The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 30, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 34.
Later tn Winter California Also May
Jle Prulftnhle Field for Itiimpt-r
Crop of IxhuI Hpud,
f Wlilrh Urrp Well.
There l mi minniittrritirnt nt
tho hend of the editorial column
on page U, Hint will li of In
tcrit Id every kj((o unmrr In
till region. Head II. It mny
help" )ou to market )our
For thn benefit of potato ralsura In
tho Powell lluttv ami nearer sec
tions, nil of whom have bumper
crop IIiIn yonr, tho accompanying
Hut of kj((o buyer In Texan U
printed. According to K. J. Wilson,
tho O-W. It. N. representative, und
other who aro Intareatlnit thmnsel.
ve In DnilltiK tho brat markot for thn
local spuds, Tiiian seems lu offer na
good a selling Add aa there la. Alao,
It la ponlble to not thu Control Ore
xoii product Into that territory on a
paying baala.
Callfornln also Mill otTor n good
market, It la undnralood, Hut thla
field do not opon up until aomo
inontha later, and practically no out
sldo buying la In progress there now,
tho market boliiK auppllod by California-grown
apuda. These, how
ever, do not keep well, and after
January there will lm demand fur
Oregon K)tatoea. Central Oregon,
anya Mr. Wilson, can compel" very
proninbly villi thn Willamette Valley,
especially na tho looal potato la uuted
for tho ntrellcncu with which It
Many liieal potato growers nro
feeding n largo portion yf their empa
to Iiqhm,
Tn lluycrx.
Iloliiw la a lmrtlnl Hit of Toms
buyer. In a prevloun aue n Hat
of buyer all over tho country, fur
nished through the (lend Commercial
Club, waa publlahod:
I'lnko llrokerago Co., Auatln, Win.
tl. Hell llrokerago Co., Auatln, Hen
ham Wholeaalo (Irocery Co., Hon
ham, A. A. Jurksou & Co., Dalian,
Boron & Blowart, Dallaa, S. NlKro &
Co.. Dallaa, II. W. l.lngo ft Co., Detil
non, II. F. Hhepard A Co., Duntaon,
Dnnlaon (Irocery Co , Denlsoii, Hern
liian Trod Co., ft. Worth. C. D. Ilart
netn Ft. Worth, llarkrlder. Keith,
Cook Co., Ft. Worth . Tyler & Hlinp
aon, (lalnovlllo. (loodnor Whalu
(Irocery Co., tlalnovllle, Pahst Pro
duce. Co., llalventon, HaKuuinuii Com
lulaalnn Co., Uulvciton, W. J. HilKhta
ft Co., (lalveaton, Waplea I'lnttur
(Inicery Co., tlreenvlllo, Parlo Oroc-
ury Co., tlreenvlllo, Spencer & Mill
Una, llouatou, W. M. Ilrown, lloua
ton, J. A. Xloglor. llouatou, llaldwln
ft Oarglll, llouatou, Deaol lloottchor,
Houaton, Will 0. Flelda, llouatou,
DUaen ft Hrhncldor, Houaton, Joffera
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
One Dollar
will start an
account with us.
II. 1HURRM, President P. O. MINOR, Secretary
' , K. M. fcAttA, Cashier
A big Coo rally In scheduled
for IIiIn Friday evening, There
will lie tunny upriiUrtu, who will
begin operation nt M o'clock.
Tint Cor committee lias secui-rd
tint new store building of I.'.
A. Hallier for Clin rvon.
ItiK. V.vrry until and woman Ik
i-ordliilly Invited to attend the
meeting. Children will not lie
admitted, t It In rccted (tint
tlia sealing rsiwiclly of the
house will be fully taxed.
Wholeaalo (lrocory Co., Jefferaon,
Alexander (Irocery Co., Ladrandn,
Tho fkhuinacker Co., LaUrnudo, W.
H. Hlilnn, Ixieklmrt, lckhart (Inic
ery Co., Jickhart, Marahall Whole
aal (Irorery Co , Marahall, Nscok-
dochea (Irocery Co., NacoKdochca,
Fnuat ft Co., New llrauufee, I'rultt
Cominlnalon Co., Ran Antonio, U. I..
Taft, Han Antonio, W, 12. Hmltli. Ban
Auloulo, Monro (Irocery Co., Han
Mitrron, Houtlieru (Irocery Co., Han
Marcoa, Kverhnrdt (Irocery Co.,
Hhurman, Tally Commlaalou Co.,
Temple, Hlnrr Maydeld Orocury Co.,
Terrell, Mooro (Irocery Co., I'ltta-
luirK. 4 Htatea (Irocery Co., Texnr
kana, Toxaa I'roduco Co., Tomrka'm,
Marahall (Irocery Co , Toxarkona, V.
Keiiiniido, Toxarkona, C. II. Cox ft
Co,, Texarkana, W. It. Davldaon ft
Co., Ilrukera, Texarkana,
H. -O. Caldwell Mrlng the Pint
One to Itedd.
8. O. Caldwell, while In Portland
lait week, purchaied an auto dollv
ery wagon. It la tho first to bo used
In Hend. Mr, Caldwell returned by
train loit Thuraday, Ward II. Coble
driving tho ear In from The Dallca
for him.
Mr. Caldwell, not bcliiR yet 'an ex
pert In handlliiK the bcuxlue wagon
aa he la I-oiik Tom, hla eralwhlle de
livery horse, had n llttlo mlihnp Fri
day, In panaltiK the Hotel Hend nn
nex the ohiiK-cluift shied n llttlo and
anmshed Into Mr. O'Kauo's bulldliiR.
No dmnitKu was iluiut either tho de
livery car or thn hotel property.
lleml I'rrolnrl INiK'-jx I'lnre It Hone
lloimei Drocliiitm, Near Htcldt'n.
Tho iiollltiR tdaca for Hend pro
duct la tho bono house, bark of tho
Hend Hardware Company'a store.
The Deschutea precinct voting place
la tho house owned by Mrs. Hallera,
uiixt to 'tho John Hteldl homo.
Many of the settlers living Miuth
oust of lUud have made liwilrlea na
to where thay go to vote. Thoio In
thu Hanr Creek priclnct go to Hole
urta !. O. and t-ioso lu tho Camp
Creek pruclnct to tho school house
near Held 1'. O.
A Hallowe'en aoclal will bo given
by tho Huptlat church nt iJira'n Hall
Thuraday evening, not for money
inakltiR but for a good time. Do not
stay nwny bornuua you aro not In
vlied, this belnR your Invitation.
Voters Showing Great Interest In County Judgeship
Contest, and Lining up Strongly for Non
Political Business Administration Candidate
With tho election next Tuesday
only flvo days off, Interest In the pol
itical candldatca and Isauea la Inlon
aided. Thla especially la tho caao aa
regards tho flgbt for the couoty
Judgeship. The past week has seen
a big Incroaaa in the strength oi tho
nou-polltlcul candidate, U. C. Coo,
and hla aupportera bollovo that ho
will win easily over hla opponents.
Aa told olaewhore, Coo's visit to the
northern part of tho county Baturdny
resulted In adding him runny votea
to tho largo number which ho waa al
ready auro of. From I'rlnovlllo and
that section cornea tho aaaur
anco that ho will run strongly there,
which, with tho big vote that he will
recclvo In othor parta of tho county
and at home, makes It seem certain
tawfton ttcta Term In IVnltctitlary.
.Myera l'leada (Jullty Court'
Ai.j'-'unin to Drrniiber U.
Carl Lawson, who killed Carrie
Patterson In Hend by shooting her,
waa convicted of manslaughter In tho
Circuit Court at Prlnevllle last week.
Ho received an Indeterminate sen
tence of frpm ouo to fifteen years In
tho penitentiary. T. H. Jonea, who
shot liwson after ho had killed tho
woman, waa not Indicted by tho
grand Jury.
K. C7 Myers pleaded guilty to con
ducting a disorderly house and was
fined $10. Tho case against Frank
Daltou was dlamlasod,
i- -
These wero tho principal 'cases
from Hend that en mo up for trial.
Court adjuurued to Dccemlter 'J
when Severn 1 civil aulU from here
will bo tried.
11. F. Junes, ox-mayor of Itcdmond,
was Indicted by tho grand jury for
Rambling. Tho case ngalnst Jones
appealed from tho justlcu'a oourt
.waa dismissed because the Justice did
not have Jurisdiction. Tho Indict
ment waa continued aa F. A. Dillon,
tho detective, who la chief witness
against Jonea, could not bo located.
J. II O'Kelly waa acquitted of n
statutory charge against hla own 14-year-old
Tho Jiorso stealing oaso will bo
tried ul tho adjourned term.
Hend lawyers In 'attendanco at
courv -"Wo C. H. Henaon and V, A.
KAinitAW coltm: maiihikd.
At the home of tho brldo'a parents,
Mr. and Mra. A. F. Ilamaey, nt Laid
law, Mls Helen M. Ramsey and
Vernon M. West wero married by
Justice of tho Peaco J. C. Thorp, nt
noon Sunday.
I u
We make a specinlty of dealing in every nrti-'
ole in the hardware line that is needed in the
construction of n house, whether it he n big
or ti little one. Contractors who figure close
on u job should get oir prices before submit
ting his bid they tire the lowest for the
quality qf goods we handle.
Also Full Line of Biiihters' SupfOfes,
Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P. Smith
that ho la a winner.
The farmers, bus'ncns men . and
others of the county have milled
strongly to hla support, tho policies
which ho has pledged himself to car
ry nut meeting their unqualified fa
vor and causing them to enlist their
ballots In hla aid.
Friday night. In the now Father
store building, will bo held a final
rally, and every voter lu urgod to bo
thoro and hear tho lasuea discussed.
It wan planned at first to have tho
meeting In tho Star Theatre, but lat
er It was found possible to socuro
tho first floor of thla building and
a change In arrangements mado ac
cordingly. Chairs and benches will
be provided to seat tho crowd.
j ii"1 up , . ' -tm . a ' r-
Tlmtx-riiian Who Mas Here Jjost
UVek Maya He In More Certain
Than 15cr of Towii'm Future.
A. It. Ilogera, tho St. Paul timber
owner, whoso Central Oregon hold
ings aro among tho heaviest In tho
Hend country, on his annual visit
which terminated Saturday, went on
record aa being a raoro enthusiastic
admirer of Hend than ever before,
and mora certain of the big future
that nwalta tho ' towrf and Mr.
ilogera always has been "so mo en
"I bellevo Hend will have another
railroad soon," said Mr. Roger.
.. ':Andhawovn-rajuIlUto,raanlu,
tuciure your nnioor; no wua oascd.
"That'a coming noon. too. Very
soon, In fact. If for no othor reason
than that local timber I becoming
bo very valuable that wo simply can't
afford to hold It long. And you may
atnto thla." nddod Mr. Itogcra. "The
general lumber situation has Im
proved vastly during tho last half
yoar. and another six inontha will
wltnesa nn oven greater Improvement
In my estimation. Thla holds espec
ially to tho northwest. Prlcea are
picking up and tho domand Is grow
ing. A great big market, and n profi
table one. la opening up for Dos
chuteH pine. Yoa, wo ahnll build a
mill, and soon, and when our mill
goes In I'll bo na delighted na any
man in Hend."
When asked if hs thnurht any pos
sible outcome of tho preside JtMl
election could unsettlo tho protein
prosperous and rapidly Improvlu:
economic conditions, Mr. Rogers was
emphatic In his opinion that, which
ever candldato won, development
throughout tho country would bo In
an Increasingly rapid and substantial
Wall Street g-
Next MYdncsriny Tho Ilulletln
will publish full county, nintc
ami nntlotml election return;
ArninRementa liavo Ik-cm made
whereby the leturns will bo
phoned In from practically all
the Important county precinct.
A special telegraphic report will
bo received from Portland, Riv
ing slate and national returns
as tabulated up to Wcdntuday
at 2 o'clock. Ilefore that time,
of course, the results of the
national election will lie known.
On Wednesday The llujletln will
answer no 'phone questions re
Kanllng tho retains, Iwlng too
busy, but it general bulletin will
be maintained at till office for
Two First PriM-n Taken at In tenia,
tlonal Dry Farming Congress.
Two flrat prlrea competed for by
exhibits from all over tho world wero
won by Central Oregon farmers at
the International Dry Farming Con
gresa bcld at Lotbbrldge, Alberta,
Canada, last week.
D. E. Hunter, who la attending tho
congress from Hend, sends Tho Ilul
letln a copy of tho Lcthbrldgo Ncwa
containing a Hat of tho awards. Till
man Router of Madras, for tho best
sheaf of barley, was awarded a John
Deere eight-foot harvester and bind
er, thla being tho first prize. For
the beat alx atalks of yellow dent
corn J, W. Splcer of Madras was
awarded a silver trophy cup valued !
at 135.
In addition to winning tho har
vester and binder, Mr,' Rcuter came
n for other honors at the congress.
He carried off flrat prlnea for Indi
vidual farmers' exhibit of grasses
and forago crops, Individual farm
ers' exhibit of sheaf groin, largest
potato and boat display of 90-day
com. Mr, Rcuter also took part' In
the program of addresses, speaking
on vegetables.
First ribbon for Pcwanka and
Orlmea Golden apples waa taken by
J. C. Campbell of Madras.
The next meelng of the congress
SB tef!J!ly2& 911: yi.
In celebration of tho occupancy of
now nuartora. In Sather'a Hall, Rend
I-odge No'. 219, 1. O. O. T.. has sent
lnvltotnna to the seven other Odd
Follows lodgea In tho county to meet
with them next Monday night. The
I'rlnovlllo degrco team has been
asked to put on third degree work,
and tho loool lodge will Inltlnto a
number of candidates. Following
these ceremonies there will be a ban
quet. The lodge wishes It knorn
that all Odd Follows, whether mora
tars hero or not, arc ln.lted to
Contract was closed thla week for
tho salo of tho E. A. Husrott rar-eh
in the Powell Hutto country to Allen
1-ridbore of Iowa. Thla propeity
waa taken on option by Mr. Weaver
of Hood Rlvor, but owing to Inabl'iiy
to dispose of somo of Ms Hood River
holdings he waa unnblo to close tho
deal, and the ranch waa sold to Mr.
Landboro. The price la understood
to bo 20,000.
dhei6u GoAwa
From Home
where you are not known, avoid all trouble in
rccard to your funds by carrying
These cheques nro equally useful for travelers
in America or Abroad. They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket agents and
who accept them at face value in
oi accounts. I hey are not available to
finder or thief, if lost or stolen.
Let us explain the system.
The First National
Bank of Bend
Betid, Oregon
5 it
Canard by Metollns Paper, Tlut Tim
ber Cralfto U Opposed, Itrandetl M
Absurd Coc Versus Nprlnger
h the Present Ntitui.
(Editorial Correspondence.)
MBTOL1U8, Oct. 26. Tho county
political pot boiled considerably
around the edges today, while tho
backers of Coo and McFarlane, and
thn gentlemen thntriKplvpa. aklrmlah.
od around tho "Markot Day" crowds,
"getting acquainted."
Many friends wore found for the
Coo candidacy, and many new one
were made.
It seems that Coo will ret a larrn
number of votes here, although not
many have been expected, and slight
ly more In Madras. A matter of sur
prise to Coo aupportera la thq dis
covery that Springer Is far from unl
veraally popular hereabouts, in a.
territory that was Mnnitl tn ha
almost lila homo district. In frt
so far as the town vote Is concerned.
McFarlane will boat the Culver man
In both Metollua and Madras. The
rural vote aeema scheduled nt-ntlv
solidly for Springer. Springer' un
expected weakness In this section is
a matter of great satisfaction to Coo
men, who declaro that U means that
McFarlane will get many votea they
already bad conceded to Springer,
th'ha materially weakening the candi
date thoy regard aa Coo's greatest
rival, and adding greatly to Coo's
rotative atrength.
"It la anybody's raco," ia tho gen
eral sentiment of observers. How
ever, when Informed of tho big regis
tration of Rend and the south coun
try, all but tho most ardent Mc Far
laneltoa admit that the Redmond man
baa little real chanco.
'""It's between Coo anrf- Springer,"
la the morn universal rnllmnt. with
choice favoring Coo, provided tho
south vote turns out.
From Prlnevltlo comes -word that
an unexpectedly big vote ia swinging
to Coe. It seems probablo that
about SO per cent thoro will favor
Springer, and perhaps 25 per cent
each will go to McFarlane and Coo.
"Addle" Foster la conceded as elect
ed assessor. Knox appears to have
the best of tho break for coram las
loner and tho aurvoyorshlp stems to
be well In Urowator's hands.
A Little Mudsllnglng.
The Qrst mudsllnglng In the locsl
campaign Indulged In outsldo or tho
Redmond press waa published tiers
yesterday by tho Metollua Central
This effort to dlccredlt Coe waa a
matter of both aurprUc and annoy
ment to men here Interested In hla
candidacy. Tho twaddle about Rend
Intercata, timber and otherwlso, be
ing opposed to en honest timber
cruise, was branded aa absurd both
(Continued on Pago Six).
t& liWJt V
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