The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 11, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Tin: ih:vi wm.ktiv, iu:ni, wi:iivi:hi,w, hittwiiku ii, 1012
Royal Society Embroidery
Arc guaranteed .strictly lust colors. And they arc spun with a .special twist from
Sen Island cotton. The white is pure white and will not turn yellow. There is u
wonderful line of colors 11H ot them, and IK sizes of the white. Being absolutely
fadeless they are the only perfect substitute for wash silks for embroidery purposes.
Royal Socioty
India Floss
Royal Socioty
Royal Society
Royal Socioty
In tniiiln In 1 10 lllfTririlt nlmtlrn mill III IH ! of till'
Hliltc. Tills In tvroiiiiiiriiitrl for roiivrnlliuiiil tlcliiH
nml t'liiliroltlny mi (tremi
n iM'i'fti't lini' llt IIiih mnitn In tin xniiir 1 1 in' of colon,
nml nlm n llic Inillii I'lims mill In iimm! for Inner. IkiIiI
iI('I(ih mi lien ) II n fit or ullirr iiiIn mill cmfli inulrrlnl.
In ii jMTfiTl soft roiinil tlirrml nml l iiimlr In (I hlcx.
In white only. It N iimmI irliicliiill)' for iiioiioihiii,
IiiUIiiIn, He -.
ir roniii'ti In llifiiihrltm InrliiilliiK not only the
fliiiiiiiil ilrci lull cu'iytliliiK roniitrl In itiiiko the
UtiMiH in I It'll.
In making up your embroideries for Christmas these goods will be of great assist
ance to you. We have the complete line and you can get any color or any size
that you want. You are invited to come in and look at them.
'The Store of Better Values"
Horn 1'rlilay to Mr. nml Mm. Chun.
Ollticrl, n boy.
T. It. J. On fry nt I'rlnovlllu nwil
yiHiirriluy In Itmnl.
J. II. Ilniinr nml wife of I'rliinvlllu
Mint yeatorilay In Henri.
i'lo)il Dement wen i lovn to Port
Inml HluriUy on litmltie.
J. I). DavliUon spout tho putt week
with liU wllu nt I'owoll lltittc.
W. J. McOlllvrny returned Monday
ulKht ftnin n trip tlinniKji Ciliroriiln.
Mr. ami Mm. Oeorp' A. Jone re
turiiwl Xiiiulay nl Klit from Portland.
Httv Htulill loft ynaienlny fur
IJtiKH in attend tint atuie university.
Mm. W, II. Wilson, who haa Ihmiii
litltliiK In the Haat, linn returned lo
Hon (I.
Tho W ('. T V w li oHlnrtnlm'il
Thursday alicrnooii by Mm. Krd nml
Mm. ivi
MorrU lata went don lo I'ort-
IiiihI inlirlnv on n IiiiiiIiiihm trln of
n fnw (linn.
0. II. t'orki'tt went down to Dea
rliiitim Momlny to spend n week's
Mllo W. Wllmm returned Monday
nlKlit from I'orlliiint where lin spent
I ho summer.
Mm. Ilnlph Hnrtletl will Iwive I'rl
dny for Port Hock to with Mr.
Ilurtli!tl'n relative.
A lelephono will ho Installed Oil
wrek nt tho Uloter U'lif dnlry of
My I water U Htatita.
Mr. nml Mm. I". I. Smith nml J.
M. l-nwreiiro were In 1'rluetlllt) ea
terriay on ImaliiiHui,
llev. W. It. Howell wna alck sev
urn) tin) a Inst week, recelvlnc treat
ini'ilt nt tho hospital.
Mm. OeorKo I In ton la lsltlug rein
then In Mlnnraotn, 8hu will ho
Koiiu several month.
.1. I). (V ThomiiM, t'nltoil Htntea
eommlaalnner at Kurt Itock, wna u
Henri lnltor Thursria).
uTtfJdlms fyOtvpbr
jVWctrusucrG'Sfi-rvw'rv' w
)ea r Omul-
Have you eicA had the anticipated joy
of a jolty viit aftoUed lu yolnp to Jce
)omc friend whose huSland ii ricA cnouyh
to furnish hi home handsomely, Lut either
Mian Kva Ornvc-a, who apont tho
MiininiT Imrc, rotiirncil yoatorday to
livr homo In rortlnnil.
MIm Anglo VonnK loft toilny for
Kuroiiu whnru alio will outer tho
t'nhvralty of Oregun.
J. M. Lawrence returned Bumlny
from OrrKon City whoro no vlaltod
IiIh wlfo nml dniiKhtor.
Mlin I'lorenco Yoiiiik loft yeitcr
tny for llurtia whoro alio will touch
In tho puhllc achool thla winter.
Kdltor I'rod l.nKollotte of tho I.n
IMnt) Inter-.Monntaln spent the week
end In town, returning homo Mon
Tho Prcahytcrlnn Oulld aorred n
ohlokcn dlnnor In tho Johnson build
InK Inat ovoiiIiik and fod large
Tho Clnlirelln-Oawnld Company, n
vnudi)lllo troupe, played Momlny
nlRht and Inat night nt tho Dream
Floyd Dement nml J. Kdwnrd lir
aun nru hating iMaomenta oxenvated
pieparalory to building ronlilenecHt In
I'. M. Chrlimnn. a Sllvor Iiko mer
chant, wna at tho Now Tnggart Hotel
Sunday, going down to I'ortlaud
too Atinav oA too caAcleAA to do it?
"When one of my fAiendi eomei to see
me, indeed, o have a leautifuUy furnished
room foA her, of think itwould le a shame
7to to, don'i you, Qmy?
Qiways youA fAiend,
(P.S.-atheAe's no excuse foA not fUina ti
.,... Ar. in j. elenantjtu Mhcn uou can oet
4ucf Atytiih, relialle fuAnituAc foA .
littie money fAom
E. M. Thompson
Vhere Your Dollar Does its Duty.
Mra. A. M. Lara wont to 1'ortlnnd
)Mtirday to couault ah eye apoclnllat
u alio haa Ik en Buffering from vo
troublo recently.
Mlaa Muriel .McComli of Ona. W.
Vn., la vlaltng nt the homo of Dr. I.
II. Doncer caat of town. She urrived
Monday owning.
Joo II, lluckholt, who loft hero
Ukt fall nml took up a homeatend In
llrltlah Columbia, will apond tho
winter In Wenntcheo, Waah,
Mlta Knilly Schroder cntuo In Sun
dny from her homo at Itolynt, being;
on uer iruy iu r.ugeno to outer ino
I'nlvemlty of Oregon.
Joo McKny'a window decoratloua
nt 1'atteraou'a and Frank Ilennett'a
nt Lsra'a are very attractive and ro
receive much favorable comment.
A. 0. Alllnghatn, whoae anloon at
Keilmond waa robbed laat Friday
morning by aafc-cruckora, waa In
Mend tho flrat of the week on buat
Tho Hoy Bcouta will meat Friday
ovenlng at tholr lodgo at 7:30. 'Dr.
Oor'uy haa Joined thla Scout band to
work with tho boya temporarily ut
II. I-:. l.ounabury, gcnornl freight
ngent for tho llnrrlman Oregon lines,
with A. A. Mono, apoclnl representa
tive of tho trnfllo department, wab
hero Inat week,
I'reabytorlun midweek aorvlcea
will Ho held thla ovenlng nt 7:30 with
Mian Sldner nt tho l.ucna homo. I)r,
(lorhy will uponk on "Tho Chrlatlnn
In Hoclnl l.iro."
C. II, Haywood, representing tho
Amorlrnn Typu Foundera Co. of I'oil
lund, spent .Monday In town, llo mot ,
hero old 1'ortlnnd frlonda, Mr. and J
Mm. J. A, Kubtes,
Tho Uond Company has tnkou off
tho night ahtft at Ha aawmlll, but la
atlll running full tlmo during tho day.
Manager Keya aaya the mill will bo
kept running all winter.
Mark-grot Sahreder, slater of Emlfy
Sclireder, haa come to Hond (roil)
her home at Rolyat to spend tho
winter. She entorod tho High School
aa a freahman Monday,
It, 11, Gould and tho crew of men
that accompanied him to Crescent
returned Suuday, having completed
tho work tlioy went up tlioro to do
for Dr. WliiMftrd of lloppnor.
I Krodorlck J". (llhnon of I.nldlnw
Hindu proof today boforo CominlHN
' loner Kllln on lila hotnoxtoiid. Ills
wlttii,aa'H worn (.'hnrloa K, Wlloy of
nuiiBlo and Kd White of (list,
lOii Mnalnnvllch wna brought to
tho hospital I'rlilny night from tho
North Clin ii I dnm works whoro ho
wits Injured while tnmplng dynnmlto
nftcr dark, Ills Injuries nru not
Flro Wnrdon McKay nnd Forost
Supervisor llnrvoy left Sunday on n
Meld trip In tho Slaters country. Mr
Harvey returned Inst week from
Portland whoro ho had boon on n
business trip. They got back today.
Mm, Snnford Shultz, who haa been
living In llend during the summer
with her daughters, met Mr. Shultx
hero Tuesday nnd accompanied hint
to tholr homo on Trout Creek Mad
ras I'lonecr, Cth,
Cnpt, and Mrs. Young, who havo
boon visiting Mr, and Mm. Ucorgo
Young. loft yestordny. Capt. Young
went to Scuttle for n few days nnd
Mrs. Young went direct to her homo
In Snn Francisco.
Z, M. llrown, one of the promoters
of tho Buttles l.ako Improvement
Company, ennio In frirtn tho construe
lion camp Sunday on his way to
Portland, whither ho waa called by
tho lllners of his wife.
Mm. Dlmtck nnd Mrs. Shrlncr yes
terday gavo up tho dining room at
tho Altamout Hotel on account or
the Illness of Mrs. Shrlncr, who has
neuritis. Her physician says aho
must havo absolute rest. Mm. W.
W. Orcutt took chnrgo today.
M It, Matthews, W. D. Chrlchton,
H. M. William nnd S. M, Scott of
Tho Dalles formed an auto party
that wna hero Friday on routo to
Odell l.ako for nn outing. They
took dinner at tho Pilot Ilutto Inn.
Prcabytorlnn services at tho Star
Theater Suuday, tho ISth, nt 11 a.
m. Preaching by Dr. Corby. Sub
ject. "If Perfection is an ImK)Hlb!o
Attainment. Why Try?" Sunday
achool nt 10 n. in. Claasea for nil.
Mr. Harrowdalo, Supt.
Mr. and Mm. O. P. Putnam, with
J. II, Putnam. Mr. Putnam's father,
left for Seattlo yesterday, to bo gone
a wick. Mr. Putnam, Sr la making
an extensive northwestern trln In
company with U. 8. Kddy, a Now
York banker,
II. IC. Dewnlt, who owned prop
erty near Hond and who waa known
to ao in o of tho old-timers here, la
dead. Ho formerly lived at Guana
ccvl, Duraugo, Mexico, but had re
cently moved to San Antonio, Tex.,
whero ho died.
Mm. W. K. Parkor has been en
gaged to do some special work for
glrla under tho auspices of the
Presbytorlan Oulld. Glrla between
the ngea of 12 nnd IC are Invited to
her homo Thursday at 4:30 p. m.
for a short conference.
Mm. C. T. McCoy, who has been
visiting her alstcr. Mm. Ceorgo Iw
ell. has left for her homo In Wnsh
Ingto, I). C , going by way of South
Dakota. Whon alio arrhoa In Wash
ington In December sho will have
completed a 9000-mile trip.
A farewell party wns given at tho
home of It. II. Deyarmnnd Monday
night for MlM.Arotta Kvereon, who
left yesterday for Tillamook. Tho
affair waa. given by the freshmen and
KophnmorM of the High Sshool, and
tho chief nmusoment of the evening
was pulling taffy.
and Children's
A varied assortment in the latest styles
workmanship the very best.
The ladies' coats priced from
$14.00 to $25.00
Children's and infants' priced from
$2.25 to $6.00
New sweaters for children from
75c to $2.50
Ladies' sweaters from
$1.25 to $6.00
Hundreds of new things here in wearing
apparel. We invite you to call to look
over the new fall goods. You'll not be
urged to buy.
And Remember, there are no two Coats
or Suits alike.
The Quarterly and Monthly Style Books of Ladies'
Home Journal Patterns are here.
Mm. Alfaretta Orcutt returned
Saturday night from Portland whero
aho had been attending tho Splrella
Training School. Tho company
sends out a corps of experienced cor
set trainars from Its factory In Mead
vllle, Pa., to conduct training schools
In various cities of the West, and
Mm. Orcutt took tho course at Port
land and will be representative of
the company at Uend.
AdvortlsomcnU have been posted
calling for bids for a star mall routo
to Alfnlfu. In tho event that satis
factory proiHisals are secured, tho
star carrier will get mall from 'the
rural carrier from the llend post
office, giving tho Alfalfa patrons a
trl-weokly servlco.
It. O. Hall and It. K. Koon roturned
Saturday night from a hunting trip
In tho mountains In the vicinity of
Sparks Lake. They report tho
weathor In the mountains very rough,
rain and snow falling overy day they
were out. Snow was two feet deep
In some places, Mr. Koon said.
Prof. U. II. Miller, a splendid
pianist, has located In llend and Is
playing regularly at the Star Theater
beginning Monday night, llo will
nlso give piano Instruction, Satur
day and Sunday nights Donald
Handing played at the Star. Miss
Gertrude Schulti expects to leave
llend In n short tlmo.
Dr. and Mm. It. D. Ketchum havo
moved from the llean building to tho
residence formerly occupied by Mrs.
Rollers, tho latter having moved to
tho house whore tho Avorllla resided.
Dr. Ketchum camo from Prlnovlllo
some months ago and likes llend
very much, and will mnko this his
home. Ills ofllco Is now ut his rest-
Grown at POWELL BUTTE, 14
miles cast of Bend, 4200 ft altitude,
our trees are adapted to YOUR con- .
ditions. Delivery at Bend without
additional charge. With every $5
order received TODAY, TOMOR
ROW and FRIDAY, we will include
Raspberry Plants, one-half doz. Rhu
barb Roots and 2 Apple Trees (our
selection.) See trees and fruit on
display in Lara's corner window.
Ask for Lafollette.
I have located in Rend to ac
cept pupils for the piano.
Beginners and advanced pu
pils a specialty.
A term of four losaona for
$5,00. Address
Prof, (h L, Miller
care Bulletin.
Appropriate music for lodges
banquets, etc., furnished.
( i
.riflHkizV .HbssS'j
madami are you entirely satisfied with the
range you are now cooking on?
the health and happiness of the whole family
depend upon their having wholesome food.
coqking at dest is hard work. should you not
lighten your work by using a labor-saving new
range? we sell the improved cascade range.
' we Have them, come see. ., '
Skuse Hardware Company.