The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1912, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    -run nixi.rri.v, iihnii, xvv.uxymuay, hkiti.M'iii.ii ih, 1012
C. I. DOZELL, Manager
All Our Seed is
I Information for
isvory imuo 01 j no iiuuo
tin records tlio impress of
Cuntrnl Ori)K nnd tho llond
country. It you nro a homo
sooner looking for it now to
cation, or omii property In
till section, thoro U uo bettor
way to become acquainted
with, or koen Htod on, what
la bolus; tlnno In thin part of
tha world than by roadlng
thla paper rcxnlarly. Bond
In your subscription at onco,
ao aa not to tnlaa anything nt
what la Rolnx ou In thla big,
resourceful country thla
great Inland amplro that haa
now been opened for develop
tnont ly two great railroad
1IKND la located 166 miles south
of the Columbia Hirer, on the banks
of the Dcachutea. at the termtnua of
Uo Hill and llarrluan ratlroada.
' acosraphlcally, It la practically In
tho very center of Oregon. Keono-
uleally, Ita location (a unaurpaaaed,
for ltend atanda beatde the greatest
, power producing atream In the North
west, where railroads, water-power
a4 timber first meet, and surround
icd by the greateat Irrigation ssgre
gatlon In Oregon, with countless
millions of acroa of grata lands
Tho City Itself.
Tho estimated population of Hand
today Is 1700. Its altitude la 3600
toct, with n climate that Is practically
'ideal. Winter nnd summer, tho
weather Is magnllkont, tho tempera
, turo rarely going below jtoro and
only twlco, during the Uat tliroo
summers, being higher than 100 do
.i greeo.
Tha hlghost tompornturo ever re
corded Is 102 degrees. At this nltl
' tudo, In tho dry climate, actual
harmful frooslng doss not occur at
.US degrees but at 20 dogroes.
Government records show an
nvornKO annual precipitation of 16
Indies with an nverago yoarly of
120 auauy days, That means enough
rain for tho (armor, lots of blue sky
Jatjd bright auasbino, no oDprosalre
heat, and cltmatlo environment that;
aires Nature every possible chance
to got the. best results from man and,
Hand has. four churches, many
benevolent ooc.6Mes, splendid grado
.suWota isad a JUgb acJroa) whoa
- - -
Thoroughly Cleaned and Graded by Special
the Homeseeker
graduates nro admitted to the Blato
I'ulvoralty without examination, in
cclleiil banks, tho best equipped
and stocked stores of any town of
twice the slto In Oregon, bitok yards,
stouo ijuarrleh, dour and lumber
mills, n crvamory, cola storage
plants, steam laundry, newspaper,
well apto!ntrd holols. and, Indeed,
nblo roprcacntntlvcs of every class
of uturprlso.
In other words, llend Is well
equipped, modern and progressive,
with n lot of wldo-awako men who
havo spent good money developing
tho town, and who aro getting good
returns on their Investments.
' llond has tho best water In tho
state, and an excollent modern wator
ayatem, which Includes up-to-date
fire protection.
Mend's streets and homes aro well
lighted by electricity, which Is fur
nUhed from a new plant which cost
160,000 to build and equip.
A local and long distance tele
phone aa well as telegrsph, aro
other Items In Uond's metropolitan
Work Is undor way on a 180,000
sower system.
There aro moro beautiful resi
dence In llend, proportionately to
the population, than In any other
town In tho West.
Kvorywhoro there aro well made
and woll kept aldewalks, the stroets
aro maintained In the best condition
and aro lit with powerful aro lights,
giving tho town tho best stroot light
Ing of any In Oregon. With tho
many beautiful views of mountains,
river and timber, tho magnificent
trees scattorod gonerously through
out the residential districts, and tho
wonderful cllmato, llend loaves llttlo
to bo desired by thoso who sook
Ideal plncos In which to live.
In October, 1911, tho Hill and
Hnrrlman rnllroad systems com
pleted to llond their Orogon Trunk
and Deschutes linos. llend Is tho
terminus of both of theso roads.
The handaomo dopot, erected with
nattvo stono, and tho best oqupped
wnrohouso In tho stato, Indicate (n
what Importance tho railroad com
panies hold llond,
An extensive distributing business
already If being1 cond,uctodi rotn
Uond, to tho country south anil
southeast, and with thn regular oper
ation of .automobile truck lines, tho
volume of this' buslnMi Is. vastlr In
Practically all of wastara Haraoy
county . norUwa Lak .and
- - -
... .. 1 1
Klamath, will got aupplles In by way
of llend, and In return will export
via llond enormous clips of wool.
In connection with this latter pro
duct nnd Its shlpmont hero, tho rail
roads havo announced that ovory
Juno thoru la to bo a regular wool
snlo nt llond. This means that wool
from all over Interior Oregon will
bo collected hero, that buyers will
como bore, that thousands of sheep
will bo sheared hero, and that, In
tliq very near futuro, woolen mills
will bo established.
In all aurvos that havo been
mndo for a branch Hill road to the
southeast, to command connection
trith militated roads and an outlet
In that direction, llond haa bon
made the terminus point.
A Carey Act Irrigation segregation
embracing approximately 200,000
acres. Ilea to tho east and north of
Uend. This land Is watered under
tho supervision of the 8tate of Ore
gon, and becomoa tho property of
settlers who acquire It by rosldence
and Improvement, paying from 116
to $40 an aero for water service,
with an annual maintenance charge
of 20 to 80 cents an acre, the lowest
maintenance rata In operation,
Non-lrrlgablo acreage Is purchased
at 12.50 an acre.
Directly adtnlnlnr Daml aro ln
other Irrigation enterprises, both
conuuetoa on a rarmers co-operative
basis, and both, exceedingly prosper
ous. On the Irrigated Isnda all tho pro
ducts of tho tomperato sono proapor.
Tho soli and climate, however, are
particularly adapted to tho success
ful production of grasses and root
crops. Alfalfa, clovor, grain, pota
toes and other root crops, Including
sugar boots, do romarkably woll,
Tho ylold of buttor fat from tho
grasses Is exceptionally great, and
this, combined with tho pure soft
wator, and tho lack of oxcosslvo heat
and cold, destlnos this territory to
tako tho front rank aa a dairy
country. Tho establishment of a
largo oreamory at Uend, and the aid
given farmers In securing tine cows
by the local banks, means that a man
with forty acres who will ralso grass
and food It to his cows will bo as
sured of a oomfortablo living.
Work Is now In progress upon a
groat new Irrigation canal, known aa
tho North Canal, which wilt Irrigate
soma. 60,000 acres ofv land. Tho'
canal gats Its water from tho Dea
chutoa. Dry farming.
Tributary to llend on tho south
east Is a hug6 dry farming area, em
bracing mot. UiAP 860,000 gar of
level nnd rolling sago brush land,
with deep soil, no trees and rocks,
and with woll wator obtainable nt
luoilornto depths.
Much of this torrltory has beon
settled by homesteaders during the
last year, and many families arc
dally taking advantage of this Inst
big cliiico to get frco Government
laud. Tho majority of tho ncreago
Is ppon to homestcadlng undor tho
320 aero law, which allows tho free
acquisition of that amount In roturn
for residence and proportional annual
cultivation and Improvement Tho
homestead laws nro being made
easier and moro attractive, with the
result that moro and moro settlers
como to llend and mako homes on
this land tributary to tho town.
Good roads extend through this
country, and dally auto and stago
lines tap It from llend, to which Its
products will come on down grade
hauls to bo milled with tho Inez
hauitiblo wator powor of tho Des
chutes lllver Immqdlstely below
llond, whore a dam Is being con
structed at a cost of about 100,000.
Tho work In connection with this
summer's dovolopmout of tho now
canal will roqitira an oxpendlture
of $176,000. All of this money will
bo ik) nt closo to llend. Tho entire
system will roqulro approximately
$700,000 to comploto.
Tributary to llond, on down grade
hauls, Is 20,000,000,000 fcot or tho
finest yellow nine timber. Hesldos
providing tho cheap powor for the
milling of this enormous timber belt.
uend oners tho best of mill pond
Tho manufacturo of this timber
at Uend Is a certainty, for tho Inrgost
of tho companies Interested aro
heavy property ownors In Uond lands
and waterpower developments, and
navo signified their Intention of lo
cating their hlg mills here.
At present thero aro several
smallor mills, employing In tho
neighborhood or 160 men, Whllo
theso manufacture lumber primarily
for local consumption, not only aro
many carloads exported to tho towns
north of Uend, but also many are
hipped to the middle western mar
kets, which later will be supplied
heavily with the Uend lumber pro
ducts. Water Power
Thoro Is at least 260,000 horse
power easily obtainable from tho
Deschutes at and near Uend.
Already a 1700 horsopower plant
Is In operation In the town, which
offers as cheap electric power for
domestic and manufacturing uaca as
la obtainable In tho Northwest The
Inoxhauatlblo and cboau power at
her doors guarantees fiend's exten-
slvo manufacturing futuro.
Iter rfatlon.
Tho man who comes to Uend or
tho adjacent sections of Contral Ore
gon will bo agreeably surprised at
tho ploasant surroundings he will
encounter, both In what naturo has
supplied and In social matters.
For Instance, a University Club
recently was organized In Uond with
3C charter members. That indlcatos
tho character of tho men who aro
building up Central Oregon.
Tho sportsmnn will find tha Uond
country a veritable parndlse. Fish
ing in tho Deschutes Is a famous
attraction, that rlvor's giant trout
bringing sport lovers from nil parts
of thn North west. Deer, bear, rab
bits sago hens, ducks, geeso, swans
nnd other gamo afford ample recre
ation for tha out-door lover along
tho river and In tho foothills.
Canoeing and boating directly at
llond and up the broad rcachos or tho
Deschutes, coupled with excellent
auto roads, horsa back riding possi
bilities without end, and near by
snow clad mountain peaks, combine
near Uend Interest for every sort of
nature lovor and health seeker.
How to Got Ilcafe
From Fortland tako either the
"North Hank ltnllroad" or the Oregon-Washington
Itallroad & Navi
gation Co. system direct to Uend.
Tha fare la $7.46. Through tickets
from all Eastern points aro good
directly to Dond. The route up the
Deschutes Canyon Is the most strik
ingly beautiful railroad trip In tha
Northwest, and. say lovers of fine
acsnery, la In Itself well worth tha
Thero are towns having good sum
mor climate.
There aro towns havlnjr trood
Thero aro towns at tho right
Thoro are towns having attractions
for the outdoor enthusiast.
There aro towns having building
Thoro nro towns having brick
Thero nro towns having Irrigated
Thoro aro towns having timber.
Thero are towus having mills and
Thoro nro towns having water
Thero aro towns having groat tribu
tary area.
Thoro aro towns which aro terminals
of two railroads.
Dut whoro la thoro a town having
J! of theso advantages)
BEND Is such a town.
And that Is why It will pay you. no
matter whether you aro an Investor,
a bomeieeker, business man. or tourist,
to Investigate what ilond and the ;ad
Jaoout country baa. to .off op you.
An idea of tho volume of real
estate transactions put through by
local m on Is gained from a summary
which tho llorncscokors' Land Co.
has furnished Tho llultetln with.
Hlmllar statements from othor real
fstato men would doubtless mako the
samo good showing, and Tho llulte
tln wilt bo glad to publish theso as
showing tho rapid dovolopmont of
tho town and nearby country. The
following are tho figures as reported
by tho Homosookcrs' company, cover
ing tho eight months from January
1 to September 1: 17 business
properties, $33,160; 17 residence
lots, $4126; 1 farm. $11,700;
homestead relinquishments, $1700;
total, $60,676.
Th remitter of the Lakavlaw land
office reports that during August a
Intnl nr 14.U34.17 RCTPH OI "TOTem
mnnt land in that district was filed"
on and 4384.71 acres relinquished.
This was UIVUlcu as rouows: ruea
on- I-nUn county. 11.177.32: QrOOK,
1994.31, Klamath. 17C2.84 Jto
tlnnuUhcd: .tako. 2679 68; Klam
ath, 1101.66; Crook, C03.47.
I'ortrnlturo enlarg'ng and copying
nt tho Howard Btudlo.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
tand Offlce nt Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, September 4th, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Peter
8cggellng. or Uend, Orogon, who, on
October 28th, 1907, msdo homestead
entry No. 16761, Borlol No. 01788,
for noU, Section 27, Township 20,
South, Itnngo 11 Kast, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to mako Una! five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Com
missioner, at his ofilco at Uend Ore
gon, on tho 29th day or October,
ninlmant names as witnesses:
lohn Peter. William P. Vandorort,
John Usher and William T. Vandc-
vort, nil of Uend, Oregon.
28-32 Ileglater
Department of the Interior, V. B.
Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon,
September 10th, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Noncy
B., Lowell, of Uend, Oregon, who, on
December lat, 1906. made Desert
Land Entry, No. 663, Serial No.
02122. for neU soV4. Sec. 23 nnd
nwU swVS, w nwH, Section 24,
Township 18 South, Ilange 12 East.
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notlco
of Intention to make final proof, to
establish claim to the land above- de
scribed, before H. C. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, nt his ofilco at Uend,
Oregon, on the 26th day of October,
Claimant names as wlnesscs:
Ralph A. Dunn, William F. Mc
Naught. Lucius 8. Rlckard and Frank
A. Shlreman, all of Uend. Oregon.
C. W. MOOnE.
28-32p Register.
Department of the Interior. United
States Land Ofilco, Lakevlow, Ore
gon. September 11. 1912
To John M. Thornton, of Wanton,
O.esjon, contestee
You aro heroby notified that Floyd
Blank Notes
Rent Books
Receipt Books
Sales Contracts
Crook County Maps
Central Oregon Maps
Scratch Pads
Township Plats
Cruisers' Books.
We take orders for
Rubber Stamps.
"J?-- ! I I
W. Roasonor who gives Uond, Oro-f
gon, caro ol C. 8, llenson, did on
August 29th, 1912, file In this ofTIco
his duly corroborated application to
contest and securo tho cancellation
of your homestead Entry Nc, ,
Serial No. 04030, for NE Section
34, Township 21 South of Rnngo 20,
East, W M. and as grounds for his
contest he alleges that said eutryman
noror established or maintained resi
dence upon said tract nor has ho
over cultivated or Improved said
tract to any oxtont whatovor but has
wholly abandoned said tract for moro
than one year last past
You aro, therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations wilt bo
taken by this office as having been
confessed by you, and your said entry
will be canceled thereunder without
your further" right to bo heard there
in, either before this office or .on. ap
peal. If you fall to fllo in thts offlce
within t.wuty days s.fter- tha
FOURTH publication of. this notice,
as shown below, your answer, tinder
oath, specifically mooting ,nnd re
sponding to these allegations or con
test, or U you fall within that time io
file In thts offico due proof J.hat you
havo served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant cither In per
son or by registered mall If this ser
vice Is made by tho delivery of a. copy
of your answer to ttio contestant In
person, proof of such service must bo
elthor the said contestant's written
acknowledgement or his receipt of
tho copy, showing the dato of Its re
ceipt, or the affidavit of the person
by whom tho delivery was made stat
ing when and whero tho copy was de
livered; If made by registered mall,
proof of such scrvico must consist of
tho afflldavlt of the person by whom
the copy was mailed stating when
and the post offlco to which It was
mailed, and this affidavit must be ac
companied by the postmaster's re
ceipt for tho letter.
You should stato In your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire futuro notices to b sent
to you. '
A. W. ORTON7 .
Dato of first pu!ilcatlo'njfsptem
bcr 18th, 1912.
Dato of second publication, Sep
tember 26th, 1912.
Dste of third publication, October
2nd, 1912. - .
Dato of fourth publication, October
9th, 1912.
t Best Fresh Products.
Pilot Butie Dairy
OEO. A. JONES, Prop.
Telephone Your Orders.
We Deliver Twlc:Oally.
Selling Agents for
Aubrey Heights
him, ,, ii urn iiu.iiliiiiiii ns
The most beautiful resi
dence property in Bend. Only
L 6 to 8 blocks from business
center on easy terms.
Fire. Accident and Liability
1 Insurance.
Surety Bonds.
All classes of Real Estate.
Oregon Street.
Sanitary Plumbing
Promptly Attended tn.
Postolflco Box No. 171
Roofing of all kinds. Repairing1
promptly done,
Guttering. Spoutinjr,
Cornices and Skylights.