The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 25, 1912, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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All Our Seed b
Information for
Itvory Issuo of Ttio Hullo
tin rooonli tho progress of
Control Oregon nnd tlio lleml
country. If ou nro n homo
seokor looking for a now lo
cution, or own property lit
this toatlon, thoro Is no bettor
way to bocomo acquainted
llli, or kcop Kiitoil on, what
la being ilono In thla part of
tho world than by mailing
thla paper regularly, Bund
In your subscription nt onco,
o aa not to miss anything of
what la going on In thla Mr,
resourceful country t h I a
Kroat Inland omplro that haa
I now boon opened for dovolop-
mont by two treat railroad
I aatoma.
HIJ.I la located 166 mllca aouth
of tho Columbia lllver, on tho banka
at tho Deschutes, at tho Urmlnua ot
tho lilll and llarrlinan rallroada.
Geographically, It la practically In
tho very conter of Oreson. Econo
mically, Ita location la unsurpassed,
for Ilend atandi bosldo tho greatest
(tower producing stream in tho North
wet, wbero rallroada, water-power
and timber flrat moot, and surround
ed, by tho groatoit Irrigation segre
gation In Oregon, wth counUeaa
mtllloni or-' acres of gralu landa
The City Itself.
Tho estimated population of Itond
today U 1700, lta nltltudo In 3000
foot, with n ollmato tual la practically
Ideal. Winter and aumuior, tho
tvonthcr la niORnincont, thu tomporn
turo rarely going bolow xoro unit
only twco, dmlng tho lait threo
summers, bolng higher than 100 do
roos. Tho hlghost tomperaturo ovor ro
cordod la 102 dogrooa. At thla nltl
tudo, In tho dry cllmnto, actual
tinrmful froozlng dooa not occur nt
33 dogrooa but at 2 dogrooa.
Govcrninont records show nn
nvornco nnnuul itroclnltntlon of 10
Inches with nn averago yoarly of
S20 Bunny daya. That monna onnugti
rain for tho farmer, lota of bltio aky
and bright aunahlno, no oppressive
hoat, and climatic oivronnont that
yos Nature' every possible jhnce
to get tho boot results from man and
nand. has four . churches, many
fbonovolent societies, splandld grade
ohoola amd a Win aehoot whos
C. I. BOZELjL, Manager
Thoroughly Cleaned and
the Homeseeker
grndimtoa nro admitted to the Stnto
University without examination, ex
cellent banka, tho beat equipped
and stocked storvs ot any town of
twlcu tho Uo In Oregon, brick yard,
ttonn quarried, lour and lumber
nillla, a criHimory, cold atorago
plants, atonin laundry, nowapapur,
wull appointed hntoli, and, ludood,
able reprisotitatlvua ot ovory clnat
of ntorprlso.
In other worda, Itond ta well
equipped, modern and progressive
with n lot of wldo-awako men who
hnvo apent good money dovoloplng
tho town, and who are Rotting good
returna on their Investments.
Ilond haa tho beat water In tho
tnto, and an oxccllent modorn water
ayatom, which Include! up-to-dato
firo protection.
Ilend'a atrocta and homea are well
lighted by electricity, which la fur
nished from a new plant which coat
100,000 to build and equip.
A local and long dlttanco tele
phono, as Wfll aa telegraph, aro
othor Items n Ilend'a metropolitan
Work la undor way on n $80,000
aewer ayatom.
There are moro boautlful real
doncca In Ilond, proportionately to
the population, than in any othor
town In tho West.
Everywhere there aro well made
and well kept aldewnlka,"the atreeta
nro maintained In tho best condition
and aro lit with powortul nrc lights,
giving tho town tho heat street light
ing of any In Oregon. With tho
many bonutlfiil vlowa of mountains,
rlvor and timber, tho magnificent
trees acnttorod genormiBly through
out tho residential districts, nnd thu
wonderful cllmnto, Ilond loaves llttlo
to bo desired by those who sook
Idoul placoa in which to live,
In Octobor, 1011, tho III1I nnd
Hnriimnn railroad systems com
pleted to Ilond tholr Oregon Trunk
and Deachutos linos. Ilend Is tho
tornilnua of both of theso roada.
Tho hnndsoma dopot, eroctod with
native atono, nnd tho boat oqulppod
warehouse In tho stnto, Indicate In
whnt Importance tho railroad com
panies hold Ilond.
An oxtonslvo distributing business
nlroady Is being conducted from
Ilond, to tho country smith nnd
anuthonst. nnd with th" regular oper
ation pf automobile truck linos, the
vplttmo'ot this bushiest Is "Vastly In
creasing, Practlcsllv nil nt western Harney
county, and northern Lake and
- -
Graded by Special
----- .... 4
Klamath, will get supplies In by way
of ilend, nnd in return will export
via Ilond enormous clips ot wo
In connection with this lattor pro
duct and Its shlpmont here, tho rail
roads hnvo nnnounced that ovory
June thero la to bo a regular wool
aalo nt Ilond. This moans that wool
from nil over Intsrlor Oregon will
bo colluctod hero, that buyers will
come hor. that thousands of sheep
will bo sheared horo, nnd that, In
tho vory near future, woolen mllln
will bo established.
In nil surveys that hnvo been
nittito for n branch Hill roud to the
southeast, to command connection
with altlllated roads and nn outlol
In that direction, Ilend has bcou
tuiido tho terminus point.
A Cnroy Act Irrigation segregation
ombraclng approximately 300,000
acres, Ilea to tho east and north of
Ilond. This land Is watered under
tho aupervlslon of tho Stnto of Ore
con, and becomes the property of
sotllera who acqulro It by residence
and Improvement, paying from lf
to $40 an acre for wator service,
with an annual malntenanco charge
ot 30 to 80 cents an acre, the lowest
maintenance rata In operation.
Non-lrrlgable acreage Is purchssed
at $2.50 an acre.
Directly adjoining Ilend are two
other irrigation enterprises, both
conductod on a farmers' co-oneratlvo
basis, and both exceedingly prosper
ous. On tho Irrigated-lands all tho pro
ducts of tho temporato xone proBpor.
Tho soil und climate, however, are
particularly ndaptod to tho success
ful production of grasses and root
crops. Alfalfa, clovor, grain, pota
toes nnd other root crops. Includlug
sugar hoots, do romnrknbly woll,
Tho yield ot butter fat from tho
grasses is exceptionally groat, and
this, combined with tho pure soft
wator, nnd tho lack of oxccsslvo hont
and cold, dostlnos this torrltory to
tako tho front rank as a dairy
country. Tho establishment of a
largo creamory at Iloud, and tho aid
given farmers In aocurlng fine cowa
by tho local banka, moans that a man
with forty acros who will raise grass
and food It to his cowa will be as
surod of n comfortablo living.
Work Is now In progress upon a
groat new Irrigation canal, known aa
the North Canal, which will Irrigate
soma 50,000 acres, ot land, The
canal gets its water from tho Des
chutes, Dry Fnrmlnjr.
Tributary to Ilend on the south
east la a huge dry farming aroa, em
bracing more than 260,000 acres of
lavol nnd rolling sago brush land,
with (loop soil, no trees and rocks,
nml with woll water obtalnablo nt
inodornto depths.
Much of this territory hns boon
nettled by homesteaders during tho
last year, nnd many fnmlllos nre
dally taking ndvntitugo of this Inst
big cliuco to got frvo Government
land. Tho majority of tho ucrongo
Is open to homostendlng under the
320 noro Inw, which allows tho free
acquisition of that amount In return
fur residence nnd proportional annual
cultivation nnd Improvement. Tho
homestead laws nro being made
easier nod moro attractive, with the
result that more nnd moro settlors
come to Ilend nnd mnko homes on
this lnnd tributary to tho town.
Ootid roads extend through this
country, nnd dally auto nnd singe
lines tsp It from Ilond, to which Its
products will come on down grnde
(inula to bo nilllod with tho Inex-
hnustlblo water power of tho Des
chutes Itlver Immediately below
Ilond, whore n darn Is bolng con
structed nt n cost of nbout $60,000.
Thu work In connection with this
summer1 development of the new
canal will require nit expenditure
of $17t, 000. All of this money will
bo spent oloso to Iteiid. Tho entire
system will require approximately
$700,000 to complete.
Tributary to Ilend. on down grade
hnuls, Is 20,000,000,000 feet or tho
finest yellow plno timber. Besides
providing tho cheap power for tho
milling of this enormous timber bolt.
Ilend offers tho best ot mill pond
Tho manufacture of this timber
nt Ilond Is n cortulnty, for tho largest
of tho companies Interested nre
heavy property ownprs in Ilend lands
and wnterpowor developments, and
havo slgninod their Intention of lo
cating their big mills here.
At present thdro aro sovcrn)
smaller mills,, employing In tho
neighborhood of ISO mon. Whllo
these manufacture lumber primarily
for locnl consumption, not only nro
many carloads exported to tho towns
north of Ilond, but nlso many aro
shipped to the mlddlo western mar
kets, which later wilt bo supplied
hcuvlly with tho Ilend lumber pro
ducts. Water Power
Thoro Is nt least 250.000 horse
power onslly obtainable from the
Deschutes nt and near Ilend.
Already a 1700 horsepower plant
Is in operation In tho town, which
offora ns cheap electric power for
domestic and manufacturing uses aa
la obtalnablo in tho Northwest. The
Inoxhnustlblo and cheap power at
her doors guarantees fiend's oxton
slvo manufacturing future.
Tho man who cornea to Ilond or
the adjacent sections of Contral Ore
gon will bo agreoably aurprlsod at
the plonsant aurroundlngs ho will
encountor, both In what nature haa
supplied and in social matters.
For Instance, a University Club
recently was organised In Ilond with
3C charter membors. That Indicates
tho character of tho men who aro
building up Central Orogon.
Tho sportsman will find tho Rend
country a verltnblo paradlio. Fish
ing In tho Deschutes Is a famous
tttractlon, that river's glnnt trout
ringing sort lovers from all parts
if tho Northwest. Deer, bear, rab
iltn sago hens, ducks, gcoso, swans
ind other gamo afford ainplo recro
itlon for tho out-door lover along
tho river and In tho foothills.
Canoeing nnd boating directly at
Ilond nnd up tho broad reaches of tho
Deschutes, coupled with excellent
uito roads, horso back riding possi
bilities without ond, and near by
snow clad mountain peaks, combine
noar Ilend Interest for every sort ot
nature lover and health seeker.
How to Get Here
From Portland take elthor tho
"North Hank Ilnllrond" or the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navi
gation Co. ayatom direct to Rend.
Tho faro la $7.45. Through tlcksts
from all Kastern points aro good
directly to Rend. Tho routo up the
Doachutca Canyon is tho most strik
ingly beautiful railroad trip In the
Northwest, and, say lovers ot flno
scenery, la In Itself well worth the
There are towus huvlnjf good sum
mer climates.'
There aro towns having good
Thoro aro towns " at tho right
Thoro nro towns having attractions
for the outdoor onthuslttit.
Thoro nro towns having building
Thero nro towns having brick
Thero aro towns bavin sr lrrlimtpd
Thero nro towns having timber.
There aro towns having mills and
Thoro nro towns having wator
There nro towns having great tribu
tary areas. v
Thero nro towns which nro terminals
of two rntlroadi.
.But whore Is thoro a town having
toll of those advantages?
BEND Is such a town.
AtaUMftlH why If will pay you, "ho
mauer whether you .are an Investor,
a homesoflker, buatnoss man or tourist,
to InvoHtltrate what Rend and tho ad
jacent country lias to offer vou.
Hnvo tho pennies, save tho nlckles
Hnvo tho dimes and dollars too
Don't bo telling you uro Imrd up
llroko for what you hnvo run thru.
Out of debt nnd out of worry
Is tho motto you should post
If In nil you are consistent
Folks will think you are a host.
O. O. P. hns been tho standard
Unit Khccp lend In nil tho frny
Hut the man with grit and gumption
Is tho man that clears the way.
Clears the oobwobs from their
HmlleH nt fortunes new or old
On tho skirmish lino ho flgurM
Oft he sells but seldom sold.
Stand nt Ilend, look eastward, west
ward, Bouthwnrd, northward If you llko
Catoh tho vision of, the future
Now my lad's tho tlmo to strike.
Fllo upon the fertile land sr
DrlVo tho corners firm and deep
If you lire within your means sir
Boon broad ncreg you will reap.
Mnko ryo mush nnd mnko ryo noodles
Mako rye coffco nnd rye broad
Mnko good bscult from your ryo sir
And you'll live whllo some nre
Get n cow, a pig, a hn Mr
Hyo and bunchgrass chcmccso
Boon you'll hnvo a sumptuous living
And you'll stand upon your feet.
On your feet with cash for fruit trees
Cash for things that others lack
Drones who always look through
Will see where they left tho track.
Now If thoso who left their claims sir
Wondering, ask you how! and
You can simply tell them frankly
It was Just by eating rye.
Stick to tho homestead
Stick to tho ryo
Don't bo a baby
It Is not nlco to cry.
If you get those acros
Now Just whllo you can
Ixing before your mother
You will bo a man.
Receipts for tho week havo lcon:
Cattle, 888; calves, 43; hogs, 3I3S;
sheep, 6214. Cattle recoipts have
fallen oft about half since last week,
but the supply has equal to the
demand so no advance In prices
Poorer grado is oft a:out 2Sc, but
trade steady on good stuff, 7c on
good steers, cowa still around Cc,
good heifers $0.25 and spayed stuff
$0.00. Seven cars of good mixed
Hcrcfords on the market todsy. The
big receipts of hogs knocked the
price from $9.25 to $8.65. Soma
stubblo fed California hogs were re
ceived and sold for less thsn local
hogs and It tho heavy arrivals con
tinue tho prlco msy go fo $8.50. Tho
sheep supply haa been heavier also,
but the domsnd Is good and good
wethers are selling all tho way from
$4.50 to $4.60. Trimmed fat lambs
$5.50 to $5.75 and a few extremely
fat at 6c, weighing 99 lbs.
Tho Ilond Rrlck Company desires
to call special attention to the ad
vantage of using brick for cistern
and similar work. It Is tho most
economical and the most satis
factory material. 22tf
Blank Notes
Rent Books
Receipt Books
Sales Contracts
Crook County Maps
Central Oregon Maps
Scratch Pads
Township Plats
Cruisers' Books.
We take orders for
Rubber Stamps.
Premium I.Nt Khuuld If Kturilnl to
Determine In Which Class Product
Will be Hnlcml Xealnrm In
Arrangement In Important.
(Asst. BtipU Demonstration Farms.)
Ono ot the first things to do when
considering tho selection of speci
mens for exhibition purposes Is to
secure a premium list and determine
In what classes you wish to exhibit.
If you hnvo already made your se
lection of material, study your pre
mium list very carefully and dotor
mlno In what class your exhibits will
stand the best opportunity of winning
a place. Kntry of specimens In tho
wrong class often prevents tho win
ning of a premium which otherwlso
might bo secured If properly entered.
No matter what your exhibit con
sist of, put It up in as neat a manner
as possible Try to make your dis
play attractive. If you hare grains
or grasses, put them Into neat
bundles, strip oft" all loose leaves that
tond to make It look ragged, cut off
tho stems so as to make a nest
squnro butt. Try to havo only ono
vnrlety In a bundle and ordinarily
but ono bundle of a variety. Take,
rcprosentativo specimens of a
With potatoes, take stndoth, clean
specimens, handle carefully and If
exhibiting In crates, mako them as
attractlvo as possible Put up a
business pack. With apples, try to
secure perfect specimens. Always
try to keep from pulling out the
stems; If, however, they aro missing,
don't try to put In artificial ones.
Tho moro highly colored, tho bettor.
In short, one may say: Handlo alt
your exhibits as carefully as though
they were eggs. Have them clean
and free from blemishes and bruises.
Put them np as attractively as pos
sible. Name them correctly and try
to have tnem entered at tho fair on
Notice Is hereby given by' tho
undersigned that she has made and
Died with tho Clerk of the County
Court of Crook County, Oregon, her
Final Accouut as Admlnlatratrix ot
the Estato of Elsie R. Riley, deceased,
and that said County Court has set
Monday, the 4 th day of November,
1912. at 10 o'clock a. m. at the
County Court room In Prlnevllle.
Oregon, aa the time and place for
the hearing and settlement ot aald
Final Account, nt which tlmo and
place any person Interested In said
Estate may appear and object to said
Dated this 25th day of September.
Administratrix ot tho
Estate ot Elsie R. Riley,
C, S. Demon, Attorney for
Administratrix. 29-32
Selling Agents for
Aubrey Heights
The most beautiful resi
dence property In Bend. Only
6 to 8 blocks from business
center on easy terms.
i naa
Fire, Accident and Liability
Surety Bonds. ,.
All classes of Real Estate.
Orejron Street.
Sanitary Plumbing
Promptly Attended to.
Postolflco Uux No. 171
-J L.
Roofing of all kinds. Repairing
promptly done.
Furnace Contractor
Guttering:, Spouting,
Cornices and Skylights.