The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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tiii; iikv ni'f.M-sTi.v, iikni), xvmxtMUAY, hkitkmiikr i, 1012
- AT - -- -.
0 -
LAST WEEK We Told You About the
the kind that will slund washing and is guuruntcctl to hold its color. There arc
11H dillcrcnt shades and 10 dillercnt sizes. Yon can get anything you may need
for any embroidery that you are working on. Also a large line of the ROYAL
we have a new line of Ladies' Shoes, snappy styles, and newest things in footwear:
NO. H6A lender nmnnjr drew shoes
I'ulont leather, white kid top, white or Muck
buttonH.Soclolyliwt.lflhut- d A C"
ton,Hliorlvuiii, 17h In. heel (pt
NO. 7-15WIII plciiw tho woman of taste
I'atont leather, silk corded top, Durhy lust,
11 buttons, short viimp, it A Cf
Vi In. hcol $HkwU
NO, 72.1rjorrcct anywhere, n irunmctnl boot
on Yule hut. 10 buttons, short vamp, extension
sole, ropu Htltch, l'i inch heel C?A ttf
price .....,,. ,,. ipTiJv
NO 8.1 J A classy ton boot, knob Inst, 10
buttons, short vamp, heavy rope stitch, ex
tunsjon sole, Wt Inch heel, it A Ci
-price $.JU
MEN'S NECKWEAR. ALS0 NKW T,,,s WKRK- u t0 lhe m,nutc
l'wvu'''v styles In Ioom; end hiics, reversible shapes in
plain colors, rnverslblu hIiu)vh In fancy silks, and the very latest colors In C(- in Cr
knitted lie. A beautiful line of koN nil thru, each, only ,. JUU lU JC
"The Store of Better Values"
BITS ABOUT TOWN, j, ,:'' ""''' ,,f1r,rric,,M w""
ItransnetlnK business In llend Hatur-
Tho Uirs alor l being repainted '''
Mr. unci Mm J. K. Itvmi .ixmh ! Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Avorlll and
ynnday In Rend.
r. A. M. I.ara returned Sunday
f ulsh
Ixht from Portland
Mr. nod Mrs. II. C. Copthorne loft
Hundny fur Canton, Ohio,
The Bridge CI11I1 met last Friday
with Mr. II. J. Ovcrlurr,
Mrs. A. I). Lewis Is visiting Mrs,
1., I Fox and other friends.
Cilllna l-Mklna. n Prlnnvllln liuat.
i' lies man, was a Horn! visitor Sunday,
Dan Ward, Jr., of Portland Is visit
! Inn lltiKh O'Kane.
children aru staying at tho Altnmont
now, ,
The hand will glvo a concert next
Sunday afternoon on tho old lrako
U I. Wakefield and Mr. 1-oxler
were dinner gnosis of J, II. Wcnandy
Work on tho Buttles Lake Irriga
tion project tuts been suspended for
the winter.
Mr nud Mm. W. K. Hlor of Mis
ters were over for the dance Satur
day nlKht.
(UotiA -ttAiJb,
flmMMMMMMmij! 3X( mmmmM m M Mf k lib M Aft mi m)W
'WByHBk iff
Dca r flntyj-
John and at will have our ienih xtecldino.
anniveAsaAy ncxtucdncsday nip hi, at want
fot and QoL to come. John laid me the
0 the A day thai he ua-s more my uecthcaAt
than ever, 1te had Just made a pood iui
ncia dcat and Jaid at cauid have -anything
at Mantcd.
at made him Lif me next JuAniture to Ac
filace uhat waJ uroAn out, at dont Let lev e
in having otd thinyA in the hoxxie, do you?
2ouA oid fAiend,
(P.S.-Ve Loupht eyeAy linate ihinp from
E M. Thompson
Where Your Dollar Does its Duty.
Tho local carpenters' union will
meet Katurdny nlxhl In tho hall over
tho iKiatolTlce.
Arnt Anderson, nephew of Mrs, J.
P. Johnson, Is visiting here from
Superior, Wla,
II. K. Dlctiel, tho Madraa flour mill
man. n In liend tho first of tho
week on huslness.
MUs Jscques of Prlncvllle la visit
Inx Miss Nona Illchardson, at ber
home enst of town.
A danco waa xlven at Mnster's hall
Haturday night. It was attended by
good-sized crowd.
C. t). Rowe left Haturday morning
for Portland and Seattle to buy
winter goods for his storo.
J. T. lloldnaon left today on n
horseback trip acrois tho mountains,
l tho McKcntlo ias.
Hubert It. Slmimon, formerly of
I'rluovlllo but now of Holse, Idaho,
vns In town Sunday.
Claudo Innes, who has lccn In
Shoimnu rounty for'n month or so.
inns returned to llend.
C. II. Hunter left Friday for Spo
kann whore ho lll spend several
hecks on a vacation trip.
Mrs. 1). II. Yeomans and children
hill lenvo Friday far Pomeroy, Wash,
to visit for about six weeks.
Hiv. II. A. Pratt of Iloppnor, Oro.,
Is expected to ho here Sunday and
preach at tho Methodist church.
T. J, Noud, secretsry-trensurer of
the Noud-Hlacker Timber Company,
of Portland. Is In Hand on business.
Mrs. Mary Hardy of Amloy, Wash,
arrived last Wednesday night to
visit her mother, Mrs. J. W. Ulmlck,
Misses Pauline and Margaret Wiest
loft yesteiduy morning to enter .the
Orogon AKrlcultural College at Cor
vntlls. A daughter was horn to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Gilbert, who reside In
I 'ark addition, on Thursday, 8optem
bur ti,
Mlits Alice Caldwell left yesterday
tor Kimono to visit for somo tlmo
with hur sister, Mrs. Paul lioiul. and
ft tends.
Tho sldownlk at tho northwest
corner of Wall and Oregon streoU
has been reluld, huvlng hon burnod
..; July 3.
1.. W. Wakellold enmo In tho latter
part or tho week on his way to Cres
cent. Ho has been In Seattle suveral
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drako, former
residents hole, arrived In llend Mon
day. They came up by auto from
I-'rod Lucas, John Sather and
Laurence Smith havo entered tho O.
A, C. as freshmen, having left for
Corvullls Sunday.
Tho Method 1st ladles' Aid Society
win nam a roou uaie amuruay trom
to a, m. to 6 p. m. at tho It. M.
SmitluOlothlng Co. "a store.
Mrs, Anna Hagenion, who has
been visiting her jiaroiits, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Johnson, leaves lhls wook
for her home In Uuluth, Mlau,
Mrs, C. II. Corkott spvnt Monday
In Dfischutes,
Miss Cora Bather wont to Port
land Monday,
It. M, Smith went to Portland to
dii) to buy goods.
Jean Taper of La Pine was hero
yesterday on liimlners.
John II. Wlinor of LMdlaw was a
guest yimtnrduy at tho Motel Mend.
Mrs. J, K. Arnold went to Portland
yesterday to meet a brother from tho
Winer Nlswonger returned last
night from n business trip to Port
Mild. Harry (lordon of Carson City, Nov.,
and T. L, J.lndley of Kansas City
havo filed on homesteads In Lake
J, II, Curl of La Pino was hero
yesterday to tako Forest Supervisor
Merrill south to look over his now
M. 0. O'Malley, Oregon mnnagor
of tho Fraternal lirothorhood, canio
In Inst night from Portland to spend
a fow days.
IKrnest Ileesloy or l.n Pine In In
I town after a loud of grain which will
1 bo used as seed on tho Pratt place
about 37 miles south of llend.
' The Hudsons, Sawhllhj, II. A. Mil
I lor, A M. Prlnglo and J. C, Rhodes
spent Suuday fishing In tho Metollus
' river. They report much success.
I Charles Iirlug, formerly with tho
Pease store at Shanlko, Is now with
tho It. M, Smith Clothing Co. and will
do a cleaning aud pressing business.
.Mrs. A, II. Horn, at her homo west
or town, entertained Saturday even
ing In honor or W, Wolf or Helling
ham, who Ims como to llend to live.
Wsrd II. Coblo left Monday eve
ning for UnriiM on a business trip.
Ho will cover the entlro southeast
ern part or tho state be f oro return
ing. '
Clydo McKay, J. N. Hunter, W. II.
Stoats and Hill Spsncer wero fishing
Sunday on tho Metollus and brought
back a good catch, Including several
big ones.
Max and Lylo Richardson left Sun
day morning for Walla Walla. Wash.,
ito attend Whitman College. This
wilt be l.ylo's second year and Maxs
first there.
W. A. Heaver of the llend Stono
Company returned Suuday night
from a trip to Portland for the pur
pose of Interesting builders there in
local stone.
Mrs. J. M. I-awrence Is expected
In tonight from Portland on a short
visit. Mr. tawrence is preparing to
move to tho metropolis to bo with
his family.
Last night Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Putnam returned from Seattle. Mrs.
Putnam's alster. Miss Mary Hlnney.
coming with them to make an ex
tended visit In llend.
Mrs. C. II. Allen and daughter
Miriam loft yesterday tor Corvallls.
Miss Allen will enter the O. A. C. as
a senior this fall, hor mother return
ing home In a few days.
Mrs. K, F. Hassett came In the
first of the week from Hampton to
And out tho law regarding proving
up on tho homestead of her husband,
who died recently In Portland.
,t I). Wlest hos let a contract to
C. C. Dick for tho construction of
tho more residences In Wlestorla, ou
Klghth street, which will be tho same
size as (he two now under construc
tion. W. II. Rvsns. who recently sold
his Interest In the Dream theatre to
his partner. L. C. Rudow. loft Sun
day for Seattle. Norvell Springer Is
now running tho machine at the
The front windows of tho R. M.
Smith Clothing Co. storo have been
remodeled and greatly Improved. Tho
woodwork waa white enameled by N.
P. Welder, and this gives a flue dis
play effect.
Sheldon A. Volkman, traveling
freight and passenger agent of the
Great Northern Railway, with head
quarters at Portland, Is In town to
day In the Interest or tho road ho
The atmosphero hero Saturday was
very hazy or smoky looking. It was
duo to dust In tho air, blown horo
from the Columbia river by a north
wind, there havlug been a big dust
storm on the Columbia.
MUs Ora Collins of Dallas, Oro.,
niece or A. S. Collins, Is visiting hero
nnd will probably spond tho winter
In llend. Her slater, Miss Nellie,
was hero last week on her way to
Hums to tench school this winter.
s1 - ARE HEREiF-sss
Almost Every Shade Is Represented
in a Variety of Fabrics.
All Wool Whip Cords, 44 in. wide $1.25 yd.
All Wool Amoskeug Serges -. COc yd.
All Wool Homespun, 50 in. wide $1.25 yd.
Messnlines, in a variety of shades, 27 inches
wide 1.81.00 yd.
Urocaded ahd Figured Silks, 85c, 81.00, 81.25 yd.
Of Special Interest
We have just opened up a shipment of Comforts
direct frpm an Eastern mill. Remarkable val
ues, ranging from 81.00 to $3.00
The Quarterly and Month'ly Style Books of Ladfes'
Home Journal Patterns are here.
II. W. Franklyn ot Swirt Current,
Saskatchewan. Canada, arrived In
Hcnd last week to look over Central
Oregon. Mr. Franklyn was rormcr
ly editor 'and manager or the Dally
Kxpress but recently sold the paper.
W. L. Powers, demonstration farm
superintendent, and father, J. Pow
ers, wero guests at tho Pilot Dutto
Inn Sunday night. They had been
looking over the country east of
Ilond, and returned Monday to Red
mond. Rov, W. R. Howell reports splen
did Interest being manifested In tho
meetings at the Uaptlst church. The
meetings continue each evening this
week at 7.30, and are being held at
2:30 in tho afternoon at the homo
or friends..
A new bulletin board announcing
all the services or tho church now
adorns the Uaptlst church building
The work was done by Hunter Hros.
They havo also completed painting
the building which ghea a very neat
W. G. Fordham, or La Pine, who
rcceutly returned by auto rrom Saw
telle. California, says that or all tho
towns ho passed through Hcnd is
far and away the most active. Mr.
rordham, M. D. Shultz and Ivan
Shultx vore hero yesterday.
N. P. Welder went to Hood River
Sunday to deliver to tho widow of
Ora Hunter, a charter member or
the local camp of Modern Woodmen,
a check for J1000, this being the
amount or his Insurance policy. Mr.
Welder returned Monday night.
Paul Ilrooklngs, tho H-yoar old
son or Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ilrook
Ings, was brought by his mother
Irani Rolyat to tho Uend hospital,
Saturday, suffering from- a compli
cation of diseases. Mrs. Brookings
returned homo by auto Sunday.
Mrs. O. F. Persons, who is welt
known here. Id writing from Port
lsnd to have the address ot her
paper changed, says: "I havo
changed my name and also my ad
dress." Sbes Is now Mrs. D. E.
Gunsolus and resides at St. Johns,
Miss Hertha Baldwin and Mlsa
Nellie Summers, who have been
siiendlng tho summer at The Tules,
tho ranch of J. U. Ryan up river,
came down Friday. Miss Summers
waa on hor way to her home in Prlne
vlllc. Miss Italdwln returning up
Owing to a recent change in tho
Oregon state banking laws, which
prevents a nonresident stockholder
rrom acting as an officer or director
or a stato bank, S. M. !.ara has re
signed as president of the Deschutes
Hanking & Trust Co. and Dr. H. Fer
ret! haa been elected In his place.
Milliner and Ladles' Good.
The prettiest line ever shown In
Hcnd or ladles' suits, coats and
skirts; also misses' coats, suits and
skirts; coats for tho little ones, and
"lids" for the kiddles. A complete
lino or millinery. Goods arriving
dally, Mrs. Black. A doors rrom
postofflce. :8
I have located In Bend to ac
cept pupils for the piano.
Beginnera and advanced pu
pils a specialty.
A term of four lessons for
$5.00. Address
Prof, 3. L, Miller
caro Bulletin. ... . . ,
Appropriate music for tod-res
banquets, etc., furnished.
wmzmw class,
: fr w
Skuse Hardware Company