N MOD ERN HOME Up-to-date Structure U .Model and U Occupied on 1'ln.t Rlrth- d o y of Truant, W It o Rank on R e n !. On Sunday the Mannhelmer store moved Into Its new quarters, In the Just-completed Coe-Hudson building, two doors south of their old location on Wall street. At the time of their move the firm Is also making another change, In their name, which here after will bo Mannhelmer Brothers, Instead of the Mannhelmer Mercan tile Co., as formerly. The new building-ocoupled" by tho firm is the first of tho several local new store quarters, rapidly nearlng completion, to be occupied. ,It Is not only as attractive and up-to-date a store room as Central Oregon boasts, but also In every way the new building can hold its own with tho lcst storo structures to be found In any city of the state. The brick building has a frontage of 35 feet and Is 70 feet deep. The front is handsomely finished with the finest plate glass show windows, marble facing and a concrete side walk In front. Large skylights givo ample light and ventilation, while ex tensive windows In the rear add still further to tho lightness of the large room, which Is pleasantly finished In a light calcimine tint: The fixtures are metropolitan, and the absence of posts adds still further to the open ness of the room. Clarence and Claude Mannhelmer, the proprietors, came here from Chi cago Just a year ago. 'They, state that last month was (ho best .they. nave nau, anu ineir satjsiaction in tho way of business 'is Increasing, and their faith In the town, Is indl cated"! tne'-sutiJtarltiaTwirnBor-'i'rl which they are branching out. CLASSIFIED COLUMN j- HATKB: rivo' conti n lluo for first Insertion In this column, four contn n lino for onch subsequent In sortlon. Cnsh In advance unless you have- nn account with The Ilul- lotln, Count six worOs to tho lluo, InclmltnE tho nddross. Turlu)N. PJione order to P, A, 8honijuet for young spring turkeys, Adver tisement. 34tf I'Vir Hole. FOIt 8AL13 Oil LKA8R At n hnr train, Fremont Cnsh 8tor. stock about $2000, pottoRIca In store. Qheeso factory just started. From 1G0 to 1000 ncrcs of tho best wheat land In central Oregon, 800 tons of fine bay, 1000 bushels of rye and many. other thlniif. Iteason for sell lag or IcasInK Is sickness and more business than I can attend to. Cull on or address 3, 11. Pdx, Fremont, OrfKon. 30-tf FOR SALB Four quarter sec tions yellow pine In Crook and Lake counties, Oregon. Well located tor logging. Near railroad survey Townships 32.9 and 23-12. Must sell within CO days. Ilest offer ac cepted. P. O. Ilox 1G!, Crookston, Minn. 3&-30 FOIt BA1X Mnlnrcvflo. nr will trade for horses or cattle. II. V Smith. Ucnd 2Ctf FOIt 8ALB Biian of horses. 6 & 7 yrs. old, wt. 2400. N. K. (lllbert, Park addition. 20lf FOIt 8ALE horse R yra. old, wt. about 1300; strong, willing and gn tie: also n wskou and harners. In quire at Market bungalow, Klghth street. Wlestorln. 33-Jtp FOR SALE 7 choice lots, 60x140 each, In Center Addition just east of the depot, at from 1110 to $320 each. So mo terms. Heat bargain In residence lots In Tlend. Must l sold as I am Koine away soon. W J. McOltlvrsy, 31tf FOR SALE Potatoes, csbbsgo, onloua at reasonable prices. Inquire P. C. Hardy on Judge Kills' raricb Telephone. 3&-38p FOR BALE Havlnc nearly cam- Dieted our work un the Drsebutri dam, we offer the following for ssle cheap: l 40 II. P. Horizontal boiler. 1 25 II. P. Ilorlsontal engine, camp equipment, Including atovca, cooking utensils, etc. All of which Is In first elats condition. For particulars call at orflce, North Canal Hiding, or wrlto L. F. Gerdetz, Hox 47, llend. Oregon. 32tf FOR HAM-! 9. room hoim In l'urtlaml. Sunnvnlilu nilillllon. or will l - - -... .exchange far llend rtldeuce rt- orty. Ilox ISO. llend. 37p I'or Rent. FOR RKNT Five-room hous on Oreenwood avenue. Inquire at Hos pital. Sfttf FOR RUNT Cabin aultublo for a bachelor. Inquire Mrs. NVttle Stev enson's restaurant. 33tf FOR RKNT House. Phone E. W. Richardson. 30l! FOR RENT Good pasture. Title phone or oall on Dr. P. II. Dencer. Otf FOR RUNT Good five-room house, close In. See F. O. Minor nt postoirice. 29tf. FOR RKNT R. M. Sanders' 4 room house, furnished or unfurnlsj ed. Bee F. M. Ray. 29tf. FOR RENT 4-roorn, painted house with barn, In Deschutes addition; city water. Rent $10 month. In quire Bulletin. 34-p FOR RENT Ten-acro Irrigated tract near town, with house, out-houjes.-etc. Enquire at First Nat ional Bank.. 29tf. FOR RENT Six rooms second floor of, my new stone building on Wall street, steam heated; will rent fefc: $ftK Sunday Special New York Ice Cream HOT DRINKS AT THE FOUNTAIN. Don't Forget Our HOME MADE CANDIES . singly or entirely. J. II. lloan. 30tf " WANTED Men to clear snnc brush and cut wood, Ud Hnlvor son. S3" WANTED Woman to work on ranch. Address R, IS. Grimes, llend, Ore. 31f WANTED Contract to cut cord wood. Address W. U. Corbett, llend. For Hale or Triule. FOR BXCIIANGhi Tncomn resi dence property for llend property. Address "Trader," core Bulletin. Otf TO TRADE A buslners property value- $4,&00. now rented, to trade for dry or Irrigated In ml nlwut sanm value. Owners only write Box IKK, Bend, Ore. 3638 TO TRADE for auy kind of stock, i&8& M PINK, CROOK COUNTY. ORE. - v -r-m ,w--tr i -Jfetfrr a ACT ty iff v We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIOHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Out, Whcut and Bran at lowest price. The Largest Barn In Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO! Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX) : Under New THE PILOT BUTTE INN MIND'S LEADING HOTEL Is now In charge of J, K. Tngynrt &Co, First ClnM Service nntl the Comfort of GucsU, is Our Motto, PROB AUTO Between Hotel nnd Depot. SEPARATORS THE SHARPLESS TUBULAR THE BEST Separator made. Easy to clean, light to run, nnd It's the CLEANEST SKLMMEB MADE. We hove them In atock. COME AND SEE THEM. MOWERS AND HAY RAKES. THE CELEBRATED) DEERING LINE. Light, strong and durable. For salo by Tm store of quality S. C. CALDWELL, Mgr. Before You Let the Contract for that new building, consider these facts about brick. In building with all other material no allowance is made for doors, windows nnd other openings', With brick you cun make nn nllowencc of 10 to 25 per cent. With lumber 15 to 25 percent is added for sizing, laps, etc. With brick it is unnecessary. With all other material 5 to 10 per cent added for waste, such as cutting, fitting, knots, shakes, etc. With brick there is absolutely no wnste. When n building is finished, built with nny other material, there is always n lot of wnste to haul nwny. With brick, if you have nny left we will take them of! your hands nt the full price you paid for them. There is n hundred other reasons why you should build with brick. BEND BRICK & I Stodnrd Dajton enr as good an now, 'g value sivuu, ur win ell for cash on onsy terms, Address J, II, Minn, noun, ure. nnif 4 HOT BREAD EVERY MORNINO nt COHKEITS BIIUEY'S MISENKIfS McCUlBTON'S UAKUD BY' J American Bakery $ New PALACE MARKET Charlts lloyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. T s Management. . LUMBER CO. 'I i. if T I.