Mcnrt. xnw itKNn nui.t.KTJN, hend, vrink.way, BnrtRHiren oar, iiriaf. -- -- - -- - "------ - I V CENTRAL C4. -... --- - WANTED A good, llvo corespondent Is want ed by Tho nullottn at tlto following places: Prlncvlllc, Hcdmond, Sis tors nnd Mtlllcan Vnlloy, to send In news Items and act as our agents. Liberal pay. Address, llullctln, Ucnd, Oregon. --- CRESCENT I CRESCENT, Sept. 21 P. II, Funk returned from Portland last week, 0. W. Anderson spent Sunday with his fanitljr. John Knott, road suprovlsor for northern Klamath county, is hero to begin worlt on tho road south of Crescent Ranger Matin Is in from Diamond Peak to remain for tho winter, Josoph L. ltlngo, F. V. Tattcn nnd E. A. Marshall camo In from Camp Lonroth Monday. Mr. Patten left on Tuesday's stago for Portland. Mrs. C. W. Long, Misses Maynio nnd Dorothy Anderson. William O. Ilarrlman Mid donnau C. Hlch con stituted an enthusiastic party who climbed Odcll Ilutto Sunday. Fay Howard has returned to Cnmp Lonroth with supplies and machinery for the Hunter Land Co. J. II. Katon went through with him on his way to Ited llluir, Cal. Raymond P. Abbott, Luman C. Hlch and Walter Hunt are nt Heaver Marsh for j few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wenandy, L. F. Wakefield, Mrs. Sutherland and It. O. IxKlcr were at Crescent and Odell lakes this week In Mr. Wc nandy's oar. L. F. Wakefield, manager of the Crescent Townsite Co.. is here, as sisted by Hnglneor Robert Gould, laying out an SO-acro addition to tho present townsltc. Marshall C. Hayes and Paul Fror dlg, assoc'ated with tho forestry de partment during the past summer, have returned to tho Oregon Agri cultural College at Corvallls to re sume their studies. P1NEHURST PINEHUItST. Sept. 21. Road Supervisor Root returned from Rod mond Wednesday, where bo has been Improving the roads. Charles McDermott mado busi ness trip to Ilcnd Thursday. Mr. ShacklcL from Tumalo was a caller In tho neighborhood Wednes day. Mrs. M. A. Everett, mother of Mrs. J. L. Couch, arrived Tuesday from Los Angeles, Cal. John Haaellerg and son aro mak ing hay on their farm In the Couch neighborhood. O. W. Saydor made a business trip to Laldlaw Monday. A. McAllister and family woro do ing business In Ilcnd Thursday. Mahlon Couch arrived Thursday night from Goshen, Ore., where ho has been visiting with his sister. Chas. Sjiaugh went to Ilcnd Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Couch spent Monday in Redmond. A number of Plnehurst residents attended tho fair in Laldlaw Satur day. Mrs. John Hasselberg. who has been conflnod to her bed with rheu matism lor some time, is reported a little better. Jay Nlcboui, who has been baling hay for Cuauncey Decker, returnod Friday night to spend tho week-end with his mother. Mrs. Geo. Wlmer of Tumalo called on Mrs. John Hasselberg Sunday. HAMPTON. - ---4 HAMPTON, Sept. 17 A. B. Fog. V. T, Harrison and Uurr Wack re turned from Hend Sunday, Mr, Wack brought in a load for A. T, Shaver's well drilling outfit. Mrs. 15. F, Ilassett, son and mother, Mrs. Flake, left for Ucnd the 15th, whero they expect to bo for a few weeks. L. C. Peck seeded 20 acres to ryo during tho last week. .Miss Kthcl Fogg left for Portland last Wednesday, whore sho expects to attend school during the winter. J. N. Crow and H. C. Miller lofi hero Friday morning expectjiia t 9 haul freight fsreynJVrMuK' o Lake county, t Messrs:. Harrison, llluck and PecK'left today for tho name purpose, Lee and Louis Miller aro out and nt work with their baling outfit In the vicinity of Deud. Mr. Qllham Is in Prlneville gettliyd uis seen rye. It is rumored that relinquishments nro selling for big prices In this neighborhood. One man was offered J1000 for, bis 320-acre homestead and ,refu8qd without hesitation, Mrs. "W. McConnell of Imperial was a Hampton visitor last Monday. OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - - - - - - - - - - - -------- t POWELL BUTTE -- POWELL 11UTTE, Sept. 23 A meeting was hold nt tho Shepherd schoolhnuso last week to plan where by the great amount of farm produce raised horo might bo satisfactorily disposed of, especially tho largo po tato crop. Uort Reynolds and Will Drown aro running Leo Hobb's tinier this season. Walter Foster's attractive bunga low cottngo la now completed nnd tho carpenter, Kd Persson, nan gone ovor on Crooked river to do somo carpentering for Mlko Mayfleld. Frank Dayn Is hauling his wheat to tho milling company at Dond. Mrs. A. D. Morrill returned Inst week from a trip to tho John Day country for fruit. Mrs. W. A. Dntea of Dond accompanied hor over, but returned with hor fnthor K. W, Taylor, who has a largo fruit ranch near Mitchell. -- i --"- I LAIDLAW -- LAIDLAW, Sept. 24 Tho fair wui a decided success this year and re flected great credit on tho ladles of tho West Sldo, who were ably sup ported by tho Development League Everybody was proud of tho fruit exhibit the fruit was fine In slxo and quality and tho flavor excellent. Tho ladles served lunch, Ico cream and cake all afternoon and tho re liits . tfOU.NE.lLL. t Because Its tnailo ilffht. skilled nlow exnerta whoso enu&l ctnnnt bo found Iii tory in tho world. There aro many different 1.m e9 rtlnwa jm,,!, Tifm!nf In Im tlin liral vpt tho fact remains that tltrco John Deero plows nro In use to ono of any other iorv. tha larccst in tho world, plows than any flvo other factories combined. Standard of the World For Over Tho rionccr Plow Maker, John band from the ulado of a saw in ltU7. Tho flrrt slab or steel roiled in tho United States was rolled for tho Woods, or l'ltttuurg. in 1840. Deero Plows have shown tho way great national industry. Is it any world ex press Mieir rnuct in uecro--ii'a Kisnt.- Wo mako over 1000 styles can bo maUc, the veal tnat ment can produce. Ko be. wo can supply H. J. EGGLESTON THE COMING Hog Center s fmmmrJF All indications point toward Hend as the center of a profitable and extensive bog raising section. Tho cli matic conditions of this section aro Ideal, Shipping facilities mako rapid transportation at low cost possible, Farmers will do well to look into tho hog raising busl- jSjjpcss as It Is a paying one. "y Getting the largest profit oht of a pig, requires simply proper feeding to dovolop tho greatest amount of weight in the shortest tlmo, on the most economical feed. FOR THIS PURP08K, FEBD UNION MEAT COMPANY'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Union Meat Company's Digester Tankage dovolops bone and musclo in young pigs, and makes thorn grow. It prevents rheumatism, thumps and rlckotts. It im parts such fit and flnlsh (o "show" swine' and' market l hogs that It lias won tho tltlo, "The food that makes Prize 'Winners and Market Toppers." -, Unlotr Meat Company's Dlgestor Taukftfi. la'the most economical feed obtainable. KxporlmeMtaayo. howri' that 1 worth of Dlgestor'TaJnkaeo puts more weight on to n. boKnaq tl wdj;tiotany other kind of food. , v'-V DfgcMterTahkago Is a concentrated Protein Meal. ' ,It'la made from fresh, wholesomo plecoa of meat trimmed from beef. It Is shipped In tho form of n meal which makes It easily mixed In mash feeds. Shipped In con venient 100 pound sacks. Keeps indefinitely. Digester Tankage has beon trlod and recommended nnd is now being used by best growers and authorities in the Northwest. . It Ib becoming more popular evory day. It will pay you to know moro about It. Send at once for circular No. 49. UNION MEAT COMPANY NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON Central Oregon Brokerage Co. 9 V5s DISTRIBUTORS. Ilcnd, Oregon. - - - - ceipts for tho day were JIOMR. Tho Pioneer Cream Co. donated n ton gallon freexer of Ico cream to tho ladles for which tho Indies nud the Development League wish to thank tho donors through tho columns of The Dond llullctln, R. C. Cunningham nnd wife of Santiago, Cat., were among tho ninny visitors Saturday who helped mnko tho fair n pleasant nnd profitable succors. Mr. Cunningham Is look ing around with a view to locating, W. K. Sandol nnd George Snyder went to Dond Monday on business. Mr, Snndel began baling hay today. L. II. Root nnd family wont to Dond Monday. Mrs. Flshor arrived In laldlaw Friday ovonlng. Sho Is tho wife of tho local merchant. Gcorgo Flshor. Tho Laldlaw Dramatic Co. was a howling success Saturday night In tho farco, "The Dressing Gown." Grovcr Gorklng manipulated tho dressing gown very artistically and his falls woro both full of grace nnd from Grnco considering tho way ho threw his wife, Mrs. D. C. Cady, nnd his daughter, Miss Mnrgnret Mock, Into tits of rage nnd floods of tear. Tho butler, Jack Wlmer, nud tho matd, Miss Fay (lurking, were also caught In tho tldo of passion nnd nnd a lover's quarrel. Hut after tho much-Insulted wlfo had out n foot or two of goods from tho bottom of tho offending gown, mid tho daugh ter, not knowing of tho shortening, had also taken off a foot or so more, then IhiIIi survnnts following suit, ponco was restored and a very stylish Eton Jacket was tho result. Hron a Deere imaiu br a force of ncr other nlow fac kind, Tho John Deero Fac- turns out cvenr year inoro 60 Years Deere, mado his first steel plow ly John Dcrro plows by William Ana ever since inoso cariy-osys and maintained tho lead in this wonder that the farmers of tho wo jomuisr punuc, u or plows, cacn as gcoa as it brains and poriect equip matter wnat your neeus may Uiem irom our unc. J r - - - - Cady, as Miss Mock's lovor. quite "extinguished" himself In tho last net. Miss Ellon Crawford nud Miss Dora Ford furnished tho music, which all enjoyed, both young Indies liolntr vnr nfllnloiit uiimlnlniiH. 't'lin until "Mr IWnliin Dnii.i liv Mliill Nellie J nines, and "Tho Plrnto Chief." by Ncal Ray, woro greatly enjoyed, nnd tho Laldlaw quartet, consisting of Ncal Ray, Rny (lorktug, Grover Gerklug nud Mr, Hnrr. sang "When tho Dow Is on tho Rose" nnd uucoru "Tho Daisies Won't Toll." Tho boys are nil good singers and did lino, Roy Winters and A. F. Cutting hnm woro in Laldlaw Inst week from tho "high dcHorl" buying supplies and n seeder npleco from G. W, Horner. Mr, Winters Intends to sow wheat this fnll, Ho la very en thusiastic ovor some recent experi ments. Ho will also enlarge his houso nnd build n barn. L. II. Root nud family wero In town Sunday morning looking nt thu exhibits as they were unable to at tend tho fair Saturday, Rev. A. O. Walker of Alfalfa closed his year's ministry hero last Sunday but hns offorcd to fill the pulpit again two weeks from that time when It Is hoped to hnvo ar rangements mado to keep him next year. i REDMOND i - 4 REDMOND. Sept. S3 Presiding II, O, Perry will be hero Friday ovc nlnr to hold thu first quarterly con ference. I A boy wns born to Mr. and Mrs. ndrow Sears Monday morning, Mr Ferris' mother came from Lllensburg, Wash., to mnko him nil cxtonslvo visit. A reception was given In the M E. church Inst Wednesday for Rev and Mrs. Crenshaw. A good pro gram was Hindered nnd light refresh ments wero sorved, Mrs. Clem Drown, who underwent an operation two weeks ngn, Is now refuted on the road to recovery. It Is understood that Mr. Hush Is to erect n fine house on A nnd 1st streets In tho near future. The foundation Is now being laid. A recoptlon was given nt tho home of Mesdnnies Fry and Dtttumoio last Friday ovonlng in honor of Mr. nnd Mrs, Perry Itccdy, alxiut SO peoplo bolng present, flames woro played during tho evening nnd liefore tho guests departed luncheon was served. Tho Itedmond Robokah lodge was entertained by tho Prlnovlllu lodge Friday, Sept. SO, tho occasion being tho Cth nnnlversnry of tho Hebekah lodge. Until time to go to thq hall Mrs. McDowell's hotel was open to J tho Itodmoud Ilobekahs. The 'guests wero welcomed at tho hall by a largo crowd, An excellent pro gram was rendered, at tho close of which tho Itedmond lodge was 'in vited to put on Its floor work. After this tho visitors wero escorted to II, e dining hnll, whoro tho tables woro loaded with everything ono could wish. --- --- oft TUMALO ---- -v TUMALO. Sept. 23 Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Woolloy attended tho West Sldo exhibit held nt Laldlaw on tho 21st. Chester Reeves of tho Columbia Southern hoadgato visited at tho Star ranch Wednesday , returning with a bunch of men from Hend who camo out to fight a forest fire, which after difficulty thoy located about four or flvo miles southwest of this place. Gcorgo Campbell of Tumalo at tended tho play and dance at Lald law Saturday night. Arthur Ilrlnson and Cris Oalleberg of Hend have taken n contract of grubbing for Wlmer & Sons, but at this writing Mr. Galleberg Is vory sick. The boys aro occupying one of the buildings at the old Smith-High-.tower sawmill. Mr. and Mrs. F, F, Smith wore out to tholr land here Sunday. Jack Kelloy and party of Bond men passed through horo on tholr way home from a prospecting trip along the Illuo river, west of tho Cascades. Joo Hanson of Redmond was in Tumalo Saturday, . Charles Uufbln of Antolopo passed hero with a band of sheop Saturday. lie" hos a lino band and they-aro In flno'' condition. " ' , , .(pJiucloB Wlmer wns over In tho Gist country last Sunday. Ho pur chased several hoad of cattle of Print Vantassel. Tho Wltners nro on the market to buy nil tho young stock thoy can find, as thoy nrp going Into tho cattlo business again. J, L. Cody of Ilnndon, Ore., a friend of Mr. Wlmer, was visiting for several days at tho Wlmer home al Tumalo last week, P, A. Woolloy has Just completed the cutting and stacking of his largo crop. He is also doing consldorablo plowing and grubbing of late. Ho has a largo crop of potatoos. George Campbell of the Star ranch will go onto his homestead soon for the winter and will mako extensive Improvements. He has a flno place southeast of Gist. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cook were in We Are Locating Fifty Families on Homesteads Thla la just ono group of thu ninny for whom wo nro Rot ting frco homed In Control Oregon. Those fifty fiimlllcn hnvu como to us through tho Ilobrow Agricultural Socluty of Portland. Why Did Thoy Seloct CBNTR.AL ORJEGON? Uocmiso Investigation proved that tho host free lamia In America nro found horo. Why Did Thoy Select Us to Locate Thorn? HecnusQ Investigation proved thnt wo nro thu best Informed nnd tho most rollnhla Incntom in tho buslneiw. LET US HELP YOU GET A HOME. Ore. Land & Immigration Co. 0. C. HENKLE Iocntoni, Low Fares West FALL COLONIST PERIOD DAILY UNTIL OCT. 10th. TO ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS on rvrrnv inrni . is.Ba iicrn &wt-m;mv mi u Sii CENTRAL DREGPN LINE Chicago . 1K 00 St Paul (10 00 Clucluuattl. . , . 41 85 Kansas City 30 00 Milwaukee fl 70 Omahn So 00 fit. UmiIh 17 00 Dotunnltiea .18. X.I New York H6.00 Indianapolis 40.60 Detroit Dnnter 30.00 Prom Other Hnstorn Points in Proportion. Toll your friends In tho Hast of this opportunity of moving West nt low rates. Direct train service vln llurllngton Route, Noilhnrii Pacific. Groat Northern. "North Hank" nnd Oregon Trunk Hallways. You en ii dnHislt funds with mo nnd west bound tickets will be furnished people In the (fast. Details will bn furnished on request, A HOOK AIIOIT OUIEGO.V. A fifty page Illustrated book dsscrlblng tho districts of Central Oregon will bo forwarded to you or your friends If you wrlto W, E Coman, General Freight Agent, Oregon Trunk Hy.. Portland. W. E. COMAN, General Frl. nnd J. II. COIIIIKTT, Agent, Pass. Agt., Portland, Ore. Rend, Ore. Tumalo Sunday on their way to tholHopt, IGth with Miss Ellon Crawford I, E. Wlmer farm. - : : RJDCBWAYI -- - ItmClKWAY. Kont. 23 (IllUirt and Kills .Kdglngton wore Bunilyv,",,wl "l ,ho HH"tK,n homo visitors at W. F. Lovercns'. , a,rlf1?," M,arK ""V1., I from Willamette valley nro visiting Tho Plalnvlow neighborhood hoaltluy MeCallutcr at his farm near preaching' services, each nlturtnito (list." Sunday at 3 p. in., by Rov. It. Town of Slstors. Thursday Mlra Dorrla S. Keel re turnod to her homo In Portland from n three works' visit nt tho Scngglu farm. - Thursday Miss Lucy Crawford re turned to Corvallls to continue her courao nt O. A. C. Saturday evening tho young jieoplo of Rldgoway enjoyed a bonllro party at Mrs. M. Crawford's as a farowoll to Miss Lucy boforo her return to school, Tho evening was spont In pantomime program, music, toasting msrshmallows, etc. Tho school at Plalnvlow oponod Talk About Gloves I 'have hcen fbrJUi-. -nute enough to pro cure the exclusive agency on mx Ore gon hand-made: HUCKSKIN GLOVE. Deer killed in Ore gon, hide tunned in Oregon, glove' iriad'e in Oregon and sold in Hend. And guaranteed by G, V. Fisher, Manufacturer, at Brownsville, Oregon For solo by A. L. FRENCH & y fr E. R. POST Ilcnd, Oregon INTRUNKKY. teacher. Mrs. John McKlnney Is visiting hor Mother, Mrs. Ixitt Pulllam. Ralph Limbeck has been hauling lumber to build a resilience on thn homestead of Mrs .Smith. Sunday II. Schumacher and family SCHOOL NOTES (Reported for Tho Hullolln.) Fourteen now pupils woro received last week and nine up to Tuesday noon of thla week, making tho total enrollment 245. There woro also thrco visitors who expect to enter school this wook. John Hates, Nerval Sprlugor and Lloyd Kelly entered tho High School Monday, These boys woro In school hero last year. Inquiries concerning High School work have boon received recently from Edward Oraborhorst, Flarher, N. I)., Dorothea McCauloy, Felton, Minn., and Rev. W. A. Pratt, Hopp nor, Oregon. A complnto list of officers, teachers and pupils wns deposited In tho cor ner stono of tho Prcsbytorlnri church lost Sunday upon Invitation1 of l)r, Gorby, addrcssod lo tho board. Tho following program was rend ered at tho formal flag raising last Friday afternoons "Throo j,ttlo. Sisters", firsthand sooonir'Krndea, ,.,Aluerlca-,',(wo stnnras) second nud third grades; "Thoro nro Many Flags," third and fourth gradoa. "Columbia, tho Gem of tho Ocean," fourth nnd fifth grades; "Flag of thu Froo." fifth, sixth nnd seventh grades; "Flug Hnluto," gradea ono to fours "Star Spanglod Hannor," grades flvo to twolvo; "Amorlcn", (last stanza) entire school. Many vlnltors woro present nt tho ling raising. . . ...... . .' w.i.w 'rnucor hub noon instni oil Just outsldo tho schoolhouso for tho uso of pupils during recess. Tho football boys nro practicing regularly, Lottors havo boon written to dlfforont schools in an attempt to got a.gnmo soon, The High 'School Athlotlo Associ ation has Installed a cold shower In the bnsomont. It was first used by ' tho football lioya Monday night after practice, . Portraiture onlarg'ng and copying at the Seward Studio,