The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1912, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    lAOK 8.
tiim iikxo iii'm.ktix, hend, wmlnehday, ihtoiieu an, itr.
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DRY LAKE, near Hold P. O.. Oct.
15. Pall seeding Is now on In full
3. Swnnson threshed with flail
8omo 30 hushola of ryo for Bcod. He
had some good hlucstem wheat which
he will threah also for seed.
N N. Kliu went to llend recently
for lumber and household goods for
Al Prescott and sister. They will
each build n house on their claims.
Miss Mario C. Whlttakor has com
pleted her house, which Is one. of the
host In this community.
11. McVlttle Is now down 132 feet
In his well and Is determined to
keep on going till ho strikes water.
II. J. Murphy Is assisting him with
the digging.
It. Ilelnsdorrf Is working for T.
Logan seeding fall grain.
Mr. Longford and daughter, Miss
lluth, were at Prlnevllle last week
where Miss Ituth took tho examina
tion for teaching school. She will
begin tho term here about November
1. Tho school will bo taught nt N.
F. H. Rico of Prlnevllle, fqrinorly
a resident of this section, was here
visiting old friends last week.
Oeorgo Langford left for Ucnd to
day to meet and bring In his mother
and his sister. Miss Frances, who
have been in Portland. They will
remain this winter on Miss Frances'
claim In section 3-20-20.
I'enrl Lyucs and family
Hooy ranch west of Croecout.
Kddlo Hantry returned Tuesday
after a brief visit with relative and
frlonds In rittshurg and Si. Louis,
moved to their homestead near the
C. A. llalslcy called on Mrs. A. II.
Taylor Monday afternoon.
1. White arrived on his homestead
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Com stock
nnd Mrs. II. Evans started for Hend
MoiTday. They were accompanied by
A. It. Taylor.
Mr. Grill of Ilcnd expects to locate
on Prlnglo Flats.
MIks Anna Hallmeycr of Tacoma,
Wash., arrived on Prlnglo Flats
Thursday, where she expects to stay
with hor parents.
Mrs. H. Kvans has beautiful red
geraptums In bloom.
FOItT ROCK. Oct. 19. Fall seed
lug is on In full blast and a largo
acreage of wheat Is being sown.
Mrs. T. II. llrady was n Ilcnd visi
tor the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce of Portland
nre visiting with her ulster. Mrs. J.
L. Stratton, this week.
Andrew Chrlstianson, who has
been visiting with J. T. Ilhoton the
ast week, left by stage Saturday for
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Charles were
visiting in tho Cougar Valley neigh
Iiorhood Friday.
Ceorgo Mlohaclion and J. II.
Honeyman of Ilcnd were business
visitors In this burg for a few days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Flint left for
Marysvlllo. Cal., the first of the week
where thejr will spend the winter
visiting with friends and relatives.
A. I). Wright of the summit
station, had business transactions in
this town Thursday and Friday.
Commissioner J. JD. C. Thomas Is
kept busy theso day's with land fil
ings. C. M. Rrdtnan was hauling hay to
tho summit stage station tho first of
the week.
The timely arrival of Ranger Friz
sell with a force of men soon had the
fire that started in tho forest Just
north of .Fremont under control,
J. S. Rcesley has moved from Ia
Pine to bis homestead where be will
do some, extensive improvements.
L. X. Firestone and W. M. IJrQwn
came in Wodnesday from Summer
Lake with' fruit and vegetables.
J. V.SXjd Wilbur Ilubser, who
have spent'th past two months near
Salem, came' in the first of the week
with several head of cattle and two
loads of household goods.
PINKIiritST. Oct. 51. A. McAlls-
tor mado n trip to Deschutes Thurs
day. I. Kv Wlmcr was n caller In Laid
law Wednesday..
C F. McDormott was assisting
l.ovo tiros, with their fall work Inst
John Hasselberg and son McKln
tey have Just finished clearing 70
acres of land tor Mrs. U J. Wlmcr.
0. W. Updike, who lives on the Mo
tollus, spent one night last week with
his son Karl, who Is helping bnlo hay
on tho Winter & Spnugh ranch.
C. I Wlmer of Tttmnlo wag In
Ptnc-hurat Sunday.
A. McAllster attended tho potato
fair In Redmond.
Mrs. Lowe and son of Inldlaw were
In Plnehurst ono day Inst week on
Charles II. Spaugh was n caller nt
tho McAllster ranch Sunday.
Charles Johnson and family spent
Sunday with Mrs. Johnson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Root.
Mrs. J. W. Unker of Tumalo called
on Mrs. John lltiwetberg Sunday.
Eugene Wittier left tint 30th for
Denton County,
Mrs. Montague who has been vis
iting hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. Mo
Allstor. tuft tho lTth. Miss Lottto
HnMolborg called at tho homo of Mm,
A. MoAtltttcr Wednesday. Arthur
JobiiBon made a business trip to llottd
Friday. Jamo nnd Charles McDor
molt went to l.aldluw Saturday.
John llitstfclhcrg wont to llend Fri
day. A, J. Huutlugttm of IUmhI, who
has been employed In litiehttrst, left
Sunday for Tttmnlo. School was
closed whllo Mrs. Nichols, tho teach
er, nttettded the Institute nt Prlne
vllle Inst week. F. . Swisher onllod
at the Snyder ranch Saturday. I. E.
Winter went to llend Thursday on
Utislness. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Couch
wont to tJtldtaw Friday, Krwln
Couch, who has spent the summer at
Cunningham, Wash., returned last
week to visit his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. J. L. Couch. Jack Wltnor of
Lntdluw was In Pliiehtirst on business
this week. (leorgc Couch mado n
business trip to Condon wst week.--John
Hassoliiorg mado a trip to the
hoadgnte of the Columbia Sotithoru
the water will ho turned off soon.
Hoorge (lortKon panned through
horo tin hi wiy to llottd on Thursday
llo wn aci'ontpiiiiled back by Mt
Knlckot hooker, who linn Hpont some
tlttto lit Portlnml with his family,
Mr. llttrrotiKM nlso wont to llend on
Thursday, whoitco ho goes to Wash
Ingtoit to Join his wifo.
J. K. Mills nitd llllbort IMkIiirIo
went to llend Saturday ovettlug.
!, E, Wlmcr has been busy hallitRR
liny, II. W. Wlmer & Bona will bo
Kin hating thlri week, Tltoy will liuvo
several hundred tons.
20. Horn,
Kern, a 7-
Tl'MALO, Oct. 21. Jack Wlmer
and Chester Reeves called nt
Tumalo Wednesday on their way to
Laldlaw, Mr Reeves has tended the
Columbia Southern hendgato for the
summer and haa Just moved out ni
its a Deere
Because its
made rlebt. by a force of
skilled nlow experts whoso coual
cannot be found In any Other nlow f.ic-
torv in the world. There oro many different
makes of nlnws. each claiming to Iks tho liet, yet
the fact remains that three John Dtvro tdowa oro
In uio to ono of any other kind. Tho John Dccro Fac
tory, tho largest In tho world, turns out every year mora
plows than any flvo other factories combined.
Standard of the World
For Over 60 Years
The Pioneer Plow Maker, John Deere, made his first steel plow by
hand from the blade of a saw In 1837. The flrst slab of steel rolled In
the United States was rolled for tho John Deere plows by William
wood. 01 rttUDurg, in JBiO. Ann ever since woso canyusys
Deere l'lows Jure shown tho way and maintained tho lead in tnis
great national industry. It it any wonder that tho farmers of the
. mt . .1 . aiaa ,.
wonu express uieir verum in wo lamuur pora-c, "ii n a
ueerc-irs Kieni.
We mako over 100O styles of plows, eacu as good as it
can bo made, the oest tuat tirains and perfect equip
ment can produce. Ho matter wnat your needs may
be, we can supply tnem irom our une.
CltnSCKNT, Oct. 18. David Lynes
returned from la Pine Friday with
a load of freight for Rourk's store.
J, K. Morsen of La Pine was In
town on business Wednesday. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Mors'cn In
their car. ' '
Mrs. Eddie Santry returned on
Friday's stage after spending a fort
night with friends. In Hend and Red
mond. Mrs. Al Howell Is paying her
a return visit. .
Frantf Perfella passed through J
Thursday with a band of sheep, -tin
Ills way to Prlnevllle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Masten, Mr.
and Mrs, JpbBph; LvRIngo and Ji'M,
. "M- vwir. " -. t. .- f 7
vosr 'rgtotMi
? M Center
Atl Indications point toward llend as the confer of
a profitable and extensive hog raising section. The cli
matic conditions of this section are Ideal. Shipping
facilities make rapid transportation at low cost possible.
Farmers will do well to look Into the hog raising busl
neasas It is a paying one.
J jftfGettlpg the largest protlt out of n pig, requires
simply proper feeding to develop the greatest amount of
weight In the shortest time, on the most economical feed. lll'TTK, Oct
to Mr. mid Mrs, tleorgu
pound girl.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Peter
suit, n 10-pound boy.
Tho Shepherd district ngrlrulturiil
display at tho fair was very lino. Tltu
school children boast u 30-potiitd cnl
tingo mid a U7-pound siiuash, it ml
"some pttiiklns" that took Hist prlio
as dry laud grown. It was nicely ar
ranged, and tho Shepherd dlttilct
went woll prepared to capture tho
llcckmau prlxn. Their teacher this
year Is Mss Holes l'eory of Portland.
Htttto Valley district attonded the
fair In a body last Thursday, and the
children had a most enjoyable day.
Though the display from Dlstrlst 72
was not large, they oxpect to carry
off their sharo of bltto rlblxms. The
exhibits from hero consisted or broad
and doughnuts, Mrs. T, I), Osborn;
0 spuds, l,cti Osborn: 3 carrots. Delia
Osborn; Pillow top, Jesalo OslKiru;
iressed Mowers, Oeorgo Morrill; col
lection of bugs, mounted, Oeorgo
Morrill; miscellaneous drawings,
Marlon Morrill; mechanical drawing,
Ralph Jones.
aeorge llobbs Is using n potato dig
ger in his 70-ncru spud "patch" with
C. II. Foster has finished tho sea
ton's run of threshing, nnd his itia
'hlno Is now nt home.. Ho uiailo a
rery gooil run this )ar.
Osonr Prickott returned last weok
roni it trip to tho homestead plains.
Mrs. Prlcki'tt tuft In September on n
visit to relatives In Colorado.
Mrs. W. J. (lalbralth la now giving
titislc lemtons on the piano, having nt
present n claim of three Misses Ha
'el and Oladys llnyn and Jessie Os
born. Mr, antl Mrs. Jnrobson nnd family
aro hero for n few weeks, from their
homestead on llenr Creek. They nre
stopping on Chris Soils' rnuch. Mrs.
Jacobsoti Is n sister of Mrs. Milter
nnd Chris and Jucoli llrlx.
Mr. K. A. Ilussett and children
have returned from an extended visit
to relatives In Oklahoma and Kansas.
We Are Locating Fifty Families oh
Till In jtiHt ono group of tho many for whom vyo itro ot
tliiK frco homos In Contntl OrvKon. Thoso fifty fninllloH
Imvo enmo to us through tho Jlebrow AKrlculluml Socluty
of Portland.
Why Did Thoy Select CENTRAL ORJEGON?
Ilccnuso InvcstlKiitlon pjovcil tlmt tho bust frco Imitls In
Amorlcu itro found horo,
Why Did Thoy Solcct Us to Locate Thorn?
Ilccnuso Invostlifntlon proved that wo itro the host Informed
iintl tho most rcllitblo locntors In tho huslnoM.
Ore. Land & Immigration Co.
0. C. IIBNKLti
Item!, Urcgon
recently nnd will go back In nlMitit a
week or ten da)s for tho final round
(Madras lioitcer.)
Tho report o'f several threshing
machines has been had, and thu
maximum number of bushels per
acre has varied from 30 to 10 bush
els, however there seems to be ono
particular man In tho Urltxly country
that has rotortcd tho largest yield
so far heard of this season. Tho
Paid In Sheep Co. 'a maohlnn reports
that on tho Hubert Uland place, there
was threshed 4G0 bushels of forty
fold wheat, or an nverjmo of 4S
bushels to tho acre. There has
beu a number of fields In this see
Hon that nvnraged -10 bushols, but
the above mark seems to bo the lilgh
est yet. Tho grain threshed on this
tract, was of nn excellnt (lunllty.
and the highest market price has Ix-cn
I offered for It.
Justness visitors Iri
Fa1l8.thI, "week. I).' I.
took them down In his
Union Meat Company's Digester Tankage develops
bone and muscle in young pigs, and makes them grow,
It prevents rheumatism, thumps and rluketts. It Im
parts such fit and finish to "show" swine and market
hogs that it has won the title, "The feed that makes
PrUe Winners and Market Toppers."
Union Meat Company'a Digester Tankage Is the most
economical feed obtainable. Experiments have shown
that Jl worth of Digester Tankage puts more weight on
to a hog than $1 worth of any other kind of food.
Digester Tankage Is a concentrated Protein Meal.
It Is made from fresh, wholesome pieces of meat trimmed
from beef. It Is shipped In tho form of a meal which
makes It easily mixed In mash feeds Shipped In con
venient 100 pound sacks. Keeps Indefinitely,
Digester Tankage has been tried and recommended
and is now being used by best growers and authorities
In the Northwest. It is becoming more popular every
day. It will pay you to know more about it. Send at
once for circular No. 49,
Centra) Oregon Brokerage Co.
. T a i .,.! .' Iteiid, Oregon.
(1 1ST, Oct. .'0. Mrs. Delia Wilson
S'lchols lectured nt Plnlutlew school
juiibc Snturduy.
(leorge (lertsou and John McCulloy
were In Sisters Sunday.
Ed Strnhui nnd sister were In Sis
ters Sunday also.
Mrs. E. II. Young has written from
dpokauo to have hor household goods
shipped there. Mr. Young ha pur
chased n slx-acro tract on tho Inter
urban lino between Sitokano nnd Med
ical !ako. Thoy expect to return to
Central Oregon as soon as Mr. Young
Is strong enough, Mr. Young's fath
er has a fine farm near llend.
Ed Strahui Is hauling lumber with
which to build a house on his homo-
Mr. and Mrs. George McAllster at
tended the inlr nt Prlnevllle.
Tlioro was no school nt I'lalnvlew
last week on account of tho teachers'
The Three Creeks and Davis saw
mills aro busy filling orders.
Mr. Slocum and Dr. Hosch called
at Mr. Strahm's Sunday night.
Tho now school house nt Schroder's
In Hampton valley was completed
last week and "broken In" with a
danco Saturday night. Monday
school started. Lumber Is Ixdng de
livered for a school house at llnmp
ton, near the poatoltlce.
MR. VOTER: As tho regular Re
publican nominee for tho office of
County Surveyor of your county, I
am asking your atipiHirt In tho coming
contest. M) only opponent Is Fred
A. Itlce, prosent Incumbent and In
dependent candidate, who went Into
tho primaries with ui last spring
stating that ho was n candidate sub
ject to tho approval of tho Republi
can voters f Crook count), and whs
beaten In a fair contest, but lie now
makes himself again a candidate In
disregard of tho direct primary law
and of thO wishes of his party I am
a civil engineer of six years' exerl-
once, Including vxperlunco as deputy
county surveyor of Crook county and
of other counties in Oregon, I feel
that I am competent to fill the posi
tion which I seek nnd am prepared
to give It my fullest attention, keep
ing at all times a man nt tho olftro
to ndvlso the road petitioners soil
others who havo buslues4 with tho
county surveyor.
Mr. Rico asks ou to vote for him
because he has presented tho rounly
with tho present ownership Mok,
also Held notes of tho entlro county
Mr. Rice has not presented the coun
ty with an) thing. The county wld
more than $3000 for tho piownt
ownerslt'p map. of which Mr. I tie.
obtained n torthtn It wn mad
by persons working by the day at u
cost of twlre the amount of Ike lot
il bid prrseiited to the rounty court,
whlrh Hinkiw It plain why be dnlr
a third term Mr. Itlr mImi re
ceived Kty for all the field iwls b
furnished tho county, mid he ban
furnished only about half nf thHi
A more detailed statement will I
printed on roo,uot. nnd In eoHitlr
records are open at all times fur In
spection In suppott of lltiwn state
ments. Keniwctfully.
It. L. llltKWHTKtt.
(Pah! Ailveltlneltieiitl
Doiwrtmout of the Interior. I'. H.
I-nntt Olllce nt Thu Dalles. Oregon,
OcIoImt rist. 1113.
Notice Is hereby Kit en that Ralph
A. Dunn of Mend, Oregon, who on
Jiiiih SIMti. 1'JOfi. mado Desert Und
Entry No. fill. Serial No. 0117, for
EHNEV't, section 2b, township IK
south, range 12 east, Willamette Me
ridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make final desert proof, to estab
lish claim to the laud iiImivo desorpKHl
before II. C. Ellis, I'. H. Commission
or, at his ottlce at Hend, Oregon, on
tho 30th day nt November, 1913
Claimant until as witnesses
Mllo W Wilson. Henry Starr, C.eorc
K. Uiwell and Kenneth It. Dunn, all
of llend, Oregon.
33-37 Register.
Mr, ann airs. Cole E. Smith enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Elder at
dinner Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O, Walker or Al
ifalfa spent Sunday, October 13, with
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoech.
Miss Ida Jacques, who haa been In
Prlnovlllo for the past week attending
the teachers' Institute, returned on
William Hulls of Washington has
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, C. E.
Smith and Mr. and Mrs, It. M. Eldor
for the past two weeks He expects
to go to Portland In the near future
to study the automobile business.
The Ladles' Junlpor Club met last
Thursday with Mrs, Tonn Moon. The
noxt meeting will be with Mrs. O, C,
November 2d Is the time for tho
next Orange meeting and nil members
are urged to be present then. Thoro
vlll bo nprograiu and rofroshmeuts.
The Pilot lltttto ranch finished po
Into digging last week and havo about
1000 bushels of marketable spuds,
They also brought down 70 head of
I their cattlo from tho forest reserve
'jm .
We Guarantee Our Product
Money Returned If not Satisfactory.
Pioneer Cream Company
The Bend Creamery"
Headquarters for Commercial Men
lllectrlc Lighted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
B E & D , 6 R E Q O N Obod Meals
f Qood Rooms
Free bus to
and from trains
--..- ..
All srrsngr nients made for persons
desiring to go south and esstof hero
.-. ...4.f.4..4t