The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 25, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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rm iiKNo iiullktin, rend, Wednesday. HHraamfcit aa, lotu.
TAan s.
.1 I .-
In iinlor (o anvn thu fiirninrM of
thl niiiiiniiulty who liuvu iiotiilnoM
Mo uxporl, t ho Iroiililo of coming to
town parhiipu mid copying off n loon
list of imnu'H at thu ('tniiiiiuri-liil
(Midi, Thu llullutlu Ih printing Iuto
with Hid eonipliito lint iiu furiilnhi'i!
Mho dull by tlcorgu II. Hmlltoii,
it Mttlxtdttt Kcimnil fi eight nttvtit of tlio
Great Nortliurii Railway:
' Ht. Paul, Minn. -II. Proalcy Co.,
A. Ainiiion, 0. V. Kiutuuraun Co.,
,1101-u A lUulpntli, I!. A, Durkco Co,,
J. M. Flllohruwn, KIIukIut k Co. H.
Ooldtlsh, llorrlKim llro J II. Iloxlu
tt Co., J. It. IIukkn k Co., City Market
1'rnduco Co,, It. L. (loiild Co,
.Mluuoapoll", Minn, II onrman
l'rtilt Co,, Collniidur Vandorhoff Co.,
Connory l'rtilt Co., Notion & Antler-
oii, W. 13. Nortlirup, B. (I. Palmer
Co., I). M. Itynn k Co., I). C. licit &
,Co A. M. Dyto 4 Co., Goo. II.
WkkIii. linn llroi,, J, C. Pumechou
Ac Co., C. E. llnnloy & Co,, I.. I',
Hlncoy & Hour., L. Ilowv. (loo. L.
Ilrmlltiy & Co., Central Mnrkct Prod,
i Co., Gamblo-Kobliisou Co,, Grlunull
' 'Collin co,
fsP Ihiluth, Minn. Producer' Co
, f .Operative Mitral Am'ii., A. A. King,
f Minnesota Fruit Co., Ht. John Wl-
hur Co,, rltMlinmoii Patimjr Co.,
tCulborUou llrim,, Kuudstn I'rull Co.,
llaugurud Mnrkknnou, Wilson Fruit
Sioux City, la. Onllnsky Ilrot.,
J'nlmur k Co,, Haley k Lane, Hod
MlhiKton k 1 1 ml boric.
Ht, UiiIr, Mo. N. Hchnrff k Bom
(Irocury Co., 2nd k Liioiih Ave., N.
A, Kuiiiiiiily i Co., 1104 N. Ilrd Ht.,
.1, Johnson k Co., unn N. Ilrd lit.,
JiiNimr k Hidlinoyer, 8!iri N. .'Ird lit.,
(Inrli'it Fiull Co,, 800 N. 4th Ht.,
Nowiiiuii k Co., 827 N. 4th Ht.,
Moyor Viiiiicm Commission Co., 3rd
k WiikIi, Ht., HiiniilMiii III oh., 1017
N. 3id Ht., J. II. ItiiKHull ft Hon, (108
N. 4th Ht., II. O. Molliiiid i'rod. Co.,
hu: N. 3rd Ht., Hoiilhwcst Produco
nut., 707 N. 4th Ht., llnggormnn
llroM., 1031 N. 3rd Ht., .1, 0. Htownrt
I'rod. Co.. 8 2D N. 4th Ht., W, U,
Mimlliir I'rod. Co., 2nd ft Wnh. Ave.
Omiiha, Null, J. II ,1'lummer ft
Co., IlloUcky ft Hon, Trlmblo llro,,
Wuliutulu ft Aider, Chancy, lluiitor
ft lloyar, II. 0. Straight.
ChlcaKO, III. yAlbrL Miller ft Co.,
I. Htnrko Co., lloldliiK ft Floreth,
.Mnhnffoy Co., Cuyuo llro., Opo.
MlUdntidorf ft Hon., Harnett llro,,
H. T, Fish ft Co.. 0. II. Weaver ft Co.,
M. Plownty ft Hon., Fox ft Godding,
Karl llroa.
Ht, Joseph, Mo, Davla Brokerage
Co,, Crnlg Ilrot. Merc, Co,, Arena
llrown I'rull Co,, J, II. Tnpoo, Hunt
ft Meek, Hm'th-Dusart Commission
Co., (J. A, Untidy, William ft Co.,
Sandusky ft Co., F. C. Donoghue.
Kansas City, Mo. O. C. Evan ft
Co , Cochrane llrokoraKo Co., C. O
Clonion Co., Ward llroi., Win. F.
Holm, .MuK'uuoy Hro. ft Co., Mc-
rarland ft IllacV, MnQuIro, Urban
ft Co., It, W, Oeec Commission Co.,
Kiiulin Vhaatlne Cummlsilon Co., I.
(1. Ihrvacht ft Co., K. it. C. Holllnno.
bilnbllith clulm to tlio Infill nhoVo do
acrlhnd, boforo II. 0. Kill, I'. H. Com
inlnlonor, nt UIh olllco nt Hand Oro
koii, on tlio 20th day or October,
Clnlinnnt imnici na wltnoNaoa:
John I'utcra, Wllllnin I'. Vnndnviirt,
John unlior nnd Wllllnin T, Vnndo
vurt, nil of llund, OroK'in,
C. W. MOOIti:.
28-32 ItoKlator.
Ilt'i'tlii mill I'alrntN 1'llnl Itrrrnlly
' Willi 'ouiiiy (1rk at 'rlnvlll
Htato to Lillian Cavondor, v't
imU 14; no',4 imV4 23, noU 'A
14; pU iioU 3M7-12
I. Milan Cnvrndur to Joi. C, llrown
14 knli H-17-12. 110.
Iloailo A. Morrill to J. K. WolfT,
, Iiu 1 (o C, Inc., blk 1, M-W Aoro
Tlio llend Co. to lit I'rcibylorlan
Church llnnd, ll 1 and ill It 2, blk
SU, Park Add. llnnd.
. II. (1. Kemp to I.. A. l.mvciiKood,
It 4, blk 17, Laldlaw.
Ilurr lllaak lo He boo I Dl.trlct No.
78, 2 acri In uwU awU lk-21-20.
' V. A. Forh to II. I1 Minion, w4
It 33, blk 10, I'ark Add., (lend.
, tiro. W. McCalllitnr to Hchool
Dltt. No. CI, 1 aero In iw& iw4
Niture'i Cirvlngi,
Tlirr U n rock prolllo to be Mrn on
Mount WlUon, Cnllfornfn, wblvb I
inoru itrlklim than the fniaoui fontm
tlon In the White mountain. nttboiiBh
tho former I ald by foino to be the
moot perfrct of nil of "natur' carr
Inp." The fi-nturr are itmiiB nnd
full of exprriilon and the mntour of
tho lipnd of curwt pmiwrllon. the
forebrait lofty, the f)cbmr Jiittlne.
nnd the aquiline tne I einnllucly
TlRoruu. The mouth l bard nnd U
but complete In detnll. null iii lb"
line fnnn the niMtrll to tin corner of
the mouth nnd the rucpil uindellnu of
thu chrrk are dlitlnrtly mnrknl Tin
chin nnd Jaw nrv corrrrtly MMilpturtHl.
nnd rvru the line of the blpb mllar
nnd old fmhlnnnl t"nt may be n-vii on
tbl remnrknble IwIiIit.
Department of thn Intorlor, U. H.
I.und omco nt The Dalle, OroKon,
Kepteiuber 10th, lid 2.
Notice I liuroby kUpii that Nancy
K, ljwt., of llend, Orrnon, who, on
December lit, 1V0C, made Dcicrt
l.mid liiilry, No. C63, Burial No.
02122, for noV4 oU, Bee. 23 nnd
ii w i.l iwVi, wV4 nwU, Hectlon 24,
Tuwiiihlp IH Houth, ItauKo 12 Kant,
Wlllnuirtte Marldlun, ha filed notice
of Intention to mnko final proof, to
1'itablUh claim to the land nlmvo do
arlbvd, before II, C, Kill, U. H.
Couimliilotier, nt hi cittlro nt llend,
Orccou, on thu 2Cth day of October,
Claimant nninc n wlncuci:
llnlph A. Dunn, William F. .Mo
Naught, l.uclu H. Itlckard and Frank
A. Hlilrmiian, nil of llvnd, Oregon.
28-32p Itoitliter.
Department of the Interior. V. 8.
Land Otllcu at Thu Dalle, Oro-
:on, Hoptcmbvr 4tb, 1K12.
Notlo In hereby iclvcn that I'cter
HtKKflliiK, of Ileiid, Orei;on, who, on
Octuber JSth. 1907. mado hotneatead
entry No. 10761, Borlal No, 01788,
for tie',4, Hectlon 27, Towmhlp 20,
South, Ituutco 11 Kait. Wlllnmctti)
Meridian, hn filed tiotlco of Intention
to mnko final flvn yoar proof, lo
Ill tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
OrKou, for tho County of Crook.
Control OroKon Irrigation Com
pany, u corporation, I'lnlntlff, vu.
Frnnk Htovuu and H. L. Duw nnd
Doiurt Lund Hoard of Oregon, Du
fundiint. To Frank Htovoii nnd H. h. Dow,
In the noma of tho Htnte of Oro
Kon: You arc hereby required to
appear nnd nniwcr tho complaint
filed nealnit you In the aboro entitled
lull within ilz week from thn day or
tho flrt publication of tbl aummon
and If you rail to appear and nniwer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for tho relief
prayed for In complaint, to-wlt: For
the cancellation and letting aldu of
n certain contract, dated October 21,
11)04, mado between you nnd the
Dcichute Irrlftatlon and I'ower
Company and auliruod to nld plain
tiff, relating to tho Mttlemont of cer
tain Inndi, nnd the purchase or water
rlKbti appurtonant thereto, altuato In
Crook County, Oreson, and for such
other and further relief a may eem
to tho Court Juit nnd eiultnble.
This ttlmmon la aerved upon you
by publication by authority of an
order of the Hon. W. L. Ilradiliaw,
Judice of the Circuit Court of tho
Htato of OreKon, for the County of
Crook, nnd tald order la dated the
12th day of September, 1912, nnd la
duly recorded nnd entered In aald
Court and ault,
Dato of flrat publication, Septem
ber 14th, 1912.
28-34 Attorney for the Plaintiff
------ --
"- 9 9 9 9-9-9"T9-1'99--f-9 !,,! AAAAAA - - - - - - -
.fmtHffHHH --- f 4 M-M-4 tHl4M
Just Across the Kiver
t "
T "
T ' '
i . 1 1
. i
. . i , .
. . 4 i
. ! f I I
4 i i
In the Circuit Court of tho Htato of
Orecon for the- County of Crook.
F. 15. Harmon ft Co. a corporation,
Plaintiff, v. Geo. It. Hope, Defendant.
To Geo, It. Hope, abovo named De
You oro horoby required to ap
pear and aniwer tho complaint or the
plaintiff flled nanlnit you In tho abovu
entitled action and Court within ten
day from the orvlco of tbl um-
nion uKin you, If nerved within
Crook County, State of OreRon; or
If acryed within any other County
within tbl State, thon twenty day
from the dnto of tho aorvlco of tbl
aummon upon you, or If not served
within tho Btato or Oregon, then on
or berora Thursday, tho 24th day or
October, 1912. And you rfro hereby
notified that If you fall to appear and
aniwer for want thereof, tho plain
tiff will take Judgment ngalmt you
a prayed for In tho complaint on file
heroin, to-wlt: Tho plilntlfl win
tnko Judgment against you for tho
Th Dsnan.
Ttie bnnnnn plant tnr fnilt rrerr
year. It U one of the inont pnxlurilrf
' iitant In tin world nml fiiil limn
Koplt- than nii.r other known to mini
It tin been I'Mlmnti-d Ibnl uion tlmii
n third or the tiuuiiiii rmv ilf'ml ul
most wholly ror tbelr fXlleniv iikmi
the bauniin Tlmt tin fruit Ik amply
nble to luilnln life, mid to auitnln II
In n ury lullifnrtory inauiier. I dein
onutrntfil by the fad Unit the milium
who live on prni'tbnllv mitlitiitf eli ;
,gvt nlong very well with It nnd nppnir
.to be n lining aijd netlve n tliom
wlio live ou other Mud of food.
We Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of
The Piano Cn.
To restore ixillnh on n plnno rnse
Brut dint It with n dry. ioft cluth, then
dip ii .piece of rhnmolrt iktu of good
iUe If) cleiir, cold water nnd wring n
dry in Kflbln, nib over the plnno
Villi this nnd ir tho ikln becomes soil
ed rlnso wvl ii nd uie ngiilu. nlwny
wringing n clenr of water n pinudtilf
enrh time. When It I clvuu polish
tilth u soft dry skin.
An Improvsmsnt,
"Mr. Newrlch hn put n benutirully
cnrviM sundial In her Italian garden."
"And nlio linn nrninged to Imvo It
electrically lighted nt night ho ho can
' tell tho lime nt nil hour." Clovelnud
Plain Dealer.
8hs Hit Dok.
no Womon hnro no real Judgment In
aertotw matter. H bo Yea, nnd men
count on that when they ink womon to
marry them. Holtlinoro American.
Dligraco In Immortal nnd living oven
whonon think lulcnd.-Plautu.
Economy of Dairying.
Dairy farming given returna throc-fold-llrt.
tho caah return from the
product) aecoud, by Inrgcr crop ns a
result of tho return of tho mnnuro to
tho noil, nnd, third, through tho In
creased rnluo of tbo laud n a roiult
of tho me of manure nud tbo kind or
crop grow.n, for the feed of 'tbo, cow.
Tbo dairy cow give the-mot constant
nnd uniform return throughout tb
enr of nil our live atock or, for that
matter, any otbsr branch of agrlcub
i ,
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and arc In a position to fill orders
of any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building; Material
Lime, Cement, Plaster ,
Brick and Fire Clay.,.,
Overturi-Davis-Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
Every Realty Investment m
Bend Will Make You Money.
It is simply a matter of choosing
the best of many good buys.
More than one hundred investors
have purchased lots in Kenwood,
the delightful residential district
just across the river. Every one
of these buyers is satisfied be
cause every one of them can get
more for his property than he paid.
Many homes are built in Kenwood. Sidewalks
have been laid, and new ones are being built.
Water mains have been installed. In oth'er
words, there is no guess work about Kenwood;
Already it is a popular residential district
Today lots in Kenwood are selling for 25 per
cent less than any residence lots the same dis
tance from the business center of town.
T "
" t
' ' T
t " f
The. Oregon Land (2b Immigration Company
at the corner of Wall and Oregon streets, will be
glad to tell you all about Kenwood,
and show j'ou the property.
A A A44A .a,A.A- A A AAA.AA 4iA A A A A 4 4 4 4 . 4.4. A A A.AA 49
ffAwL A A m 4o-o'--o- o O -o- O o44444 4l,
, , 4
. . X r
. 1 .
. . 4
. 4 .
. i .
um of IDCi.Sl, leldes Interest nt
tbo rnto of C per cent per annum on
$808,73 from tho 23rd day of March,
1912, and for the cost and disburse
ment of this action.
TbU aummona I published In The
llend Bulletin, a nowvpnperof general
circulation published at llend, Crook
County, State of Oregon, for six sne
ccislve week commencing with tbo
Issue of September 11. 1912, nnd
ending with tho Issuo of October 23,
1912, by order of the Honorable II.
C. Kill. County Judgo of Crook
County, Stato of Oregon, made nnd
entered on the 11th day of Septem
ber. 1912.
Dntcd nnd published first tlmo Sep
tember 11th, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
iKm. lAjrtaj BIJpilIIIIIMIirJ
JLnLnW V. SanL 4 tfaflVflMaHMMHMMWai0nW M
mm UjffZarin S
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for the County of Crook.
The Deschutes Uanklng & Trust
Co., Plaintiff, vs. llnlph Patterson,
Mary Patterson, Jesse u, Sumrall
nud W. K, Ouerln, Jr., Defendants.
To W. K. Guorln, Jr., abovo namod
You nro hereby required to ap
pear and answer to the complaint of
tho plaintiff flled agnlnt you In tho
above entitled suit nnd court within
tell day from tho date of tho sorvlco
of thl summon upon you, If served
within,, Rrook Cqupty, 8ta(o of Ore
gon; or If served lthlrl nny otner
county within this state, thon twenty
dn from tho dnto of tho service of
thl aummona upon you; or It not
aerved within the Stato of Oregon,
tbuu on or before
Thursiluy, tho liltli l.ty of Oct., 1U12.
And ou nro hereby notified that If
you fall to appear nnd nnswor nnd
for want thereof the plaintiff will
tnko decree of judgment ngnliiBt you
for tho relief prayed fjr In tho com
plaint, to-wlt: That tho plaintiff
judgmont against tho defend
Kalph Patterson and Mary
ntterson, nnd each of them for tbo
turn of $02.00 with Interest thorcon
nt tho rnto of 10 per cent per annum
from tho 3rd day of December, 1910,
uutll paid, and for the costs and dls
bunement8, and for tbo further sum
of $60,00 ns attorney fees, nnd for
tho costs and disbursements of thla
action, and for .n docrco and Judg
ment to the effect that tho mortgage
Hen nnd Intereat of tho defendants,
Jesse L. Sumrall nnd V. E. Ouerln,
(Jr., Is subsoquont to and subject to
tho lien, mortgage and Intereat of
tbo plaintiff, and that said mortgngo
unto belonging, be sold by tho
Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon, In
the manner provided by law and ac
cording to tho practice of thla Court,
and that tho proceeds of such sale bo
applied to the payment of said Judg
ment herein prayed tor, and that the
over-plus. If any there bo, bo paid
over to the persons legally entitled
to the same. And that the defend
ants, and all persona claiming Inter
est through or under them or cither
of them bo forever barred and estop
ped from having or claiming any
right, title or Interest iu or to tbo
snld premises. And for such fur
ther relief aa tho Court may deem
proper In the premise.
Thfa summons la published In Tbo
Dend Bulletin, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation, published at
Dend, Crook County, Stato of Oregon,
for six successive week, commencing
with tho Isaup of September 11, 1912,
and ending with tho Isaue of October
23, 1912. by order of the Honorable
H. C. Kills, County Judge of Crook
County, State of Oregon, mado and
entered on the 10th day of Septem
ber. 1912.
Dated and published flrat time
September 11. 1912.
Attornoy for the Plaintiff.
t liavo
I Pnttei
offers FREE, with tho exception of cost of postage on papers and
cost of tho University Extcntlon Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OREGON,
forty UNIVERSITY COURSES by MAIU Ability to profit by tho
courses selected la tho only requirement for enrollment In the Corres
pondence Department. Courses aro offered In the departments of
Botany, Dobatlng, Economics, Education, Electricity. English litera
ture, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Draw
ing. Phyalcal Education. Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Sociology,
and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of tho Correspondence School
University of Oregon, Eugene, for Information and catalogue. i
COURSES IN RESIDENCE at tho University prepare for tho
and TEACIUNO. Fall semester opens Tuesday. Sept. 17, Address
tho Registrar for catalogues descriptive of the College of Engl-
neering. the College of Liberal Arts, the Schools of Education,
Commerce, Law Medicine, and Music.
Headquarters for Commercial Men
Electric Lighted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
Good Meals
Free bun to
and from trains
All arrangements mado for persons
desiring to go south and east of hero
Zli md?irtf1lX&l '?' th I'Jolntlff bo forecloBod accord
mo. iuuif Ut ( rptin r in tb wwU. ng o law and the practlco ot thti
aallJ fruna and
tbiMtlns. !. Th
i Zffarftjt iiiilo ikotmn s JXmSnti tp, ili tlMMt ti cIom4-U br. II cm'i
lltrit ttlih Itla, mow iliil) Ilia 'l l law U KtUa aa4 iwtll laa tatlll la aIli lrt. !.
iwlti 4 mo4 alta ticMiJ Itwa laa atllan, llaiala, maat Mkial,a aaa-lktU ItMHiuikio or
ctkr iem, Tat aoatla titiacioti pall aarihtll, Ilia4lit rfl4lr,litol4 In ihootlof ablMir ta4
Ida tulwatilc iftall Mlair Ixk aitkn ll tka iilail kmck Ui4lo a kalli. I r lit s JKmM,
DOITNOWI S.4iWaaUmMt.l.t 4 - ,.' , y,
sat our bis aatkle of all I&ttJl rapMiU AS "ZtUtiX 'freOTjnS 'Cfl
rlflaa J abolfux ty ratum an.ll. 411 WUUw SbtmI Naw llaaa. Ca.
Court, and that the premises de
scribed therein, to-wlt: The NWU
of tbo SEU and tho NEW, of tho
8WU of Section 24, Township 11,
South' of Range 10, 'E. W." M., In
Crook County, Oregon, together with
the tenements, hereditaments thore-
Schmidt & Muagrovo, Crops.
i Uoed Street
J i. .it
Ben it, Oregon'
.r -