The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAQC 4
tiik nr.Ni nri.t.t'.Tiv, nr.xn, wkdnhsdav, octomih an, inia.
!oort Productive land Should Con
Intn to 0 lVr Cent Soil Im
proved j Increasing Amount of
TliU Organic Mutter
ity w. i powkus
(Supt. Demonstration Farms.)
Organic mutter In soils Is decayed
and decaying vegetable and animal
fragments. When In a thoroughly
decayed, gelatinous form It Is called
humus. Growth and decay of plants
Is the principal agency In the for
mation of humus. It becomes incor
porated Into tho soil by various mix
ing agencies.
Good productive soils should con
tain two to six per cent organic
matter In tho surface seven Inches.
Very few sections of the county have
such an abundance of organic matter
In the soils that Its maintenance may
to ncglectod, while most of our soils
may be greatly Improved by Increas
ing the amount present. Tho only
method by which we can change
the physical composition of our soils
Is by Increasing the organic -matter
content. Organic matter Is highly
valuable both for its physical and
chemical effects.
Chemically organic matter Is the
chief source of soil nitrogen. Most
of our soils seem rather too low -in
nitrogen when compared with many
other Oregon soils. Humus In arid
soils contains about fifteen icr cent
nitrogen wh.Uo the humus contained
In humid soils Is only about five per
cent nitrogen. Being the residues
of decayed plants humus contains In
fairly available form, all food ele
ments required by plants. Moreover,
the formation and decay of organic
matter is associated with great bac
terial activity and the formation ot
acid substances which In turn re-act
on the mineral particles In soils to
release potash and phosphorous.
Physically organic matter, through
Its flbroui. or gelatinous nature Im
proves the physical condition or tilth
by causing the soil particles to stick
together Into crumbs giving a good
mellow soil condition.
Organic mnttor Improves tho mois
ture content of soils because It nets
ns n sponge or hbsorbaut mid be
cause It kvops tho soil loose nud
easily mulched, that Is, It holds tho
soil particles together In clusters nud
prevents "puddling" or "running to
gether" and crusting.
YcKotnhto matter In tho soils les
sens the eroding effect or honvy rnlus
by holding tho soil partlolos In place
and by loosening up tho soil so the
water will bo absorbed to n greater
Humus generally Is associated with
dark color In Bolts and It Is well
known that dark surfaces nbsorb
heat while light ones reflect It Hx
perlmcnts have been tried In which
differences of soveral degrees were
obtained whore part. of a soil was
darkened with organic matter.
Itun down land moro frequently
lacks organic matter than It does
chemical fertilisation. Darning
straw or stalks should bo avoided for
this destrova tho organic matter and
releases the most costly of plant foods
(nitrogen) to tho nir, leaving out)
the minerals In tho nsh.
Farm manure furnishes n limited
amount of organic matter nnd this
should Ik? supplemented by green
manures, such as rjo In tho south
east part ot tho county nnd especially
clover, alfalfa nnd field peas whoro
they can be grown because they are
nitrogen gatherers.
Deeds nnd Patents Filed Itcccntly
With County Clerk nt Prlucvlllo
II. A. Miller to Ruth It. Ovorturf,
noU 32-19-10, soU 35-18-12, el,
sH 24, oV4 noU 25-17-1 1. $1.
F. W. Neeld to llend Park Co., It
i, blk U, Center Add., Ilcnd. $1.
Northern Pacific Ity. Co. to Oregon
Trunk Ity., It 1 of 17-0-13, $112.
T. F. McCalllster to Frederick
Levcrenz, water rights In sec 29-15-10.
in sec S-1C-11. $500.
Harry J. Catlow to Dan Callow.
seU 1-1C-12. $1.
Northwest Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. to
Catherine J. Stewart. nwH wi 36-15-19.
I.ytle Townjlto Co. to Ilcnd Park
Cf l, In f.vfljt wtwt IIItnrlttA nwlmil
I by LjtlcTownsIto Co.. and Its 1-2 blk
12. Its 13-H-15-16, blk 13, Wlcs-
torla. $10.
1- Ilcnd Securities Co. to Ilcnd Park
Co., Its In Itlrcrsldo. $10.
Emmctt C. Sanders to Frances M.
Dickson, soU 3C-1S-H. $3000.
A classified ad In The IJuUetln Is
read by hundreds and oilnpt tho ad
vertiser good returns for the money
Keep tho best uwo lambs to ln
rtwiKO tho Hock.
When tho lambs nro weauod
nut n few gentle owwi Willi
thorn to keep thorn frem worry
lug niul becoming wild.
Kll tho fattening umtn ns
soon ns lit nud glu the remain
ing ohm a better ehaneo,
Uo sure tho ticks nro nil re
moved. It docs not pay to feed
Tho owes nnu ihiwh miouiu oo
kept out of hearing or wieh nth- J
vr uu u umu uvn ..v.,.,,.,
(live tho wethers extra grain
nnd Head them to market ttoforu
tho pasture Is dried nud xhort.
Sheep are n good medium ror
Increasing tho fertility of the
farm of tho mutt of limited
;; Don't neglect to keep salt In
every sture. rurin journal.
-M "&
Importance of Furnlihlng Forsgs For
ths Qrowlno Porksrs.
Tho lalo summer season Is n trying
time upon pigs. Orceti iwsturngc is
likely to Io nt Its poorest at that time,
writes II. II. McCartney lu tho Nation,
al Stockmnn. Crops that are most sifc
culent nnd appetising early In the
spring nnd lato In tho fall h.vvo n hnblt
or practically dying down durlug tho
summer time. On tho wtltor's homo
farm n largo blue grasi iwsturo was
used for years. For about six weeks
each summer It was about ns bare of
green feed as the stubble Holds adjoin
ing It.
There are several different crops that
will supply summer feed. Alfalfa that
grows through tho wholo season Is no
doubt tho peer of nil otbor permanent
crops- A mixture of oats, peas nnd
rape or oats, clover nnd rape has prov
ed to bo about the most wttlafactory
when tho ability to furnish green feed
during tho summer Is considered. The
writer recently read of an experiment
station test where tho amount of gain
mado on hogs from different kinds of
foraco wos compared. Very surpris
ing and striking difference were gir-
I - 1- ... Vina t-na ln Ihnn 400
nnnmia of nnrif wna made ner acre In
! tho entire season. From alfalfa about
050 pounds of gain were re;ortea. i ne
greatest of all was from tho mixed
crop of oats, clover and rape More
thnn S00 pounds of pork per acre was
There 1 another strong reason be
sides tho greater amount r gain se
cured for nMnjr rror t'i t nro green
In tho summer. Tbo pigs must not b
Itecotpts for tho week woro 1202
cattle, 53 calves, 3033 hogs, 68N0
sheep and 20 horsus, Thuio was
sumo llttlo dlffervuco ot opinion
among biours nud nollora ns to
whether or not tho onlllo inrukft
wan as high this week lot any time
during tho fall. Thero was tut un
deniable stiffening lu prices ns com
pared with tho week? previous nud It
w-iKi gcuurtxlly conceded that tho mar
ket was full strong nnd lu somo par
ticulate hlghor than last week. A
glntico at the sales will show steers
at $7 and cows at $0.50, Tho ho
mnrket wns strong to IBe higher this
week. llUNcrn Mated that tho ad
vance In price was duo to tho ox
tromo quality of tho offering. Thoio
has not been n grout dual of quality
to tho hogs that hnvo been offered
thin fall. (Imwors hnvo not taken
tho trouble to finish tholr hogs, rush
ing them Into mnrket In only a
fairly fat condition. This has had
a tendency to rolled on tho prices.
Tho sheep mnrket was fully strong
In the County Court or tli'o State or
Oregon for Crook County.
In tho matter of tho Kstato or
Anna T, Anno, deceased.
Tho undorslgnad having boon ap
pointed Kxecutor or tho I-nst Will
and Testnmcnt of Anna T. Anno, de-
censed, notlco Is hereby given to tho
creditors of said F.stato and nil per
sons having claims against snld de
ceased to present thorn duly verified
as required by law, within six months
from tho dnto of tlila Notlco, to tho
undersigned nt tho otflco ot C. S
Demon. I.awor, Ilcnd, Oregon.
Dated this 9th day or October, 1912.
Kxecutor of tho l,ast Will and Testa-
mont or Anna T, uno, decousod,
cent per milium fiom April 17, 1012,
until paid, niul for tho costs mid dis
bursements or this notion.
Thin miiiimuiiN in Bcnml upon )oii
by publication by itulhorlly of mi
order of tho llonoriihlo II. U. Kills,
JudK" of tho County Court of tho
Htnto of Oregon for the (loiiniy or
Pionk. Said oiilor Is dated tho Ulltl
diu- of Soptonihtir, 1012, niul Im duly
recorded nnd uutoiuu In niu uouri
mul action.
Dalo ot first piihlloatlon Hsploin-
her 25, 1012.
!li-35 Atlornoy for Plaintiff.
lu tho County Court ot tht lUato of
Oregon for Crook (Jaunty.
In tho mnttor of tho Kstnto of
Amt Anno, deceased.
Tho undersigned having been ap-
imlntml Hxi'Ulllor 01 tho liltst Will
nud Twtnmi'iit of Anil Anno. Do
ceased, notice Is horoby ghoii to tho
riii(i nt snld Kstnto nud nil per
sons having claims ngolnst s.ild de
ceased to present them dul verltlml
as required by law, wttiiin six mouin
from tho datu ot this Notlco, (o tho
uudorslgued ut tho olllco of C. H.
Ilcnsoii, Lawyer. Ilcnd, Oregon.
Dated this 0th day of October, 1912.
Kxecutor of tho Last Will mid Testa
ment of Arut Auuo, deccahed. S I
In tho Circuit Court of tho State ot
Oregon, for tho County ot Crook.
Tho Ilcnd Company, a corporation,
Plaintiff, vs. O. C. Cooiier and N. A.
Cooper, co-partners, doing business
undor the firm nnmo and st)lo of
Tho Terrobonno Lumber Co., Do
fondants. To O. C. Cooper nnd N. A. Cooper,
abovo named Defendants;
In tho name of tho Stato of Ore
gon )ou are horoby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint f"d
against you In tho abovo entitled
suit within six weeks from tho dnto
of tho II rat publication of this sum
mons, nnd If you rail to appear and
answer ror want thereof tho Plaintiff
will apply to tho Court for tho relief
pra)cd for In tho Complaint, to-wlf
for Judgment ngalust jou nud each
of )ou for tho sum of $719.30 with
Interest thereon at tho rate or 10 per
In tho Circuit Court ot tho Htnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Crook.
Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany, n corporation, Plaintiff, a.
Frank Stevens nud H. U Dow and
Desert Land Hoard of Oregon, De
fendants. To Frank Slovens mid 8. U Dow,
In tho nnmo of tho Stato of Ore
gon: You arc horoby required to
appear nud answer tho complaint
tiled agalnut ou In tho abovo entitled
suit within six weeks from tho day of
tho first publication of this summons
and U )ou fall to appear and answer,
ror want thereof, tho pUlntlff will
apply to tho Court for tho relief
praed for in complaint, to-wlt. For
tho cancellation and selling nsldo ot
a certain contract, dated Octolwr 21,
1901, madu between )ou and tho
Doschutcs Irrigation and Power
Company and assigned to ssld pUln
tlff, relating to the settlement of cer
tain lands, and tho purchase- of water
rights appurtenant thereto, tltuato In
Crook County, Oregon, mid for such
other and further relief as may seom
to tho Court Just nnd equitable
This summons Is served iiihiii )oii
by publication by nuthorll) of an
order of tho Hon. W U Hradshsw.
Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon, for tho County of
Crook, nnd said nidor la dated the
12th day ot Hoplunilior. 1012, mid Is
duly K'ooided mul unlnrod In mild
Court nnd unit.
Dale of llrst piihlloatlon, Heplwiiv
hor 18lli, 1018.
28-81 Atlornoy ror tin I'liilitltrf
A 4- -! ii nw si
Dupiirtmont of tho Interior, United
HtntiM Mud Otllcl-. UkoVlow, Ore
gon, Hoptomlior 21, 1012.
To John H. Thornlon of iiiwmnt ml
drow unknown, Uonlesteoi
You nro horoby nullum! that I loyd
W. Koasoner, who glvi-n tof (J. 8.
Ilonson, lltmil, Oregon, nn his post
olllco addrsH. did on August 20,
1012, lllo In this olllco his duly onr
roboiatud iippllonllou to vontest and
iiouuro tho enuoellatlon of your
homestead, entry No. , Horliil No.
01032, inndo Novolilber 10, 10 10, , for
NWVi, Hectlou 3( Townshln 81 R,
Itatigo 20 K. Wlliamotlu Morldlaii,
mid as grounds for his contest h
alleges that oii havu liuvor eslnb
llshed or maintained roslilonuo ujwu
said tract nor hnvo J on ever niltl
atod or Improwd said trnct to nny
oxtonl wnnti'Viir inn nave wunn
iibaiidoned eald tract tor moro than
ono oar last past.
You mo, therefore, rurtiior on
fled llial the snld allegations will lw
taken by this olllco us having hoeti
eonfoMud by oii, mid )our said
entry will oe rmireieu iiioiwuinirr
without )onr furtlior right to bo
heard therein, either before this of
fice or on Hppesl. If )nt fall to ni
i.. ii.i. ,.tiii..i uiililn twnntv du)ii
after Iho FOI'HTH iiubllontlon of Oils
notice, ns mown noiow, juur hiii.
under oath, specltlcully meelliig mid
....... ...n.lln 1,1 llmm, llllrilltllOllH Of
contest, or If ou fall within Hint Hum
to lllo In tills olllco line primi mm
ou havo served n copy or iiur
answer on tho said conlestatit either
lu person or by registered mall. If
this service Is mado by tho delivery
or a copy of our answer to tho con
testant lu porson, proof of such
service must bo ollhar the said con
testant's written acknowledgment ot
his receipt or tho copy, showing th
date or Its receipt, or tho affidavit
or tho porson by whom the delivery
was mado stating when and where
tho ropy was delivered. If luadn by
registered mall, proof of such ser
vice must cotulit of tho nuldavlt or
tho person by whom tho copy ws
mulled stating when mid tho post
ofllco lo which It was mailed, and
this nllldavlt mint be accompanied
by tho poMinuttcr's receipt for the
You should slate In )nur answer
tho name or the pout oflleo lu which
you desire future notices to Wo sont
to ou.
Daln of first publication October
2nd, 1912.
Date of second publication October
9th, 1912.
Dalo of third publication October
ldtli, 1913,
Dale of fourth publication Oetoher
23rd, 1012.
Oregon Investment Company
fllf you want a good residence or business lot, investigate what we
have to offer. We have the best on the market at the best prices
and on the best terms. .
JSome great bargains in five-acre tracts with water rights, on your
v own terms.
OuY lists of irrigated lands include the best there is in Central Ore
gon. It will pay you to see what we have.
flWe can locate you on very desirable 320 acre homesteads, or sell
you good relinquishments with valuable improvements.
JWe make a specialty of fire insurance, indemnity bonds and plate
glass, show case and mirror insurance. Our companies are the
best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly.
IJWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have a
first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have some
thing to sell or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oregon Investment Company
- v
Wall Street,
Bend, Oregon