PAflK . TIIK IlKNO ni'M.KTIV, 1U1ND. VVKDNKSDAY, OCTOHKIt 1M, IOIU. I i f : THE BEND BULLETIN aEOllQB PALMER PUTNAM Editor and Publisher. U, N. HOFFMAN Managing Editor. An Independent nowspnper stand ing for the aqunro deal, clean busi ness, clean politics nnd tho best In terests of Uend nnd Central Oregon. One year. 11.50 Six months .SO Thrco niontha. ............ . .CO All subscriptions are due nnd PAYAM.K IN ADVANCE. Notice of expiration will bo mailed subscri bers nnd If rcnownl Is not made with in reasonable ttmo the paper will be discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any chnngo of address, or of failure to re ceive tho paper regularly. Make nil checks nnd orders pay able to Ucnd llulletln. WEDNESDAY, OCTOHEIt 23. 1912. A MATTI'K OK UPSINKSS. Harping upon the assertion that Dr. Coe Is not a lawyer and Is there fore not quatUlcd to act ns a county Judge, a paper In the county that It rooting for McFarluno continues: "No one can truthfully say that Dr. Coe Is a better man for tho olllcc ol county Judge than 0. A. McFarlane." Tho fact that Dr. Coo has not had a legal education Is a ridiculous peg upon which to hang attempts to stir up opposition to his candidacy. A county Is nothing but a big business organization, a corporation, if you will, tho stockholders of which arc tho votors. Those stockholders choose their manager tor his business ability. Business ability Is demon strated by what a man has done for himself, and for those with whom, and for whom, he has worked. "To htm who hath shall be given." And to the successful man, who has proved his ability by his own record, shall -be glrcn other responsibilities and the opportunity or working for the upbuilding of counties, or any other public organizations. The county Judgeship Is a business Job. It Is for a business man. It Is not a position on which the tax payers want to try human experi ments. They want a man who knows the county, whom they know, who has property and all his own Inter ests bound up with theirs, and. above nil, who has proved ability. As further regards the bugaboo of legal education, little need be said other than to point to the fact that the Judges of all of Crook county's neighbors aro not, and were not, lawyers. That statement holdg good to the north, the east and the south. The county Judges In these counties were business men and are business men. A very notable example of this Is In Klamath county. Judge Worden, tho ramous ''Good Iloads Judge." was a real estate man. To day he has established a more cnvl nble reputation for progressive ac complishment than any other count) Judge on the Pacific Coast. Alto, he has done more for the taxpayers ol his county. In the way of substantial lxrniuneut Improvement, of lieneflt to farmer and merchant, than hat been done In any sparsely settled county In the state for many a year. No doubt a legal education would help. It would be useful In any position. Hut to say that It Is essen tial, or even that It Is vitally advis able, Is to talk twaddle. The term 'Judge" Is misleading. "Manager" would be far more to the point. And fop "County Manager" it good busi nessman without legal education It infinitely to be preferred to a toor lawyer without a successful business record. A POOR EXAMPLE. Prlnevitle had a splendid fair the best In the history of the count);. Many Uend people attended the big event. One of the features of chief Interest was the exhibits. Pract'cal ly all the Important communities and districts were represented, both with agricultural exhibits and with, those prepared by the schools. It Is au amazing pity that Hend. for the first time, fell down lamely. Uend had no exhibits. Also, Uend had no xcuse. il.3t year the schools had an admirable exhibit, and there Is no sufficient reaton why at least a small display should not have been at the county seat this fair-time. Appar ently no effort was made to get to gether au agricultural exhibit. Had such-effort Iteen made, there Is no doubt but that the result would have been satisfactory. Again, there is no excuse. If' the matter had been broached, tho fuuds would have been forthcoming. Dut Uend slept. And now It Is up to Head to tender an apology to Fjluevllle. There I. no use crying over split milk, but there la occaston to have, It known that llend't poor showing Is n mnttor of sincere regret to people here, nnd that next year the town pledges It self to make up for the Inok of enter prise displayed In this instance. HOOSKVKl.T LEADS T.UT, To the Editor of Tho llulletln: The following clipping should bo of Interest. Please publish It: "According to a poll taken by tho Now York Herald. Hoosevelt led Tuft In New York by 101,000: Now Jersey 21,000; Maryland. 25,000; Indiana, 9B.000; West Virginia, 40.000: Kan tas, 35,000: Oklahoma, 30.000: Ne braska, 38,000; Iowa, 63.000; South Dakota 15.000; California, 40.000; Arltona. 500; Nevada, 2100; Mis souri, 40,000; Kentucky. RS.000. "Tho Herald's Estimates are based on individual polls of 1M.771 votes, scattered through nil the stae. J. It. MINER. There are OJOrt.O0O miles of teV phone wire In the world, nnd uenrly two-thirds of this Is found In the Unit ed State, and a rihhI shim- of till lat ter amount has been struug to rurtble farm folk tu vUlt wllh each other and get In direct touch with the ont side world. A review of automobile accidents an reported over the country aeems to show there are still plenty of fool chauffeurs who think It rimhI sport to try to beat fnat train tu a railroad crossing. wtb the muni renitlt that the crap Iron collectors nnd undertakers both get Job. A woman, agrd fifty years, living at Grand Rapid, Mien., graduated from the local high school the other day TM should serve' to spur on n certain elay or twys and girl who consider thtfiuftelvea'-lMipeleMily outclttwed If they hapten t get a year or two be hind tlietr grade. Figures compiled by the department of sericulture at Waxhlnctou show that the fnrmew of the couutry were rccclrlug 1T.A per rent more for their produce on July 1 or till yeur than they were a year ago The Increase noted I biiHod ou the prim prevailing on some 60 twr cent or farm products. One of the loveliest floral sights that the writer linn bad glluiwe or this eatson was a crimson nimbler that was weighted down,-with numerous prays or wonderfully perfect bio torn, anrne or which contained ns high as forty and fifty Individual IiIimmim The (lowers were picked by the biiithel basketful and bruugbt ebevr tu the bedside or ninny a sick x:rson to whom they were carried. Tile time Is at hand for the sowing or tho turnip seed ror the rail crop, in the nr crape small garden there In usu ally some space that has produced a crop that might Just as well bo grow ing turnips during the rait as weeds or nothing at all. The ground should be put In good rendition and the seed sown rather sparingly, as It will pro duce many more plants than one real izes at the time or sowing. Wyoming Is one mountain stale that has suffered a good deal In a business way for month past as a result of heavy cattle Iokscs due to aevero snow itorm last winter. One rancher af Douglas. WyoM reports as high as iW per cent or the cattle nnd sheep jf that section lost as a result or tho storm. In their efforts to save their docks many Inexperienced rniirbmen and sev eral old timers lost their lives. The luxuriance of the bed or flower ing plants Is likely to depend quite largely upon the amount or water It receives. This Is trtto with respect to the smaller flowering plants' and espe cially or the larger, such as the aster", salvia and dahlia. Water Is needed at rrequcnt Intervals during the growth or the plant and particularly at blos som time, when the vitality or the wbolo plant la taxed to the utmost At the close of the strawberry sea son a few weeks ago a Mbwourl valley A Valuable Silver Cup for the Best Agricultural Exhibit of products grown tributary to tho Oregon Trunk. Spokane. Port land and Seattle, Oregon Electric and United Railways at the Pacific N.-W. Land Products Show PORTLAND, NOV, 18-23. will be given by theao Railways. $9.93 Round Trip to Portland from Bend. Tickets on sale Nov. 18, 19, 20. Return limit Nov. 25. 2mnzjzv rrNTBAJ rwrrjv. r inf $16.75 Round Trip to Spokane for tit NATIONAL APPLE SHOW Tickets on sale Nov, 11th to 10th inclusive. Return limit Nov. 20. Train leaving Central Oregon in morning arrives Portland 5:30 P. JI., and Spokane 9:45 P. M. Schedules, details, etc,, will be furnished on application. W. E. COHAN. Gen. Frt. & Pan. Agt. (P Everything on the Market at the Right Time and at Right Prices. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables RECEIVED DAILY jrr pp L. B. MISENER CASH GROCERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TELEPHONE. gardener reported a total or 2,kS3 quarts of strawberries picked from a bed containing Just a piarter of an aero. Theio berries brought on an average 15 cents a box, or a total of $3.17.43. Multiplying this by four given $1,420 as the per acre yield. Tills com pares well with return In any part or the country. Including even California or Texas. The experiment which Is being made In Mluourl or using convicts to the making of permanent highway Is meeting with very satisfactory results Thus far nn or the men has re fused to work, and nono hm tried to get away. The convicts seem to en' Joy the outdoor work and nre the bet ter for it in every As an In centive to the men they an promised a reduction of their period of confine ment by one day ror every two days' work they do on the roads. Plowing atuhbte fields as soon as possible after the grain I removed serve two purposes that are not em phasized as ranch as they should I. In the first place. It breaks up and ex pour to the elements nnd lo birds and poultry the nest or many Inserts that hare sought a harbor In the ground ror the winter. Again It erre to pre vent the maturing or myriads or weed seeds and to germinate ninny remain Ing In the soil, the plant from these being killed by the fall fro-W. Don't wait until holiday tlmo for those photo enlargements, or set ol album prints. . BEND WICKED. (Continued from Pnge Onol. other city officer. It Is understood that Mrs. Eraser Is a homesteader In tho southeast country. , In a statement today, Mayor Put nam said: "It is of courso regrcttabte that this Mrs. Ember should regard Uend as n den of Iniquity, and that slfe should give that Impresalnn tu the Governor. I wish thnt she would make her complaint here, nnd I un sure her, and any others, that legiti mate complaints will receive honest attention and nny nctlon demanded by the circumstances, inasmuch as no complaint was made, nnd the facts of the matter aro completely un known to tho city officials, of course nothing can le done attout It. "I realize that a few peoplo are persistent In believing that tho pre ent administration either winks at certain law breaking, or wilfully nl lows It. Those who hnrp upon the vlclousness they say exists do so cither rrom honest motives or rrom personal apltc and the desire to arouses trouble. In this connection It may bo well to state that very re cently, at my own expense, and with- J. H. CORBETT, Agt., Bend, Ore. REGOHTRU N K KY. Bend, Oregon. Jf Pilot Butt Acreage Best nnd lowest Priced Acrvago on the Market. Handled by all rcllnblu real estate dealers. J. H. Bean Bend, Oregon out the knowledgo of any official r person In Uend, I had a stranger look up somo of the reported law viola tions. Ho found nothing worth con sidering. "I did this simply for my own sat Ufaclloti, and to Justify my personal belief that ninny of the rctxirts nnd rumors peddled arnuifd were elthor .exaggerated or truthless. "Perhaps here Is as good an oppor tuulty n any to say a word regarding this phase of city affairs. I honest ly believe that Uend In about as clean nnd orderly as It tMimlbly can be nnd a lot bettor. In these respects, than 10 nut of 20 towns of It site similarly situated. And I Just want to go on record as saying that some months ago J took a certain oath, ol- Hunting myself to enforce rertnlu laws, nnd thnt I huvo enforred them, and shall onrnrce them, to th best of my ability. Also, I want in ndd that In this stum! I have the hearty co-operation of the council nnd of tho city ntllcors. An time that It proves iih slide fur the town tu become anything nearly approaching what Mrs, Frnser wiVk It Is, I want nothing more to do with It. "I mil hnvlng this published be cause I believe every rlllieu In Uend tins a right to know what Is going on. In connection with this nnd with nil other phase or city administration." "O.'Kit Cy4t ,f iwlisitim,tNt Oct. 23, 1912 Dear Friend: We like molasoeo so well at our house that Mama sent ne,rdo.wpt own to get a Jug full ao big that1!, !c,buldy hardly carry it home. I made an' Vgly face while I was carrying theplaqoeo home, but when I haJ some on my cakes for breakfast this morning you ought to have seen me smile I got a whole gallon Jug full for 75 cts. Your friend, Jacob. P. S You can-'get the best molasdes and the best of everything to eat at McCUISTON'S GROCERY It " IVni J PllOtlllllTIO.V NOMINIIKH An stntud last wuok, tho list of nominees (or county ndlco its pub llshed by Tho lltillotlu wna lucom plote. In nddltlnu to thu Prolillil billon nnmhicea given In tho list, the following nro nlsn hi (lis running; O. I. Biennis of Klnmnth I'nlls for Htnto Itopresnntntlvo, M. I'. Collins of Kediuond for count)' siipnrlutcnd cut of ntihllo Instruction and Harry (Inrd of Madras for coroner. Thorn are no candidate on this ticket tor thu other unices, v PKOPI.i: Nlinil.U (il'AMIt AMAI.NST APPKNIIH'ITIH Uend people who have simnnoh and bnwnl trouble shnuld guard against nppetidlcltts by taking slmplo buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-l-ka, (he tier- man nppoudlcltia romeuy. A hiniiii' DOHi: relieves sour stomneh, gas uu the stomach and constipation IN- HTANTIiY brcnuso this slmplo mix litre nntlsepllcliea the dlgentlve or gans nnd draws off tho Impurities The Patterson Drug Co. (Advertisement.) i'. c. cow of fleud for COUNTY JlMHIIt. Independent and uoiipoll(lcinl enndldnte, A competent business msu pledg ing a competent business ntlm'nls tratlon. Dr. Coe stands for a siiinro deal for all sections, economy nnd crilcloncy In county expenditures, wise road construction and full pub licity In all matters that concern lax pa) era. rrom a county-wldo experience of eight joars Dr. Coe Is thoroughly familiar with the needs of all parts of Crook County. I In la also a heavy taxpa)er and understands the Imimrtaneo of economy. A vote for Dr. V. C. Coe Is a vnto for efficient, honest administration. COK CAMPAK1N COMMITTKK. (Paid advertisement.) ANNOtWCIIMISNT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for District Attorney on the lndcendent ticket, 7th Judicial District. If elected I wilt rn force tho lawMo tho best of my ability. J, V, AI.I.K.V, The Dalles. Ore. (Paid Advert'semcnl.) AN.vtirxrKMK.vr. Hnvlng' been solicited by petition of ovor 300 niiinci, regardless of parly ntflllntlons. to beenmo a enndl dnte to succeed in) self (or tho olllee of County Surveyor. I hereliy an nouuen myself as a unii-part!nn, giKid roads candidate for the office of County 8urwor. I am asking for tho suffrages of nil voters regard Ions of politics on my 2& years' ux tierlenco ns nn engineer, and my record ns County Hurveyor of Crook County, PltKD A. ItK'li. Prlnevitle, Oregon. (Paid Advertisement.) CLASSIFIED COLUMN IIATHH: Five cents a lino for first Insertion In this column, four cents a line for each nbsciuout In sertion. Cash In advance unless you have nn account with Tho llul letln. Count six words to tho lino, Including the address. rrKu jmauii- u ihmv For Hale. FOIt 8AI.B OH I.KAHK At a bar gain, Fremont Cash Htoro, stock about S.000, postofflce In store. Cheese factory just stsrled. From 100 to 1000 acres of tho best wheat land In central Oregon, 200 tons of This is something that every neat housekeeper should have. It is a simple and efficient cleaner, and will do the work of one that costs ten times as much. Come see them. - Bend Hardware Co. it-.! fine hnji 1000 bushels, of ryo nml miiiiy oilier things. Iloastm (or sell Ing or lousing U alckncss nml morn huMucHS thmt I en ii ntteiul to. Call on or mldross J. U. l'ox, Fremont, Oii'tton, 30-tf POU HAI.IS Molercycle, or will trmle (or horses -yj entile. II. P. Hiullli, Uend -Slf I'OH HAMIHpnli of horses, C ft 7 yrs. old, wt. .100. N. 14. Ollbert, Park addition. -OtC I'OU 8AI.H litirso R )'rs. old, wt, about l.'UiO; strong, witling nnd koii tlui iiImi n wnHutt nnd liurnuss. lu itulro nl Murkel huiigrtlow, Klglith streot, Wlostotlii. Jta-ttlji l-'Olt HAM: 7 cholno lots. r.OxllQ each, In Center Addition Just east of tho depot, ut from $110 to I!0 ouch. Home terms, llest bnrgnhi In rcstileiire lots III Uend. Must be sold ns I nm going nwny soon. W. J. Mcillllvray. aitf l-'Olt HAI.K (Iray saddle horse. A years old, 1000 imuuds, well broke, gentle, fast trnveler. I7R. Uf saddle horse, IS )onrs, 1200 poumts, broke to ilrhe. gentle, fast, thor oughly sound. $70. 32-3p I'OH HAI.K llnvlug nearly com pleted our work on the Deschutes t it in. wo offer the follow Ing for mIo cheap: 1 In II. P. Ilorlioutnl Imller, 1 :8 II. P. liorltontnl engine, camp eulpment, Iticliidlug stoves, cooking utensils, etc. All of Mhloh Is In II mt class condition. I'or pnrttouliirs call nt oltlre, North Canal Hiding, or write I.. I. (lerdeti, Ui)t 47, Hend, Oregon. 33tf Taken Up. I IIAVK taken up u, th 'JUth or Oct. one dark red itil'k e-iv witu lu, ter on, nltoiit eight ears old, deh'-rn-ed. no mark or brntiu. it nv i lnoieo 3H miles north east of DeschutM. Owner can have same by paying for ad and feed. Can get Information nt Deschutes Hotel. O. V. Hall. 33K I'or Unit. I'OH HHNT Cabin siillnlde for i bachelor. Inquire Mrs. Nettle Htev etison's rocuiirant. 33lf FOIt ItKNT I louse. Phone H. V. Hlchardson, SOU I'OU ItKNT (load isture. Tel lihonn or call on Dr. P. II. Deneer. elf FOIt ItKNT Hood nve-nnun house, eloto In. Ho F. O. Mlnur at tstufflce. 29lf. I'OU IlKXT Furnished cabin, I. per mouth. W. II. Ieh. It II. Mk 1ft, Center add. 3:p FOIt ItKNT It. M. inders' 4. room house, furnished or unfurnUi ed. Hee F. M. Hay. S'JIf FOIt HKNT 1-nHitii tmlnted Loom with burn, In Deschutes addition, city water. Kent $10 inotith. !. quire llulletln. il-p I'OH HKNT-Ten.acre IrrlgstsTI tract near town, with house, out houses, etc. Iliutulre at First Nat ional Hank. :9tf. FOIt HKNT Hlx rmims seeoud floor of my new stone building ou Wall street, steam healed; will rent singly or entirely. J. II. Heau. 30tf W.uilrd. WANTKD Men to clear aa- brush and out wood, ltd llalvor son. JJtf WANTHI Kxperletieed dining room girl. Inquire of Mrs.W. I). Cur soy, Altatuout Hotel. JJp IIAVK CI.IKNT who will loan nil or part of llffno, current rales. Hhhi Farnham, First National Hank building. For Kle or Trade. I'OH KXCHANOK Tncoma resi dence property for Hend property. Address Trader." care llulletln. Otf P l I