The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1912, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    - lli"-fiUitttolW1.WcWi.
r.on .
OEonau PAUtun putnam
KJItor and Publisher.
Managing KJItor.
An Indepondont newspaper stand
ing for tho square deal, clean busi
ness, cloan politics and tho best In
terests of Ltond and Central Oregon.
One year $1.60
Blx months .. SO
Three months . -50
i ,- ,
All subscriptions aro duo and
of expiration will ho mailed subscri
bers and If rcnowal la not made with
in reasonable Umo tho paper will bo
Plcaso notify ua promptly of any
chango of address, or of failure to re
ceive the' papor regularly.
Make all checks and orders pay
ablo to Bend Bulletin.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1912.
- "Klllti DAY."
A movement has been started by
tho Fortland Association of Credit
Men that ought, and no doubt will,
receive the hearty co-operation of
the clttxcna of liond. It Is for a
"Flro Day." This Is another term
for a clean-up day, as It Is known
here.' The object of such a day Is
to rid the town of rubbish that Is
dangerous because It Is excellent
material In which a Are may be
started from a carelessly thrown
match, cigar or cigarette stub. With
tho flro "hoodoo" which has been
pestering bead, there Is hardly any
one who would not Join enthusi
astically In having such a day desig
nated locally.
October IS has been suggested as
tho day, and the Portland people
arc asking the Governor to Issuu a
proclamation to this effect, thereby
making tho movement state-wide.
Tho writing of letters to this effect
to the Governor Is urged. Tho mat
ter should also be placed before tho
City Counoll; the aid of tho ladies,
who are a great power for good when
It comes to neatness and tidiness,
should be enlisted; tho boys and girls
ought to bo aroused; the teachers
should talk to their pupils, and the
ministers urgo the movement from
their pulpfts.
It should be a "pull together" of
everybody, thereby making such a
day an event of much civic Import
ance, not only placing the town be
fore the public as a model of cleanli
ness but also removing the danger
of fire, to a largo extent.
The annual Ore loss In the United
States Is $2.C1 for each Inhabitant.
In Oregon in 1911 It totaled the
enormous sum of $1,653,487.98, or
more than $2.45 for each man,
woman and child In the state. This
Includes only the losses paid by the
Insurance companies, taking no ac
count of all losses not covered by Insurance.
Fearful Plight of a Man Trapped
In tho Big Snako's Den.
Voting Content AxkuiiiIiik IJcly As
pect .Voir.
Interest In the Star Theatre's pop
ular girl ,contet, which will be de
cided on October 14, Is becoming live
ly, a number of candidates striving
to win tho Victor talking machine
which will be given as the first prize,
or to get a month's pass to the Star,
the second prize. The votes are
counted every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evening by Dr. Gorby,
and the result announced at the
theatre. Monday's count shows tho
following to be the eleven leading
candidates: Iva West 327, Goldle
Hoke 130, Anne Markel 36, Jose
phine Young 24, Arrle Illack 17,
jvnna Wyse 14, Meda Castle 6, Olga
Johnson C, Fern Moore 5, Margaret
Thompson 4, Mlsa Klein 4,
Several of the leaders, It Is under
stood, have gathered a large number
of votes which they are holding back,
and it Is aleo known that some of
those further down in the list are
busy among their friends and expect
to climb rapidly. The finish will
likely be exciting as frionds of the
various candidates are determined
their their favorite must be the one
to carry off tho honor and the $75
Sunday services: llllile School at
10 a. in., public worship nt 11,
yeople's services at 7:30 p. in. Tho
epecfal meeting will continue each
afternoon and evening the entire
week excepl on Monday. The
"public Is cordially lusted. Hrlng
bibles. Invite your friends. There
are two human elements to success
in all such work v drainx
preacher and a drawing congrega
tion. lf you are living in right re
lations with the Lord, you. are In
vited ae;'a worker. If you are' not
-living thus In right relations, seek
It. Wllbert It, Howell, minister.
WnifrVdElyW "assistant.
Plucky and Successful Strugglt to Es
cape tht Embraes of ths Writhing
MomUr, Which Would Hsv Cruh
d Its Victim Llk-an Eggshell.
Fow mon after having been roughly
squcexcti by n python have lived to tell
of their seusatlous while In tho em
brace of the big snake. An English'
man employed In tho London zoologl
cat gnrdcus was, howexer, ono of the
fortunate few.
Tho Britisher while In Antwerp vis--tted
tho Janlln Zoologhme, where he
observed that a big pjrtlmn-a female
about fourteen feet tu length was suf
feting from carte of the Jaw, with ul
ceration, of tho mucous membrane, a
condition often fatal to snakes In con
Having pointed this out to tho resl
dent director, the Englishman obtained
permission to make trial of an oint
ment that be had found cftlcaclous In
the early stago of the dlscaxo among
hU owu snaked.
Now, as III luck would hare It, tho
regular keecr was nbcut on this ar
Ocular occasion, and his place was till
oil for the time by another from some
other department or the Institution.
This man s-wke nothing but Flemish,
a longua of which the Urlton was Ig
norant. The Englishman went Into the py
thon's den with this nttenduut. taking
It for granted, of course, that the uiau
was accustomed to snakes and band
ing bttn the box of ointment to hold un
til the Briton should be ready to use It
When the Englishman bad brought
the pythou fairly dowu to the floor he
gripped her hard by the neck, which
action bad the effect, as bo Intended It
to have and wblcb It always bus with
snakes, of making her open her mouth.
While holding her thus bo pressed her
bead away from htm at the same time
to prevent her catchlug bold of any
portion of bis clothing In her efforts to
overcome him.
In her fright and rage she drew her
body up across tho Brltlshcr'a back and
twisted her tail round and round his
other arm. All that the Englishman
now rcaulml of the i-ciht wus. by
teasing or pinching her bi-tv and there
or by unwinding tho tall when necessa
ry, to cause her to shift her colls con
stantly and prevent her resting long
enough on oue spot to apply undue
The Englishman turned to make a
sign to the Fleming to bo ready to band
blm the ointment To the foreigner's
dismay the Fleming" face, with a sort
of full. Impartial interest, looked at him
through the glass In front, the door
closed on the outside! He had become
frightened by the python and bad quiet
ly departed.
At the same Instant that the British
er turned the serpent tightened on him
so suddenly and violently that be mo
mentarily lost consciousness. Then he
found himself staggering about the den
dghtlng for life. He expected bis ribs
to give way every moment, yet bis
chief fear at the time wus of falling
through the glass.
He pusbi-d the reptile's hesd away
from him with all bis strength lest It
should cross his breast, and be can re
member i-ati'blng sight of himself, a
mulberry colored figure, lu the mirror
All tbe time that be fought be knew
that be was trampling over the other
pythons, who, furious at tbe disturb
nil'-?, were now darting about the don.
above nud all around blm In every di
Tbe Britisher exerted every energy to
keep bis fret, for he hsd retained suf
ficient presence.of mind to reallxe that
were be to go down all would be over
with blm. The beat was stilling. He
felt that be could endure It no longer
Tbe cage spun madly round before bis
yes, and be let go the snako'a bead.
Tbe big serpent now twlstrd nharply
over bis right shoulder 'lose to bis face
and slid off to ths ground.
Tbe Englishman remembers falling
against tbe door with outstretched
bands, but nothing mure until be found
blqisflf sitting on tbe steps outside
coughing violently, while the phleg
matic kecer was for some a-rult rea
son putting a hot key down his back.
Fortunately the snakr hsd only a
small part of ber body across thrttng
IMbmnn's left side and hiu-k. Had she
encircled him with n complete coll he
would have been crushed Ilka an egg
shell. Harper's Weekly.
Sweaters Underwear
Now Suits Blankots
Now Overcoats Quilts
Hightop Shoes Wool Hoso
"EverythlnK to Wear for Men Who Cure."
Wo Deliver to Any Part of the City.
. . The . . .
Deschutes Cash Grocery
Across the street from the Star Theatre.
We sell all Extra Quality Goods
or Telephone
for a
Trial Order
We Deliver to Any Part of the City.
Dieting ths Stsls.
"Why have the seals Is-en put on rev
dured ratlimsT was the tlrst ipiestlon
put by the new assistant at the mpia
"To keep them from u-Wtlng Iisj fat."
he was told "Of alt specimens In the
aquarium none takes on ltih " rap
Idly us the wills If their diet wus not
cut down wln-u signs of obt-slty upMar
they would soon tret so fat that tbuy
couldn't swim." New York Times.
Horns of WUdom,
"I was Just tblukiug about Dlog
"What or hlmr
"I wonder If he really deliver) his
words of wisdom from a tub."
"Why not It was probably a tub of
sxb greas setting on the front itorrbl
of some Athenian grocery." Kansas
City Journal.
(education Is an orna'mvhf In prosper
ity and a refuge In adversity. Arts,
The First Blssmsr Thst Pllsd For Hlrs
In Qrast Britain.
Among tho curiosities of advertising
msy surely be placed the flmt adver
tisement of tbe first steamer thst piled
for hire In tirrat llritaln namely.
Henry Hell's Comet. Thus ran tbe ad
tertlsement In tbs Glasgow Courier of
"Hteam passage boat, the Comet, be.
tween Olasgow. Ureenm-k and Helens,
burg. For passengers only. Tho sub
crltxr having at much expense fitted
up a handsome vessel to ply tion the
river Clyde between tSlnsgow and
(Jrccnock to sail by the power of
wind, air and steam he Intends that
the vessel shall leaie the Itmomtelaw
on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur
days about midday or nt such time
thereafter as may answer from the
state of the tide and to leave iSrccn
ock on Mondays. Wednesdays: and I'rl
days In the morning to suit the tide.
The elegance, comfort, safety and
speed of this vessel require only to be
proved to meet the npprobatlon of
tbe public, and the proprietor Is de
termined to do everything In his power
to merit public encouragement The
terms are for tbe present 4 shillings
fur the best cabin and .'I shillings for
the second, but beyond these rates
nothing Is to be allowed to crrnnts or
any other person employed about tbe
What would poor neglected Henry
Dell have said could ho bare seen his
humblo llttlo Comet, of whoso ele
gance, comfort and speed he was so
proud, alongside a modern ocean
racer or one of the latest palatial river
steamers of the Clyde or Thames, all
so well advertised? Chambers' Journal.
and by May I our resplendent bird Is
with us again. The song period with
the mala golddnch continue aa long as
be wears bis gold and blsck livery, for
It commences as early aa tho middle of
March and and 1st In August.
Chsngts In Plumsgs Thst Are Pus.
sting to ths Novice.
Most erery ono In America Is nc
qualuted with the goldtluch, but many
people know the bird by the name of
lettuce bird on account of Its bright
yellow color, Ooldtlnch Is a very tip
proprlato name, as the bright yellow
of the nmlo when he Is In breeding
plumugo Is like burnished gold. The
female goldfinch Is more modestly
dressed than her mate. The changes
In plumage of tho mule are very Inter
esting uud to tho novlco somewhat puz
Until tho student becomes acquainted
with the bird be may wonder why he
sees no mules during the winter. Tb
truth Is ut this seasou the flocks of sup.
losed fema.e goldfinches aro really of
both sexes, the male bird having as.
sumed In ttw previous fall, usually
by the end of October, a plumage close.
ly resembling that of the female and
young bird of the yenr. The male rc
tslus this Inconspicuous dress until
late In February, when one can notlc
a gradual change taking place In some
of tbe birds.
This renewal of feathers Is actively
continued through March and A'irli.
( MS I Ck'5
-fncO ' V. -
i e& i v,
wmm SMSstst
Sept. 18, 1911
Dear Friend:
I don't nee how. they
make macaroni. I don'.t'
nee how they got the
hole in it The doctor
saya thia la a good
thing because it wont
lump in the- stomach.
And my, how good mac
aroni is with a little
cheese sprinkled over
it, and they are cheap
8c a pound for macaroni
and 25c a pound for
nice fresh cheese
Your friend,
P S You can always
get fresh macaroni and
cheese at
It Was Chsngssbl.
Ono of llio Inrgo Knnsita Clly stores
owes Its success In n great immsuru in
Its policy of oxehniiKli'K K,0,,l ,f '
turned In n salable condition. An ex
ception Is ninilo when dross tiialerlals
have lioon cut from Hio Imlt. Ono day
recently ft customer purchased ton
yards of n two toned silk, which tho
clerk assured lior wus tho most fash
loimblo fabric of tho season. When
sho reached home with her puriihnso
she decided, on rcllecllon. Hint n wool
en material would bo more serviceable.
Accordingly sho returned lo I ho store
tho next dny and rvniiestwl tho '
chango. Tho clerk explained lhat It
was an lmHissblllty. as tho goods hud
been cut.
"Why. I Ixnight this with tlm
tlnct understanding." remonstrated the
woman, "that I could return It. Did
you not toll mo It was n changeable
taffeta I"
Tho exchange was mado.-Kansss
City Star.
HATHA: Flvo cents a lino for
first Insertion lu this column, four
routs a lino for each suhoo,uont In
sorttou. Cash lu advnnro unless
you Imvo an account with Tho Mill
Intln. Count atx words to tho lino,
Including tho address.
I'. M. Carter alter (I p. m, lu Kmi.
notid. !!a
iter oh In good locality. Addicss
Frank MiUMtiiigalo, lleiul, Urn, Up
-i. -rjSE.a . try, y st"? amu. a m ? i
For Salt',
For H.tlo Potatoes, by tho suck
or ion, Addles 12, .1, HhkoN, lloiul.
1'Olt HAI.IC Mnlnraynlo, or will
(ratio fur liorsua or ontllu. II. I'.
Hmlth, Heiid
FOIt HAI.K-HB Inns of whunt hii),
l(l a ton lu tho Hold, ltd HiiUot.
sou, llond, - ttr
FOIt HAI.K Apiui of horses, tl k
7 yrs. old, ut. -tub. N. 19. (Illhori,
I'ark addition. XOtf
I'Olt Two liilloti onus,
fresh, Claude Kuapp, H inlln south
of tllnlor. -7.2M
FOIt lliiok, buggy, hitmen.
nud saddlealt In -good condition
cheap, Address I', O. llox fill,
llond. 27.3p
imit ham: Hxcuiiflut lot mix iii
lu alio, free from stouo, lu good lo
cution. Turk Addition. Worth film.
but If taken fur cash nt linen Mill
soil fur flilO. Address "I'n.l.ll,
onro lliillollu. ZMf
- - - '
For I lent.
FOIt ItKNT in.niom list, nicely
finished; heart of city: clump. Ore
gon l.and & Immigration Co, liotf
FOIt IIK.NT To right party,
('bickering piano.. Tortus reasonable
Imiujrv llulletlu oltlce. 27-2H
FOIt ItKNT Four-room bungalow
(uufurplslixd) In Wlcstorln, lift per
month, Occupancy Oct. I. Iiiuulro
Oregon Investment Co.'s oltlro S7tf
FOIt lllt.VT Hmall cabin suitable
for bncholor. ' Imiulro Mrs. Hlcvcn
son's restaurant. JHp
WAXTHDOIrl for nnion.1 bo tin
ork. Hmall family. Apply Mrs. II.
It. Allen. :ttr
WAXTIID Wmnlehoppors.
For Halo or Trade.
I'Olt HAI.U- Improved lot, !.
Idocks onsl of station, cheap for rash
Addross, J. T. J. Ilullelln. iH-JIp
Wll.l. THADK lO.ncro orchard
k mile ftotu Kllcnsbiirg, Wash., for
llond property Trees I osra old
next spring. I'rlco $150 per acre,
Write J. li. Ksplo, llroiiiorlou, Wash.
Wll.l. THADIt -for llen.l properly
Ko acres Irrigated land near Twin
Falls. Idshu, taken up under Carer
Art in 1D0S. Improved farms ad
joining. I'rlco IIO.sU pr acre. Will
tnko itiOO fur ooutrart, lu ears to
pay bilnnco. J. K, Ksplc, llreintir-
tou, Wash. :ctr
IstM uud Found.
ItlfWAIlD , g onerous re
ward m anyonn taking up and return
lux to tho Oregon IiivtwtiMent Com-
pany a Mark mare ttrnndiHl "M N"
and weighing sImiiii 1100 latuuds.
Ut scon near Fly Creek, lu Mclollus
rlr country. 26tr
General Eiedric
Heating Devices
G. E. Electric Domestic Kuiigc $63.00
-G. E. Electric Grill fl.50
G. E. Electric 'IWster . ., 4.00
G. E Electric (I lb. Iron 5.00
The G. E. Hue of appliances Is
dillcrent from others, because
the heating elements are made
of CALORITE a patented ma
terial which is, for the purpose,
tar superior to any other known.
No other manufacturer can use
Bend Hardware Co,
T '
The United Warehouse
, Bend, Oregon.