The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 23, 1912, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
NO. 33.
Without Making Complaint llrrr,
Woman Ak (lotriiior lo "III'
rllul" Alleged I,kmI Com
ill(lon-,MiiorV Statement.
Uitt night Mayor Putnam re
rvi'il th (oIIowIiik communication
from tluvcrnor West:
Halem. October 2 lit, 1913,
Tin Mil) r of Head,
l)Hr Mr:
I miii enclosing 'oii n copy of n
letter today roclviil from Mr.
Kttii Prater, for such Information
n It may Klvn you hiiiI ui)h sub
iiiiut action ni the facta may war
Very truly your,
Thn communication referred to,
from Mr. Etta Frasor, follima:
October 17tb, 1912.
(lovornor Went.
Dear Hlr:
I am writing to you thla morn
lac to Inform you tfiat gambling
I going on in llend, Oregon. One
of my nHsliUirs wa fleeced tiy a
poker game nml another waa and
hanked ami nearly killed hy a
gambjer. There tM-im to be no
enforcement of the law and una I
not safe to It on the street nt
night. It certainly needs Investl
Hoping yttu will look Into thn
matter at umm, I remain
Mr.. Ktta Frnser.
Tlio tout of Mr. I'utnnm'a reply (o 1
v.ovrrnor nni, manoii loony, is:
"Thank for your letter of thn
SJsl, with w of Mr. Ktta Fra
nor ronimnnlration. I am jnelna
I-irt herewith nipping from Thn
Jfend IIhIMIh f todar'n lu. Ita
anbjeni malNr ospJnhtltiK. I lie
Hove. th ijtHatlttH ami my stand
In rngard thereto. I beg to assure
-mi that It It my Utmost ortort to
. t that the law whMt I Mbllgated
my-vlf to uHforo ar lived up to,
to ih ImmI of wy ability.
Mayor of Kami.
Tim facta of thn easo, mi fnr na llioy
ran b atrialHxl. m tu b these.
On thi night Hf Haturdny, Oetoher
b. A. H. Pace, initntator at llaintf
ton, reported that ho had Iwon held
un. and. he allot;), t
Ihe proton t poato(Jlct TIM m w
a ton dollar gld pleeo. Ut also
alatod that la M pockoi at thn time
wa n uouttdHmtilo roll of Mil. Thq
lattor wa not disturbed, No clue
waa obtainable WJiicutMltiK th nl
Inavd rolibory. and Indttwt Mr. Kokk
)ilnii'lf atHH'artMl kumawhat limy rou
cernlnc lt detail.
ItoKurilliiK the Iom In a ixiker Kom
tiy Mr. Prtfur'a nelKhlior a ri
IHirttuI to the Uovernor, there fit !
olutnly no Information. The man
made no comi'lftlnt to the iioltre, or
(Continued on Paso Six).
A Farmer's Logic
pWO PARMKRS wore tllBcuBalntr tlio
ndvnntnKCH of n bunk account from
n furmcr'n standpoint. "Hut," wild tho
first, "1 am so for from town It Is In ,
convenient fnrino to comu'ln to do my
bunking." "All tho moro reason," his
companion replied, "why you should
hnvo an account. Wlien you hnvo a
checjc to dciwHit simply endorso It over
to the bank und mall It to them. They
will credit and receipt you. Then
when you buy anything, pay by check.
Thut's tho way others pay you, That's
up-to-dnte business," Is tho nrKumont
not IorIcuI?
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
D. PBRRKLI.) President V. O. MINOR, Secretary
.' It. M. I'ACIA, Cashier
4 -
'rin icKfxtriitlini hi Mend (i ml
llcmliiilrN uiclncl whl fli
I'IiIMhI lllkt Hl'fk. fcllOMN u tllllll
of ."5H7 wili'r, (minting IIhiw 4
inn ,."
irlnuifli'. 1
I reglMer J
rrgUtered at llm
Mint)' o(ci roiil ilmii
linHiikc ilii supply of rrgUtrn
linn blank gave nut, tint Mill
lit attorn In w( election lime.
1 ti it 111 It'ji Ciuidlihiti' I'or AeMir
utilp Hmi KtrmiKle Hold on Klrc
tloii HrrMoIrr (Jeta KttiM,rt,
That II. A. Pouter, hotter known a
"Addle" Pouter, the Prlnevlllv Until-
ocratle cnndldnte for the eounty an
Hfimor' office, will net the aupiiort of
the I) Ik vote In lleml nml Dcichute
precinct, I the atulemcnt mnde hy
thoie who are wntcliliiK tlm local io
lltlonl situation clotely.
While, of coiirae, Mr. Pouter will
not Kt every vote over here, many
ieojin are InterentliiK theiimelve In
acelnK that ho iiolli a h-nvy count,
and there teem Kood retiMin to he
llevu that he will run well nloiiK with
the Coo vote.
With tlio I-Ik local reKlntrntlon, It
eem fair to iUiK).c that If Pouter
run anywhere near Coo here hi elec
tion will li cinched.
Another candidate for county of
fice to whom ha liven plod Red up
ort here I It. I.. Ilrow-tcr, the He
puhllcan nomlueo for vurveyor. Mr.
Ilrew.ter I well known here, and re
ceived a Me endowment at the prl-
mnry elretlon. The local luntlmeiit
I nUo decidedly In hl favor, aa It I
In fnvor of Mr. Pouter for tht w-h-
llrmocmtlc Seiniliitlul ('AiulMntc
1'leiuf, fjirtr firnl Aihllcnri'.
The flrat eandldatu for the Menatn
v( the UalttMj titatua to apeak In Ilel
addreanml a hi on I audleiie lat nlchl,
when Harry Irim. U" Denoeratlo
noniiiir-) for tho ouatorhlp, faotsi m
mitliwlBK la lirn' Kail.
A larRe and ovIdeHtlr frloNtlly
crowd lltteatHl to the able aildreM of
tho candidate, who wn IntrodHf-xl ljr
It. P. Mlntar. Mr. l-ane apuke of
Kad. iHtarluuiiHwralk rllolwi In nmutnl and
h'M he waa paitlOH'uy lntreted
h. delllna at leapt U uku i.. ne
eoaalty for revlnlon la tariff matter.
Ho tmld trlimto to lis devulopment o
hi w-cth'ii U the ilate, called atten
lon H ltM Increaalnx tollilcnl Impbr
aneu and plcdKl hearty co-ope -n-Km
ahould he h ilectet In any w irk
which would directly benefit Central
Bcvoral donn hats Just rocolved
nt Mr. Dlnck'K millinery shop.
Portland Firm, Lowest Bidders, to Oct Construction
Contract at $59,298 Cost to the City
Will be Less Than Was Expected
Tho Inatallntlou of llend'a newer
ayxtem wa hrouKht one tep nearer
Monday, when the City Council let
the cotitract for the work to tlio
Boulh Portland Crushed Itock Com
pany of Portland, tho lowevt bidder.
Tite lump um Ind of thn aucceMful
contrHctor I f titt,3V8.97, or about
llfi.OOU below the coat estimated
for the unit of tho ontlro ytem
that I to no liutallcd now.
Twelve blilo were received and con
sidered ut the meeting of tho Council
last Wedneday nlKht. Tho lively
hlddliiK and tho neverul exceptionally
low Mda are rnattera fur conKratulu
tlon to tho city, for tho fact that a
tin in bo r of larKo llrm were anxlou
to aecuro the contract la Indicated hy
the manner n which they went after
tho work, with hlda that ranged all
the way from $if,308 tu $87,b44,
whllo the low flKtire vecured mean
not only that Mend will get Hi aya
tern well within tho e-tlmated coat
hut nlw) that tho icclal aement
iiKlmt heneflted property will he u li
on a bil far lower than waa origi
nally planned Thla ueameut. It
wlli 'on remembered, I to make up
the difference hetween tho 160.000
bond Uaun and the total co.t t the
ayatem, which la estimated at 174,
000. In addition tu actual conntruc
tlon. covered by the amount of the
hid, there rcmalua for the city the ex
peune of Kecurlni; the land for the dl
K).al plant and eaiemcnta aero
property for tho plpo llio to tho dla
poml piMiit site.
A trntucrlpt of tho council' pro-
evedlnKa hearing uikjh tho liond li
sue ha been furwarded to h arson. :
Bon & Co. of Chicago, tho successful I
bldder for the bond, and n noon airr thla at any point desired, within
It I examined and' approved, as there
eina no doubt It will bo. tho blank
iMj!id will bo forwarded hero for alg
nature and then returned to Chicago
and tho ossh turned over to tho city,
Until the final acceptance of tho,
bond no definite contract ran be ti-
.tered Into with tho construction oon At .Monday meeting preliminary
tractor. Tho bond Idd for-tho $0,jatev toward pHrehaalng html ne-
eoO Umo. It will be, roeallod. number
en mivb. and all wcro a novo iar.
This romarkablo nhnwlng. onupled
with tho many low bid for tho oon
struetlon, are rnattera of great satis
faction to ifll who havo taken a spec
ial Intorett In thl first big iiuintclpal
Imnroveninnt ojr llend'a.
itld Head
At last Wednesday' meeting of
the council representative-, of the bid
dura wero In attendance whom the
bid wore road nnd tabulated. At
thut tlmo the live lowest wero held
for rurther examination. At the
meeting tho next day tho throe low-
eat wore held over, and Monday thej
lonost wn accepted. Kacli bid waa
accompanied by n certltled check for
$6000. When the final contract Is
drawn up tho contractor puts up a
bouO for (0 per cent xf tho contract
price, to Insure aatlsfactory comple
tion of tho Job,
llclow tho list nf tho bidder,
with tho amounts bid, and the
amour.' bid on rock oxcuvntlon.
There were 31 other Itoma specifical
ly bid on, but to record all would re-
We liuikc a specialty of dealing in every arti
cle in the hardware line that is needed in the
construction of a house, whether it be a big
or a little one. Contractors who figure close
on a job should get our prices before submit
ting his bidthey are the lowest for the
(Htiility qf goods we handle.
Also Full Lino of Buihkrs Supplies.
Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P. Smith
'quire more paco than la available;
the detailed hlda moy be learned from
KiiKlneer Koon or at the office of the
Jacob-oil, Hade Co., Portland,
I0C.3C3.10. Itock 13. i0.
Portland KiiKliuerliiK ft Contruc
Hon Co., Portland, $CS,C75.SS. Hock,.
H. M. Johnson. Portland, f 60,4 73.
l4. Hock 13.76.
OeorKe Cordon, ConnlllM, Ore. itock M.
Hellnnco Construction Co., Port
land, SG7.0&2. Itock t.1.87.
II. M. Ilardnen Co.. Hutte, Mont.,
IC9.C88.49. Hock 3.S0.
M JennlnKi &. Co., Hpoknnc, $67,
Hi, Hock $5.91.
Consolidated Contract Co., Port
land, $61,233.10. Hock $3.30.
B. W. Hlner & Co., Portland, $78,
888. Hock tS.
Jeffery & llufton. Portland, $02,
7S3.45. Hock $3.20.
Klhbe-Wclton Co., Portland. $68.-
r,zs. Hock $3.90.
South Portland Crushed Hock Co.,
Portland, $9,398.97. Itock $3.30.
Want Quick Work.
Kvcry effort will be made to Ret the
work under way at the earliest josl
hlo time. It I Engineer Koon'a de
sire that construction commence at
tho center of tho huslneaa district, so
that thla can he completed early, and
property owners be Informed far In
advance of the exact amount of the
assetsment that will bo due shortly
after the final completion of the sys
tem. Much rock will be taken from the
ditches and uied In grading up tho
street. Tho contractor ha to dellv-
500 feet of tho place of exeavatlop.
Tho first work contemplated la to
grade up Wall street north of Oregon
.with rock, and then aovor this with
dirt taken from tho southerly end otlt0n Inst week waa tho fair and the
tho street, where a alight cut Is nee-! report brought back were' that It
jaary for the dlsKal plant wore tak
- i
... j nere eenm ovorr reason 10 nc-
llovo that all land reiulrod will b, s-
cure-t at a fair price, without the no
ct-Milty of condemnation proceeding.
K. II. Knox In Itaro nyr County Com
R. II. i.nox, the Demooratle nomi
nee (or eounty commissioner, wa
hore Monday, meeting many people
about town. Judging from the re-
coptlon accorded r.:j). :r. Knox Is
popular hero and v'.tl r.c.l s good
"If 1 am elected I fchnll try to bo a
reprckentatlvo of all the county, and
not simply o. on section," said Mr.
Knox. Ho la an enthusiast upon the
subject of good roads, "and also
pledgea himself to aid agricultural de
velopment and demonstration farm
i Mr. and Mr. James U. Hick of
r Uurna, who wero married hare last
1 week and started to their homo hy
I auto, had aomo unpleasant experi
ence. About 40 mile out their nuto
I broke down. An effort was mado to
repair It and continue on their Jour
ney,, hut after several days, which
were anything hut salubrious for tho
lioncymooncra, owing to tho severe
wind, they returned to lleml hy the
auto trueka and left yesterday for
Hums In Prank Dibble' car.
Canine, Hound For Ilurnx, Alone
In a Cold World, with No Ilreak
fnt and 91.0ft Against Them,
Thla morning at 10 o'clock or
thereabouts, J. K. Snwhlll waa rout
ed out of bed by a message from the
"There are a lot of dogs hero con
signed to Dill llanley at Hums, care
or you. How about It?" said Mr.
Corbett, the agent.
"What?" said Eawhlll.
"And there are. $1.GS charge,"
added Corbett, after repeating that
the dogs were on hand, needed feed
ing, were marked "perishable" and
should bo rushed through to Ilurna.
fan- ( I'-" aald Sawnlll, who baa
troubles of bla own.
When last seen Sawhlll was hast
ening toward tho depot, with a very
troubled expression, check for tl.CC,
a choice assortment of dog biscuit
and other canine delicacies, and a
atern resolredt la reported) to ship
those dog-gone doga to Hill Juqt aa
soon aa parlor car transportation
could be arranged for.
Inrge Number of lleml People In At
tendance Shooting Cose to Come
up lor Trial ThU Sorbin.
Prlnevllle both this week and last
week has been the mecca for n big
bunch of llend people. Tho attrao
waa by far the best fair yet held at
th oounty .teat. J"I)iro waa a big
Hne af oxhlBltB, and the amHscaient
fiaturea were oxcollont. Chief of
, tllwi0 w sl chrlstofferson. who
Vve datlly exhibition In his aero
plane, too racing wag unusually ex-
rltrn-, too, and the crowds In atten
dance large.
Circuit court 1 In sesalon thla
week, there being many from Hend
at the county seat on this account.
The most Interesting ease on the
docket hi the trial of Carl Lawson for
killing a woman In the redlight Ctr
trlct here. The bawdy house cc i
are also to oeme up .jr heart -.7
There are no Important civil cases oh
the docket from this r i cf the C -trlct.
Among-thoto who went over Mon
day to attend court wro: M. J.
! lanlelsan, George r, HuHuell, JoiJ
. erg. ie .oung, u. u. wie.
'lt-ije Jones, Mr. W. K. V.MIkoy, C.
E. J!yen. C. D. Drown. Dr. II. Fcr
rell, Jim Morrlaon, PranH SuOt.
land, T. Jones, Frank Dalton and
Vernon A. Korbe.
On tho list drawn for the Jury
were E. W. Hlchardson. F. C. I'll
and W. J. McQIllvray of llend.
QC?70 Xsy SC3 'QtTV t!75
CRiienimi OoAwar
From Home
where you arc not known, avoid all trouble in
record to your funds by carrying
These cheques are equally useful for travelers
in America or Abroad. They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants,
who accept them at face Value in
of accounts. They are not available
finder or thief, if lost or stolen.
Let us explain the system.
The First, National
Bank of Bend
Bend, Oregon
Laldlaw, Orange Hall and I'oneli
Hottc Meeting Hear Coc Many
I'lan to Make Trip to .Me.
tollim on Rata rdy,
Meetings at Laldlaw, tho Orange
Hall six miles east of Itond and at
Powell Uutto were tho features of
the Coo campaign during tho last
week. In addition to these, work by
individuals In many section-, of tho
county Is bearing fruit, and report
Indicate that the non-polltlcal busi
ness candidate will run strongly, noc
only In tbia section but In many
Last Wednesday occurred tho
meeting at Laldlaw, presided over by
W. D. names, and attended by wm
35 local men, despite the heavy work
that la In progress on the ranches.
That U.Idlaw recognizes that Coe la
tho candidate of their own section,
and will back him to the limit, wai
Indicated by conversations after the
meeting, and by the work on hla be
half that la being done by a numle
of prominent men In the territory.
Friday night settlers around tho
Orange Hall district gathered to hear
Coe, and despite the fact that It was
one of the worst nights of the year,
with rain and a gale of wind, moro
than B0 people were In attendance.
It was In every way a successful affair
and tho evident enthusiasm of thoua
present showed that tho heavily j
ulated districts east of town will
stand for Coe almost solidly.
Last- nlgbf'ari auto "load' of Hend
men, with Coe. wWoutlo Powell
Hutte. Thanks to tho heavy ralta
with accompanying bad road, plus
auto troubles, the party did not reach
tho school house whoro the meeting
was scheduled until nearly 9 o'clock.
However, even at that lato hour a
dozen ranchers t uracil - out. whlla
many more; had been thoro earlier
and gone home.
Altar the meeting Dr. Coo and the
Itend delegation wete hospitably en
tertalned at-u chicken supper at the
homo of Allen Wllleoxson.
To Metollu Saturday.
Thla Saturday a largo delation oC
Hend people will g to MeVoliua to
participate in "Market Day" then-,
nnd tc- meet tho many farmers who It
is expected will gather from all over
that section.
On Friday. November 1, Bend will
have a final Coo rally here, whea
election day plana will Im gone over.
- " MlVVvUI. A
arZja?79LV aaBBBtBBSa-s--LBlBBBflL CIP