The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1912, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    Till; iiijni) nri.MiTis, iu;i, i;ii;hia.. omiiu.u as:. wia.
f'AOK n.
A Combination Highway to Be
- Triad In Now Jcrsoy,
i. A. Mttktr, Qtatt Hlo'iwoy Englnttr,
' H Novtl Plan For Making Sirvloa
ablt floada With Olrlpt of Difftrtnl
MaUrlnU Would Da Chtap.
Tlio question lit htlng naked on every
Udo, "Wlmt I I ho boat pavement fur
iittr etttitttrjr rond, cnn'clnlly llioav Hint
,uro subjected to n lulled mulur mul
home drown fntttlcf"
rim atinnur to the qooatlon ombnicen
kcvenil factors, Tbeno may bo """
iimrlrrd under three goncm! hoadn
llz. tillllly, durability unit coal, Tlio
tnnt Useful pnvoinctit Ik bent described
tijr (ho phrnto rolnod nt tlio cloau of Iho
vIkIiIih'iiIIi rvulury by tlio frninern of
tlio orlglunl turnpike ncln-tlntt In, It
mint In smooth, Imril mul coincident
fur travel nt nil season of tlio year,
A iiareineni tlmt meets I la-no require
wenta leaven nothing to ho desired.
In Now Jersey no have nu abun
Inure of good road material In cert n In
xtlona. Mhllo In other It l lacking.
Tho grovel In soino ortlon of south
lorncy makes nn excellent fond fur
nine month of the year If tlio travel
1 not too heuvjr. TIhi trap nud doto
mllo of Hit central nnd northern sec
Hunt make n good nnd nt nil seasons
'lit they have two luiil qunlltlcn-me
Hint they Iwcouir dusty In drjr weather,
tlio other Hint Hiey brook tin nnd nit
vmdor heavy Irnvol. IV comhnt ttitntc
two evil vnrloun bitumens hnvo been
red. nnd tint rcnultn, when tho proier
material were employed, have lieeii
wttWfartory, except Hint tho nurfaco l
llppvry lu cold weather.
To orervumo tlili objection It I pro
,cd to hnlhl our trunk linen it ful
lnun: I'nve tho twelve feel In the center
fit tho nwd with n mill lire of stone
nnd uaphalt mid mi each nhht of llil
lny n plain inuvdiliiui pMvcinciii four
feet vlde by four Inches deep In slip
SVfrtjkT A inf.. ,J
Hry ueuihsr ou a nuid of ltd ort tho
horse mil iratel mi Ihv stum on cm-li
fldo. allotTlnu our whtvl of tho iriiKou
o run on tho liliuuiliioiin xiv-uifiit II
tho ilrlu-r no doxIrvM nml liiivlim hiiiII
vlunt room for tin nuiiiuiuhllo to run ou
' tlio rviitur. Ity following ihU inrllio.1
ihrvo ciuln would lo iitinlmtl-llrnt, tho
Jiorxon would lo nhlo In Inncl out Ihp
niiid nlilniul ullppluu: miiuid, n mon
nllufnilnry nnd wider pavement would
I n hud fur Ion money, und. third, there
would Ih lenn dlwtriKilon to Imlllc. A
liliumlnoiin pitveiuuut nlxlivu feet wide
would co4t more per mllo llniii n torn
, tihintlou tmveiiitfui twenly twK wide
liullt in ulxive nuirenied. nnd u uu
( iiddeil ndvnuinco of the Inner tho tnif
tic would Ik) dUlrlhuliil over the entln
rond. A pnvrmrnt Inld nrconllnn to thin
plnn would mIwi ho free from tho din
ncreonblo nod nunlnhtly drop at tho
od Hint In no ofton won on the ilde
of n hllumlniMin (wiretiirnt. particular
1 If tho noil of which tho hniildcra In
rpnneil It of a light of nnndy nnture.
'Thin ahtrt) drop t ttj edo of the
tmvetnent ,ltf alno very Injurlona to It
owing to ttj nhnnrlajc off of tho tdsoo
of the pnvomuqt by tho wheln of tho
voblelm wbon tho nra driven off or
on. Thin boaring or btvnklnx of the
'rdfto la moat Omtrurtlvc to tho life of
tho iwvoment. Tho openlnir no fortnrd
, ndmlta tho water Into tho bod; uf tho
twvomnnt and na a ronnrqnonro dU)i.
tvcnitlori Ixtglnn. Tho durnhlllty of
'tho pavement V thtm Krently loonomst,
no tho hrenklnf of tho bond not only
-nueo thf nhnttorlnit of the pnvouient,
1 lint pormjln a movomont of the ntonr
jmrtlelcn romponliiK It Thin attrition
, Kruntly liu'reunoa tho wonr, thereby
iiimmentlnR tho cont of uiutnteuaueo,
with Jlio rrnult tbnt the nuutinl f
' iwndlmro In much Inerenned.
Tho ultlmnto ront of n comhlnntlot'
, tyo of pavoment i-ountnii'ted nn nlxivo
' -Jmcrlbod will Jbo much lenit (linn Hull
lif tho othnr Vlud. no Hint whether
meakurvd on tho tmnln of tlmt or mnln
onnnro ront tho pnvotuent nhnvo do will be by far tho Hu-iient.
Cod of Bod Rond,
You enn add nil your linen tocether
Mtid multiply tho ouni by three nnd "
Trill linrdly rami .tho tai you uy by
unlug bad'roiOi.
f$M l-M44-lM'H'W'!-M'!4t-Hf
Don't Itnvn arnti nnd wd T
on tho iliuuldtrs nnd In tht uut ','.
Don't dlj thn mud out of Hit ;;
autttrn nnd throW It upon tht
Don't Itnvt dfrt In pllni on tho 7
it rond, .1.
Don't throw gran and wttdn
upon tht rond turfnet. 'a,
Don't dump ttont or grnvtl on i,
tn old road without first pro '
paring tht turfnet to rtetivt It, a.
.1. btonuit you thtrnby eautt will j.
ful wmtt nnd wotful want. v
Don't plnct now mntcrlnl on
tht read without Itvtllna and
thtplnp it to that tha grada and
I, oroia anoiion oi ina roao win am
4 unenanotd,
Don't oxptot travtl to tprtad
and roll tha naw mattrlal, Ont
half of tha monty tptnt It wait
ad by Ihla mtthod.
Don't put ntw mattrlal on an
old hard road turfaea btfort flrtt
picking or loottnlng tho old coy
trlng. It It good for tht quarry
man and graval owmr, but bad
for tht tanpayar and road uitr.
Don't try to do work without
proper toolt,
Thty Art tht Ontt Who Sufftr Mott
Prom Dad Highway.
It In the fanner who U mott directly
and vitally IniereMod In tho Improve
ment of tho itiuutry road. Wlmtwor
nmy lit ultlmnto denilnaUon of
furut pruductn their ftrnt movement U
over I lie country road. Kvory lm
procment lu a blehway, be It n wa
terwny. n railway or a wncon nnid,
men in nu cnlurcemenl of tho uiior
tunlllen of nil Hkmo ptiKnRisl lu any
kind of lui'liieit ronllKUoun to IL
Uporutlm; u farm I lu tho hlshrat
etim nnulurlliiK a buolii.-n In whteh
n IiIhIi khiiIo of lntellli:enc In mpilrol
to lnuru nuiTonn, The farmer U our
Krenle-1 prodilrvr. Illn prixlurtn nra
Ida erupn of meal nml fotKUiutTn. Un
llko iho mitnufai'turer. ho cniiuot Innd
hit pnnluetn u ram at tho m-viio of
their priNluellon and m relieved or the
ruoii4lhlllllot of tninnortnHon.
To him fnlU the duly of ImulliiK hln
enllrn atituhlo priMliiiilon to the near
en I nnd be I market-erhiipi n mile or
probably I v. only mlh-n With Uul
rtHidn hi hnulliiK mul lm douu uheu
weather cuiidltloiin lire mot fmnrnble.
Hum keepluu him nnd hln lentil nwuy
fium farm work
Thin hiiuluKu mi't bo collided n
pnrt uf liU ii'nt of pnnlurHuu, It ro
rpilre tabor. Iliiio, wear and tear of
Iciiinn, nil of which are elcmruta In ro
dminc hN pndltn. nml the ndvaiitaco
or j.Tcatei'l iimuuut of pruilt, niher j
tldnpi belmr pjnl. mn-n to him who.
llvlni; atouu n Kiod hluhwny, U nhle to
more cheaply lrnuMrt hln prtMltietn
Of two pnducer one of whom liven
leu mllen from u mnrket on a bad rond
nml the other fifteen mile on a kmm
nmd Hie DM. nlHinuch closer In tho
market, will luve nu ndvantneo ou-r
Iho other llilui; farther away.
H, .M, Hlcelc of I'm Hand Iiiipimlny
'lopi'ily nu HjuIiik llltcr,
Wnr'c li under way on n wr
nm ncrona HpTliiK Ither on tho prop
orty n( H. M. HKcly of I'ortltunl, who
boiiKhl tno Here In tho niimiiior of
lull nf .loo Hmllh. Power for
puninliiK wator for Irrlnntlon pur
ponim will bo dovolopcd by tlio dam,
Tho contractor la (loorKo H, Yoiiiik,
who Iiiih ii crow of huvnn mon In
oliurKC of I'orfiiiiiit Croliln nt vturV
nn tlio dam. It In oxpneted Hint the
work will bo completed, nn fur n It
to ho carried at picnont, noxt wook
The dam will ho uliio feet IiIkIi and
210 feet Ionic. Thoro will ho 100
fvet of timber work, tlio rent bolng
Mr. Htcclo chmih up I'rldny nluhl
from I'ortlutid nud Kntiirdny, with
Mr. Yoiiiik. lunpected tho work, lie
loturued liomo Huudny
H. A. Hull llulbllii lliiiiKiilotv on
llniiili NoiHienhi of Town.
A uplandld country homo, ls holnR
hullt by H. A. Diitt on hln IrrlKntod
much hU mllen iiorthoont of town,
ou the I'rlnuvlllo rond.
It In of thn buiiRnlow typo, one
ntory, with nix room. Tho dimon
alone nro 24x3C feet. A ntrlklnp
fentiirn nlxiut It will bo Ita modern
convenience. With n clntorn on a
IiIkIi lino canal, Mr. Dutt will bo able
to plx water Into hi homo, maklnx
It a comfortnblo an n city rvnldenco.
Mr. Dutt linn 80 acre under the
Central Orenon cnual, only 4 ucret
of which cannot bo IrrlKttcd. lit
ralnen hay mnntly, ImvliiK cut a lnrx(
nmount of timothy nnd clover thlr
year, Mr. Dutt cut tho crop only
once, hollevliiK that It In moro prof)
table to km io tho nocond icrowth
thas " hnrvent It. Illn cattle havi
good pnnltiro nil tlio winter, oven
when thcro In snow on Iho Rrnuud
ho any.
An Improvtd Elnttlt and Ouitltt Cln
dr I a Ntcttiity.
A leciure wan rveeutly delivered by n
member of the rond Uiard before the
Itoynl Institution of tendon ou "Tho
lloud. I'iit. I'reifiit and Kiilure." Tho
uvturer Mild- the problem wan to find
the Uvt mode by which n rond nhould
ho coiixtruclcd no Hint Itn nurfaeo
would not bo broken by trnllle. no that
tho tmnxll inlht bo ennlvr fur both
uiiMni;ern nnd kimhIk, ii rond which
would form neither puddle hole nor
exude mud from vehicle and rrvule
no dunt when Hie weuther wn dry.
One IhliiK wnn uuliernnlly n-coc
iilxiil-Hiat the road of the future
should Ik n truly bound rond In which
whatever kind of nlotio wan lined Iho
lone nhould be held lordlier no Hint
It would form n mint Tho hviurer
uiCtfewtod that what he ralhil n enr
H't or un ebiHlle nWIn nhould bo ado.
idnph-d un the cojrerltiK.
The ciiriioi, he ihouuht. nhould be
made of hlliimluoun mairrtal tnliiil
with nn nd and placed nu Hie rwidn In
varloun Ihlekiienmv aifordlliK In Hie
imliire or tho traltle. Il nhould uu nn
In Ihpild form, nolldlfyluit ipih-kly, but
atway rvmalntnR renllletil and com
prnudhle and no InteimtliiR with, the
mint of tho road that there could bo
no nhlfilnu of Hie nurfni-!eh.w
Tlio ndveulNKo of nueh a- carpet, H
wan nnliL would be to periunneiiily pro
tect the crunt, and Jimi an a earnt on
tbe Door Miftetm tho nteti no would thin J
carpet for tho road alleiuv lh nohm
and reduce tho nhoek of rolllna ve
hicle. It wna admitted that the orlct
nal ront of a rond n laid would he
more than that of a mud hound road,
but npniUlu Ibe eont over a nerlea ot
yenni It, would probably not be no
ureal, ninco Hie enmt of the road It
ivlt would not have to be renewed.
Madras, Ore.
Systcmntic Methods,
l'crsonnl Attention to
tho Duties nf the
uincv. Courteous
treutment to everyone.
tl'ald Advertisement)
First Class Work
of all kinds
done promptly.
Act. for Wathlneton
and Mayer Shoot..
Wall street. Hcnil, Ore.
Mud and tho Direct Market
The city of Aurora, III., ope"
e(y market, denhtiird In brlns fnruiem
rttid tiinniimera tORelher rnr direct nell
InR, AImiiiI l.mxi boiiHowlvea tbx-aed
in the npnt nu tbe optuilmt day, In be
met by one aolllary farmer, tie bad
driven elutit mllen with two rhlckenn
twelve down euMa Mini a iwrrel of ap
I ilen. Tho riHida for mllen nnmnd An
mm hud Ihvii thick with mud, and
iho mnrket had nnt Inni utttekiitly
idverllnod to ipemunile tho farmera
ihnfji trip nve.r aueti ruau would m
luatlllod Tho nnvMlliilt.r nt the mar
ket'tn.iine nt noveral Ihlima noedrd be
fore thn jjnnvor can apeurt tlme'tn aeir
Ult on n pruduct Id amall lots.
Bk ----- .
Why Not Get a
For Your
Sunday Dinner
Ortter taken for
U. C. Coe, NonPolitical Candidate
For County Judge of Crook County
ft .. aa
a jaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBBfa.
bbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbW. '""''
BnBBBSF jnBP' nfraio'HS9SSnpnCTQs9anfllBHaiHa
JBassssBallSaT jftaMJjBfjattftMF;- 49jajuajBnflBMlHa r MTmauaaxHHDHK
HBHSaBIIIIBDSlBBB' 'BBwillnKff'' l wUHBaBr 'bfal8SHBlHiiBflBBBBn
BBfllBlBnaBBHBHHHaalBfeliwnSraS! ' HbF' ' "'fRHHnBBaBBWBBlBBBHI
BBHHnDBaBnHHBSBaBSSuflrtiySJLj! f'?,W8? a ii2V9ffiSB9IBHiBflBassBBHH e
Dot forge or
Helou is the text of 11 lenflet
that hits been circulated throughout
the county by supporters and friends
of Dr. Coe:
lilt. I'. C COK I the Independent, non
IMdlllral candidate fur the oftlrc of County
JiiiIkc. lie In not an oftlce necker, but Ii out
for oftlce nt the earncM Mllcltallou of (tcople
all over the county bttvlncnn men, fnrmem
mul otliem. He tin-, netcr ticcit In politic,
but U Juki what the term "iionKlltlral candi
date" impllr n htodncsH man pledging n
iii-liuM ndinlnUtnitloii of "county ntTnlr.
lilt. COK lian been n roldeiit of ChmiL
Comity for right jei. An a practicing phy.
hlrliiii, IiIn work lian taken him Into every mt
IIoii of iho rou nly, and imide him familiar
with the needs of all the county, lie linn es
tablished nu enviable reputation nn n micros-
ful buolnexN inoii, nml l a .'icnvy propeity
owner and taxpayer, lie In, therefore, espec
ially lutercKtcil In nn ccunoulcal nud compe
tent bUHlneM admlnlntratlon.
"I believe Hie affair of Crook County
nhould be conducted Jut aa ayntematlcatly
and carefully the affalra of any big bunt
ticna organization. If elected, I pledge my
fullet lufluence lowtnt an administration
that will be buslneHke In every detail, and
that every nectlon of the. county shall get a
fcipinro deal," nayn Dr. Coe.
Illn- own record an a biinlneaa man marka
tt In an Hie bent nuallllcd candidate that ha
npiearcl In a county race for many a year,
and nhowa that lie lian the ability to accom.
pllnli what lie undertaken,
1U COK In a firm believer In the necessity
ot good roads. Itbj profcnalon, hln Intimacy
with farmcra and agricultural matters and
Ida wide acquaintance with county condition,
have emphasize . that belief. He aland for
the construction of good roads. He roc on
record mi Mating: "1'leanure highways are
valuable, but good road from the furm to the
market are better." He realizes that there
in no profit In raising big crop If tho cost or
trunoportlnx them to market in prohibitive.
It In bin curnent desire that county expendi
ture? Uton pood road lie mi arranged that E
every district ban ctpended within It, In road Ff
construction, nt least an much money aa that g
district contribute! to the county road fund
In cither words, n nquare deal for the tatpayer. g
the farmer and the merchant. El
1)11. COK In nn enthusiastic supporter ot lg
the agricultural demonstration and cduca lKa
tlonal work tlmt In coming to bold such an lm- tej
porlant place in Central Oregon, and In doing BBi
m much limard the permanent development ftg
of the country. He believe that the county fe
pot only should contribute generously to the Mfc
support ot the demonstration nml cvtenslon to
work, but that It also should Intercut Itself fei
lu Initiating this work In all Its sections. jaji
Hit. COi:S progroslve attitude toward
agricultural and other development work Is
shown by hit close utUllailon with the Central H&
Oregon Development league and other de- fl
relopment orpinlzatlons. During the last f9
half dozen years ho lias held a foremost place )s
In this great work. An admirable Instance of J
the HMiltIoa be occuplea U trie example act by
tho banking Institution wltli which he U as- a
aoclated; last year It Imported hogs and cows, Jaa
and distributed them at cost among the farm- )bb
era of the county, when necessary carrying fa
the fanners until tfiey wert financially aid a
to care for thentMlven. The example set has b
now bwn followed by other-mstltntloas. 1 )bb
has been commented on, and heartily en- )bb
domed, by paper and organizations all over )b
the Northwest. J
Hit. COK believes that the business of the Pf
county should be conducted with full publlcl- Wl
ty. so that taxpayers may have the opportunl. 9
ty of knowing what is being done with county 9
funds, to the fullest extent practicable. In J
this connection, If elected, he hope to have a $
comprehensive statement of county financial Jl
affairs published In several county papers at A
least semi-annually. Also, lie thinks that be- PI
fore decision on Important matters be made M
by tho County Court, the press ot the county W
should be given an opportunity to place such
matters before tho consideration of the tax- W
payers, so that, If desired, those opposed to W
the proposed action may be able to place their W
arguments before the court. P