The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 18, 1912, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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thp rkni) auiLurriN, kkni), w :i)N,i)A rkitrmhkr in, ibid
Kxlilbltn Knnn nil Over County,
New llulldlng mill Good Itace
Track Completed School
Children to Get Tickets.
miNEVlLLB. Sept. 16 The 'First
Central Oregon District Agricultural
Society' (Kir to be hold here October
16 to 19 wilt eclipse anything yet
Tsecn' along this line In Central Ore
eon. There wll le a number of new
feature, each of which ltaelt will bo
a blg'attractlon. According to pres
ent plana, there will be dally aero
plane nights, among other things.
Speaking of the fair, Secretary J. P.
Cadle said;
"An effort Is being made to make
this fair up to lta name a truly
dlktrlct fair, embracing In Its scope
tho whole of Crook county. The
fair board has decided to glvo compli
mentary season tickets tree to all
enrolled school children of the
county, also to active teachers,
editors and the clergy.
"An effort Is being made to secure
exhibits from all sections of the
county, consisting of agricultural,
dalry"and In fact all of the resources
of the county.
"With respect to amusements, we
wish to say that the board has se
cured the services of a hlgh-clas
aviator to give an exhibition each
forenoon. This will be supplement
edby the latest carnival entertain
"menu, racing, etc Not the least on
'the list of entertainments is the
music which wilt be furnished by the
'Band from Rome of Los Angeles,
said by those who have heard it play
to be the best band on the Pacific
Coast. This featuro alono will easily
be worth going miles to hear.
Many New Ilulldliig.
"Wo have, a new' matlneo track,
new and entirely modern grandstand
with comfortable seating capacity for
1,000 people; a large new pavtlllon;
entirely new stables and stall for
stock; a new poultry building in
fact, the whole grounds will be
covered withy new buildings through
out, all painted and brought down
to date. The preparations for this
fair are being made at an outlay of
the comfortable sum of 912,000,
showing that tho present manage
ment means business and is deter
mined that nothing will bo lotU un
done, within Ha power, to glvo every
man, woman nml child who cures tor
either recrontlon, Instruction or
ntmt&cmcnt, tho worth of tholr
"It will cost hut llttlu moro to
eomo to this fair than to stay at
homo for tho management Is pre
paring a commodious camp ground
with all convenience, (or camping,
such na food water and wood and
stahlw freo. Horse fci'd, Inilh hay
and pasture adjoining tho camp
ground, at iv nominal price. Tho
management la especially desirous to
receive and consider nny auKgcatlona
that anyone may have to mako which
tiro within tho bounds of reason In
order to fulfill the wants of tho fair
going public that may attend with us.
Everybody should bend every effort
to attend'the fair this year, because
they will certainly miss something
If they do not."
The Gofcts ef Athsn and Their Tend
rs With Their Tin Cups.
The bootblacks and newsboya of
Athena are nutnberleKS and omnipres
ent, yelling out in shrill tone the lot
est edition or Inviting customers In
equally strident tones to have a
"shine." Hot chestnut men. with char
coal braxient and stock in trade of
a hundred big nuts, doze over their
little Ores or sell pistachio nuts, sesame
seed or pumpkin seeds at the street
corners. Much of the roerchandUe la
carried by diminutive gray donkeys or
by, old women, who are almost lost un.
der their huge loads of oranges or lem
ons or cauliflowers or brushwood.
The goat are a familiar sight of
modern as doubtless they were of an
dent Athena, "and one noes them skip
ping over the rocks of Mara bill or the
Pnyx or picking their way gingerly
over tho ruins of some ancient temple
like chamois In their native wilds.
They are all muxxled and attended
In Cocks of ten or a dozen by a goat
herd, who goes armed with three little
tin cups, oue holding about a pint, an
other a half pint and another a gill.
When ho finds a customer be stops a
section of his living milk cart, milks It,
bands over the diminutive amount of
the lacteal fluid (It certainly la fresh
milk) to the customer and receives bis
B or 10 lepta (1 or 2 cents) In return.
Christian Herald.
It was not an uncommon occurrence
for Irishwomen (na at Limerick) to
share the dangers of the blrotMcks, n
instance the deeds of tlmt other hero.
Inc. Molly l'ltcher. Instantly, without
h word, she stepped into hW place ami
worked the gun with icdouliletl skill
mid vigor, lighting bravely 'until she
mink to the earth, pierced by three
grnpetdiot! Tliuifglt terribly wounded,
she tlimlly recovered, but was disabled
for life.
A soldier' half pay nml tho value of
a xoldler'a suit of clothes nunuully vot
ed her by the Continental congress (but
soon illscnutlntieili were all tho ruwurd
that the tlmt wonutn who fought for
American liberty ever received for such
heroic love, courage nml suffering. K,
t DcLaucy lu Magntlno of American
Last Words of th OniL
llalf of the store of "last words"
treasured by the curious are npovry
phaL IMtt cried out Itot ah the rvtord
bare It aa to the state of hi country,
but for a pork pie, and Napolcou til.
uttered neither lamentation nor proph
ecy, but desired to know If one stand'
Ing at hU sldo bad been at fed an. The
falling lip of the great ure expected
to frame aome pious or patriotic aphor
ism, and If they fall then phrase are
coined for them. "Deathbed avowals
aud moralizing." ntd Djuraell when
hi own end wa In sight, "are a legacy
counted upon by the Knglhth public."
He did not contribute to the collection,
but one phrase escaped him, "I have
suffered much," he sighed, "llsd 1
becu a nihilist I should bare coufesaed
all." What lay behind those word no
two critic can be fouud to agree.
Dundee Advertiser.
Salmon Leaf,
For a delicious salmon loaf use two
cans of salmon and a loaf of stale
bread. Reject the crust of the bread
and remove the bonea from the salmon,
Itrvak the bread Into crumbs and the
salmon Into flakes and mix them to-
Potato Show and
Redmond, Oregoi, October Nth and 12th
Liberal Premiums will bejgiven on Potatoes
and nil kinds of Fnroi Products. '
Competition open to tiny person in Crook
County. For further pnrticulttrs send for
premium list to A. J. Haiiey,
QMtta-t Ik tlP Ar WultftirtW1 AllllkltitVlllll Mull
'. a;
CorkotlH ntinoiiiieo that the) w
upon n Imkory wltli'n n short lime,
eontliKitlnif It In mltlltlon to t!l()r
present IiunIiiqmm, A Nilltahlii lucit.
(Ion linn not yol liomt deolded mi.
Tlmy will turn nut itvnrvtliliiK In ih
Imltory llnu when I hoy gut Htntle.i
CIIAIIIH I'Olt ham:.
The Hliir Tlniilin Imx I'M llui
Hum folding rlmli-i for Mile nt n
lUiire. Kco I'. S, llnlTiiiiiti.
Qunntr Corbln'a Widow, Who Fought
at Mount Washington.
The first woman who fought for
American liberty was Gunner Corbln'a
widow, at the capture of Mount Wash
ington by the Scotch and nesalnns. In
tho midst of the fight Gunner Corbln.
truck by a ball, fell dead at his wife's
feet aa she was aiding him In his du-
f in wife. n
get her. Molstr u with two bentrn ei?g,
a tableaponnful of melted butter ami
one or two tenspoonfuls of lemon juice,
with salt and wper to taste. Add a
tablcspoonful of cream If not moist
enough, llutter a bread tin and put
the mixture Into It. Hake the loaf for
an hour or until thoroughly done,
Henr with a cream aauce or a white
sauce sprinkled with minced parsley.
New York Tribune.
A Levor' Qusrral.
Kortcr turned up at the office on
morning with a black eye and a miss
ing front tooth.
"Just a lovers' quarrel." be explain
ed airily to hi brother clerks "a lor
er quarrel, that's all."
"Itut. Korter." cried the bookkeeper,
"you don't mean to tell me that dainty
Marie Lanlgan did all that to your
"No." Korter admitted: "It was ber
other lover." Exchange,
Of 8om Us.
Taw. what are flies and mosquitoes
good for anyhow?"
"My boy. there's a wire gauze fac
tory down the street wbone owner
spends half hi time on an ocean
yachts-Chicago Tribune,
Mary Doesn't Ida keep her hardwood
floor In beautlfut condition? Alice
Perfect! Every ooe wbo goes there Is
carried out with a fracture or a dlslo-
catlon. Uarprr's llatar,
Bur Thing.
Oabe Why would not wotnrq mnkr
good umpires? Aleve And why would
they! Oabe They always have the
last word, don't tbry r-CJuvlnnatl En
quirer, Men are o constituted that every
body undertake what he see another
successful In. whether be hs aptitude
for It or noL-Uotthc.
Bsggy Pant.
"Why do you spend so much care on
the crease of your pants, beyf
"It Is Important, dad. not to wear
baggy trousers."
'Important, la It? Why, yon young
cub, look here. Did you ever see a
statue to a man who didn't wear baggy
pautaT"-l.oulsvlll Courier-Journal.
Consulting Pspa,
"Papa, you know tlmt tleorge. wbo
propositi to me last nlcht. Is coming
for his answer this evening, don't your
"Ob, tbank you. papal That was
the answer I wa going to give him
anyway r-Cbleago Tribune.
Tsrms of the Gam.
He Dearest, you're the goal of my
afftctlun. 8b (removing his srmi
Plre yard for holding. llnrvard Lampoon.
NOONDAY dinner a spot-lull v
Mr. HtoYiitisiin'a rcNtitiiriint, jr.. u,,
we live
to learn tltat tho
Is one of tho
IxMt nml choap
cat compftnlcfl
nml la known for
lta promptness
In tiottllnK losses
lot mc fltfuro on
iK'forc you In
sure, for 1 can
save you money.
Olllco two doors
south of post of
fice, or uildrcM
Bend, Ore.
------- - - --..
----'-- 4 !
Operates the Largest and Best, Equipped Saw Mill and has
The Largest Stock of Lumber
in Central Oregon. We can manufacture what you want,
when you want, it, and at the prices you want,.
Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries
are invited, and will receive prompt attention.
't '.
i i
Bend Company
Bend. Oregon
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