1A0K B. THE REND IIUI.I.KTI.V, IIKXD, WIJHNICHIUV, HKPTHMIIEU 1H, IIMU X i ---- - - CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --- WANTED -444444444444444 wheat hny. This was cut (nun ground broken Inst fall nnd planted A good, Hvo corespondent Is want ed by Tho Hullctln nt tho following places: l'rluovlllo, Redmond, Sin tors nnd Mllllcnn Vnlloy, to send In nowo Reins nnd net na our agents. I.lbcrnl pay. Address, Uullotln, Uond, Oregon. j CRESCENT CRESCENT. 8opt. 14 Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hamner were in from tholr ranch Monday, Pap Gardner and Edward lloyt of Fort Klamath were in Crescent this week. Forest Hanger J. W. Klchotawas in from Odolt lake. D. h. Peterson was attending busi ness matters hero Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. It. V. Houso have returned fro in an outing at Davis lake. Charles Thomas went to La Tine this we?k for grain. He started Saturday morning Tor Klamath Falls. Charles Craves accompanied him. Fred La Folletto and Italph Cald well wore passengers on Friday stago. Mr. Caldwell is expecting his vrlfo and daughter. Miss Nora, to return from n camping trip at Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Hourk and two children left Saturday morning for Walla Walla where- they will visit relatives and friends and take In the state fair. Inst spring. Tho heads nro well I filled nnd fully matured. On the last day of August n num ber of tho friends and neighbors of Misa Kthcl Fogg gathered nt bur homo for a farowell party, n sho leaves in tho near future for Tort land. Tho taffy refused to "pull" bo was beaten with a spoon Instond, which fact did not mar tho pleasure of tho crowd. A. S. Fogg mado n business trip to Ilend last week, going by truck one aay ana returning tho next. William Tando of Imperial was a uampton visitor today. A numbor of the friends of K. M. Peck and family gavo thorn a plons ant surprise at tholr home Inst Fri day evening. Coffee, cake and sandwiches wcro servod, after which sovoral lively games were enjoyod by all. Thompson llros. from on top of Hampton llutto brought down sovoral sacks of turnips recently. Some measured as high as SI inches In circumference and thoy are remark- . ALFALFA --..- -$ ALFALFA, Sept. 11 Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Jnnuoy and son leave today for Now York City. During the tlmo thoy hnvo boon hero thoy have mndo many Improvements on their ranch. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Leo Davenport and Miss Hniel Davonport nro spending a few dnya at Crano Prairie. Italph Torry roturued from Llnd, Wash., Tuesday. Mlsa Edna Pyatt has gono to hor school near Ilend. John Klder has purchased qulto a number of dairy cows. School will begin at Alfalfa on Sep. 16. Gcargo Tottlow has returned to his homestead Just west of Alfalfa. Mr. llnrbor and family w soon leave Alfalfa to go on tholr homo stead on tho "high deserl." ---- ---- SISTERS SISTERS. Sept. H Charles Lewis has been employed by the directors of tho Sisters school as second toaober. Temporary quarters will bo made for tho second room by a par tition in tho old room. A special Bohool mooting will bo held Septem ber 30 at which tlmo the voters will tlecldo whether an additional tax bo levied for the construction of an ad ditional room. At this tlmo It wilt also bo decided whether a ninth grade will bo added. The local W. C. T. U. has elected and Installed tho following o Ulcers for this year: Mrs. J. M. Allen, president; Miss Clemle Allen, cor responding secretary; Mrs. It. 8. Towne, recording secretary; Mrs. Km ma Steele, treasurer. The following arc the newly elect ed officers of the Ladles' Aid Society; President, Mrs. Eva Steelo; vlco president. Mrs. It. S. Towne; treas urer, Mrs. C. L. Dcnnlson; secretory. Mrs. u. C. Drown. Miss Myrtle ilerry's condition Is still very serious. She Is under tho care of a trained nurse now. O. W. Updyko made final proof on his homestcau near tho head ofi tho Mctollus before Commissioner Hills nt Ilend this week. ably awect and tender. They also have other vegetables and potatoes. L. C. Peck is breaking a colt for W. McConnell of Imperial. Last Sunday. Immediately after Sunday school, most of tho members drovo to tho homo of Floyd Phillips and when ho returned homo about 2 o'clock from n tramp was surprised to Qnd his labia spread with a bounti ful lunch prepared by tho ladles of tho crowd, POWELL BUTTE I -- POWELL IH'TTE, Sopt. 11 The rain that has fnllen during the past week will holp out tho squash nnd melon vines and roasting ears. Powell llutto schools expect to have some Interesting exhlblla nt tho county fair this fall. Gcorgo lleck man has offered n prUe of $10 to tho 1hsI display shown bv school districts Noa. SI. 73, or CC. This, with (he great number of Individual prlxes offered this your, ought to get tho school children's Interest aroused, Tho handiwork of tho children Is onu of tho most Interesting features of tho fair, so let's get busy children, "start somuthlug." C. II. Foster's threshing mnchluo Is working round to tho west ldo of tho buttes, liolug nt Joe Elliott's place now. Tho now bridge built across tho old river bed, one mile west of tho Powell llutto postoffice, Is now completed. It will mako a big cutoff on tho Hod mond road. Eighth grndo oxamlnnttona wore hold nt tho llutto Vnlloy school house Sept. 6 and 0, E. U Johnson has Just received n beautiful piano for his daughter. Alma. Mr, Davis, n brick mason or Uond, has been nt work In this nolghbor hood during tho past week, plaster ing J, P. llowman's now house nnd nlso building a chimney for Mr. How- man and ouo for J. D. Davidson. J. II. Ilarkley of Culver, Socialist candidate for county Judge, gavo n lecture nt the llutto Valley school house last Tuesday night. C? ALL FARM F2SZs Tho farmer finds the Deere Lln contains lust the plow ho needs a plow for every ' purpose. For over 08 vrart the John Deere Plow has been "the plow without a Dec r." and It's better today than ever, because wo have mado it our constant aim to improve, strengthen nnd simplify, as wen as multiply me lino la Jifcr orucr id meet mo require- & 4tSx3S? mmrtwm rw niv.n.Mi baikm .. .... m methods and special farm- iag, uniw iocay mere are Over hOOO Styles TUMALO -- - 4 --- TU.MALO, Sept. 13 Mr. Powel 60 u of Gist passed through here to Uond on Wednesday. John Cunningham of Ilend was in Tuiualo going to Sisters, on Thursday G, ,M. Couch has been binding grain for P. A. Woolley this week. Several bands of sheep passed through here Thursday. Ellis KJglngton and Grover Put Ham dove some beef cattle to Dend Monday. G. W. Wimer k Sons have let a contract for tho grubbing of 100 acres more of their land at Tumalo. E. A. Griffin of the Pine Forest (Lumber Company of Ilend passed through Tumalo, going to the Cert eon ranch for horses on Wednesday. J. 11. Wlraer visited home folks last Sunday. Miss Melba Baker of Tumalo is attending school in Laldlaw. Mies -Chios Woolley of the Dates ranch near Dend visited with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Woolley, last Sunday. F. F. Smith of Dend visited at the Star ranch on Wednesday. Charles Greger of Tumalo spent several days in liend last week. Arthur Ilrlnson of Ilend U helping on the Star much. I Paul Scoggln and sisters were In Laldlaw Suuduy. SI Its Irvine Woolley, who has been vUltlng her parents near Tum alo, returned to her former home In Colorado, recently. Miss Laura Marlon and Miss Per nice Couch v. tilted at Tumalo Sunday. of plows in the Deere Line for the farmer to select from. Kverv one of them Is stamped with the name which means so much to plow users; ine namo mat guarantees tno quality and workmanship oi every ooit, nut, Deam, snare, rnoiuooard, every brace and every rod that goes to make the complete plow. Don't buy until you have become acquainted with tbo Dctrs Line of Plows. H. J. EQGLESTON kT lie THE COMING - -- ; HAMPTON. ; i t - - HAMILTON. Sept. 10 Leo and IO uls Miller returned from Ilend last Saturday, bringing with them a few young pines which they set our In -front of their houses. I Several thousand feet of good dry lumber has' been hauled .from the MaureX'Mountain mill and' is for site nftlio Hampton store. Lee Illggs has several tons of Hog Center s All Indications point toward Ilend as the center of a profitable and extenslvo bog raising section. The cli matic conditions of this section are Ideal, Shipping facilities make rapid transportation at low cost possible. Farmers will ,do well to look into tho hog raising busi ness as It fs a' paying4 one. Getting. , the -.largest profit out of a pig, requires simply proper feeding to develop the greatest amount of weight In-tho shortest time, on tho most economical food. FOft THIS PURPOSE. FEED UNION MEAT COMPANY'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Union Meat Company's Dlgestor Tankage develops bone and muscle In young pigs, and makes them grow. It prevents rheumatism, thumps and rlckctta. It Im parts such fit and finish to "show" swine and market bogs that It has won the title, "The feed that makes Prize Winners and Market Toppers.' Union Meat Company's Digester Tankage Is tho most economical feed obtainable Experlmonta have shown that 1 worth of Digester Tankage puts mora weight on to a hog than $1 worth of any other kind of food. Digester Tankage Is a concentrated Protein Meal, It Is made from fresh, wholosomu pieces of meat trimmed from beef. It Is shipped In tho form of a meal which makes It easily mixed In mash feeds. Shipped In con venient 100 jKiund sacks. Keeps Indefinitely. Dlgestor Tankage has been trlod and recommended nnd Is now being used by best growers and authorities In tho Northwest, It Is becoming moro popular ovory dav. It will pay you to know moro about It. Send at once for circular No. 49, UNION MEAT COMPANY , . NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON Central Oregon Brokerage Co. . v " " pISTRinUTORS, trti li ,.I',M,t Oregon. DR.Y LAKE ------ DRY LAKE, Sept. U Tho now school furniture for tho Dry Lake district has arrived In Ilend. School will open about October 1. John Arnaldt and tho Misses Whltakor havo arrived to tako nos- session of their Hampton llutto homesteads, I N. N. Kins mado n trln to ilend last week, bringing In Mrs. Mooer and A GIST I I : GIST, Sept. HI Mrs. Crawford and family attended the Mldluw daughters to their olalm on section t. ;cl,Mrn day tho farmers of this vicinity lo et nut more trees, nml In few " tlmro will likely bo hearing otrlinrd on every farm. Cherries nnd npploii seem especially adapted In this region on account of their IiiiiiIIihmm, while It Is UhuikIU Hint primus mid olher fruits enu bo grown sueeeiw. hilly, It, K, Lien, trttvullliK Hides mnu for Hie Oiegiin Nursery, was taking ordera through hero IiihI week. Zepha Flowers, from Mllinoimlii, Is visiting his ulero, Mrs. J. L. (.'ouch. School opened Monday with n enrollment of at pupils, nnd Mrs. Nichols, the teacher, reports it splendid start In the work of tho term. Mrs. Anderson from California ami Mrs. Homhrey from tho Willamette vnlloy arrived here Friday nml aro visiting their sister, Mrs, E. L. Root. The Misses Krogglu, In company with their brother, were ratters In tho neighborhood one day last week. O. W. Snyder and daughter Kent to Ilend last Wednesday. Mrs. C. E. Nichols called on Mrs. Dan Smith Monday. J, M. Pattnu called on J. L. Couch on husluena Thursday. Mrs. Howard was tbo guest of Mrs. Hart Nlchola Monday. Mrs, 0. W, Snyder was on tho sick list Sunday. Jny Nichols mado n business trip down river Sunday. The sunshiny dns am causing the haymakers to wear broad smites. Jay Nichols has moved his hay baler to the ranch of C P llecker and will begin baling Monday. Mrs. Dan Smith was a Pluehurst visitor Thursday, roiuiueiired Improvement homoHtoitil. Two (ileum threshers are bim ti, j week threshing grain In tbu m,, ' This la (ho Hint nIoiiihoi- that Iihn' ouiiio tutu this section of the eoum? km only II wi years ugo when tin, wilier ciiiiio to tint valley noiliinK bin siiMohi'iish could bo reeii, Thn pre, nut mhihoii It litis required t ho mm. k'nH of several lieiiilom, hlinli.i, reapers nnd moivora lo harvest tliii crops. I LAIDLAW LAIDLAW. Hept 17 The farmer. S. Swnnson nnd C. IJongtiMin have returned from the harvest Held. t C'onstnnt rain has delayed bavin:. 4 goon ueai or spring grain Is not ; Kerttoeker oallod at Mr. MeCtilley's Mr. Kayler and wife wore In Mis ters Sunday afternoon. (Heaves Strnhm nnd Itathwl Knle- cut yet Henry McVlttlo has returned from a several months' stay In Washington and expects to dig for water at once. Mr. Serger Is getting the lumber I on the ground for his house. Dry lake valley looks qulto prosperous nowadays. Dick Rhod'i has returned from an iverlaul trip with horses to the California line. Messrs. F. I.ogan and Davison nro reported as being In the dairy business. PIUNGLE FLATS Monday. Mr. McCord and wife wore trniia acting buslNOM In Redmond Wednes day. Mrs. Htrahm and daiiKhtnr (Heaves and Raohel and Ooiistniico KnlekerlKieker spent the day nt Mrs. McCulloy's Wednesda). Mrs. Wilbur Saylor was In Hlstors Thursday morning. Mrs. .Htrahm spout the day at Mrs. Saylor's Thursday. John McCulloy as In Sisters FrL uay nueriioon whore he v.aa trans acting business. Mr. ami Mrs. Powelson a'nd niece J I were In Sisters Friday. Mr. McCulloy and son left Friday PRLNGLE FLATS, Sept. Mr. morning ror summer Lake where Llhhy visited Mr. and Mrs. 11. Evans ,nor w,,,,t on wwness. 1 Saturday evening Mr and Mrs. William Comstock will start ror ilend Tuesday. Mr Ilebo from Enumclaw. Wash- Is a guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Evans. Ho Intends to loaato. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. C A. Ilnlslcv spent tho evening at the home of Mr. und Mrs. II. Evans. I Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Gonung will Mart for liend about tho Itth of this month. Mrs. M. Ilallmoyer sent her son Joo to Mr. Roberta' for her fall seed , 'rvo. He was accompanied by Harry r;vans, jr. A school meeting was hold Satur day afternoon to select a alto for tho now schoolhouse. The aro going to build right away. Wilbur Saylor and George (llrtnon sowed 0 acres of nUalfa list spring. They have Just completed n new bain und are putting tho hay In It. Mrs. Crawford and daughter Phlno were In Redmond Saturday. (Heaves Htrahm and Rachel and Constance Knickerbocker spout tho day with Fay and I'kln Orawfurd Sunday. Mr. Sehtimachor, wife and children 'three inIIm north of town. spent the nftrnsxn at Mr. Knicker bocker a Sunday. of this section are nil busy with their hay, tho crops being abundant. Tim potators also nro fine and tho y Uld heavy, A great deal of fruit was raised hern this year. For the early vrl. ties the Yellow Transparent Appln serins especially adapted to this ell mate. Thn Diitche of Oldenburg also la n good early variety. The winter varieties nro thu Northern Spy, (latin and Arkansas Hlaek ami several kinds of crab apples, Mr. Henderson, who bought thn Simmons place, has tree loaded with fruit apples, plums nnd oar Mr lluudersou went on the plr li June and planted his onts nt oure Ho cut them lust week nud roiniiu the crop very heavy and tall. This I very encouraging, considering that ho was late In getting tho crop water, ed. (lata ate tor) llceeiH.fiilly raised hero. Mrs. Jack Winter nud Mis l'a (lerking took the early trnln nt ! chutes Saturday for a day's shopping at Redmond. Mr. Miller, manager of the Red mond Telephone Co., made n plsMr and business visit with J. It. (JourU last week. Ray (lurking went to Ilend oh a liuslHe trip last wiek. Mr. nnd Mrs. (I. W. Horner and son Robert took Karl tlk to hU father's ranch on the Mtall Mum dnr, J. N. It. Corking tuktI lie urn of clover and alfalfa ha) Inst we Mr. (Jerking has n ImmhiKhI pise and alwayx ha rimhI eriip. Mrs. Jark Winter unttl the day with Mrs. Howard last WedHU J. W. Chapman U making war on tho tinny tribe this week at the Metollu. Ho I trying to break Mr. Harbor's reeord. Mr. Ilsrtar wl oh 29 Inekw lung ntniut leu days ago nnd Is u very pntud man. J. N. II. (lerking and wife spout Sunday afternoon with Mr. und Airs. John J. Coon. John Coueh, frank Swisher and father. Jay Nichols nud Mr. Miller of Redmond took n trip to Sister Saturday In Mr. Couch's car, looking over the country. Thoy attended tho cri'iunery meeting while at SU- tors ami roort the people very en thusiastic (or It so ceo. A eoln mitten wax npitolntod to Jtivoatlgat the cost of Installing maehlHery, etc There nro about 190 cows promised and altogether the prospects ew very favorable. Mr. Coueh ' says there aro a groat many Improve ments nt Sisters sml It Is surprising how th Cloverdale district 1 rorg Ing ahead. J. W. Drown I bulldlua a T.r.mm cottage and a new bam on hi ranch Mr. oS - FORT ROCK FORT ROCK. Knt l i Mr. n dlrcctora W. Rico left for Nebraska tho first oi tho wox wheiosho will spend tho fall visiting friend and relatives. Mrs. F. C. Williams, who has l.cnn visiting her mother tho past three months, loft for her homo in Iowa the first of the week, J. A. Rhoton and family loft for Hclllngham, Wash., last Sunday where they will visit friends and relatives for a fow months. Miss Gertrude Harrison, who haa had a poeltlon In a Salem hospital, returned to her homestead Saturday. Mm. R. L. Noel went to ?sfrOdy, Ore., the first of the week whore alio will spend a fow weeks visiting homo folks. - 4 REDMOND , I - ! will begin business. The bskery will le known as the Royal. Meaars. Huoy REDMOND, Sept. 16 Perry M. Reedy returned Sunday from Tacotna with hla bride, formerly Miss Yerkes. Thoy wore married on September 4. Mr. Reedy la a member of the auto mobile firm of Hess & Reedy, here. Ehrot llros,, who havo tho largest store here, are advertising a closing out sale, naylng thoy are Kolnar out of business. The Commercial Club has oloctod Its officers for tho ensuing yoar. aa follows: President. J. W. Ilrowor: .. '...';' ":.""'. vlr. ,.r.IM..n. w a .... ' i""m I'M ma mncil ,.vw (iivai .,., , ... , ivuuiuaii, necro. isry, a. J, llauey; treasurer, O. M. Slocum; executive board, II. F, Jones, J. F. Hosoh, II. Palmer, It. A, Hush. Exhibits aro already coming In for tno rotnto Show to bo hold hero In October. Mayor lloscli, tho nsw elty ove cutlvo, has undo a shaken,) in tho appointive city officials. I. (. How. Ut has succeeded J. A. Wllpox us city attorney and recorder. Tho salarv of tho olty marshal was cut by tho City Council from 11200 a year to 11000 nnd A. J, Hanoy rofmod to servo for this salary and was suc ceeded by C. A. Adams. Thoro was an enrollment of H pupils In the local school on tho opening day last wook. This whs slightly less than tho first day enroll ment last year. P1NEHURST PINEHURST. Sept. 16-The yield of fruit this season haa oncouragod uier. came In the olher day-aud hao F, M. Wilson "blew In" from low last Friday and will do snmo lm- Mr. WIN son proved up on n hntuestod In this vnnoy a uttlo over a year aiso and Is surprised to bee no much Improve. nieni anu tno good crop. Ho do clnres himself a Lake county booster henceforth. Mrs. A. I). Wright of the Summit station oamo down' Wednesday and will visit with her folks bore and at Silver Lake boforo returning. Fred Wright, an old La Plne-llond atngo driver, Is driving from Ln Pino to Silver Uko, (l. N. Hill retiring. Dr. J. W. Thorn of Silver Lako was horo Thursday, Tho Lndlca' Aid moot with Mrs, t. it. nrndy Thursday. F, P. Pottlt of . Lako was a lmslnc. visitor In this city Friday. Mrs, Potor Jacobson la vory poorly at this writing nnd fenra aro ontor tulnod for hor recovery, sho having heon In poor health the, past year, W. Honsenof PortlaSftl Is visiting with his ulstor-ln-law; Mrs. J, L. Stratton, this week. J. L, Tucker, who has boon, with mo uoutnorn I'acino tho past aunt 'Drown hsd two trees of Yellow Transparent apples from whleh he sold seven boxes thl yoar, and they ' had all they could 4iso from (ho little tho apples were largo enough to , cook. Thoy also havo tree loaded with Arkansaa lllacks. Miss Dorn Ford, thn primary ' teacher in the school here, la hoard ing with Mr. and Mr. F. N. Wallace , Mrs. Dora M. Hall la having a largo stone cellar built and a stone flue added to tho hotol. Will Dell is doing thn work rind Neal Ray is doing tho hauling from tho Uldlaw . Quarry. Tho Development league haa ar ranged with sovoral gontlomeu for ahort talka next Saturday afternoon at tho Agricultural and Domestic , Science Exhibit. This mooting will prnlmbly bo hold at the church build. Ing from 2:30 to . Thcso talks t will bo along tho lines of agriculture and llvealock and thn betterment ot Jocal conditions. i J. R, and Mrs. Couch wero In Kcdmnnd Monday. . SEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING ", niirtnuNU RIFLE Ho. 70 - List Prlca, C8.00 'llblo landing" nbKn,. TUllKlKO, lOllfMimwMHMllgll f fi "v TJ In tlieehanibvr. You knuw wijuii tlio gun It loadiil. Cits all th game In sight Practice new nnd clean out all mu i-triii putt tliU spring Falnl tttm Ka Sliarnalionia ,. n.4 ll.m.M. "i W)l., )( llw. r ii ik.nii iiiw.iiw.1 & i. IxiOi.i.,.,!!. ; 1i"-.uii.iiuw,.ki,.jJJ:i ' liiHWimi. Ill m.i. Mill I l4ll.,a.lti,.it;iTi M...M I l.ulu.,i iiMiiU,. I,. '(Vfk si tl,",,e'l'.it(iiil, IJI lllk. ..1. 1 &,. ...I . .L ' try '.- ",....wintf tiw, I '' mm, i Want- iu '. STEVENi ARMS &T00LC0MfANY 0. S.I SMS ObMrsb,MtM.; J , i T.: