PACJB 2. Till? IIKNI) Hl'M.tiTIX, 11KNI), WKHNKMUV, HKPTKMIIKH 1H, IIMU BEND PARK una THE FUTURE FINE RESIDENCE ADDITION TO BEND is an exceptionally good investment. Like a beautiful park, as its name im plies, with great pine trees, winding drives and boulevards and gorgeous panoramic view of the Cascades. 'WrifA for Now Illustrated nAt For manufacturing sites close to railroad and river, our Riverside Addition is exactly the right place. Write for in formation or call and we will gladly show you the ground. wnato places lit which tlio mono tnltjlit Imvo horn (lroiiPtl, ho took no Btolm toward rocuvurltiK It. Ho offered to oatulillah nt tlio ImnU that ho htitl ilrnwn tint inoiuty. unit by frlomlo thut ho hml nioutlonuil Iho Iohh tliu followlim ilny, Tho iluti'O tlvt'N itld not no Into tliln protif, liuhl Iiik thnt tboy hml lout JurlMillrtlon, "Tho monoy wtm fonnil tiy 10, 0. Urookor, tiSR Krtttit fitroot. nml la In hU possession. lo In mtiloi' iihllun tlon to mlvoVtlHO tho tlml iuuI hold It for u year, nml nt tho uml of thnt tlmo tnin over hnlf of It to tliu county treasurer. Ho must roiiulro satisfactory proof of Button, to pro tcct him from tutor clnlniH," Itnllwuy, thou ukaIii liy attmmor to Portland and tho rout of tho way Ity mil. Thoro wiih ii auvlnit of nlioiit 11,35 u hundred In frolitht hy tho imrt-wntor nnilliiK of tho kooiIh, Tho oimnliiK of tho I'niiniiin rnnal will rIvo n IiIk frolKhl wtluctloii and also iinlckor tlmo, & BEND PARK COMPANY 8G0 Empire Bldg., SEATTLE, WASH. BEND, OREGON NISW IIAUKUV TO oii:n. Trod Ii. lluoy and Carl (1. Ilolchorn will open n linkery on Wall atroot within n abort tlmo. Thoy hnvu ordered n portable oven from Chl engo nnd na noon as It nrrlves and aultnlito quarters are secured thoy boKln buslneis. Tho bakery will ho known ni tho Iloyal, Messrs, lluoy and Ilolchorn lmvo until recently been baking for tho American llakory. BUILDING THEJLAST LINK Central Oregon nml I'ortlmul Will llv ('omicctctl by Auto lllgliunjr. HOOD KIVEH. Sept. 10.- Cou. structlon of an nutomobtlo nnd wagon road around Bhell Hock, which will removo the last, serious obatructlon In tho final link ot n lino highway between Central Oregon nnd Portland, la tuoro than half comple ted, nnd tho ) 10,000 donation inndo by 8, Ilonson of Portland la Iota than hnlf expended. Thla la tho report of Engineer Murray Kny, who la In chnrgn of tho work. An nvorngo of SO "honor men" from the atato penitentiary hnvo been ongaged on tho work for tho past threo months. Tho road baa been conatrctod more than half wny around tho rock. Although tho building of the road around tho peculiar sliding forma tlon nt that ilnt wna n difficult en gineering font, It la being aucccaafully accomplished and every Indlontlon la thnt the road will be permanent nnd not ausreptlbto to serious damage from tho sliding rock. It has n max imum grndo ot 8 per cent. The maximum width will bo 1C feet and the ml ii I inn hi width In places where It was doslrnble to redueo thu rock work Is U feet. Tho rond Is being constructed with n view to Itit making n good auto mobile nil well as wagon rond. Tho I minimum width of H feet will be sufficient to allow tho largest touring cam to paiw nt any point. Hutlmntrs on application Wall J'sper at Portland Price N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paper hanger Cbtapt and licit Wall Pnr Sam ples In the county, Oct My Prices, Offlct cro Hut t (torn Klufltr Ilox 39. He ml, Oregon. Don't wait until hulldny Urdu ui thnio photo onlnriteuuintM, or Hot i iilhuin prints. TomiinIiIp btnuliN, neatly bound' bonks, l!0 lent nt Tlio lliilletln, , New PALACE MARKET Charles lloyd, Crop, 1iXCjl I 4 Vegetables, etc! CHANGE !SUNBELIEVABLE Xeiv York Man CoiniuentH on Central Oregon's Growth. (Portland Orcgonlan.) Enthusiastic comment on tin de velopment ot tho last thrte years of Portland nnd of Central Oregon and unstinted praise of many of the city's characteristics was tho bunion of bUtemeuts nmdo last night by J. lllBliop Putnam, head of tho 'veil known publishing house ot G. P. Putnam's Sons, of New York and London, who was In Portland yesterday-. Mr. Putnam returned Tuesday from a week's vjslt to Bend, where no was the guest of his son, G. P. Putnam, proprietor of tho Ilend Bul letin. Accompanied by U. S. Eddy, a Wall street banker, he Is making an extensive tour of the Northwest leaving yesterday for Puget Sound points. "The chango that has come to Cen tral Oregon during the last threo years is absolutely unbelievable, at least to conservative Bastarn eyes," said Mr. Putnam. "My son had written tell'ng me of tho forward strides hla territory and town was makng, but I admit I dUcountod tlio reports somewhat, perhaps believing them a bit 'over-embellished. But seeing has been believing. "Thre yoare ago I Journeyed 100 miles over unspeakable roads, in a springing stage coacn. from Sbaniko to Band. The other day the Portland-Bond Journey was made over the beat constructed and tha boat uqulppixl new railroad I have ever Keen, The service is magnificent nnd the senate interest aloag the great Deaahule Canyon quite In comparable. It la a trip I shall recommend to every Kb gtorn tourlat" Regarding the growth of the In terior, wliloh ho pointed out meant a similar growth for Portland, Mr. Putnam further called attention to tno fact that three years ago Bend vat a village of scarcely COO Inhabi tants, whllo today it has more than 1700 people-. "The, way things grow out here Is pnenomenai. Today tney Have elec tric lights, water system, Ice plant, lumber mills and, apparently, every other conceivable municipal asset. What the future may bold In storo I dare not venture to say," tlonlng for the rond should accom pany the viewers whonuver possible In order to expedite the work and to offer assistance. The court Is frequently blamed for the delay or failure to allow petitions whim the fault Is entirely with the people pre senting them. jtlons aro presented, and the majority I of them are Improperly presented J nnd cannot be acted on, causing do lay and other dllllcultles. In ordur i to rectify this condition tho court has issued suggestions to petitioners, which are printed herowlth In full: Inasmuch as tho number of new roads asked for by the pujillc Is in creasing at an alarming rate, and In view of tho fact thut the legal estab lishment of a county road Is a very ! technical matter, petitioners, when J over possible, are requested to secure the services of an attorney or some one having experience In such mat ters. It Is a very common practice to I make an allldavlt of posting notices I and swear to tlio samu tho day thnt ) such notices are posted and in nearly overy case tho signer, as well as the officer administering tho oath, swear that said notices remained so posted for a period of 30 days continuously Immediately prior to the dato set for the bearing on the within petition. Such an allldavlt could not bo made. Carelessness as to dates is a fre quent cause for dlsallowanco of road petitions. For Instance In numcroua rood petitions preaonted to tho court tho notarial cortlflcat shows that , tho affidavit of posting was sworn to weeks and oven months prior to tho actual posting of tho notices as I shown In the body of tho allldavlt. Along this lino the court bogs to quote from a letter of District At- Ilend were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh' torny Fred W. Wilson as follows: 0'Kano, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Arnold, i '"As I have before stated to tho court. cMr. and Mrs. George Ilrostorhous, ; the proceedings to establish a county, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Ilrosterhous, Marie road are very technical, because of and Kddle Ilrosterhous, Mien Kathe the strhit decisions wnlch hnve lieon rino Trnutnor. Mlkn McGrath, Barney J rendered by the supreme, court of lO'Donnell, leo Pelarskc. Dan Ward, i Oregon, and It is something which: Jr., Mr. nd Mrs. Henry Muster, Alf, ' lias to be followed with extreme Anna and Marie Muster. Margaret1 care. It would be wise if all parties Schroder, Maurlre P. Cashnuin, Mr who deelre to establish a oountv.und Mm. J. ft. Hrlimnn. Anmi Ilrln- CSOOIIS COMH IIV INTII.Ml'S. A shlpmont of freight from New- York via the Isthmus of Pnnnmn whs I received In Ilend last wiok by the , Manuhelmer Mercantile Company. It j consisted of Dvo eaacs of euwforts. They loft Now York July IS and ' reached hero September II. bwlug 1 routed over n steamer of the Artier! i ran-Hawailan Hfeamahlp Company, ' then aero the TeJiuauteper- National Ml Y GO TO REDMOND i Here is a SoaP Orcnalou Is Dedication of Xvu Catholic Cliurrli Their. A large delegation of Ilend people speut Sunday In Itedmond, tho occa sion for their visit to the neighboring town being the dedication of tho new Catholic church thoro by Bishop O'Reilly and tho marriage or John Llnstcr and Miss Yassar. The Bend Catholics furnished the choir for tho services. Tho dedica tion took place at 10 In tho morning, following solemn high mass. Thoro was a large congregation present for the coromonles. The bishop wns as sisted by Fathers Hlnes and Khrehan. A class of eight was also confirmed by tho bishop, among thorn being four children from Ilend. Tho visi tors were entertained at tho Orogon Hotel by tho Itedmond Indies and to- I port a vory pleasant time. Among those who wont down from ' AW uKy that reduces .wash board rubbing to a minimum, without in Jury to tho fabric. BERT 5HUEY Tim CASH GROCER BUND OKI.OON r-" "mrvfTr" omiiswiMPm 1 . 1 WJi l CREATING MTY ROADS Suggestions Made to Petitioners by County Court to Have Trouble. f Aj, nearly, every monthly meeting . of tlfo County Court at Prlnevllln a. laro number of county road pott-. highway would employ some compe tent attorney to prepare the nooes sary psjwu and watch all proceed Ings with reference thereto, and fcco that the statute Is compiled with. In that way the papers would come to the court nnd the district attorney In proper shape, and a great deal of tlmo and delay would bo suved. I dislike very much to bo compelled to render adverse opinions as to the legality of proceedings for tho estab lishment of county roads when I know that tho people petitioning for same nre very desirous of having them established, but the law re quires me to stato whether or not proceeding nre legal, and when they are so fatally defective, as In most Instances, If not all, which come to me from Crook county, thore Is but one course loft open,"' Parties claiming damages should always make their claim to the view ers when viewing out the road In or der that a .full understanding may son. Mrs. II, P. Manlon. Claudo Iiiiios, Clyde McGlllvray, Mrs. Frank llenrn, Mrs. Jenulo Harper and John Collins. CLAIMS OCT NONET Prluetllle Man Gets on "Gosli-Awful Tear" In Portland. In Portland, ono day last week, $276 In gold coin was found and turned over to the police to bo re turned to the loser, Tho next day George Sutton, "an olderly transient recently arrived from Prinovlllo," laid claim to tho money. The Orc gonlan says: "Sutton frankly says that ho was on ono gosh-awfu! toar on the night in question, and woko up tho next morning in .tho grass on the bills above Corbott street. Whon he wont to sleep he had about $300 In his pockets, having drawn the money frnm ihn Cleat MnHnnnl anV flint be Jiad" and a correct report rnado morning, Because of bis vague by said viewers. The parties petl- recollections and tho wide oxnanso of - - - - - 4 T I l II. DEYARJ10ND t I . Machine Shop and I finrnrro Wo know how to do nil kinds of Mnchlrio Work. TRY US AND SKE. - Billiards and Pool Fino nn1 r-opulnr Lino of CIGARS Robert Black well Wnll Street, Bend, Oregon I )end jyiachine hop' All Kluds of Saw Mill und .'arming R-E-P-A-l-R-S We Carry a Large Stock or Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LiarIT AND HEAVY LIVERY. liny, Ilnrley, Ontn, Whcnt nml Hrnn nt lowest prices. Thu Ijirjrost Horn In Cuntrnl Ort'Kon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. i Bend, Oregon. J. II. WENANDY l.ON h.'FOX Under New Management THE PILOT BUTTE INN BUND'S I.IIADINCl IIOTlil. Ik now In charco of J, V. Tntrcnrt &To. First CIiim Svrvlcv nml thu Comfort of GuosIh, la Our Motto, PHllU AUTO Uctwecn Mold nnd Depot. SEPARATORS THE SHARPLESS TUBULAR THE BEST Seiuirntor mndu. Etuy to clenn, llxht to run, nnd It'a thu CLEANEST SKIMMER MADE. Wo hnvo them In stock. COME AND SEE THEM. MOWERS AND HAY RAKES. THE CELEBRATED1 DEEKING1 LINE. LIKht, Btronjf and durable. For wilu by Tho STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWELL, Algr. Before You Let the Contract for Unit new Iniildiiitf, consider tliesu i'aeLs about brick. In building willi nil other material no allownnee i.s made for doors, wintlows aiitl other openings. With briek you can make an allowence of 10 to L'fl per cent. With lumber 15 to 25 percent is added for. sizing, laps, etc. With briek it is unnecessary, With all other material R to 10 per cent added for waste, such as cutting, fitting, knots, shakes, etc. With brick there is absolutely no waste. When u building is finished, built with any other material, there is always a lot of wnste to haul uwuy. With brick, if you hnve nijy left we will take them ofl your hands ut the ftill price you paid for them. There is u hundred other reasons why you should build with brick. BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. i 4 ,y :