T 'i- tiih HUM) mM.KTiNt ni:i, wijmnkhiiav, hcitkmhku ih, inivt I'AOH (i. - 4, a; a, i fr ; FARMER SHOULD .' : HAVE A GARDES J . 'EXPERT TELLS WHAT TO GROW I nn I.Ut of Vrtnlli-n 'flint Mnko 1.1 f Moni Hiijoynlilo Himni-nlr), f ilutliori In Nwrminry I'or HtnrllriK .Mnny I'lnnl. IIY l II. HI'IM.MAN, ,AiwlnUiit Hnpt. Domonatrnllon I'nrnm Tho rMitilnltcn of tho fnnnor'it arilvu urn: tlmt It furnish n con MiHttt supply (if froMi voKiitiililcit from Into HprliiK until wlnlnr; (hat tlm ivimntulilim tirmlur-fiil lio of iiiltlclntlt linjdy nntiiro to roitilro Hltlo or no f'lmhUwrliiKi" nti wo nil know tlmt lio orillnnry fnrinor linn not tint tlmu to kIvd apcclni iilloiitlon to III Kr ;lnii uIHioiikIi lio could wall afford to 'kIvo moro Hum than liu onllnnrlly In tilnntliiK, put your rows far iiioUKh npnrt to nlliiw cultivation with (tin hornn oultlvntor n Kiinlon Hint It km tlm row co clomt tlmt tlioy iiMjiilrn linml hiit'liiK oftuu pri'KontN n 'luthcr tit'Kloctotl condition. It mlRlit do well to mid horo that when oii imo tho homo oultlvntor! you 'onllnnrlly plant n,UrKT Ktirrioii tlmu ou othornlMt would nml mo xoltlotn M'er mo Iini Ihtkii n Kiinluii, If woll kopt. Thin will or noeowilty roqulro tho notation of n Kinli'li nlto tlmt U 'aeciHMlhlo to tHt liin mitt toiil. To hnvo tho heat Knnlon olio ro- ,iiilrM n hottiod to nlnrt tho oarllor tRrlotlon of oKotnldtMi. To luiiko tM hothml, 01k h troueh tho width mt iho IhhI tlmt will hold two foot of do!? iHtekod homo iHitnuro mid nlno InehM of Mill. Ilnvo your ' frnmo on n miulli oMuro nml hnvo tho lowor tHinrd not moro thnn ton , Inelimt nlmvo tho atirfneo nnd tho rour iKJunl nix liichon hlKhor. Thin v kIvo you tho propor nlopo for your Klnn. I'rniiicn tuny ho pur chniitHl oaporlnlly coiinlructod for thin purMio or window muy ho unod In ' tholr placo. tkoiU nro not nown In tho hothvd for hImmiI nix days nftcr Itn tiroparntlon. Tho Inttor pnrt of Mnrrh or onrly n April would ho tho I lino to now t ..... i iit -j-a-j- VOTING IS LIVELY! WHO is the Most Popular Girl in Bend? Every Star Theatre Patron should have a Candidate. The race Is just started and every girl's chances are yet good. Candidates should he busy every day and capture the big first prize, that $ 7 5 Talking Machine which is now on display nt Munnhcimer's store. A month's puss to thu theatre will -he awarded the second most popular girl. With every ticket to the theatre one vote is given, nnd nlrendy there are a number of candidates in the race. Married women are debarred from being contestants, Dr. Gorhy will count the votes and the result will he announced every few nights on slides at the theatre. Contest closes October It. lhiUot box at entrance to theatre. Votes may he deposited any time during the day or evening. unod III tho hothi'd curly ciiIiMko mid cniillllowur, nolury mid tomatom, whom (hoy limy ho Krown, After thu curly crop of pliuilH urn out, mich voKottihli'H hk cuciiiiihorn, iiioloun, olu, niny ho id ii it nd In thoiu. Aflor tlm plant h nro too lurxo for tho fniiiio mid Ht lit too tumlur to not out. iiitiUo u cold frnmo. Thin ioiihInIh moroly of two Imiin's not up no Hint n ncriimi limy ho pi need ovor tho plnutn ul ulKht. Thin nurooli muy ho uindo of hurlnp or csIiooho cloth imllod onto n IIkIiI frnmo, Wlin t in (irotr. VoKotnhlcn Hint nliotild ho Krown nro rndlnhun, onrrotn. turiilpn, tnhlo liootM, pnrnnlpn, rutnhaKnn, point, liimiia, oiiIoiih, lottuco, nplunch, calc 1iiK", cnullllowor nnd colory. Knrly potnloort nnd RWont corn nn woll mt pumpkins nnd miunnhon nhoiild ho In cludod In thin lUt. Tliero nro nuiiioroun vnrlotlon of tho vnrloun root cropn, nlmont miy of which will ho fnlrly nucroinftil lioro. For ponn, nny of tho onrllor vnrlotlcn will do for first onrly. I'or modluiii Inlor, llwnrf Tolophono In n very do nlrnhlo pen, while Mtllo (loin nnd Yorkahlio Horn nro Intor hciivy yloldliiK nortn, I'or licnun, try onrly uiuturlUK nortn nn llurpoo'n Htrlmclcxn (Ircon i'od. hntiKfollow, (hildrii Wnx mid Knrly Hiiiik Hlx Wookn. I'or onrly cnlihnne, Knrly Jornr Wnko fhtd I ii Kood vnrlnty, whllo nilliliir oun of tho Inter ohon do woll. Kxtrn Knrly Dwnrf Krurt In n doHlrnhlo cnullllowor. producltiK flno whllo ImiiiU. Of tho ouloim, OroKou Vol low Dnuvcrn In ouo of tho liont. A nticct'Mliin of lottuco tuny ho plnntod. nny vnrloty dorn woll, Kovornl now Iiikh of rndlalii'i inny nlno ho uindo. I'or colory. Whlto I'luino nnd (Joldon Hclf-HloiichliiK nro kooi! vnrlotlon, If you wlh to try toiuutoot, line l-nrll-nun, I'or nwoot corn, rocnhontiin mid Motropolltnn nro of the Inrxor KrowhiK vnrlcHcn mid (loldon linn Inui of tho monitor vnrlotlon. Any of tho onrly potntooi tuny ho unod. A fow of tho l.ndy I'ltiKor vnrlnly tuny ho Krown nn (hoy nro cnpoclnlly itiwIrMldo for hnkliiK- In n Nnornl wny y limy my Hint onrly Knrdoun tuny lo plnntod nlxiut tho mlddlo iwrt of April, honue, etc , nflor tho mlddlo of May. Don't li nfrnld to thnroiiKhly fortllUo your Knrdou npot, for It will pny )ou ninny Union over with crlnp. fronh voKotnhUn thin coiiiIiik niiiumor, thun nddliiK much to thu joy of liv ing mid nlno to tho nttrncHvononn of your plnco. ;n.uiHt)it"sAT.7:. Tho Htnr Thontro linn 1 llmt iIiiki. foldliiK ilmln. for nhIo nt n low IlKlirr. Sn I'. N. HolTliinii. Tho llullrtln linn n upply of nppll rnllon IiIhiiUk for liiiulliitf llrriiaon Mlilrh nny olio enn nocuro hy rnllliiK nl thin urtlrr. STAR THEATRE A BEND'S FAMILY PHOTOPLAY HOUSE. SCHOOL NOTES (l(o)iortoil for Tho lliillntlii.) Tho Jmiltor forKol to lowor tho lltii; Innt Krldny nlKht nflor kcIiodI Ihiturdiiy iiiornlni? It wnn dlncovorod upHldoilowu. Whothor It htid hooii In Hint ponltlou nil day Krldny or whothor It had Imon turiiod upulilo down Krldny ulKht hy nomo pnuni-rliy, In not known. However, on Hundny Mr, Hhouno rocolvud n lottor from n IrnvolliiK Miilcnninii doplorliiK niich Irontmout of tho IIiik. Thono puplln of Innt yonr'n olghlli KHido who hnvo not ohtnlnod dlplo mnn nro thin yenr rooulrod to do nnnlii In tho oliflith grndo thono nuh Jocln In which tholr oxnmltintlnn woro not of pnmliiK iinltty, hut nro pormlttod nt tho nnmo Hnio to tnko nomo work In IIIkIi Hchool Initoad of doliiK RKnlu thono' nuhjootn In which thoy hnvo pnncd tho oxnuilnntloiin. A now flnic for tho nchool houno hnn hoon rorolvod and will ho for mnlly mined nt 3 o'clock I'rldny ii ft or noon of thin wook If tho weather In fit for nn out-of-door cxorclna. A hurt proKrnm of patriotic moiikh will ho kIvoii. I'ntronn of tho nchool nro Invited to w'tnonn thin formal raining of tho now flnK. Tho outline of tho nchool oxhlhlt for thu Central OroKon fnlr thin wook ntnton Hint "nny written work tho tonchor dcnlren inny ho oxhlhlteif, hut on thin no Individual or clnnn prlri-s will ho uwnrded". nlthoiiKli many cnnh prlion nro offered for Itiduitrlnl work dono oulnldo of nchool. On thin nccouut tho Itond nchool will pro pa ro no oxhlhlt for tho fair Inas much nn tho lonchorn fool Hint no Incentive to nuch preparation linn hoon offered Uy tho nnnoclntlon. Nino now pupils have entered nchool thin nock, ouo of them hcliiK In tho IHkIi Hchool. Tho II. II. H. foothnll team hognn pmrtlro lust wook. Mr. Hhouno In iloliiK the conrhltiK. All tho uiomliorn of tho clnna of 1012 will ho In college thin yonr. Kinlly Hchrcder U nt tho V. of O., .Mnrgitrct Wlvat, John Hnthor, Krod I.ucflH nnd I.nwronco Hinltli nt O. A. C. AUo Ktovo Htoldl, Mnx Itlehnrd nou mid l.ylo Itlohnrdnon of 1911 nnd AtiKellno Youiik of 1910 nttoud col lege this winter. I'aiillno Wlcat, who formerly went to lletid IIIkIi, linn nlno koiio to O. A. C. IIIHCK I'Olt CIHTHUNH. Tho llcnd Hrlck Company detlrcn to call apodal attention to tho ad vantaxea of lining hrlck for clatern nnd nlmllnr work. It la tho moat economics! nnd tho mont antla factory materlnl. 22tf A 6ueoitful InLrvLw. Tho Into Arthur McKwiin when h wnn working on n Hnn CrmicUco nown pnpor wnn attracted Uf tho nrtlvltlen of n politician who wnx vulgar. Illlter nlo nnd hldoounly utigrutmiiiitlcnl In hi method of oxprrxilon. McKwnn looked up Ihl tun ii nnd hnd n tnlk with hlin. Then he Mont hur-k to the olllce mid wrote the Interview In the inuxt perfect Kngllnh. brilliant, pollnh i.il nnd crammed the ntory full of clan nlnil nllunloiM, iplotiltloiin mid big word. It wnn o iiiomI ncholnrly pro due Hon, nnd McRwmi coimldered the nut Ire great. Next day McKwun had n call from the politician. "I wonter thank ye for Hint Interview," ho mild. "It'n bully. Jmt what I nald. You iniint bo n grand nhorthdnd reporter." Hnturday Kveulog I'ont. Martyrdom of th Drldt. A peculhiruiid barbaric innrrlngocun torn of (be Knbyle women of Africa rotuUtn In the martyrdom of tho bride, who. clnd In her wedding Uncry. ntnud through mi entire morning nptlnnt n pillar In Hie village nquure. her eyen cloied, her nruia prexned to bor nlde nnd with only the narrow bane of the column for n foothold, the while n ring of villager crlilclne. und cuaimoat on her appeurunco. ArgonnUL Kvld.ne to the Contrary. "You're Intd n bnd raid In the bead, hnveyou. ltrookr nald Hirer. -Well, one good thing about that la that It domn't make you cough." Whereupon llrook. without word, exhibited tho doctor bill be bad Jut received. Kxcbauge. Took It a Compllmtnt. MnglMniio (about to commit for trlali You certainly cffw-led tho robbery In a remarkably Ingenlou wny lu fact, with qulto exceptional running. I'riv oner Now, ycr honor, no Uottery. pteano: no flattery, I beg yer. London Sketch. No Room For Hlrn, Mrn. Crawfonl Whnt'n the advan tage of n kitchenette npnrtmentl Mr. Crnblmw Your buxbnnd can't come out In It when you're conking. Puck. Phyilcally Imponlblt. Clinlruoinaii of Kiiffnigette Meeting Dien uny Indy wlb to make u motion? Voice Yen. I do, but my cown' too Hcbu-uilro, We Go Everywhere W?WC m. . &2! tilu,$2gi. ei5ili It eur wason cno't rch you atnd your wh br aipr. LOW PRICES, BOTTORSFRVICG Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Duds In Our Suds" . wm c3S TWA - YAflJr. mm"1 mmi Everything on the Market at the Right Time and at Right Prices. ori Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ItECEIYED DAILY L. B, MISENER CASH GROCERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TELEPHONE. Bend, Oregon. Our 1V1L is the best that science can make This is hot weather time. Why not make it comfort time? $e cool, use our ice Central Oregon Ic (& Cold Storage Co., Inc. MADHA3 BEND . . REDMOND Fall I Stock arriving A fine line of Shoes, t Hats, Curlec Trous ers, Undcrw'r, Shirts Sweaters, etc., is now being shown for fall nnd winter wear. Like nil goods found in this store, the quality is the best The price, too, IS RIGHT. U.LFRENCH! - t Oregon Street t Bend, Oregon 1 MMMIM - W. II. COULD C M. LARA Central Oregon Brokerage Co. Agent for tho UNION MEAT COMPANY Of I'OUTLAND, OUK. Wo carry n complete ntock of hnmx, bacon, unit mcaU, lard nnd comjwund with tho United Warohoiue Co. nt IJcnd. Prompt attention to mall or pho'ho 'orders. Wholosnlo only Office and Salesrooms Bend, Oregon. HOT BREAD :, EVERY MORNINO at CORKETT'S SHUETi"S MISENER'S McCUISTON'S UAKCD BY American Bakery i I'HATKIl.VAIj HOCUVtlKH. M. W. of A. Pilot Butto Cnmp No. 9794 Meets every Tuesday in hall over postoflkc, Visiting Neighbors always welcome. E. A. Sather, V. C. N. I'. Welder, Clerk. Descbates Lodge No. 103 K.ofP. Mceta every Wcdncaday CTcnlntf at 8 p. tn. In C'nutlo Hall, ponvofflca Wdg. VUltlnif KnlghU welcome. M. A. Palmer, C. C. N. I. Smith, K. R. & 8. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J. Tl tt.tMwn. W, if. It. K. Alltn. Bmrtary I. O. 0. F. Bend Lodgo No. 218 Keg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome Ralph Spencer, N. G. U. N. Hoffman, Secretary, The Business Man who will spare a few min utes of his time to the photographer will please his entire family. His portrait produced by present day methods of photography will be on agreeable surprise it's done bo quickly and so cleverly. "THERE'S A PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN." Scwaro J3tuI)l0' By appointment. Shoe REPAIRING First Class Work of all kinds done promptly. Act. for Washington and Mayer Shoes. R. H. LOVEN Wall street. Bend, Ore. "Look, Stop, Think and Listen" Have you ever bought a cord of CARTER'S block-wood? If not, better do so now, for the Fall weather de mands a little fire night and morning, and CA:R TEH'S wood is the right stufT. Dry block wood, in any length to suit customer at $4.50 per cord, delivered, and limb wood S4.00 per cord. Give in your orders now, be fore the rush is on, F. M. Carter t IS THE WOOD MAN TO SEE o --- JUlfcMtvuJ niwU. kfanuta Kbom tn(. luicllu. tu Li,;.HWrri xEJ rw TS.CWH.LV. t SfV-