UtatAbnaKJU&au itn til.n.irifliHnnrfr. UlKv TAGS. fiMiWlM THR BKND HUM.KT1N,KHN1, WKDNKHUAY, RKPTKMIUCR sW, 1819. miiAmim L 7 t Ota. -L - 4 BEND PARK THE FUTURE FINE RESIDENCE ADDITION TO BEND is an exceptionally good investment. Like a beautiful park, as its name im plies, with great pine trees, winding drives and boulevards and gorgeous panoramic view of the Cascades. Write for New Illustrated Bookleirr: : For manufacturing sites close to railroad and river, our Riverside Addition is exactly the right place. Write for in formation or call and we will gladly show, you the ground. BEND PARK COMPANY 8G0 Empire BIdg., SEATTLE, WASH. BEND, OREGON SETTLERS NT BORATE IRRIGATION DISTRICT IS CONSIDERED At Laldlaw Meeting l'lan for Con. duct of Segregation Is Outlined- nnd Placed Ileforo Governor Wont. LAIDLAW. Sept 24 At a metlns; of settlers last night, held to formu late a plan of action In working out the difficulties of the Columbia Southern Irrigation project, for pre sentation to Governor West, the Cen tral Oregon Development Leaguo and others Interested, a tentative sug gestion was decided upon and adopt ed In the form of a resolution. It is. In outline, that the settlers of tho Laldlaw lands organize them selves Into an Irrigation district and conduct the project. Which means practically, that the settlers proposo to unite thomselvcs In a corporation, as provided by Oregon law under such circumstances, and sell bonds whose proceeds are to be employed in completing the project, and which are to be redeemed from the returns of proportionate assessment against specially benefitted property. How ever, the members of the meeting were at pains to make it clear that the course they outlined was a sug gestion only, made to the Governor to see Iff I would meet with his ap proval, and to be followed out by tbO' settlers only If It. proved not to couplet' with 'any satisfactory a? tion already contemplated by the state authorities.'"". Would Hell Itonds to Htate, While not embraced In the official resolution, it is understood that the settlers hope that should tho pro posed district be organized It would prove possible for the state to pur chase the bond Issues, probably using some portion of state school funds for the purpose. Tho application of school funds to aid the irrigation work already has been suggested by Gbverti6' West. Tho bonds ytould p.(obabyQlte.f . either, tjga. or Jwenty "year duration. In the"taatte'rof as sessing benefited property it Is prob able an assessor would bo appointed or elected; from his decisions' appeal would be open to a board of equali zation, along tho lines employed In county government. In connection with the tLaldtnw project It will bo remembered that Alma I). Katz has an agreement with the stato whereby ho takes over the conduct of the project provided he I can produce certain surety bonds and 'demonstrate his financial ability by January 1, 1913. Up to tho present, so far as is known, Mr. Katz has made no definite progress with tho undertaking. Once before the state renewed a similar contract, after it lapsed. It Is understood that should another such renewal be attempted, cither with or without Increased acreage Kens, a strong opposition will be encountered among the settlers. Text' of the Itcoolutlon. The important text of the resolu tion, as adopted last night, Is as fol lows: Now therefore bo It resolved that It is the sense of the Laldlaw De velopment League as expressed In a meeting of tho said leaguo "hold in Laldlaw Monday evening, September 23, 1912, that a satisfactory solution of their problems can bo obtained by the settlers-ami contract holders upon the Columbia Southern project unit ing and organizing themselves into an Irrigation district as provided In Sections C1C7 to 6217 Inclusive, and all amendments thereto of Lord's Oregon Laws. lie It further resolvod that in view of the fact that the Inldlaw Develop ment Ieaguo has not, up to tho pres ent time, had sufficient means at Its disposal to make a complete or ex haustive exam'nation of the laws governing the organization and con duct of such Irrigation district, that a copy of this resolution bo forward ed to the Honorable Oswald West, Governor of the Statu of Oregon, to Wm. Hanloy, President of the Cen tral Oregon Development Ixiague, and to Mr. C. C. Chapman, Secrotary of the Orogon Development Leaguo, with the request that theso gentle men advise thoriLaldlaw Development League as to whether or not In their judgment the organization and con duct ofau Irrigation district as above outlined would be the most satis factory solution' of the problems now confronting tho settlers upon the said Columbia Southern Carey Act Project, Sunday evening and Monday was takon out to the homestead districts by K. II. Post of the Oregon Land & Immigration Company. Several weeks ago, it will be romomborcd, ten Portland Jews canto hero and took -up lands. In all, tho Portland Hebrew Agricultural Association plans to settle fifty families on homo steads from llcnd, all taking adjoin ing lands In northern Lako county. Tho six men who wont out Monday are Ilabbl N. G. Gold, P. Sahattor, D. Isreal, D. Ilerozltz and W. Itod waso. Twenty moro settlors aro ex pected to como soon. It Is probablo many will remain on tho claims through tho winter, while all plan to como In tho spring. MOHE SEnLEflSCOME HERE Hebrew Colonists From Portland go Out to.HomeMtead Lands. Another contingent of, tbo Ilobrew colonists who have -selected 'Central Oregon as a location arrived here MRS. ESTEOET IN JAIL Woman Who Formerly Lived Here Accused of ItootlegKh'K Tho following news special from Vancouver, Wash., to Tho Orcgonlan will be read with Interest here, whore the Kstobonnets formerly resided: "A woman with a wooden log Is In Jail here, accused of bootlegging. "Tho police tonight (Sunday, 22d) raided tho Ilungalow rooming houso, at 403 "4 Main street, whero thoy found six quartB of wine, six half pints of whiskey and two pint bottles of whiskey, and arrested Mrs. A. II. Kstebennet, tho proprietress. The place has beon under suspicion for Here is a Soap that reduces wash board rubbing to a minimum, without in- jury to tho fabric. BERT SHUEY rim CASH GROGER'.j UGND OHtOON MfsWMte Laundry Soap 23ftCompany.tl.SA. soma tlmo ah a rftiQtt where aptdlpra linvo noon obtaining aupnntm. "Tho woman's husband formerly conducted tho lluiKnlo' bar, but hU license wns revoked nnd ha went to Cnpu Horn, where ho Is now In the saloon business," IF YOU DON'T I.IKK TIIH TOWN. (American Lumberman.) It you don't llko the kind of luwn That thts tuwn seems to liu, It buildings hero are tumblod down A way you (into to see, It something Isn't up-to-ilnto, Or good things ivh of old, While other towns are simply Kttmt (Or mo you have boon told.) If you would llko to soo n plnco That's full of push and snap, A town that hits a (aster pneo, A town that's on tho mnp; Yes, It a way you'd like to know to find It In a Jerk, I'll tell you whero you ought to go You ought to go to work. You needn't pack a trunk or grip And leave tho folks behind, You needn't go and take a trip Some other place to Oud, You ncedu't go nnd settlo down Whero friends of old you miss For It you want that kind of town, Just make It out of this. w VERDI'S COOL CRITIC." A Chap Who Llksd to Bat His CsK and Still Hav It, When Giuseppe Verdi's okth "Alda" was tlr being preiiivd to Italian au dlonrv the coiiiikmit rwelved the fol lowing letter, datinl Muy, XHTi, from n mnu residing In Itegglo. a town near Parma aud about too mile from Mi lan: "Much Honored Signer Verdl-The 2d of this mouth I went to I'aruia, drawn there by the seiiMtlnti mnde by your opera 'Alda.' Ha grettt whs my curiosity that out-half hour befur the eotumpiirciiieut of the pleec I was al ready In my place. No. I 'JO I ndinlrrd the iuIm vii scene. I hcurd with pleas ure the excellent slutcrr. slid I did all In my power to let nothing eme me. At the end of the upvnt I ankrd myself If I was siUIhIUhI. and the answer was 'Nor 1 startwl back lo Itrpclu. and lis tened tu the railway carriage to the opinions given upon 'Aids.' Nearly Mil agreed lu considering It n work of the first order. "I was theo seized with the Idea of bearing It again, and on the -ttti I re turned to Parma. I mude untirunl of efforts to get a reserved seat. As tho crowd was riiurtnoii I wns obliged to throw away live lire In order to witness the iwrformntife with any coin fort. "I arrived at thts conclusion about it: It Is nu oMrn In which tbvnr Is ato lutely nothing which rnue any enthu siasm or excitement and without the pomp of the spet-tncle the public would not stand It to the end. Wbeu It has filled the house two or three limes It will be banished to the dust of the archives. "Vou can now, dear flljrnor Verdi, pic ture to yourself my regret at baring spent on two occasions 32 lire. Add to this the aggravating circumstances that I drpeml on my family, ami this, money troubles my rest like fright ful specter! I therefore frankly ad driii myself to you In order that you may send me the amount. The uivount U ns follows: Lire nallrosd-gnlng ZOO lUllroad-rvlurnlns; SK Oprs tlcktls SU) DltsUbl uppr si tb station....... 100 Twice J1W .. z It JO "Hoping that you will deliver me from this emlxirrnaxmeut, 1 salute you from my heart. HertunL ,, "P. 8. My address: I'rospero Itertn a!, via San Domenlco, Xaft" Verdi hnpcncd to be moro amued tlinu offended at the cool Impertinence of Ibis amateur critic, and he Instruct, ed liU pubtlxhcr toorwnrd Hlgnur Iter tanl the sum demuuded minus 4 lire. Hy way of Justifying this deduction he wrvln. "The sum Is not quite so much as tho gentleman demands, but I think be might have taken bis supper at home!" Kxcba ngo. How It AffscLd Him. A young lawyer asked u veteran nt the bar If n lawyer orer got used tu losing COf en, "1 cau't say, sir," responded tho vet eran. "1 really can't say; but. as for myself, I am very much In tho same fix as tho man from Osceola who had been defeated for office He was tell Ing mo about It aud. In order to acquit blmsolf of tho charge of being a bad loser, kept Interjecting the remark that he was uot complululug. 'It doesn't pay to complain.' I said, agreeing with him. No, sir. It doesn't,' ho exclamed, and I won't complain, but at the sumo time I want you to understand, sir, that it makes mo duriled sick.' "Kan sas City Journal. A classified ad In Tho llulletln Is read by hundreds and brings tho ad vertiser good returns .for the money Invested HUMMONH. In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, tor the? County of Crook. The Hond Cpmpany, a corporation,' Plaintiff, vs. 0. 0. Cooper1 and N. A, Cooper, co-partuors, doing business under tho firm uaino and stylo of The Terrebonne Lumber Co., Do- fondantir.r To Q, C Cooper and'N. A, Cooper) huovo iiuiiiuu uuiuiiuuiiiu; In the name of the State of Ore gon you are Jioroby required, to ap pear and answer tbo complaint filed against, you In the nlmvti untitled auk within six weeks from thu data of tho II rut publication or this num inous, nnd It you fall to appear ntul answer for want thorouf tho Plaintiff will apply (o Ilia Court (or Hid roller prayed for lu tho Complaint, lo-wlt: for Judgment iignltist you nnd ouch or you ror the sum or 710 HO with IntorcHt thereon nt the rain or 10 put1 runt pur annum from April 17, 1012, until luild, and ror the cosla mid UIm hiirsomeulM or thin notion. This miniiuuiiM Is served upon you by tmbllontlon by nuthorlly nt nn order or thu llnnornblo II. O. Kills, Judge or the County Court or the State or Oregon roe thu C'liuily or Crook. Bald order Is dated thu S4th nay or rieiiiumunr, umi, iiihi is muy recordod nnd entered lu salt! Court nnd action. Date or first publication Septem ber 26, 1912. VKHNON A. FOltllKH. 29-3C Attorney (or Plaintiff. Don't wall until holiday time to those photo uiilargoiuentN, or set u album prlnls. Township blanks, neatly bound li hooks, W rents at Tim llulli'tlu. New PALACE MARKET F1" 'Mil i ii is .hi a Chnrle Hoytl, I'rup, MEATS Vegetables, etc. i1. i h... 3end JYacfaine hop All Kind of Saw Mill and Farming R-E-P-A-l-R-S Wc Carry n Large Slock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIOHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Hurley, Onto, Whent and II ran nt lowest prices. Tho Largest Ilarn In Control Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. ' Bend, Oregon. J. II. WENANDY LON L. FOX) Under New Management. THE PILOT BUTTE INN : DGND'S LRADINU MOTGL t In now In clinrRc of J. F. Tngjmrt &Co. First Clrua Service and tho Comfort of Guests, Is Our Motto. X FREB AUTO Between Hotel and Depot. t -"- " SEPARATORS THE SHARPLESS TUBULAR THE BEST Separator made. Easy to clean, lljtht to run, nnd It'll tho CLEANEST SKIMMEIl MADE. Wo havo them In stock. COME AND SEE THEM. MOWERS AND HAY RAKES; THE CELEBRATED' DEEIUNG! LINE. LiKht, stronjr nnd durablo. For salo by TT8 STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWELL, Mgr. Before You Let the Contract for tlmt new building, consider these facts about brick. In building with nil other nuiterinl no allowance is made for doors, windows and other openings. With brick you can make an allowcncc of 10 to U5 percent. With lumber 15 to 25 per cent is added for sizing, laps, etc. With brick it is unnecessary. With all other material 5 to 10 per cent added for waste, such as cutting, fitting, knots, shakes, etc. With brick there is absolutely no waste. When a building id finished, built with any other mateVial, there is always a lot ! of waste to haul away. With brick4, if you have any left we' will take them oft your hands ut the full ' -'-price you paid for them, ' ,f-' There is a hundred other reasons why you should build with brick, BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO.. . a