y- i; 1 rAGE to. c Helen and Robert Tatt, daughter and ton of President Taft, aro now about 100 rallea Inland from the rail road In tho heart of Glacier National Park, Uncle Sam' newest playground which was created by Congrats In 1910, the bill for which was signed by President Taft himself. There are In tho party Mrs". Geo. E. Vincent, wife of the president of E HriAZMH&flflIJIVKBiHMJ909?BiH v. jjMMMH" y vllHH sssbPsiiiiRI R KiKnKifaT'SHnlBKfjB r& St vhh2I dBIIihB vIBmIk jmIHIHebMI HKu kB BSBj BBBBBBBBJI 1IBBS; 4SbT - ' " " '-VBBBBBBBb IBBW SBBBBBBBK 1 1 BBBBt ISSl SBBBBBBBK J" 'SKs ' iSjBBBBBBBV1 ' 'BBrLk.SBBBBBBBBl I BBBH BBBBbV'O Tr K '?3!aK' BCiBBBBBBBBV'H BBBBBaHwm':r I MWH '' 'jHsaV JbbbbbI tBBBBBBBBBBBBB, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBllttSL J- I J llSiBBBBV l LV iitsBBBBBBBfl L R'Cb ' lMWbb.HB' ' iS9Hi...Hr ibbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW -.VbSPv " . bvHbbbbbbbbbhibbbbbbI KKSKtVWf ' ? ''"5JlSHBBlBSllaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBai- ' ' 'SBbBBBBBb19kBBBBBBBBBBBbH LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBSBmBBt' tMaXSmWOM bbbBHbbbbbbb! IbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbSR- "!'- fcwffdHsBBBBBwlaHWtaBlBBBBBBBB! JU W. HILL OfFEHS JtADHOMtf LOVING CCP. The abovo picture shows the hand so mo silver loving cup which Loull W. Hill," chairman of tho board of directors of the Great Northern Italf . -way; that given for the 30 best and SPELT7 FINE FOR HOGS Crop That 1m New to Tills HccUou Yields Heavily. A crop that Is likely to prove a -very important one in Central Oregon-Is spelts. - Those who are fami liar with It say it is a tlpto'p food "for hogs. Ed Halvorson, who raised the crop In Nortn Dakota, sowed a small , CM WS1,M HW VWV,l ( ( 1 patch 'of-ltithls year on bis Irrigated ranf h fjiinJhf tjd.51 half southeast, of town aildsajsThe yield baa ben I . at thexntoof 60 bushels, to the aor he.la aura. It is a grain something like" barley and can be raised pn btu dry and Irrigated land.. Next yeafc Mr. Halvorson expects to put la at least five adres 'of spetU. i ' Me renorts a fine bay crop on nil Vplace -Ilo-has harvested 40 tonQtJ iST . - - - - - the University of Minnesota and a number of young peoplo including Martha Dowers, daughtor of the late Attorney General; her brother, Lloyd W. J. Bowers, who recently returned from Europo, and Miss Isabella Vin cent, who was at Uryan Mawr with Miss Taft. When the party arrived nt Two largest potatoes exhibited at the ncccnd annual potato snow to be held at Redmond October 14 and IS. Any farmer In the county Is eligible to compete for the trophy. wheat hay and C of clover, most of tho land In cultivation being now. It Is irrigated from tho north lateral of the Arnold canal, WKKKLV MAItKKT LRTTKIL NORTH, PORTLAND, Sept. 14 Receipts foe the week have been; Cattle, 1C27; calves, CO; bogs, 13G4; sheep, 4534, Tho market for the best grades of cattlo has remained firm, somo extra good steers selling 'us high as $7:25 rand choice heifers -S I readily brim Supplies cont to tho denijtnd bringing 5 0. GO to 10.60. continue to bo Inadeuuato demdud and prospects are good for contlnii(idblgh 'prices. The hug division bad a widely diversified range, sales ranging from S8,f)0 'to 9.30 RCcgrdlflg ' to quality. Best well fio'lBhed'BwUie, 'however, were In good demand at from S9.20 tto 110.30. Receipts show a slight. n crease, over, fast week's but .tmers T1IR nKN'I) IIUM.KTIN, HKNl?, WMMWIAY, BKPTKMntill K I0H1 Medlclno Lake, Montana, the first stop In Glacier National Park, they were greeted by a band of about 100 Ulackfeet Indians, whose reservation adjoins tho park. The Indians en tertalned the party with exhibition of their Sun Dance, Orass Dance and Medicine Lodge ceremonies. Glacier National Park Is replete with Indian are still far from being well supplied. Mutton continues to advonco, best wethers now selling at It.GS, ewes at J 3.86 and lambs from $.1.60 to (COS. Ltcht receipts In this divis ion contlnuo to prevail. i'ATr.KI00 MAX IJl'VH IIKIIi: It. A. ContcB, a business man of i Waterloo, Iowa, was In llcnd last week and purchased through J. A. Hastes n tract of alout eight acres ' fill. ...... II.I.Ll. .. .... I... fl IU I 1IUI I1UIIO IIU1KIU IJWHtU III J. II Uenn. Mr. Contes said ho would bring his family out next spring. He represented a number of friends liv ing In Waterloo and they will jiroli al Iv, on his favorable recommenda tion, buy the whole tract of somo SO acres. It Is located within two mllos of town and Is good land. Adjoin ing it Is the farm of Jou Buckholx, who mado such a big suceess raising truck THK UXIVKItHITV OF OltKGOX COItlUWPONIlHXCi: SCHOOL. offers FKKK, wlili tho exception of coat of postngo on papers and cost of tho University Kxtontlon Hulletln. to CITIZENS OF OltKGOX, forty UNIVERSITY COUItSKS by MAIL. Ability to profit by tho courses selected Is tho only requirement for enrollment In the Corres pondence Department. Courses are offered in tho departments of Botany, Debating, Economics, Education, Electricity, English Litera ture, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Draw ing. Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Sociology, and Surveying, Wrlto to tho Secrutnry of the Correspondence School 1'nlvcrslly of Oregon, Kugeno, for Information and catalogue. COUIlflKH IX IUMIDKXCK at tho University prepare for tho Professions of ENGINEKRING, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE, and TEACHING. Fall semester opens Tuesday, Sept. 17. Address tho Registrar for catalogues descriptive of tho College of Engi neering, tho- College of J.lbcrat Arts, tho Schools of Education, Commerce, Law Medicine, and Music. O'DONNELL UNION MARKET Headquarters for Commercial Men filcctrlc Lighted Throughout BEND HUC3H O'KANB, MANA9ER BEND, OREGON Oood Rooms Free bus to and from trains J. H. MUSQROVO THE LOTUS BAR Schmidt & Musgrovo, Props, WINES LIQUORS, CIOARS OLY ThVoBST OF QOODSIIANDLBD ' Bond Street It A A A A A 1 fc legend and full of scientific interest on account of tho geological forum tloui. President Taft Is setting a good examplo to every American cltlien by Introducing to lil-t family the henullc of American scenery. The "Sec America Pint" slogan has mado u Impression on our chief cxccutlxo. XOTICK KOIl PUIIMCATIOX. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. I .and Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 10th. 1913. Notlco Is hereby given that John W. Usher, jjf llcnd. Oregon, who, ou October 31st, 1907, mndo homestead entry No. 16703. Serial No. 04334 and No. OIO0S8, for sei so'J, sec. 23, iwU swi. sec. SI, nw; nwU, sec. 25 mid nuU no '4. section 2d, Township 30 South, Hanre 10 Knst, Wllluiiiotte Meridian, has Med notlco of Intention to make final flvi year proof, to establish claim to the laud aho described, before II. C Kills. U. S. CommlMloner, at his ofHce at llend, OreKon, on the 23rd dny of October, 1913. Claimant names as wllneises: Peter Hogllng. C. it. Allen, Luthur Mutke and John Peters, hII of llend, Oregon. C. W. MOOKK. 38-32 - Iteglster BROTHERS ----- Special Attention to Transient Travel HOTEL I Quod Meals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and esst of hero - ... --- W. F. SCHMIDT 'l Bond, Oregon aa.a L j. a j. A j j. ikt iii:si I'Aiui niAxriiiHH Hteldl & Tweet hnvo been untitled franchises by tho County Court for nn electrlo light and power sjntoin, water system nnd electric street rnll way system In lleud Park and Urn Hrst and Second additions to Heiitl Park, with tho usunl restrictions it ml reservation mndo by tlio county. O..W. H..V N.TllVKM VMY.V.. A prlio silver cup lo lw n warded to tho exhibitor of tho west steer nt tho fair nt Prlnelllo next mouth " been donated by the O.-W. It & N. Co Tho trophy hns lireii sent by A. A Morse, traveling teprceentntlve of the compnny, to T. M. llnldwln, preil dent of the Hrst Nntlonnl Hank of Prluevllle nod Is now on exhibition nt the county sent. YOl'NU AT.FAI.KA !H KlNh'. P J Young, who' Uvea tlvo miles out on the road to Prluovllle, wns In town Saturday nnd reported crops In his neighborhood very floe. This spring lie seeded SO acres to alfalfa and at least 70 ncte of It I now, In prime condition. This yoar he bad 30 acres of fine clover liny, which yielded heavily. Mr. Young hsa 100 acres, all of which that l Irrigable (about HO acres) Is now under cultivation. KOK BALK Improved lot. two blocks enst of slntlun, cheap for cash. Address. J, T J. Hulletln. 38-33p XOTICK TO CHKIIITOItH. In the County Court of the State of Oregun. for the County of Crook. In the matter of the estate of W, II. Sellers, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, the duly appointed, (justified and uctlng administratrix of the estate of W. II. Sellers, de censed, to the creditors nnd all per sons having claims against said de cerned, or tnld estate, to present them, verified aa required by law, within six montha after tho first pub lication of this notice, to the said ad ministratrix at the office of her at torney, Vernon A. Forbes, In the First National Hank llulldlng. Bend, Oregon; the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said eilate In said County and State. Dattd this th day of September, 1913. JKNNIK SCLLKHS, Administratrix of the eststo of W. II. Sellers, deceased. St-39 XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land ORlre, The Dalles, Oregon, September i2, 1912. Notice Is hereby given tint the Northern Pacific Hallway Compaii). whoMt kj1 ollleo addrvHS Is Kt. Paul, Minnesota, hns this 12th dny of Hc (ember. 1912, tiled In this ollleo Its application to select under the pro visions of the Act of Congress, np. proved July 1, 1M98 (30 Slnt. &97. 030), ns extended by tho Aet of Congress npprowd May 17, 1900, the swl; seU. oV4 swi. See. 31 and ii w '4 noUi noli iiwV, Sec. 2b, Twp 17 South, Bang 13 Kast, W. M. Serial No. 010716. Any and all persona claiming ad versely tho lands deserlbod, or de siring tit object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this ottlce, on or before tho 6th da of Not ember, 1913. C. W. MOOItK, 28-33 Hogl.tor. , ISOXII SALI NOTICE or Notlco is hereby given that sealed proposals h be received ut the office of tho City Becorder, Bend. Oregon, up to six (Cj o'clock P M ou Tuesday, the 34th dny of Sep tember, 1912, for the purchase of Municipal Bonds of the City of Bend, Oregon. Said Bonds aro In the sum of $00,000 par vulue, Isiued In do nominations or 11000,-and Issued for tho purpono of constructing u sowor system and authorized by voto at a special election lie hi In tho City of Bend on tho 20t' duy or July, 19P3. Said bonds nr' anted September 1st, 1912, and bi' 1. r Interest at n rnto not exceeding, six (0) per ceut pel nullum interest payable seml-unnunlly Said bunds muturo September 1st, 1933. Interest anil prln-lnal pay able at Bend, Oregon, or tho Oregon Fiscal Agency In New York City Said bonds aro Issued and to bo sold In accordance with tho provisions of tho Charter of tho City of Bend Proposals for said bonds sbnll atato tho rate of Interest on which tho proposal, is bnsed. Each proposal must bo accompan ied by a cortlfled check In tho sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars, made payable to tho City Treasurer of tho City of Bend, ns n guarantee or tho good faith of the bidder, The City reserves tho right to re ject any or all bids. By order or the Common Council of tho City of Bond, Oregon, dated July 20th, 1912. First publication July 4th, 1012, G. P. PUTNAM, Mayor. II. C. ELLIS, Recorder, POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON ' j Business Directory A Directory of Mch City. Town and Vlllsst, IyIo dctlptlT skstch of tsch plsc, location, population, tU 'STapb, alilpplna ana kanklns point I alio ClaMlflta Dlroclorjr, compiua hr I buloM sn4 proNulon. m. it. j. rom ,co., gsurru! . i-l PREMIUMS $1500, "H RACES $3000 9 FUN AMUSKMBNT-INTOUMA. I T10N AND 1NHTKUCTI0N. f Tho Annunl Wunconntl Hood (Vcr i County Fnlr will bo hold t Tho v DhIIvh, October 1, 2, !1, I, lmg, TI1I1 Inhibition will comprint) liormV cnttlo, ilicop, Nwlno, poultry, fnrtlJ ' jiroductit, iruu, uowem, tncrchnn illno, iiinniifncturt'd, tnnchlnury, wo iimn'H work, nrt, chllilron'avxhlliiu , of nrt nnd KHnlonlinf, npvoil con tosU, novtil nttrnctlons nml enter. tnlntnonta thflt will tickle you very I muchly, Come nnd hnvo tho kit 1 tlmu of your life, nnd you will ss- llfty yenra lonRor. DON'T KOIU f GCTTHEDATK. . JUDD 8. FISH. Socty. IIIIIKOTOIIV OP OFFICIALS. ' VulteU HUtM. t President WlllUm II. Taft Vice President ..James H. Hliermin Becretary of Hlsto P. u. Knot 1 Secretary of Treasury . K. MacVeaih J Secretary-of Interior ,.W. L. KUhj ? Secretnry of War.... II, U Hllimou Hrcretnry of Coramorco and Ijtbor . t Churles Nstt f Secretnry of Navy Geo. Von L. Me)er ' Secretary or Agriculture Jna. Wllsou V Postmaster General . K. II. Hitchcock i Attorney General G. W. Wlcher.luia Mute. f Governor .Oawald Wtn i Stcrvtarv or State ....II. W. oinmt 1 Trodiurnr Thin II k' i Atty General A. M. Crawford Superlntoudcnt PubUe Instruction . U It. Alderman Stnto Printer W. H, Dunlftuy Commissioner ltbor tiintlstlc O. P l loir 1! Game Warden W. L. PltiWy f State Knglnver John II. UU. United States Senators ! George K. Chamberlala f .Jonathan Bourne, Jr. I Conrresauien .......A. W. Latterly I W, C. Hamlirl Kevrutb JudlrUl' llUtrict. ' . Judge W. I Bradshav Attorney Fred W llutt CrtMik County. Judge II, C. Kills Clerk Warren llrow a Sheriff . T. N. Balfour Treasurer .Ilalph Jordia Assessor J. 1), ltKollelt School Supt It. A. Pord Coroner Or, K. O, Hyde Surveyor I'red A. Itlc Commissioners It. II BayleyJ v Jnmes Itlceta 1he(iurt. ' Circuit Meets first Mondny In Mny Mid third Monday In Oitober Probate Meets first Monday la onch month. Commissioners' Meets first Wrl nrsdny In January, Mnrch, May, Julx; September nf'il Nut umber. Heiitl MliiH.ri)Mrlrt No. IU. , Directors .... .11. J. Overturf, Chmn ....f,.............r M. Bay Clyde M. MrKa Clerk MUs Marlon VIl Cliy or limit. 1 Muvo,' G. P. PutnsiH Iteeoidor II. C KliiT Troai-urer II. J. Overt -rf Chlur or Pullee 8. K. Itobeits CUt Knglueer . . . . Georme S. Youna CouuelltNon , .11. K Alln t o 1 A. L. Pren l M. 8. I.allut ....IS. J. Hpunror John HH'Ul . . .J II. Wetinndy P ATENTS VAI.UAIU.lt INI'OHMATION I'KI K l( yeu hat an IntcNtliii or ai f IMUnl ntaiur, rll imnmlUlfly i W W WHIOIIT. trtUltudalloiacy l.uanftTlu.t Hldg Wathlnslim. 1 TT. WHITE IS KING. -The BEST nll-rotind Family Sewing Machine Dint enn e produced. Mnde in bo tli RO TARY & VIBRATOR styles. -.-The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. Tlie I latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Solomon easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue tree. ;.f White Sewing Machine Co 1400 Market Street San Francisco, CaliforJriUr - awx i,3Minr7n.v9fjLaaup.- ssafll'Xfls3SS?dallBsmr!d' 1 . r J-. -