PAGE 10. Tin: iiKNo nn.i.r.TiN, hkni, wkunkhuay, novi:.miii:u i, ioiu. G ran 3 TOTALS 2953 LOCAL PRECINCTS HAVE 510 TEACHERS APPRECIATE HIBDialsaffirtS WATCH REDMOND VOTERS coumuoiiH lor mo ruining oi ordinary llrrnbllcVina Register 1B02, Demo crats HIH, Socialist 10.1, l'rolil. ultionlut 42 3 1 Hide Thlr Politics. llelow la the total precinct regis tration In the county. The Uend total, reckoning in Ucscbutos precinct which, adjoint Bend and cm bracks a portion of the town, la S10. The county's total registration la vi53: rrltieTille ?.... 321 Ashwood 91 Hear Creek SS Hearer Creek -. 60 Vend '. 331 Ulack Dutto 1SS Ureeae 1& Camp Creek 9 Cross Keys 17 Deschutes 19 Klfo 20 Haycreek 36 Haystack 130 Hat Jtock 53 HIMman 67 Howard .V.' 12 Ireland 43 Johnson Craek 4S Kutcher ................ ,19b Laldlaw 105 Lamonta 75 LaTa 19 Lylo Cap 60 Madras v 90 Maury 12 Mill Creek 36 Mont Komrry ...... 42 McKay i Kewsom 49 Powell Butte 46 Itedniond .' 171 Summit 10 Tetherow SO Worm Springs 45 Willow Creek v 51 White Uutte 1 Clino Falls ... 51 There were 1S02 republicans, SIS democrats, 42, prohibition, 165 so clallsts, 26 progressives, 69 Inde pendents, and 31 refused to go on record for anything. Itctlring Superintendent Lnudetl in Institute ltcsoluttnna. At the recent tenchera' Institute of tho county, held at I'rlnoville. reso lutions were passed expresses ap preciation of the services nt tho In- stltuto of Dr. Wtnshlp, and thanking various Individuals for their work, and Indorsing various proposals rela tive to county education that received attention during the Institute. And further, tho following resolu tion was adopted; lie It further resolved; That since tho schools of Crook County have, during the past four years, enjoyed unprecedented success and prosperity aud are accomplishing more aud better work, than over be tore, and that since strong and espec ially trained teachers are being con stantly injected Into the teaching force of our county through .the tlre- Irss efforts of our superintendent; and that all administrations of the superintendent have been with unl iform kindness and Justice, lie It resolved: That we express our love and sin cere appreciation to Superlntendon; H. A. Ford for the most excellent work he has accomplished m head of the schools of Crook county. (Signed) K. L. COE, KDOAR POWELL, A. T. LEWAKK. Mrs. DELLA NICHOLS, Mrs. FRANCIS CLARK, Mrs. R. B, GRAY, Committee. OIGEST OF REGENT LAND CASE RULINGS Occasional Visit to Homestead Not Regarded as Residence Two Important Mining lecllon agricultural crops. llefore pntvtit can bo legally Issued under n desert land entry It must bo shown that tho claimant is possessed of a auinclent water right to reclaim the land. In accepting tho purchase money In connection with a desert land entry, the government doea not, directly or Indirectly guarantee that tho land is susceptible of reclamation front Its arid state, but It Is for the desert laud applicant to decide for himself, after an examination of the land, whether ho believes water can be conducted to and distributed over the tome, us to reclaim It from desert condition. Mining. Mineral found In tho surface rock, alone, will not amount to n discovery unless the tame contains ore In pay ing quantises. Discovery cannot bo claimed sim ply because the surface indications. combined with geological inference. ludlcate that other And unconnected veins or lodet lie at greater depth. The following elements are neces sary to constitute a valid discovery upon a lode mlutug claim. 1. There must be a vein or lode of quarts or othor rock In place. 2. The quarts or other rock In place mutt carry gold or some other valuable mineral de posit. 3. The two preceding elements, when taken together, must bo such as to warrant a prudent rnnn In tho expenditure of his time and money in the effort to develop a valuable mine. SEEKS NATIONAL CHARTER I'roltthltlnhUtN I'li-.n to Muck Votlntf of Water Works lirtlmrer. (Redmond Advance.) According to n well laid ilatt tho I'quor forers Intend to carry town for saloons by scouring a number of Illegal voters. Tho plan was to have the waterworks crow In Redmond at tho time of tho election and voto them In favor of the saloons. To frustrate thin plan, tho temperance pooplu have been collecting all tho evidence pomlblo as to the legal resi dence of all floaters and other tran sients, and will have at tho polls the legal number of challengers who will closely tcrullulio Ml persons suspect ed of being Illegal voters. In addi tion 25 John Doo warrants will be placed In tho hands of officers on the ground and any one attempting to vote Illegally or any property holder attempting to swear in an illegal oto wltl be placed under arrest. ROGERS WORKS FOR DAKOTA . Homestead. It Is not residence within the mean ing of the homestead law for one to return occasionally to his land while habitually absent engaged In a voca tion necessarily requiring his absence. Final Proof. The mere fact that final proof It regular does not bar the land depart ment from proceeding against an en try for failure to comply with the law. Tho final proof is merely claim ant's assertion which is not conclu sive upon the Government. The land department has ample authority to Investigate Into the truth of final proof upon an entry any time before patent Issues. lloert I-aiuN. The reclamation required In desert land entries contemplates proof of n water supply auinclent and perma- Pailcy Rank Will Open Altout First of Year. Governor West and Senators Ilournc and Chamberlain have each given to President Ualley of the Northwest Towuslte Co. letters to the controller of tho currency at Washington, urging him to grant a charter to Mr. Ualley and his associ ates, who are organizing the Paisley National Hank. It is exacted that tho bank will be ready for business early in January, Under the auspices of tho Central Oregon Development League, the Commercial Club of Palaley was re cently reorganized, and made all of tho arrangements for tho farmers' institute, which was held at Paisley last Friday and Saturday. A beauti ful sliver cup, standing two feet high, Is being offered by the club for .. .... ..... ...-' ine iicii collective exniuu oi iruus, vegetables and grains rained In tho Paisley country, for the exhibit to be made by the club at the Northwest Land Products Show to opeu at Port land November IS to 23. Local Timber Onnrr Prominent In Agricultural lletterineiit AetUlty The "World's Work" for November contains an extensive article describ ing tho manner In which agricultural conditions In North Dakota have tceu Improved purlng the last two years, through cooperative demonstration and educational wark. Tho chief credit for tho organization of this work is given to A. R. Rogers, tho MlnneaiK)lls lumberman, who Is well known In ltcnd, has heavy timber Interests here, and was here last week, Tho situation that faced the Da kotas was that the wheat yield was gradually ftllfng off. Through the Inauguration of scientific farming methods this has been mended, and today the crops are constantly In creasing. Tho work Is similar to that which Is being conducted In Cen tral Oregon. Every th ijngon the Market at the Right f ime andatjgigjit Prices. r 0TM Fresh Fruit and Vegetables RECEIVED DAILY L. B. MISENER CASH OROCERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TELEPHONE. Itaid, Oregon. - -- ! Portraiture cnlarg'ng and copying at tho Seward Studio. Pilot Butte Acreage Best nnd Invest Priced AcreaKo on the Mnrket. Handled by nil reliable real estate dealers. J. H. Bean Bond, Oretton We Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of LUMBER of the Pine Forest Lumber Co., nnd arc in a position to fill orders of any size. In addition we carry a full line of Building Material Lime, Cement, Plaster Brick and Fire Clay. Also COAL nnd LAND PLASTER. Overturf-Davis-Miller Co. Bend, Oregon. - -j"- ' ' fclltBl - ---- P - - pillj -- 4 4 4 ill LUMBER Ixx- 1 THE 444 OT taatai taav afjjtjtjB LATH SHINGLES 4 4 4 i BEND COMPANY x M Jtj& M jfchtgf7h XX ff - v -.irssiw. fi $t 'A f; . ' i j Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has The Largest Stock of Lumber in Central Oregon. We can manufacture wht you want, when you want, it, and at the prices yoir want. Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries are invited, and will receive prompt attention. ' xi- -. !,-'. - w IfcToH The Ban d Com pa n y Bend, Oregon w.i -". i titite- . . ggMnMM ', 'i?Ti i iTTTi ''' WfSt,. 44.4.4 4.44. ,?4.4.f44444f4,t 444 , 4 J f 4'4-4.-'44. 4 4 4Hh4-4444 4 44 4 4 4 4 444 4 4 444 tt4.4tmmiAAtJ -......r..;.-J.. ----r-w-rr-r-rT'v-rT-WT-r-r-T-w-r-w-w 4-4-444 44 4 .4 44444 4444444.44 444 4 444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 .4-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 4444444444 SS '-' W V I r r r I n ft PT t 4 , t 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 ::: 4 4 4 XXV 4 XXX x XXX' m. xx: i i ?!V. t I- t r ft' f kt