The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 25, 1912, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THK lKNI RUtiU'.TlN, REND, U'VtmWKW. HKPTKMHr.1t Urt, tl!I.
Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand
Ins for tho Bqunro deal, clean bust
tcs, clean politic and tho best In
terests of Rend and central uregon.
Ono year ............. $1.60
Blx months SO
Three months 60
All sulwcrlptlons aro duo and
of expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and If renewal Is not mado with
in reasonable tlmo the paper will be
Plcaso notify us promptly of any
chango of address, or of failure to re
ceive the paper regularly.
Mako all checks and orders pay
ablo to Hond Ilulletln.
WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 55, 1912.
In an unpretentious way tho Rend
Commercial Club Is conducting an
admirable work. That their direct
results aro more or less Intanglblo
makes these efforts none tho less
Important. Even If thero were no
direct and traceable returns from
tho modest monthly expenditures of
tho organisation, Its very ctlstenco
. Is a valuable asset to tho town; for
tho fact would remain that Uend
Is tho only community In Central
Oregon that steadily maintains a
salaried officer who devotes regular
attention to properly replying to In
quiries, to disseminating authentic
Information and to aiding. In every
way at his command, persons desir
ous of becoming acquainted with the
town. Very recently there has been
an cxamplo of the fruits of tho Com
mercial Club's endeavors when an
Industry located here. True, the
Club Itself was not responsible for
the coming here of the men promot
ing tho new venture, nor was It In a
position definitely to secure the In
fant plant with gratuitous location;
but It was Instrumental In caring
for tho promoters In such a way that
they wero mado Mend enthusiasts,
and decided to cast In their fortunes
with tho town. That bigger accom
plishments along this line will ulti
mately result from the club's activ
ity Is undoubted, whether through a
special affiliated organisation, as has
been proposed, or simply by the good
work of lending an enthusiastic
holplng band to the new comer with
a mind half-made to locate here.
action of tho democratic national
committee In contrast with tho past,
ns follows!
A dreary rond wo havo traveled to
this day. lliullcy with his "blocks
of five" voted at command; Arthur
Jesting about the "soap" that carried
Indiana: llnuna with his brutal card
Index cfilctcncy of corruption; Harrl
man boasting about the 50.000 votes
his I2G0.000 "turned" for Rooso
velt In New York; Piatt with his
cynic's Jest at tho "moral obliga
tions" of party leaders to secret cor
rupttontsta what messages of pro
test, could tho dead but speak,
might they not utter against theso
strange new ways! Let thoso who
havo professed to botlevo thnt politi
cal morality la nt a low ebb among
us consider well th's exposition of
the old and the new.
In bis speech at Laldlaw Saturday
C. S. Hudson hit upon n happy
phrase to express an excellent Idea.
In discussing the agricultural de
velopment of tho near future ho pre
dicted that a few cara hence tho
shingles of "agricultural doctors"
will bo hung out besldo thoso of
physicians who devote thomsclves to
human ailments. This will come.
Already the writing Is strong upon
tho wnll. Tho agricultural experts
sent out by the stnto to aid farmers
by example of proper methods on
the demonstration farms and with
trained advlco aro tho forerunners
of these privately practicing
"doctors" of tomorrow. They will
sell their advice as do law)crs. Their
prescriptions for agricultural ail
ments will rank besldo those relatlo
to human Ills. Further, the tlmo
will come when these doctors will
bo depended upon so thoroughly
that It will le next to Impossible for
Intelligent farmers to make mistakes
with their lands, for their "doctors",
after 'examination of the soil and
conditions, will lie able to steer thorn
clear from false starts.
"Beware of the advertised lands
In Florida. If you want to Invest
go where the lands are not adver
tised. They aro better lands and
they can be bought at a fair price."
So says an Easterner, who has Journ
eyed through the much lauded
Florida country, in the columns or a
conservative eastern Journal. The
facts of the case may Justify the ad
vice, so far as Florida Is concerned,
but the logical Justice of tho general
assertion that advertised lands are
to be shunned Is absurd. It would
bo Just an sensible, or, better. Just
as asinine, to say that one should not
buy house bold supplies from a mer
chant who advertises, and should
only use such articles as, say, tooth
powder or cameras, whoso virtues
are never extolled In the pald-for
pages of tho periodicals. A rner
chant who does not advertise suc
ceeds either not at all or on a far
smaller scalo than would be the case
should bo employ proper publicity
methods; ho is letting legitimate op
portunity slip by him. Those who
control lands worth having would
be blind not to advertise them. In
cither case, the possible purchaser
would be-slmple minded Indeed
should bo attempt to steer clear of
advertised articles, simply because
they am advertised and In either
case such a one would lead a merry
life indeed searching out either
lands to llvo on or things to use and
eat which are un-advertlsed.
A news dispatch from the Father
land relates that the Kaiser rides In
an automobile whose tires aro com
posed of whiskey, or similar alco
holic beverage. The quostlon pre
sents Itself. Should such tire ma
terial be employed In Oregon, would
not blow-outs occur even nioro fre
quently than they do today?
And now comes a hard headed
nursery man, who knows his business
and who knows the country, and de
cides to plant a commercial apple
orchard at Uend. Five years ago ho
would have been called crazy. Five
years hence he will be called lucky.
On October 5, 1911, the railroads
were completed enough for trains to
be run to Uend. Should we not com-
memmorate. In some small way, the
first anniversary of "Railroad Day?"
We Guarantee Our Product
Aloney Returned if not Satisfactory.-
Pioneer Cream Company
"The Uend Creamery"
-! 1 'J
We Deliver to Any Part of the City.
1 DQ
Deschutes Cash Grocery
Across the street from the Star Theatre.
We sell all Extra Quality Goods
or Telephone
for a
Trial Order
We Deliver to Any Part of the City.
Tho Orcjron Hull Mooters hsvc
chosen Lafferty as a state side part
ner to the Only Honest Slan. Truly,
politics make strange lied fellows.
In discussing the contrast offered
by the methods of the Woodrow
Wilson campaigners as compared
with thosa of Its own erstwhile Re
publican leaders and the strenuous
gyrations of the self anointed saints
of the Roosevelt ranks, tho Spring
field Republican has this to say:
The country will welcome tho
action of the national democratic
committee in placing the elvers of
Its modest fund of S17C.000 before
the country at this time. This pub
licity iiollcy must be followed by the
other political parties, Including the
one which professes the highest mor
ality and whose abundance of money
distinguished tho cam pal en tpr.ecj
dentin the republican national con
vention, at Chicago and since. ' The
dsy gt hugtf corruption funds Is on
the wrane will it ever come badttt
The New York World illuminates the
l V. COE
of Rend for
Independent and non-potltlcal
A competent business nun pledg
ing a competent business adminis
tration. Dr. Coe stands for a
sqttaro deal for all sections, economy
and efllclency In county exiiendltures,
wise road construction and full pub
licity in all matters that concern tax
pa) era.
From a county-wldo experience of
eight years Dr. Coe Is thoroughly
familiar with the needs of sit parts
or Crook County. He Is also a
heavy taxpayer and understands the
Importance of economy, A vote for
Dr. U. C. Coe Is a vote for efficient,
honest administration.
(Paid advertisement.)
(Continued from Pago One).
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for District Attorney on tho
Independent ticket, 7th Judicial
District. If elected I will enforco
the law to the best of my abjllty.
The Dalles, Ore.
(Paid Advert'sement.)
In the County Court or tho Stato of
Oregon for the County of Crook.
In the matter of the estate or Mabel
Hobbs, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by tho
undersigned, tho duly appointed,
qualified and acting administrator of
tho estate of Mabel Hobbs, decoased,
that he has made and filed with the
County Clerk of Crook County, Ore
gon, his final account as admluls
trator of the estate or MnM Hobbs,
deceased, asking that said final ac
count be settled and allowed and the
administrator and his bondsmen re
leased; and said County Court has
set Monday, the 4 th day or November.
1912, at 10 o'clock a, in. at the Court
Room n Prlneville, Oregon, as the
tlmo and place at which any person
Interested In ssld estate may appear
and object to the allowanceot said
OEORdi-j iipniis,
Administrator of the estate
of Mabel Hobbs, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator 29-33
fcrlng par. accrued Interest to de
livery date, premium of 365 and
blank bonds gratis. Spltzer, Rorlck
& Co., Toledo, Ohio, pur and accrued
Interest. Chas. 8. Kidder & Co.,
Chicago, par, $07 premium, accrued
Interest and a rohato of tho bonding
house of f 1,825 for oxenses. C. F.
Chllds & Co.. Chicago, par, $280 pre
mium and blank Itonds. (This bid
wss made through A. I. Gnodwlllle,
first ma) or of (lend, uow vlce-pronl-dent
of tho Child firm.) L'nlon
Trust & Sating Rank, SfMikane, par.
1325 premium and Interest.
Prcpsre for Construction.
With tho assurance of forthwith
getting the full amount of tho bond
Issue, tho council ordered tho pub
lication of advertisement for con
struction contracts, a copy of which
appeara elsewhere In this paper, and
is also published In a northwest
oru contracting Journal recommend
eu by Engineer R. E. Koon, In charge
of tho sower enterprise. Construc
tion bids are to be In by October
16, and It Is hoped soon after that
date to havo the actual construction
commence. Mr, Koon estimates that
If the work Is vigorously pushed
Doiid should have Its sower system
for the business districts by or be
fore tho middle of next summer.
The specifications call for the com
pletion of the work In seven months,
and that should tho contractor ex
ceed this time he pays for tho extra
engineering supervision nt tho rate
of 200 a month. During construc
tion the monthly expenditure will
average $10,000. Mr. Koon esti
mates that between $6,000 and $7,-
000 of this amount will bo expondod
In labor, meaning the steady em
ployment of soino 70 or 80 men.
Tho total cost of the complete
sewer to stem us planned will be
$278,680. Tho present unit, which
Includes completo disposal plant nnd
sowers for tho business districts, will
cost nbout $70,000, $60,000 to bo
provided from the bond sale and
about $15,000 from assessments
against specially benefitted property.
Other data regarding tho bond
Issue Is as follows; Roto of Inter
est, 6 per cont, payable soml-annu-ully.
llonds, of denominations of
$1,000, maturo Sept. 1, 1932. Rond
election was herd July 22, 1912, 119
voting for, 21 against, the Issue.
3 p. m. A telegram Just received
by Mayor Putnam says: "Yes. wo
will pay accrued Interest to date of
delivery. Wire answer our Chicago
offlco" (Signed) Farson, Son ft Co.
This means that this firm, In nddltlon
to the offer reported above, will pay
Interest ($300 a month) on the bond
Issue up to tho time of the delivery
or tho (Kinds and payment of the $60.
000 and premium. Anothor tele
gram, received this- forenoon, from
the Washington Trust Co., states that
the firm will wire this eronlng or to
morrow their decision as to whether
they will supply the blank bonds
September 25, 1912
Dear Friend:
Don't you love to
smell good ham a fry
ing when you are right
All horn io not the
right kind of ham
though Nice ham and
f reoh eggs make a good
breakfast. Don't they.
The best ham cooto 19
cents a pound Eggs
just laid 35cts. a
- Your friend,
P. S We get the best
ham and eggs in town
I -- .
bW( . l) I
yes.wcl y V
all I. 1
Jcyrob.Vvv ' A
Louis Clark Slovens, six ) oar-old
boy, was picked up by Chief Roberts
this morning, Tho boy Is Ihu brother
of tho pair that was hnudod over to
tho state Hoy's and (llrl's Aid Ho
cloty ot Portland some mouths ago.
Ills mother Is In nn asylum, and the
whereabouts of the father Is not
known. Ponding hla location, tho
Utile fellow will bo kept by the
count) ,
Portraiture onlarR'ng and copying
at the Howard Htudlo.
jlU "I J .' IM
RATES: I'lvo cents a lino for
first Insertion In this column, four
cents a lino for each subsequent In
sertion. Cash In advance unless
you have an account with Tho Hill
lolln. Count six words to tho lino,
Including tho address.
Minor at
For Rent.
FOR RENT Furnished cabin, $..
per month. W. II. tash, It It, blk
IT., Center add. 3'.'p
FOR RENT 10-room list, nicely
rlnlsheil; heart of city: cheap, Ore
gon Laud A Immigration Co. 20tf
FOR RENT (loot!
house, close In. See F. (),
FOR RENT -Ten-acre
tract urar town, with limine, nut
houses, etc, Enquire at First Nat
ional Rank, VOir.
FOR RENT Two house In Pnrk
addition, rurnlshed or unfurnished.
$!! per month. Inquire ('. II. On
nung or L. A. W, Nixon, Rend. 29p
FOR RENT R. M. Sanders' U
room house, rurnlshed or unfnrnlitli.
cd. Bee F. M. Ray. 2911.
FOR RENT Four-room bunanlow
(unfurnlitird) In Wlostorla, $U pnr
month. Occupancy Oct, 1. Inquire
Oregon Investment Co.'s ulllre 2711
WANTED (Jlrl for general house
work. Small family. Apply Mrs. II.
E. Allen. Sfttf
160 aeres In good Inimllty. Addrw
Frank MasNongale, Hand, Ore, lip
For Hale.
FOR HALE Rest residence tot In
Center Add. fftan. tonus In
proved with cabin, Cull Hiindnv or
evuiiliiKN. W, II. Lcsh, It It, blk I .,
Center Add. Il.p
FOR HALE Send ryti at my pint.,
three and nuo-lialf miles uouth or
Powell llutto station. Imported froi i
Hwcdvii 2 )eura ago. II. Ilnhlmi 3D
FOR HALK Motorcycle, or will
trade for horses or cattle. II. P
Smith, Head '.'Mr
FOR HALE Span of horses, f &
7 yrs, old, wt. 2100. N. K. (lllbert,
Park addition. 20tf
FOR HALE At n wiorltlco for
onsh, lot I, block 41, Center Addl
Hon, on Hawthorne iitomio, all
cleared of rock and has running
water on It. Price $110, cash, Hn
F. W, Neeld, Hotel Rend, 2iMf
FOR HALK Heroiid hand spring
w'sgou, double harness and home
Inquire at lot 16, block 23, CoiiIm'
addition, 29p
FOR HAI.EFIu hltrs of bits,
cheap, II. Hpliitng, Rend, 29-30
FOR HALE Improved lot, two
blocks oast of station, cheap for rnsh
Address, J. T. J. Ilulletln. 28-32p
FOR KALE Excellent lot r.OxK'O
In site, free from stone, In good lo
cation, Park Addition. Worth $20u,
but if taken for rash at oure will
sell for $160, Address "PHdl '
yarn Ilulletln. 2Xtt
I 'or Hale or Trade.
WILL TRADE 10-acre orchard
U tulle from Eltnusburg, Wash , for
Uend property. Trees i )esrs old
next spring, Prim $lf0 per nrr.
Wrlto J. K. Esple, Rremerton, Wa!
WILL TRADE ror Rend property
NO acres Irrigated land near Twin
Falls. Idaho, taken up iindir Ct"
Art In 190S. Improved farms ad
Joining. Price $ I O.tO per acre Wilt
lake $600 for contract, 10 )ears to
pay bilaueo. J, Kf Esple, limner
ton. Wash. J6tf
Ik nnd Found.
LOUT Small iir itaekage Imp
twfqn Rend and Pln Forest IiiiiiIkt
mill. MarkiHl "Kate HrlrVe '
Fludor ploaso lene nt Anne's stable
General Eledric
Heating Devices
G. E. Electric Domestic Range $63.00
G. E. Electric Grill fl.50
G. E. Electric Toaster r 4.00
"G. E. Electric 0 lb. Iron 1... 5.00
The G. E. line of nppliiinces Ls
different from others, because
the heating elements arc made
of CALORITE u patented ma
terial which is, for the purpose,
lar superior to any other known.
No other manufacturer can use
Bend Hardware Co.
TKe United Warehouse
Bend, Oregon.