The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 25, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Vmrt i-t
tiik iikxo ni'i.urriN, nwNi, wndnkhday, HKnr.MnKn a.i, mia.
1, U. Merchant Ioc Numlter of
tin fee Kruni Slrknevs ltetlctcd to
bo Caused by Dust mill lotrk ot
.ItxctvKo Ih Not Cholcrn.
Recently T. C. Merchant, who con
ducta the old John White ranch nt
the base ot I'llot llutte, a mllo and a
halt cast of town, has tost a number
of hogs from sickness, lie, ami
others, felt considerable unonslnetwi
concerning the disease, fearing It
might he cholera. However, now
Mr. Merchant has demonstrated that
the dlseaso Is not cholera, and fur
thcrnioro has found n remedy that
has cured all his own hogs.
"This Is an Important innttcr for
nil our farmors," said Mr. Mcrchnnt,
"and It might be well for The Hullo
tin to tell of my experience for tho
benefit ot others. My hogs got n
cough and had running at the nose.
They fell oft In weight aud died.
Finally, after getting experienced ad
vice, and ascertaining that tho dlsoaao
was not cholera, I hit upon a medi
cine that has done tho business. A
spoonful of creosote to each hog Is
all that Is necessary. It cures them.
Then I put them out on clover, and
since havo had no trouble."
Mr. Merchant believes that tho
cough Is duo chiefly to dust and to
too much confinement. That food
has had nothing to do with It Is
demonstrated by the fact that tho
name trouble has been experienced
by him, feeding swill. and by Dr.
Dencer, feeding alfalfa and by
George Jones, feeding milk. Mr.
Merchant states that he will b glad
to havo hog owners como to his placo
nnd see his animals, believing that
ho may bo of service to anyone whoso
hogs seem Inclined to suffer from
similar disease.
Northwest Townslto Company, a
Philadelphia corporation holding
lands In ltond nnd alxtcou other
northwestern towns, was hero Mon
day, on route for Paisley, whore his
company controls much townslto
property nnd 1 Installing an exten
sive Irrigation system,
Mr. llaltcy announces that ho has
made application tor dinner for u
bank, to bo established nt Pnlsloy,
Its capitalisation will bo $35,000,
with himself as president. The
names of the local directors will bo
announced later. It Is oxpectod to
have It In operation by January 1.
That Central Oregon will bo well
represented nt tho Irrigation congress
at Salt Lake City next week Is Indi
cated liy tho fact that tho Northwest
Townslto Company's chief engineer,
Hexford A. narrower, has been njw
pointed a delegate by Governor West,
and wilt bo on hand to tell what this
section la doing along Irrigation
After spending BOTrernl days In
Paisley Mr. Ilalley will take a swing
through tho southeast country, going
out to tho railroad via Vale.
Corn For ths Silo,
When corn lias practically finished
Its growth nml Is actively beginning to
Hpon It h ready for tho silo. The rob
or of the husk is turning from green
to a light straw color, and when you
crush the grain there Is no milk, but a
thick doughy starch.. At this point It
make the ltest slln'ge and the most
valuable feed, but It ran bo ensiled
successfully until practlenlly ripe, hut
as tho cob and outside shell of the
stalk harden In ripening the Indigesti
ble matter Increases.
Portraiture onlnrg'ug and copying
nt tho Seward Studio.
-hth iiTTt i w-Ljaaemmm
NOTICK l'Olt Pl'lll.R'ATIO.W
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Ollleo at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
August 27th, 1912.
Not lev Is hereby given that Jean
notto Mllchcll Uardner, one of tho
ho Irs nnd for tho heirs of James A,
Mitchell, of I.on Angeles, California,
who, on October 17th, 1900, mado
homestead entry, No. 15301, serial
No. 04009, for i'U 8wV4,nco 17,
noU noU, sec. 19 nnd n4 nwH,
Xorthvre-tt Townslte Co. Ciller An
nounce New llank nt PaUley.
President Georgo M. Ilalley, of the
BRTlPy fl' WW -
ff-i-VflHl Vfcv
-iltfjjW Smh' mhmW m
SEPTEMBER 26-7-8, 1912
KT t H !! lMtmhUMt
Wild and Wonderful
OSONCO su-timo
Get Faraa and Particulars
Furious and Excltlnrj
H CtMteMI t Cttrf
OM CI"!?. w mI Im.1.
From any Asnt 0'W.R.S N.
section 30, township 19 south, range
11 oast, Wlllametto Meridian, tins
(lied notice ot Intention to mnkn
tlnnl live your proof, to establish
claim to tho laud above described, bo
foro tho Iteglster ami Hecelver of tho
U, H. Laud Ollleo at l.os Angeles,
California, and her witnessed beforn
II, 0. Kills, 1', H. Commissioner, at
Hond, Oregon, and 1'. A. lllshop, V, H,
Commissioner at Hood Itlvcr. Oregon,
on the nth day of October, 1913,
Claimant names as witnesses:
I'nink O. Minor, I.oule II, Minor,
l.evt I). Wlost, aud George A. Jones,
of llend, Oregon, nnd John I, West,
of Hood lllver, Oregon.
2CS0 Hojjlstor.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Btnto of
Oregon fur tho County of Crook,
A. C. I.ucns, Plalutirr, vs. Itnlph
Patterson, Mary Patterson, Jesse 1,.
Sumrnll, W. li. (luorln, Jr. and Atox
llolhrook, Defendants,
To W. K, (luorln, Jr., abovo named
Yon are hereby required to appear
nnd answer tho complaint of tho
plaintiff tiled ngalust you In the nhovu
entitled suit and Court, within ton
days from tho date of tho service of
this summons upon you, if served
within Crook County, Ktnto of Ore
gon, or If served within any other
County within this slate, then within
twenty days from tho date of the
sort Ire of this siiiumuns upon you,
or if not served within tho State of
Oregon, thou on or before Thursday,
tho 21th day of October, 1912. And
you are hereby notified that If you
fall to appear nnd answer, tor waul
thoreof tho plaintiff will take de
cree nnd Judgment against you for
the relief prayed for 'u the complaint
on file herein, to-wlt: That the
plaintiff havo Judgment against the
defendants Itnlph Patterson and
Mary Patterson for the sum of $150
with Interest thereon at tho rate ot
10 per cent per annum from tho ICth
day of February, 1911, until paid,
and for the further sum of $78 as
attorney fees and for the costs aud
disbursements of this suit. Aud for
a decree and Judgment to the effect
that tho said mortgage described In
said complaint lisrelu be foreclosed
according to taw and the practice of
this Court, nnd that tho said promise
described therein, to-wlt; The WV4
of tho SKVi and the KV4 of tho
HWU of Section II In Townshln 21
South of (tango 10, K. W. M., In)
Crook County, State of Oregon, to
gothsr with the tenements, heredita
ments nod appurtenances thereto be
longing, bo sold by the Sheriff of
Crook County, Oregon, In tho mnnner
provldod by law and according to the
practice of this court, nnd that tho
proceeds ot such sale bo applied to
tho payment of said Judgment herein
prnyod for, nnd tlint tho nvor-plu, It
any remain, bo paid to tho persons
legally untitled to tho same. And
that tho mortgage, lien and litlovest
of the defendants Johhu I.. Siimrnll
nnd W. 12. (luorln, Jr., is sulisoutumt
to nnd mihjnot to tho lieu, iiiortHK
nnd Interest of tho plaintiff. And
that tho defendants and nil persons
claiming Inloreat by, through or
under them or either of them ho for
ever barred and estopped from hav
ing or assorting any light, title or
Interest In or to said premises, or
any part thereof, or any redumption
or right or ouulty of redemption, ex
cept as prescribed by law, and (or
such further relief ns to the Court
may seem meet and Just In the
This summons In published In The
llend llulletlii, a weekly newspaper)
of general elreulatlon, published at
llend, Crook County, Htnto or Oie
gnu, for six successive weeks, com
mencing with the Issue of Septem
her 11, 1912, and ending with the
Issue or October 23, 1912, by order
of the Honorable II. ('. Kills, County
Judge of Crook County, State of Ore
gon, made nnd entered on the 11th
day of September, 1913.
Dated nnd publlsiied llrst time
September 11. 1912.
VKICNON A. I'Olllllirt.
Attorney for Plaintiff
The tlullolln Ins in slock n ntiiiM
bor ot tlto uuw Crook county whit,,
print maps, show lug nil roads, river,,
Irrigated lauds, towns, township hih
section Hues. The limps mu bigger
and more comprehonslvo tliim any'
other maps nnd mo raretitlly piluied
on heavy whllu paper. They lolnlti
nt J 1.00 each, postdiio 10 cents t(
liiiics & Davidson's barbnr shop u
loeiitoil now, temporal liy, on Oregon'
street. In the old Tnggntt Hotel build
Ing. Three good harbors to serm(
Send For
Ms Seed
nli m IWII Ih iiiIi !
i. r-"""rii
Mippa UlwtiMf li
. i
UM -, l((l 4Jkl, OlMllDr
W WM-M l)xM I tnt qn-ilUl ).
iAm J a -.LrttiJI abc ttiri
V KmUH( ItSt -tt.r""l"r
ImimwiI nvi. S4wituul.
Fire Insurance
It ninkua tt lot of tlHTurcnco wlicn n
lire comuH, whether or not yotir ioll
cloa nro written so thnt you havo
maximum protection,
Our customers nro In n H)sltlon to
ilumnnil ami K'ut n full tmymunt of
their Iom.
Our compnnlos nro InrRo nml nro
ulwnys nhlo to Miy their losson tholr
nsscttit nro Instlnir nml no oonlla
Krntlon In Oregon is ublo to break
ar naa gurg-.-" t
Oregon Investment Company
. , .. ,
fllf you want a good residence or business lot, investigate what we
have to offer. We have the best on the market at the best prices
and on the best terms.
Some great bargains in five-acre tracts with water rights, on your
own terms.
JOur lists of irrigated lands include the best there is in Central Ore
gon. It will pay you to see what we have.
tJWe can locate you on very desirable 320 acre homesteads, or sell
you good relinquishments with valuable improvements.
flVe make a specialty of fire insurance, indemnity bonds and plate
glass, show caseand mirror insurance. Our companies are the
best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly.
fJWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have "a
first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have some-.
thing to sell or wish to buy, let us help you.
Oregon Investment Company
': V
r:. 'iv'
1V o
Bend, Oregon
Wall Street,