The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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l'ulltlrnt DIvMon of Hlnttt Wiih Cre
Med Prom Wnacu In IHHi! I IN.
Inrlrnl Article llrprlulrd for In
formation lo the Ncuioiiurti.
Most of Iho recent aettlers are not
fuiiilllar with the history of Crook
county, nnd th tjucitlun If often
asked where Crook county got Its
n n mo. It luii on honored derivation,
nlthouRh so in o people havo intd,
with more or less facctlousness, that
It wn co named because of the largo
number of crook IUIiik in It. Huch,
of cuuriff, U n slander on the county.
The fullowlnit article Is an extract
from the address of Frederick V,
llolman. president of Willamette
t'lilverslty, which ho delivered before
the UrcKou Horticultural Mocloly In
1U0U and later published In tlio
Quarterly uinunxtiiu of tlmt society,
ii ml I therefore nuthenllc'
"Crook county wan created Ocloher
24, 1HH2, hy the Htatn IKlilutlu-.
(Hperlal l,a of IbIO, pace 17H.)
It coiiiprlMT n portion of tho
southern portion of Wusco county, as
thu latter wan after l.ake cou.ity was
creuted. Crook county' northern
Ifouudary lino begins at the westorn
Imuudary lino of Wmcu couuty where
It U Intersected hy the lino between
townihlpa elRht and nlue. Thl
northern lino of Crook couuty runt
roit to the John Day river The Hue
then rune up the main channel of
old river to the west line of Urant
couuty. The red of tho east line of
Crook county I the Una then be
twren Urant and Wasco counties.
The southern line la the line then
between l.ako and Wasco countlei
to the east lino of Lane county. Tho
wxNtern line la tho line an It then
hiii Uttwevn .ano and l.lun couutlv
and Wasco county.
"It l named for Major Oencrnl
(iMirK Crook, II. K A., who had
i-oiumand, at one Hint', of the De
partment of tho Columbia, lit wni
nu ortlcer who bad greatly dlitln
HuUhcd himself In the Civil war
After thU war he in great ftnn
by hU succeesful cauialKua against
the Indians, In Idaho and Arliuna,
nnd later against the Kloux nnd
Cheyeuiiea. In every Indian cam
paign he wni successful After thu
Outer MaiMicro, June 20, 1S7C,
(Jen. Crook fouKht the Indiana en
KNKd In tlmt mamaere, lnltlctiiK a
oi mi ii defeat on them In Itakoin,
mid completely reilucliiK them to
Hiilijiiotlou, In 18K2 no went to
Arltoun mid carried on another sue-
(I'KHflll CUIIipillKU IIKIllllMt tllll lllltlllllH,
Theiu never bun beuii nuother lu
ll In n Didder morn Miiccessful thnn
(Ion. Ciook, lie boloiigod to thu
cIiihh of 'roiiKh nnd ready' fighter
of Indian, lie wiih hiiiuiinn to tho
linlliiiia In Hum of pencu and wna
hlKhly reKpectud hy them, Through
out tho country, went of thu Ml
llppl rlvor, hi fame la ostuhlUhcd
for nil time, It I flttliiK that a
county of OreKou he named for hi in.
"Crook county la now bounded:
on tho north hy Wmcu county; on
thu eaat by portion of Wheeler,
(Irani and Hartley couutlcii on the
aouth hy l.ako county nnd n portion
of Kliiiuath county,' and on the wet
by Mini, and portion of Lane aud
Marlon couutlva. Ita couuty seat Ii
Tho llend Jlrick Company deilroa
to cull apocial nttentlon to the ltd
vantage of using hrlck for cistern
nnd almllnr work, It Is thu rnoit
evoiiomlcnl nnd tho most utl
factory material, 22tf
CHAIIIH ion ham:.
The Htnr Theatre ha VJJl flmt
elan folding rlinlr for mile nt n low
figure. Kee V, S, IIoITiiihii,
A. a. Ilrook, who catuo to Head
recently to rcsldo, InveatluK lu prop
erty thou, hut added to hi holdings
hy the purchaae last week of the
I'arker Hotel, at the depot. The
property waa recently bought from
Ole Nelaou by II. C. Copthorne, who
aold to Mr. Ilrook for a price report
ed to bo $4500. Tho aale wai made
throuRh J. II. Miner. Tho hotel I
located on lot 0, block D, North ad
dition. It will continue to bo coo
ducted by Mr. aud Mr. L. C. Flem
ing. .
In tho Circuit Court of the Htato of
Oregon, for tho Couuty of Crook.
Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany, u corporation, I'lalutltf, vi.
Frank Htevens aud H. I,. Dew and
Deterl I. nnd Hoard of UreRun, De-
To Frank Htoveti and 8. 1.. Dow,
lu the name of the Htate of Orc-
Ron, You are iiereuy required to
appear aud anwer the complaint
Hied against you In the above entitled
ult within six works from the day of
the first publication of tbl aumrnon
and If you fall to appear aud anawer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court fur the relief
prayed for lu complaint, to-wlt: For
tho cancellation and totting ailde of
a certain contract, dated October 21,
1004, made betwern you and the
Doiohute Irrigation and I'ower
Company and itilKiied to ald plain
tiff, relatlUK to the lettletuent of cer
tain land, aud tho purchaio of water
rlgllta appurtenant thereto, eltuate lu
Crook County, Oregon, and for audi
other and further relief aa may irem
to the Court Just and equltnhlo.
ThU summons I served uon you
by publication by authority of an
order of the Hon. W, I.. Ilradihaw,
Judge of tho Ulrauli Court of thu
Htate of OreKon. for the County of
Crook, nnd said order I dated the
12th day or September, 1912s nnd U
duly recorded and entered In ald
Court and itult.
Date of tlmt imbltentlon, Beptem-
her nth, iyi:.
28.31 Attorney for the Plaintiff
The Iliillrtln linn n aupply of appli
cation blank for limiting Itreiue
which anyone can fercuro hy calling
at thin ofllre.
We Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of
In tho Circuit Court of the Htate of
Oregon for the County of Crook.
F. H, Harmon ft Co. a corporation,
I'lalntlff, v. Oco. It. Hope, Defendant.
To Oco. It, Hope, above named De
You are hereby required to ap
pear and anawer tho complaint of the
plaintiff filed agalnt you In tho above
entitled action and Court within ten
day from the service of thla aum
rnon upon you, If icrred within
Crook County, Htate of Oregon; or
If aerved within any other County
within till Htate, then twenty day
from the date of the aervlco of tbl
autumon upon you; or If not erved
within (bo State of Oregon, then on
or before Thursday, the,24th day of
October, 1912. And you are hereby
notified that If you fall to nppcar and
uniwer for want thereof, tho plain
tiff will take Judgment against' you
a prayed for In the complaint on fllo
herein, to-wlt. The plaintiff will
tako Judgment against you for thu
urn of 902.61, betides Interest at
tho rate of C per cent per annum on
1808.73 from tho 23rd day of March.
1912, and for the costs and disburse
ments of this action.
This summons Is published In The
llend llullctln.a newspaper of general
circulation published at llend, Crook
County, Btato of Oregon, for alx suc
cessive weeks commencing with the
Issue of September 11, 1912, and
ending with tho Issue of October 23,
1912, by order of tho Honorable II.
C. Kills, Couuty Judgo of Crook
County, State of Oregon, made and
entered on the 11th day or Septem
ber, 1912.
Dated and published first tlmo Sep
tember lltb. 1912.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
fSVS " ""- - - -
S-W --- ---
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and are in a position to fill orders
' ol any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building Material
Lime, .Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Overturf-Davis-Miller Co.
I II -
agesssssTV. L I tMstiHaUsVsnAlltijsaMiMj 9
JaP umzra y
. $19.50
i: to
k $95.00
K ... T. rpUt tKltiuu rJ la 11 and 16 tkasM ( U.)
jL eUd frm saJ UVvJowa, tatny trlulM sd lyle, vrljb ptcul tnedU Is Up b4 II.M
(twallBS, tie. Tb mwl olpiutT IU ol reslUs svi ( tu vretu.
1 Irr ZTan&t ift iVo htiU MvcfiAvAU l, lUt )ioi to iloMJIa bittck, Ii cio't
k Iimh itf whk lilt, ut oi Unit nig iio'i iln Ult Ibi mien ii4 ixll lt ikilli la tiUt 4n, Icitti.
" wli mt imt lit il ti(U44 liwa lb. icilsn, lfl, iittni mhalia en-Uli Uu rinitkia r
; vUtfi lfm. Tbl tfovMi ttiuctoii pull iar ibill. Hio4li iipUIr, iiiidIii4 la itwdlng abllltj b4
' lb. iiiimiiiU iic.ll iiliiir Itxk aikii ll Ibi uliii tiiifik ImOci vin killl. Bi mit r ll JmamUH
wot kli calalos f all MapfZt r.Plla 7& 'MOfUn SlrWMJ Cflt
4 WUlaW airaat Maw tlwan, im,
riWfc 1 ihotiua by talum tll
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Crook.
Tho Dcfchutrs Hanking ft Trust
Co., I'lalntlff, vs. Ralph Patterson,
Mary Patterson, Jo wo U Humrnll
ami W. i:. Ouurln, Jr., Defendant.
To W. H. Ouerln, Jr., above named
You are, hereby required to ap
pear and aniwer to the complaint of
the plaintiff filed against you In tho
ubova entitled suit and court within
ten da) from thu date of tho service
of thla Hiimman uikjii you, If nerved
within Crook County, State of Ore
gon; or If served within nny other
county within this vtulc, then twenty
day from thu date of the servlco of
till summons upon you; or If not
served within tho State of Oregon,
then on or before
Tliunxlny, the 21th day of Oct., 1012.
And you nro hereby notified that If
ou fall to appear nnd answer and
for want thereof tho plaintiff will
take decree of Judgment against yon
for tho relief prayed for In tho com-
ntutnt. to-wlt: That the Plaintiff
have Judgment against tho defend
ant, Hulph Patterson and Mnry
l'atlumon. nnd each of them for the
sum at H200 with Interest thereon
nt the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from tho 3rd day of December, 1910,
until paid, nnd for tho costs nnd dis
bursements, and for tho further sum
pf I&0.00 os attorney fees, nnd for
tho coats and disbursements of thla
action, nnd for a decree nnd Judg
ment to the effect that the mortgage,
lien and Interest of the defendants,
Jesso Ii. Buinrull and W. 12. Ouerln,
Jr , Is subsequent to and subject to
tho lien, mortgage nnd Interest of
tho plaintiff, and that said mortgago
of the plaintiff bo foreclosed accord
ing to law nnd the practice of thla
Court, aud that tho premises de
scribed therein, to-wlt. Tho NW
of the SHU and tho NKU of tlio
SWU Of Section 24, Township 11.
South or Itnngo 10. K. W. M., In
Crook County, Orogon, together with
the tenoments, hereditaments there
unto belonging, bo sold by tho
Sheriff of Crook County, Orogon, lu,
ttin tirnvlilml bv lnw ftlnl ac
cording to tho practice of thfs noun,
nnd that tho proceeds of such salo bo
applied to tho payment of said Judg
ment herein prayed for, and that the
over-plus, If nny thore be, be paid
over to tho peraona legally entitled
to tho aamo. And that tho defend
ants, and all poraona claiming Inter
cat through or uudor them or either
of them bo forever barred and estop
ped from having or claiming any,
right, title or Interest in or to the.
said promises. And for such fur
ther relief aa the Court may deem
proper in tho premises.
This summonB la published In The
Ilond llullctln, a weekly nowspaper
of general circulation, published at
Uond, Crook County, Stato of Oregon,
fo,r six successive weeks, commencing
with tho Issue qf Boptomlior 11, 1912,
and, ending with tho laaue. of .October
23, 1913, by order of tho ltonoraulo
II, 0. Kills, County Judgo of Crook
County, 8tato of Oregou, made and
entorod on the 10th day of Septem
ber, 1912.
Dated and published first tlmo
Soptotubor 11. 1912.
tvfcsAUorney.,fortho Plaintiff.
If You Were Offered
Would You Take It?
Would you like to read the biggest and best weekly farm magazine in
tho Northwest? If so, subscribe to
(Regular price f 1.00 a year.) By combining with
(Regular price $ 1.50 a year)
You Get Both Papers for $1.50
By taking advantage of this special offer you save a dollar, and'get all
the farm and agricultural news of the Pacific Coast and all the local
news of your district and of all Central Oregon.
Send $1.50 to The Bend Bulletin today, and receive both papers for a
year, one hundred and four papers for $1.50! That's less than ono
and a half cents each.
Samples of both papers cent to you or your friends on request.
f V T
" 7
" ?
JjjCS ' IMI - - JjCS
Invratom and Hprculatot-N.
For a few day only, 29' acres
(clear) one mile cast of city limits
on Pilot Ilutte road worth $100 per
acre. For cash nnd quick turn, will
sell at discount. Make me an offer.
J. O. William, Pomeroy, Wnth. 30p
You ought to havo your photo
A clAMliled ad In The Bulletin U
read by hundreds and bring the ad
vertiser good returns for the money
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