The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
p.-'i t
NO. 3G.
''i i
Democratic Candidate
Sweeps Norlh, East,
South and West
Roosevelt Is Second,- Tali n
Poor Third
I'rralilrnl Wllmtn () ' ' 1
Vice President Marshall (I)) ''
Senator . Doubtful. J f
t'liiiitrrwamnii riliinoit (II)
Hifretai-y HUUe Olcott (It)
Slnli' Krnnlor Tlniniioii (H) ,
Hlnlo Hep. Forbes (It), Hmltli ;lt)
DUtrlrt Alffirncy Hell
Judtte Hprlngcr (II)
KhcrllT Klklns (II)
Orrk I trow n l)
TrMtunv Jordnn (II)
Aror Van Allen (It)
foiiiinUloner Drown (It)
hupt, HcliouN Myers (It)
Himcyur Itlce (Intl)
tirtutrr PolndeUer (!!!)
An Unexpectedly large omount 'of
croxi wa huiiK on the political door
or Mrtir, Tfltt and llooiovelt In yes
tcrdays election, and oven the moil
ordrtit Wilton men are wondering
Juit how tha Democratic cnndldato
rolled l uch a gigantic plurality s
thu reporta from all sections of the
country Indlcalo are ssfcly tahulatcd
for htm,
WlUon will win, by a handiome
iilurallty, In every state excepting
possibly seven. Partial return glv
Taft chance to win out In Now
lleinpalilre. Vermont la probably
Tflfl'a. Rhode laland belongs to the
liroildont, ami In Michigan returns
ahow a closa race. Hooaevelt tin
doubtedly wlna llllnola, although
Wilton carried CIiIcaro. Wuah'ng
Ion la In tha brief Hooievelt column,
as la Idaho, apparently by n good
plurality. Boutli Dakota la not
cinched for Wilson, though probibly
hla, with the Colonel second. Pcnn
aylvantn la boliiR battled for by Wit
eon and Hoosovelt. The Philadel
phia "North American" claim the
atato for Itoosavolt.
With very fow exceptions Taft waa
a poor third. Hooievelt mannRura
concede all oaatern atniet to WlUon.
Nuw'York probably r1vb Wllaon
more than 260,000 plurality, with
Indication thntjjhe Democrat got
more vote than hla two oiKnonts
comblnod. Toft appear to bo tc
one) In tho Kmplro atato. The aouth
went aolld for WlUon, with trcmen
doua plurolltlea. Virginia probably
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
One Dollar
will start an
account with us.
B. 1'HRRHLL, J'rtildent V. O. MINOR, Secretary
8. M. X.ARA, CaihUr
, DmitCTOBi: '
( 8. PBRRHIjL, V. O. MINOR, 8. M. LARA,
i-JL8 --
Rlvca 40.000 In Georgia 'hn received
tho Inrgcst majority over pollod In n
presidential contest. In Huston WIN
ion not o many vote n tho other
combined. WlUon carrlc Ohio, !n
1008 Tuft led with 50,000.
A further Democratic victory la as
aurod In many, atatea whero Rovernora
and other o nicer are up for election.
In Maiiachuaotta 1'oia, tho Democrat,
ico m i alntcd for the Rovemorahlp,
with Dunne- In llllnola and Hulzor in
New York. Iloth the Now York oa
lembly and senate ore to bo Demo
cratic. "Undo Joe" Cannon la prob
ably dofeated.
In Washington ntnte tho Demo
crata claim victory for Lister, their
Rubernutorlal candldato. In New Jer
sey 10 flf IS congressmen are Demo
crats. Wisconsin will hvo a Demo
cratle Kovcrnor.
I'ortlund, 3:30 p. in. Incomploto
return from 193 preclucla In OrcRou
nutaldo Multnomah county, Hooievelt
4139, Taft 4488, Wilton 6469. Bell
ing. Hep. 4 1C0, Clarke, Prog. 1190,
Iiano 4070, HOUrne 2208. Congrcsa-
man Drat diet., Ilawtoy J680, Smith
2706; Be.cond dlit, Blunolt 1896,
(Iraham 1124. Complete return,
28 precinct, Multnomah county,
Hootofell 887, Taft 620, Wilson 807.
Belling 723, Lane 726, Dourno 729.
lane and Helling HunnlnK Nerk anil
Neck -No Mingle T Women
May Vote Mlnnott to Outgrow.
Portland. 3 i. in. -Orecon almoit
aurely baa taken a placo 111 the Ions
lino of WlUon etatc. Itooaevolt
holda lecoud place. The long ballot
inadu votlnK tlow and holdi back the
i.uim ami Holllnr ore runnlne neck
and neck. Ilourne I well out or the
race, althotiRh hu seem to have
polled allRhtly the beat vote in.Muii
nomah county.
All Inillrnllona iMitnt to tho aUCCCia
of the equal suffrage amendment.
Slnglo tax' I defeated, nn.l It la
thoiiirht Hint a almllar fata await
tho urnduato tax meaiure. It la
Ntated here that everal important
tinuouucementa concerning develop
ment ftnlrrnrliu throLKlt'Ut the atnto.
notablv In timber, will bo made now.
These, It la uudorattod, were hold up
pending the vota in tno single tat
Utterly Koea to congress again
from thl district. The first dlitrlcl
suems cloaoly divided between Ilaw
lo and Smith, with toe odd favor
ing tho former. Slnnott Is far ahead
of (Iraham In the third.
Blxty-threo preclncta juit In give
WlUon 2010, Taft 1481 and Hooae
velt 1393. Laat acattered return
ahtrwa BelllnR In load of Kane.
At 3 o'clock thl afternoon 227 of
tho 291 vote catt In Hand precinct
had been counted. Tho following ' u
a eummary of tho reault then:
I'rc. Taft 37, Milton 84, Hooae
velt 73.
CoiiRrofa Graham 44. Blnnott 118
tienato I'ourne 42, Clark 24, Laho
73, Belling 48. '
Bee. State Olcott 99, Ryan 49. '
Dltt. Atfy. Hell 10. Allen 83.
State Ben. Thomcaon 97, Young
CO, Bblpp IS.
Hep. Knrbe 101, Smith 93, dregg
32, Btcarna 10.
Judge llarkley 30, Coo 1C1, Mc
Farlano 12, SprlnRer 35.
Sheriff Halfour 78, Klklna 71,
Main 37, McUuRhlln 30.
Clerk llarne 26, Drown 12C,
Turner C7.
Treat. Jordan 145, Wllholt 37.
Aaaeaaor lllvlna 32, 1'oator 9S,
Van Allen 74.
Com. Hlrdiong 30, Drown 103,
Knox C9.
Bupt. Mycr 132, Nlchol C7.
Surveyor Ilrewitor 110, Dice C5.
Coroner Louck 37, I'olndextor
Juitlco of Peace Ward II. Coble
Conttablc A. C. I.ucaa 9, Tom
Murphy 8, S. E. Hoberta C, C. D.
Drown C.
Prca. Hooievelt 63, WlUon 49,
Taft 38, Deba 31.
Congreja Slnnott 90, (iraham 32,
Abercromble 34.
Snate Selling &S, I-ano 41,
Dourno 26, Hamp 30.
8ec. 8tate Olcott 90. Heddnwfty
k ' . 3rf
- rito
, , .
We make a specialty of dealing in every arti
cle in the hardware line that is needed in the
construction of a house, whether it he a hig
or a little one. Contractors who figure close
on a joh should get our prices hefore submit
ting his bid they are the lowest for the
quality qf goods we handle.
Also Full Line of BuiWinV Supplta,
Stth, Doors, GtoM, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P.
T y .
- 4
Dltt. Att'y Dell 8C, Allen C2.
Btato Sen. Thompaon 80, Young
3D. Shlpp 23.
Hep. Forbet 11, Smith CO, Gregg
Judge Coe 94, Springer 36, Mc
Karlane 30, llarkley 26.
Sheriff Elklna 81, Dalfour 38,
Main 49, McLaughlin 17.
Clerk Drown 87, Turner C4.
. Treat. Jordan 114, Wllholt 48.
Attctaor VanAllen 87, Fotter 02,
lllvlna 34.
Com. Drown 104, Dlrdtong 36,
Knox 30.
Bupt. Myera 103, Nlchol CC.
Surveyor Dice 90, Drewater 72.
Coroner Polndexter 101, Loucka
Pre. Taft 36, Wilton 75. Chafln
C, Deba 13, Hooaevelt 36.
Congreta Graham CO, Slnnott 87.
Senate Lane 93, Selling 35.
Bee State Olcott 102, Kyan 36.
Supreme Court EaklnC3, Slater
Dairy, Food Com. Lea CO, Mlckle
It. H. Com. Andaraon 36, Mahaf
fcy C9.
Dltt. Atfy. Dell 87, Allen 55.
Btato Ben. Thompaon 76, Young
42, 8hlpp 21.
State Hep. Forbes 84, Smith 78,
Gregg CI, Btcarna 14.
Judge llarkley 7, McFarlano 133,
Springer 32.
Sheriff Dalfour 40. Elklna 84.
Main 8, McLaughlin 36.
Clerk Darnes 11, Drown 103,
Turner 40.
Treaa. Jordan 135, Wllholt 20-
Attestor Dlvlna 12, Fotter 29.
Van Allen 129.
Com. Dlrdtong IS, Drown 91,
Knox 45.
Bupt. Myera 125, Nichola 30.
Surveyor Drewater SS, Dice 102.
Pre. Taft 14, V.IWa 34, Chafln
0, Deba 1C, Hooievelt i.
Congress Abercromble 17, Clear
er 8, Graham 21, Slnnott 24.
Senate Dourno 24, Clark C, Lane
18, Paget 8. Ramp 16. Selling 6.
Sec. State Kennedy C, Olcott 25,
Heddaway 16, Ilyan 16. White 10.
Sup. Court Drlght 12, Eakln 18,
Slater 24, Weaver 16.
Dairy 90m. Darxco 18, Dunbar 10
Un 19, Mlcklo 23.
It. It. Com Altchlson 11, Andor
son 21, Oates 8, Mahnffey 19, Servlc
DUt Atty--cl! 24, Allen 38. .
Btato Senator Thompaon 17,
Young 24, Bhlpp 23. , t
State Hep Forbc 38, Bmlth.,38.
flrnirir "7 HfAipna it
tM. Judge llarkley 1C, McFnrfane 18,
upringcr 44 ". -
tlSherlff Dalfour 13, IJIktn, 20.
Main 33, McLaughlin 10. ''
" Clerk Darne 14, Drown'50, Tur
ner 9.
. .Ttcbs Jordan 3G Wllholt 31. ..
ftSSuoiw. Dlvln 21, Faiter 23,
Van Allen 30.
Com Hlrdiong 24, Drown 25,
Knox 20.
Bch Supt Myers 40, Nlchol 30.
' Surveyor Ilrewtter 15, Hlco 52.
Coroner ioucks 26, Polndexter
Cro Keys.
Pre. Taft 16, Wilson 4, Debs 1,
Hooaevelt 3.
Congress Abercromble 2, Cleaver
2, Slnnott 20.
Senate Clark 1, Lane 3, Ramp 2,
oelllng 18.
Sec. Btato Kennedy 2, picott 19,
Heddaway 2, Ilyan 1.
Sup. Court Eakln 31, Slater 2,
Weaver 1.
Dairy Com. Darzce 4, Dunbar 1,
Lea 1, Mlcklo 16.
H. It. Com. Altchlson 16, Ander
son 1, Gates 1, Mahnffey 3.
DUt. Atty. Dell 17, Allen 9.
State Senator Thompson 19,
Young 2, Shlpp 2.
State Hep. Forbea20, Smith 11,
Gregg 1, Btearna 2.
Judge Darklcy 1, McFarlano 14,
Springer 8.
Sheriff Dalfour ,19, Main 2, Mc
Laughlin 2. '
Clerk Darnes 1, Drown IS, Turn
er .
Trent. Jordtn 16, Wllholt 1.
Atsctaor Dlvlna 2, Fo'iter 6, Van
Allen IS.
Com. Dlrdtong 1, Drown 2, Knox
J- V
Scb. Bupt. Myers 18. Nichola 3.
Surveyor Brewster 12, Rice 10.
Coroner Loucka 4, Polndexter 17.
Pres. Taft 28, Wilson CI, Debs 2,
Roosevelt 43.
Congrets Abercromble 23, Cleav
er 20, Graham 32, Slnnott 66. , '
Senate Dourno 18, Clark' . 19,
Lane 43, Paget 75, Ramp'19,8elling
Sec State Kennedy 48.
Sup. Court Drlght 20, Eakln 67,
Bl&tcr 3
Dltt. Atty. Dell 25, Allen 73.
State Hop. Forbes 54, Smith 30,
Gregg 89.
Judge Darkley 15, Coo 4, Mc Far
lane 30, Springer 93,
Sheriff Dalfour 16. Elkina 54,
Main 20, McLaughlin 57.
Clork Darnes 16, nrown 99,
Turner 33.
Treas. Jordan 108. Wllholt 25.
Assessor Divias 63, Foster 34,
Van Allen 46.
Com. lUrdsong 26, Drown S3,
Knox 30.
Boh, Supt. Myers 78, Nlchcle 63.
Surveyor Drewster OS, Rice 6.
Coroner Loucka 43, Polndexter
Johnson Creek.
Pres. Taft 9, WlUon 22. Debs 3.
Roosevelt 12.
Congrets Abercromble 4, Grabni
13. Slnnott 16.
Senate Dourne 9, Clark 4, I-sne
31. Ramp3. Selling S.
Sec. State Kennedy S. Olcott 13,
Heddaway 4, Ryan 11, White 1.
Supreme Court Eakln 17, Slater
(Continued on last page.)
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where you are not known, avoid all trouble In
regard to your funds by carrying
These cheques are equally uselulfor travelers
in America or Abroad. They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants.
who accept them at face value in payment
of accounts. They are not available to
finder or thief, if lost or stolen.
Let us explain the system.
The First, National
Bank of Bend
Bit, Oregon
Ilelnrns From Alxint Four-fifths of
County, While Showing Two
Close. Races, Are Iltgjinletl
as the Final Itcaalt.
With practically complete returns
from 24 it Crook county's 37 pre-
clncu, those not yet heard from poll
ing but a ycry junall portion of the
total vote, the results In the county,
as follows, aro practically aure: ,
Wilson 734.
Taft 531.
Roosevelt 465.
Debs l9.
Judge Springer 928, McFarlano
694, Coe 413.
Sheriff Elklna 910, Dalfour 620,
McLaughlin 417,
Clerk Drown 1415, Turner 498.
Assessor Van Allen 922, Foster
Commissioner Drown 1049 Knox
Surveyor Rice 1122, Drewster
1048. 4
Final returns aro expected to make
very little difference In the standing
of tho candidates, as easily 85 per
cent of the vote Is recorded. Oa
final returns from Dend and from tho
few .eastern preclncta there is possi
bility of FostefjSyet winning over Van
Allen. ' ;
Lane Ahead In County.
Lane carries the county for Sena
tor, with 451 votes In 18 preclncta.
Dourne geU 219 and Selling 401.
Slnnott runa ahead of Graham for
Congress by 642 votes to 397. Dell
la elected d'strict attorney, It seems,
ltei carries tho county with 679 votes
In IS precincts, against 636 for
Alien. V. A. Forbes of Dend is elect
ed state representative easily.
Woman is Defeated.
The first woman candidate to seek
political offlcc. Mrs. Delia W. NlchoU
of Laldlaw. went down to defeat for
school superintendent. In 18 pre
cfneta she polled 16 votes against
9S8 for Myers.
Wb'le practically no full returns
are yet obtainable In the county ou
the Initiative and other tneaaurea. re
turns from Redmond, La Pine, Des
chutes, Latdlew and Deud precincts
show tnat equal ultra go leada about
3 to 2 and single tax Is opposed In
about the sume ratio throughout tha
Complete Returns Next WeeU.
Next week The Dulletln will pub
lish a complete tabulation cf the vote
of all Crook County precincts, with
official count.
V"7Tll Mi I
jv 'ft ftw w With
22eStfBBnUlBSsT v