The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 16, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 32.
Veil trill .Oregon Ke llnpld Pace
Willi Pnrincnt' Institute mill
Other Htrnt In Many
Co in in ii ii 1 1 1 r n .
j$ .Tlint Hend i Interested In (hi
muiiy event iielug polled o rr by the
neighboring Control Oregon tuwna
hbh substantially ludlrntcd Inst
Thursday whim iloren (lender
Vuulo tin Journey tu Mndrn to apoiid
it ilny there ilnrlii; tin? farmers' Instl
.uto. Tlii) Institute llBvir wan llm
biggest klml of n succe, according
to nil who went.
Tho nlteudnucu nt tlio Institute In
reckoned nj 180. Aimoiik tliu princi
pal speaker worn W. L, I'd em tintl
V II Hplllmnu, of tliu ngrloulturnl
demonstration stations, both of
aIkuii gavo iiiiioIi valuable, mlvlcu
loucornlng nKrlculturnl methods, a
hkII iin tt'ttortlliu Uiu tliu work nc
eompllshcd durliiK th season liy tlio
farms. Among other thluua, aoinu
(00 lniiilrle hnvo been replied (o,
1000 Interview have been had with
fanner, nml tlio number of weather
tiitliiu lina been doublet!. From 2
to 10 variolic of semis hnvo been
fllstrlhuted atnotiK oino 50 farmer
In various sections of tlm country,
unking them co-oporntlva worker.
J K. Hawhlll, of lltind, secretary
of tliti Central Oregon Development
.engue, whloh la working In con
junction with the O. A. C. moil In
tlio conduct of tlio Institute activities,
also wa n speaker. Among those
who wen nt Mndria from IJond wero
. I. French, V. A. Forbes, IIiikIi
O'Knne. Chile McKay. M. J. Cumie
F (rail. (). M. Ooptll and eight member
of the hand.
.'innj- itirni .vurnri.
Central Oregon la selling a rapid
jutco In the manner of Institute and
other event It Is holdlUK. Friday
'and On turd ay occurred tlm I'otalo
hhow at Itcdmoiid, n splendid in cut
with many Hue product on oxhlbl
Jinn and Inrgo crowd In attendance.
J K Nuwhill wii In slli,iiilniir.
II and iiiiioiik tho othor accomplish
ment of tho meeting report tho
ndoptlon of tho following rt'aolutloti'
, Tluit tint Parmer' liislllutn In
alon nt Itedmund on Octolmr lltli.
fl tl12, hereiiy endorse any movement
that ha for It object tho establish
ment and making ptTinanimt demon
stration fnrina. tmtli dry land and
Irrigated. In Crook eounty nml Hint
tho County Court of Crook oouutv
la horoity respectfully requested to
I'rovlilo tho nocwaary fund for Him
tnbllshmont of audi domonstru
tjon atatlona.
Af llif flllllu 111 ft,., "tftlli ilnnll.M
"Market Hay." with ninny fre at
traction, n IiIk prlxe lUt and a solid .
day of enjoyment. Alrxndy ninny i
IJt'iid pronto hnvo alKiilllod their In
tonllon of IioIiik on hand to enjoy
tho Metnlliia lun. and In nddlll n to j
tho local booNtor who will ko to oo
wlfat tho Mctollu country Ih dolnic, I
It la prolmlli that moat of tho Hend i
Ifand will ho on hand to lend their i
A Farmer's Logic
YWO FARMERS woro illucusulnjr tho
ntlvnnUiKea of n bnnk account from
n fnrmcr's utnntliolnt. "Hut," wild tho
first, "1 am bo far from town It Is In
convenient for mo to como In to do my
bnnklnK." "All tho moro reason," his
compnnlon replied, "why you should
have an account. When you hnvo a
check to deposit simply endorse it over
to tho bunk and mall it to them. They
will credit and receipt you. Then
when you buy nnythlnir pay by check.
That's tho way others pay you. That's
up-to-dato business." Is tho argument
not IorIcuI?
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend. Oregon
Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
D, lUtURHM,, President
II, M, LARA, Caiulcr
1 Dirkctors;
MiHi to the ilny'M nnlnrtultuiinut.
'I ln id do I iimk nt I.h I'Iiih Katuriln.v
urn rlortd wImo hr'. Till Untur
iliiy IIut la to li fnriiivra' Inalltute
Iktk, In Hid nvmiliiK nt ol!il, h( tho
Cotuiiiorilal Chili, wIihii Mm lutui wlm
him ronduetlnK Ihn ileiiioiiHlratlnii
fnrniN, and other ! aiionkura, will
laddroan (ho hohI emtt'il that I ox-
lliKctnd upon hiiIi)ihii) of lutcntil to
nvitr.v runi-hnr uud townamiiii In Con-
Inil Orfiton.
On Friday nftornoou, tlm IStli,
thoro la nil lualltuto nt Hlatora.
Tlio IU-M liter.
Today tho Crook County fnlr
atnrla, ImbIIiik for thrco dua. The
proKrnm. na outlined hy Hocrotnry
On din nud I'rvMiliuil Wllllnmaon, la
hy far tho heat Hint hna over hecn
offored tho pooplo of tho county. Tho
event Hint promla to ho tho moat
uuliiuo la tho filKlit of nil nvlntor.
Thern will ho (ho uaunl excellent
rarea, Me nitrlculturnl and other ox
lillilta nml nil tho ntlrnctloua of n IiIk
cnuiity fnlr. '
From I'nlaley come tho nnnoiiurr
nifiit Hint on the 37tli nud 2Hth of
Uctohor there will ho u two-day 'a
fnrmer' Inatltuto tliuro, with exlilli
Ita, fulr, etc.
,, (J. Hlroudcr nml II. IS. 1'ran.on
Make Ciilliiitliutlc ('oiiiiiirnt fpon
ItClld'n Nlltllllll AkkCtN,
A. O. Htroudor and K. K. I'enraon,
Imukura nud cnpllnllata of Troy,
Ohio, were hero luat week aa KUeata
of I). I", Hunter. For both men till
wna n Drat trio to Hend, and aa Ixitli
are experienced In now countries and
new towua, and aro hrnvy renlty
owner hero, tho expreialon of their
opinion la of particular Importance.
"What do ou think of lletidT '
Their anawora to Hint Ueatlon
would fill several columns, and each
paragraph would ho mora enthual
aatlo than l(a predecessor. For tho
Ohio visitor found Moud oven belter
than they had expected It tu be
nnd, they anld, "wo exMcted It to bo
tho beat lowu In tho I'aolflc North
weal." "Tho combination of timber, water
IMiwor nud tranNrtutlon," aald Mr.
Htrouder, "alone U oiioukIi to Insure
tho detelupment of n Roodly city.
Add to these nl IrrUnled and dry
farm lands, alieep and cnltlo tribu
tary territories, and lleud'n climate,
and to my mind you hnvo tho moat
remurknblv Industrial combination I
ever have encounter). I am fami
liar with western Canada, but no
whero that I know are there better
liivesttuoiil opportuiiltli-s than hero
In llond."
I'rlmv Slants nml Mls Florrnrr
Ban ford KurprUe Their Friends.
IIIvIiik their frlenda hero quit n
surprise, I'rlnre Ktnnla and Mla
Florence San ford worn married nt
I'rluuvlllir Mondny eei.:,. Ilov. J.
IC. Williams, tho Methodist pastor,
performed thP rerc.uony at tho ptr
sonnKo, ufter'whlrh tho )Otina; fopU
drovo by nulo lo lljlld.
Allis S-anford has been with her
moth' r In I'ortland for tho last two
month. 81m met Mr. Btnata In
I'rlnovllln Mouduy and the ceremony
Mr. Hlaata la a natlvo of Hend, he
Iiik n sou of Mr. and Mr, W. I!.
HtaaU, ploueern of Central Oregon.
Tho youiiB rouplo will mako their
homo with Mr. Btnat' parent.
V, O. MINOR, Secretary
Coc U l"norlle Oirr Hprlnnrr.
Tlio llr!;'ionil Vhht Hnya
The II ii I I e I I n llor-n't
Tell the Truth.
Tho Coo oampnlsn I progressing
excellently well. Kori from
mnuy sections continue to ho favor
uhlo, nud while those who aro best
iicuualntcd with tho situation ndnilt
that tho hardest kind of a right will
bo necessary to win out, they be
lieve Hint Coo now has nu ndvnntHKo
over Hprluger, who la conceded to
ho his nearest rival In tho rare.
Tho petition for placing Dr .Coo's
name upon tho hnllol hna been for
wnrdeil lo the county clerk, many
times the necessary number of alg
nature having been secured In
record lime. Many Individual nnd
parties nro getting out Into tho
country, wurxlug for Coo, and n num
ber of meeting have been arranged.
Tonight. Wednesdny, thoro Is n
meeting at Laldlaw at eight o'clock,
when Dr. Coo nnd apeaker from
laldlaw and elsewhere will address
tlio peopm of tho "West Bide."
On Friday, Oct. 18, there will be
a meeting nt tho Orange Hall, some
four miles east of Hend, to which It
Is expected a largo number of Hend
people will go, In addition to a big
representation of settler from tho
adjoining districts,
Tho Howell Dutte meeting occur
on tho evening of Tuesday, Oct. 22.
with several speakers on tho pro
gram. A big attendance la promised
by those lu tho vicinity who nro work
ing for Coe.
Haturdny, October 2C, la "Market
Day' at .Mctollu, nnd n strong dele
gation of local people ptnn to ho
there for tho good time promised
to see tho exhibits nnd lo tnko part
In n meetlnn. Other will go to )
I'lno that day. Other meetlnga will
bo held, nno probably nt or near Al
falfa, Klatern and elsewhere.
On Frldn, November 1, Hend will
hnvo a big get-together meeting nt
the Htnr Theatre. A lot of locul
men will bo heard from, nnd llnnl nr
rnngomeni for turning out n big
vote on the nth will be tnlked over.
Wlint Oilier Hny.
The following clipping, from tho
Terrebonne Oregonlan, expresses an
Indorsement of tho Coo cnndldncy
that apparently la very general:
Dr. Coo cornea Into tho race,
not becnuM ho wnnta tho office,
hut nt tho earnest solicitation of
those who believed that Ida elec
tion would assure tho people of
Crook county a Just nnd impar
tial autnlnlstratlon of county af
fair. Tho doctor has, for tho past
eight year, been a resident of
(ho county nnd I Admirably
qualified to fill the omclal posi
tion to which h'a aupportern.
(Continued on Pago Six).
We nmke n speciiilty of dealing in every arti
cle in the imnlwnre line that is needed in the
construction of rt house, whether it be ft bijef
or n little one. Contractors who figure close
on ii job should get our prices before submit
ting his bid they ure the lowest for the
-quality qf goods we handle.
Also Full Line of Builders' Supplies,
Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P. Smith
Mnuy Hend IVople on ILaml for (food
Time "Hood I toads Judge" I'ruUe
Crook County Candidate Hlg
Crowd Attend Kxrrcle.
Haturdny night the 1-n Pine country,
put n great big "(). K." upon tho
ouudldncy of If. C Coe for the county
Judgeship nt n meting held lu tho
Just-completed new homo of tho La
Fine Commercial Club. Through
tho courteous Invitation of tho I.a
Fine people, Hend participated ex
tensively In the official opening of
tho new hrill, noma 25 people going
from hero by auto nnd Joining In tho
uudleticQ that first listened to
speeches nud later danced, chiefly to
tlio music of an orehestra from
llond, whloh contributed It services
to tho occasion. About l&U pcoplo
were present.
While tho primary occasion for tho
meeting wna the opening of tho new
hall, by tho Imitation of the Ii
I'lno officials, Dr. Coe, tho non-poll-Ileal
candidate for the county Juorw
job, wa asked to be the principal
apeaker of tho evening. The (nic
tated attention accorded Mm, and his
evident popularity with the audlone
showed be) ond question that In tho
1-4 lino territory the vote will bo
prcitlcally solid for him.
Kxamplo I lauded.
The first speaker waa J. K. Saw.
hill, secretary of tho Central Oregon
Development league, who called at
tention to the notable, example that
l-a Fine 1 setting a Illustrated by
tho opening of a Commercial Club
home, built hy Commercial Club
members on Commercial Club owned
ground. Ho was followed by O. I'
Putnam, who, together with Mr. Saw
hill, told of the "wonderful results
being accomplished throughout tho
Interior by co-operative work along
agricultural nnd development line,
and then had n word to say concern
ing the candidacy of Dr. Coe, In
which he dwelt UKn the fact that
today, In national and especially In
local Klitlca, voter arc casting their
bnllnts for Individual whom their
Judgment advise aro fit candidates,
luatead of voting blindly, a often
In the past, for any man who hap
pened to bo a "regular imrty" candi
date. Beorotary K. It. Hill of tho U
Pino Commercial Club, the presiding
officer, Introduced Dr. Coo, warmly
Indorsing hla candidacy and recall
ing hi progressive record. Intimate
familiarity with county-wide condi
tion and his proved bur' :- ability.
Dr. Coo himself s;oko Uleft. . out-
llnlnir thn cnnnrnl (viiir ha 1 ,i i
to follow should he bo elected; the'
construction of good roads, an
equable division of road funds, and,
nbove nil, a careful business admin
istration, coupled with full publicity
regurdlng" county matter, was tho
(Continued on pa go seven)
Tin; ileclltliift hiiiiih of I'm
uoiIiI'm cliniiiplmiolilp hiik-ba
"'rle, il(t HiU nflrriiooii ill
Itoiloit, iohiiIK'iI In it tlclory
for Hip llril Kov, Iry score of 2
lo I, Till hfH Itonioii four
Kiimes lo Sew VoikV llirep nml
pill-, tlio eniiiint In Hie Hull
ivwt.MmtH Mwrr hati'iiiiav.
Tho toml-monthly meeting of the
Formers' Hduoatlonal and Co-Oper-atlvo
Union will be held In the hall
over Urn' store at 1:30 o'clock
next Saturday afternoon. Secretary
Colo K. Smith urges all memlxir to
Hliot Fired by Fanatic Doe Not I'rc-
irnt Gritty Candidate From Ail.
ilrrooliiK Milwaukee Audleirce.
HULUrri.N. 2 P, M. Telegraphic
advice Just received from Chicago
report that Colonel Hooscvelt I do
ing well; that the wound I not es
pecially dangerous, and that little
fenr regarding tho safety of the pa
tient la felt. The Colonel will con
tinue his strenuous campaign.
On Monday night, shortly before
S o'clock, Colonel Theodore Ilooso
vclt was shot by an assassin nt Mil
waukee, Wis., Just as he stnrtcd to
tho auditorium to addres an audience.
Despite his wound, the. Colonel made
his )ecch, and later proceeded to
Chicago, under medical oare. The
would-be murderer was John Schrenk
of New York, a fanatic regarding the
third terra.
The bullet Imbedded Itself in the
muscular tissue near the stomach.
That It was not fatal Is due to the
fact that It passed through the manu
script of a speech and a heavy over
coat before reaching the body of Its
Intended victim.
Procreshe Handier llcllcrr Candi
date' Flection Would He of Great
lleueflt to Agricultural Intern!.
Enthusiastic endorsement from an
Influential farmer came this morning;
for the Coe candidacy, when Dr. P.
II. Dencer, the well known and pro
gressive rancher who has been promi
nent in settlers' affairs on tho irri
gation segregation, "lined up" with
Coe. Dr. Dencer will go to Laldlaw
tonight, where he will speak, and will
also be heard from at the O ran go
Hall meeting Friday nnd at Metollus.
"I am for Coe. first, last and all
the time," said Dr. Dencer, "and I
believe every thoughtful furmer In
this section and In every district of
tho county will agree with mo. TMs
I not a matter of personal itKc or
dislikes, nnd I don't telUve an. e
will be foolish enough to bite off hla
awn nose to spite his Dr. Cuo
ha set a splendid example b? the
work be has done for nsrlcultural
'(ctterment; he I progrtsslvo and he
i first class business man. Alto, he
n- s more about the need of
rtaua than any roan I know. If we
elect Coe 1 believe It will mean niTe
for the farmers thnn anything jet
done In county matters."
Several doxen hats Just received
at Mrs. lllnck's millinery shop.
CHieiii&u Gowa
Trom Home
where you are not known, avoid all trouble in
regard to your funds by carrying
These cheques ore equally useful for travelers
in America or Abroad, They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants,
who accept them at face value in
of accounts. They are not available to
finder or thief, if lost or stolen.
Let us explain the system.
The First National
Bank of Bend
Itond, Oregon
PROVEMENTS Kleclrlc and Water Systems Will bo
l.'nlnrgnl to Meet (.'rowing
Need of Towis Immedi
ate Outlay $2,500.
Further Improvements In tho
water and electric lighting systems
of Hend are to bo commenced imme-
jdlatcly, Including the erection of
electric wiring In two additions and
I the laying of a considerable amount
I of water mains, says J. P. Keycs, of
the IJ. W. L. U P. Company. Tho
outlay of the work that Is to bo put
through at once Is In excess of J2,
(500. Larger improvements are be-
Ing planned, and will be nnnounced
I shortly.
A pole line for electric light wires
Is to tie erected from tho Cold Stor
age plant eastward on D avenue to
Ninth street, with branches as re
quired, serving Wlestorla. In Des
chutes addition, to the south, the
elecuic service will be continued
from St. Helens drive along front
street to Mountain View, along It to
liond", and along llond to the city
limits, and extensive water Improve
ment will be made In this direction
A hydrant will he installed at the
Intersection of the alley that goes
westward from Wall street Jut north
of the old Pilot Ilutte stable property
and the alley paralleling Wall street.
On Ohio street 450 feet of six-Inch
main will be laid from llond to Lava
road. At thjs new terminal jiolnt. and
at the corner of KcntuckyVand Front
streets, hydrants will he .Installed, on
ordered recently by tho City Coun
cil. A pipe line is to le laid from
Greenwood avenue along Ninth street
to Fir, and along Fir for several
The company, says Mr. Keyes, ia
preparing the gravel, sand, etc, for
the construction of Its new $40,000
power houso, the first unit planned
in Its big modern plant, and tbe ce
ment has been ordered. With this
work, and that upon tho water and
light systems. It is annarcnt that tho
I labor expenditure In this direction
alone will he very heavy during; the
coming months.
Dr. Corby was called to Deschutes
Tuesdny to assist In coduotlng tho
funeral of Israel Van Dyke, who died
Tuesday. Mr. Van Dyke, father of
Mr. W. V. Howard of Deschutes,
was 73 years old and -hod arrived in
Central Oreton only a short tlmo be
fore his deatv.. He had been in a
hospital in Iowa bad came here with
the hope that the cnairi In cllmato
would benefit him. The fmeral waa
ec-ici-ctcd by Rev. Mr. Harrey, tho
Presbyterian minister nt Hcduond,
and Dr. Corby. Interment was mado
at the cemetery at Hodmen 1. J. D.
Davidson attended tho funeral with
Dr. Oorby.