The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 11, 1912, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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Till: llrt.NI MXMCTl.V, 1IIC.NI, WI.nXKHDAY, HI?l'Ti:MI! II, 1018
Domostlc Gollon Fabrics Sold
i Americans as "Inprled," ..
Li Tlmn 2 Pp Cent Comis Pram
Abroad, but Amtrlcsni Pay En
a.IiIi.mI nu 0. i-i i- t.
csu. ef D.e.ptlen .nd Prohlbltlv.
i t-.ih
I inrnn
By noDnnT kcnncth maclba,
lKonnriy coinulllim t at lb Urlff
Now York, Aug. ,-Tbo prohlhltlro
tarltr. rvvlscd upward by the I'nyne
Aldrlili luw. penults and fosters
wholesale frnuiU iiHiu tlm American
ttillHilllHT of coltou gtMids,
l.e tlmn ' r cent of tlm cotton
fabric consumed In the United Htotc
come fnnu abroad, tfuiiso tbo pro
tective duties linVu been made no high
(but Impiirtritloii I iiuprotlliible.
cl lolly one third or Hie roll mi
piece gtssl going oer retail coiintern
In wild n "IMI'tlllTCO" or under
miliiex luiphliitt n foreluu orlulli,
Thlt drotptlnn It gtntrnlly ptrp
trntid upon tn comumtr lor tit pur
po ol obtaining orbiUnt prlcaa lor
domtle gooiii.
Tile iiiiixiiiiht. tH'llerlni! tile good
nre'linH.riii mitl UihiwIiik Hint tbo
Inrlrf ml'! eiceohclr to Ibelr eoNt. Ml to WO per cent inoro I bun i
fnlr price nml duel not miuct tlint bo
l beliiK cbented,
Dralnt Ih Poekdboob.
It in o Mtmlcbt to n pcrln ex
nillple of the (iierrilii f N frnml.
Tnke the Pirirr tHinrd'o clulb NNinpIo
No. MJL (livcrllN-d n n "prluliil dim.
Itx " Till I" uiedliiui priced rot ton
fnlirle known to niiiNiNt every Aineii
cnu liuii-M-wir Wiuit u'lnprtn or lrl
hriNn't fMHiM-i it dlinltv drew within
lint bo. few jrnn) And If nIic went
to Hie cotton kinnIn niunter find
IxHlcbt the tnnlerlnl r Hie jriirtl arm
no doubt nw ncli nIriin n-
llilHIl DIMITY. 1
4 I
- 4.
The World n Inrlrf editor vMlwl with
me n deimrtiueiit Ntore In u S-w Kiik-1
bind cltr of loo.uii InbnbltnuiN nml
found nnvntlr couiiler tilled with
1hce kimhIn, ptfinirded
We prufiirtd NdtupleN of nil of tlieui.
There wiin nut one pfcee of liuNtrte
KoimIn In the lot. IlitentliAltloli proved
t tin t the ntorv tiuver IihiI purrluiNcd
tbtee "IrUb" dlinlilfo from n IIiwIimi
Jobber nt 10 cciiIh ii ynril nml Hint the
werv miidu In u New llnclniid mill
Here whn n ntipNnii "bnruubr In
a MipMetedljr "liuiHirleil" fabric, on
which the retnller um tnklmt n prollt
of lui n'r cent:
TliN ImpiH-iH to Ih a fnhrle rejtrr
H'litluu the lilulie-t eltlcb'iiey In Ainer
Iran uiiiiiiifaeturlutt. It in ii ilmm of
good In wlilih we cnu iiniiM-te nd
antiiKcoiiNly with nny ouintrjr In tbo
world. The tnrlrr lmrd'N inveHtlun.
tluim (Uncovered on Nniuple No Ml nn
Auieiirnu riwt or indiieibiii of 7 HI
centn n )nnt. In mi the iiiIIIn Inr..
tlsnted the iMuinlN reirei'HlittleN
found Hint the low nnd blub ni-ix of
iiinmifuctiirii or tlil fnbrlo did nut
tary hulf n cent n jitnl
Who 0t th Profl'r
Tbo mniiufniturer of IIiIn Anicrlcnn
dimity. Hint I wild nn "Imported" and
"IrlNli.' diN'N not nd Hie eecHlvc
prollt. In oiiiu limtniicer) the uiiiiiu
fnctunT tloea. but here be wIIn to Hie
Jobber nt 8 centn, tnUliiR nuly n.tiom
Inal uinniifacturlm; profit of two ilnnl
cent n yard. Tbo jobber felU to the
retnller nt 10 ccutn. n '.'A per cent mar
Kin for tho JoIiInt.
In Cnnndn. villi WJ Hr cent tnrlrr. n
cotton fnbrb coNtlmt in Peiitn n ynnl
would bo Hold to tbo coiimimcr at lll'j
OR 25?
15 1-5
OR 20?
or MtnvlliiiM nt tn rent If (ho pattern
Miik'IiimI Id ho In special demand, In
the United HIiili'H. v'h its pnil.lhltlrit
tariff, llii' ri'tull price Is always rinirli
blither. The hIiiiiiIuiiI price retail Ih 1(1
cents fur the fnlirli' wholesaled nt 10,
Hut when the inrllT In excessive-It !
fl T i-fiit tin mix printed dlmlty-iho
dishonest letnller win "get nwny with"
III ilrtcpllou mill double or more limn
dmibln IiIm normal prollt by selling Ibo
iloiiiostlc nrtli-le us "liiipurli'il." Tin'
retailer liiinivM llml he roiilil nut buy
n genuine liiiKiriiMl iliinlty or thin
j 1 1 it 1 1 1 - fnim it foreign manufacturer's
nxi'iil III New VnrU for less than iri4
or Hl4 rents, niid tin- irmli tvuiild re
toll IIiIm nt '.'.". Ill compares tlni (In
iiii'Klk' mnl foreign fabrics nml Minis
tlii American innilc In equal Iii (.very
respeet to tin- fabric from abroad. Ho
lie says to himself. "Why Hot self It ns
f.or"'U" f'1",,;.,'t u "--tu will tiiakti
it attractiver
Mill Mm Poektts II.
In fiiiim cases Hi mmiiifnitiirrr
takes the InrllT fntfor for hi own
INtrkct. TurllT bonid sample No, til
Illustrate thin No hi n fancy
while gnod used for (Iron wcnr. Its
matnifiiitiirer encountered n fnlr do
ninnd for this material during tho past
season, Tn Mi' No. list) of the tnrlfT
IxmrilV remrt show ii iiiiintifnrliirinu
profit of (Ki per cent. It cost in innmi
fitt'luro thl cloth tlMU renin n yard,
Tin mill refuse iii sell to mi)' one ex
cepting llic Jul. Int. mid through tliln
chnuiiel the rloth reiieheN the retnller
nt '.".' to '.','i cetitN n ynrd. The rctnll
rr cbHroeN the coii'iiiiie' ; n :t!l ceiiin,
iKTotdiiii! to liHiitliiii mid local comie
For comparison taW th valu of th
fnbrlo on wfnh. At tl manufacture
Ing eoit ol 12.18 ctntt a yard ono ,
pound ol thl good I worth $1.23 a It ,
Uavt Ih mill. Wlun It rachi th I
comumar (at SO cvnti a yard) th
pric t bttn boottad to $4-20 1
The mnuiifnctiirlnu cnt or thin rloth
In litiKbimi In (irnctlrnlly the rmno "
here, jet the KtiBllnh uinnurncliirer
NelU It rr IS -II ceiiM n ynrd. the Job '
ber nt IT .') cenia nml tho retailer nt '.".! '
ttcnr In mind Ihnt Hip "dlflferrnrp In
rol ut priMlm-Hoii nt home nml nlirnnd"
In thl cIiImn of fabric reprerent-d by
mi tuple No .11 niuoiintM to uotblni:
but Ibo lnvui-Aldrlcti tariff on It
MliinN MXI ht cent, or h'fy cent per
ruiinlntt ynnl. ',
I'uney ooIn of Hip typo of nnmple
No. 31 nre pniduciN of tbo I.lpplu-Mc-Coll
clnN of milk. The I'nyne-Ablrlcli
bill ml el the duty on IIiIn cloth from
3.1 to MKI mt cent In It nuy wonder
Ihnt Kcnmnr l.lppltt nnd Mr Mcfoll
were Intereiled lit nmemllm; the
I'nyno bill, -New York World.
A rnncy wiinIi rntirlc iiiiiiinfrfctiirtxl In New
KiiKhiml for U 'i-a cvnu n yard In mild ny tno
ilinnurui'tiirer nt HV cenla n iiiniiiirncturiuii
prollt of 7Mi lor ceiiL, lorn nclllnu etlioliNea of
6 or. nt iiiiiNt, (1 per cenL Tho Jobtier (wliuiw
anlo dlstrlbutori ndda UVi cent-n prollt of Ififti
ivr cent., lens aelllm; eicimea. Tbo retailor
ndiln nmitber 4-N per ceut-. and tho Americun
luiUNOWtrp vela the cloth nt VS tent clutli that
In KuBliind can bo tioimlit retail lor 17 couu,
Idoutlcnl lu wouvo uud nunlltyl WUYJ
Cotton curtain crlm, round In mllllnnn of
lioincn, la mtide In America nt n con! that five
tho mniiurnctiirpr imiplo tirollU ncIIIiiu It to tno
print worka nt (I ccutn n ynrd The print work
noIIk to Him Jobber at 10 KI centn, ulthnutfb It
IIiiIhIicn the Kuodn nt n coat of 1.117 centn. Tho
Jobber uilils '.'0 per cent, Inyluu down the cur
tain acrliu to tho department more at lliHconU
Tho rotnllor chnritci the Amoncuu bmiewir iu
to SO cotita, Mora than likely he ndvurilnes It
na "IMJ'UltTi:!)" und it'll It for tho top price,
becnumi the tariff In bo hljth that the couuiue
linportod Kooda cannot be sold for lens. It ciwta
Just an much in HqkIuikI to mnko tills curuiu
matorlnl, yet the Unsllib rotuller sella It for
10.22 cents (7H peurei a ynnl, against 10 to VU
cents under tbo American tutlfTI WUYK Itotu
N. Y. World.
Actual Raising of Duties Elfocfed
by Payno Oi.'L
Doth Indtfin.lbU, and Prildnt Tafl
Kntw It 0upprilon of Fact by
tho Tariff Bonrd Btatlitle Employ
ad to Mltltad th Public
Il-'oriinily eoniulilna tximi ot th UrlfT
New York, Aujf. ,-On not n alnslo
one' of the iilncty-rjvn nil cotton aum
pk'N of fnbrb.' tukeii na tbo ImihIn of tbo
Inrlrf bonrd'n luveNilKUtloim of tbv cot
ton ocbedule wiin tbcro nu nctiiul nr
ductloii of (be inrlrf by tbo I'uynif
Aldrlili Inw.
ThcmimplfN were relecled wltliKrcnt
enre by Hie JuduiiH'til of tbo
iMNinl'M eK'rl, IimIophiI by tbo lend
lUK JobberM of Hie United Htnten nn
leliiK repreieiilntlve of nil chtc or
ifnbrk' In iim Iii thlo country, encb
'NHiuple beltiK chuwn Ik-cuiinc It wan
typical or tbo moot urn-d material of
IViini ixiliitniK by Kcvinour
it pnnicuinr weave or cionn. Mnety
five nil cotton nnd fire silk nnd cotton
inniplcn comprise the loo Hint appear
lu tbo Inrlrf iHtant'n cotton rexirt.
KortrtH'ven or the ninety-five In tho
sll cotton cUnn nay KUiu -ht cent bleb
rr dntlen under tbo I'nyuo-Aldrlch
than they did under tbo Dlnuley tariff.
PaynAldrlch "Jokers.'
Of thcHo fony-noven clniotca of nn-
trrlnl on which tbo tnrlrr wnn In
crcuKcd nine are the fnucy wenren
uindo lu three or four Now Enulnna
mllln commonly grouped as ibo 'l.l-pltt-McColl
lutereMn." This Is the
clique of Now Kuclnnd inauufariurer
(tolltlclaun who were HTniltted by Hon.
ntor Nolsou W. Aldrlcb to write the
cotton ncbedulo to suit IbeuiHolvc. '
Uf tbo nine l.liiiiltt-.McColl fabrlce
ttio I'uyiio-AldrUb law Jacked up the
aveniKO duty from yd..'i7 to t!0.Xl H'r
cent In other wordn. Hie prouilHcd
"rvvbdnn downward" on thcuo uomU
wan really n revhdon iipwnrdniuouutliiit
to DI.H7 ht cent or the DIiikIc.v rntoN,
! Tbo remulnliiK iblrty-el:bt cIkhxcs of
uil cotton fiibrlcj uu which tho duty
wan lucrenced were not Kenemlly ttio
ptixl'ict of tho favored New l.nclnnd
rltiK. Uudcr Iho Dlnuloy luw thene
tblrty-elKht fabrlcn were atwenxed mi
avcriij-'o duty ot OX'M mr cent. L'udcr
tho I'nytio-Aldrlrti law they pay H.'JW
per lent n revision upward equul l
-it 07 per cent of tbo former rate as
compared with (11.07 per cent lucreano
on mnnurncturcN or the favored few.
On Just three aiming tbo 100 namploi
won them u decrease lu duty. Those
wcro tbo silk uud cotton rubrics (.Ilk
itnlllm trial pay more than 100 per cent
duty. On til cue three wimples tho rv
auction uvorugcil TuUI per ceut on the
rormcr duty a reduction rrom lltl.70
per i-eut under tho Dlngley law to
110 II per ceut under tho Payuc-AI-drlch
law On one or the silk and cot
ton samples there was nn Increase
munuiillng to SI.US ier cent. The Mllli
or tho xllk ami cotton samples wan left
Ou tho rorty-Ovo of the ninety-fire
all coltou hamplon them was uo chunge
In duty.
On tho turvo remaining samples
(.completing tho total of 100) no com
parison U made because of upparont
luck of authentic foreign prices.
And still ('resident Tuft mild in his
ipeevh nt Uostou, April '.'3 lust:
"It (tbo I'nyuo-Aldrlch bllll was a
question; congress could make Its owu
romuutatlons. Tho ottlclal explanation
for isifuKlug to publish tbo tnblo show-
Tandy belter bill than tbo Dln!oy
bill, If I bnd rvfuxdd to mIku tbo I'njno
bill It would burc tniilntnliicd Hie Dine
ley bill with blither rule tlmn the
I'ntno bill."
When .Mr. Tnft mnde thin alntement
bo iniiHt luivu known Hint It wiim un
trite. Am tor the wool ncbedulc, bo
knew Hint tbo rule wire mil higher
In tbo OliiKk'y Inw tlmn In the 1'iiyiie
Aldrlcb Inw, fur rlht nfter IkiiI"K tbo
tntler bill did be mil deiioiiuco It wool
rate nn "liidefctiNlblcV Ami. nn for
tbo cotton rntea or tho 1'ayiivhlll, be
knew they vvro Junl n "lmlefpiiNlbleM
an tbo wool rule, fur nt (be time bo
lundo thin wtnteincnt in llonton bo bud
(bo Inrlrf bourd'n report on coltou bo
fore hi m.
It U Iruo that tbo cotton rcpo'i of
tho Urlff board did not muko HiU In
foruiallon avnllnblp nt n glance to Air.
Tnft or to conKrcN or to tbo public.
Tbo lnrirr boiird cnrefully avoided kIv
liitf thU lufurmntlou In a cotntnble. un
dcnitandnblo form.
8upprd th Aniwtr,
"Vn tbo urlff ruliKd or lowcredr
bn beou nn ltnlitnit qticxtlon ever
tltico tbo I'ayno-Aldrlcb luw oi en
acted three yenra ko. Tbo tnrlff
board avoided uiiNWerlnR It.
In mnkltic my ottlclal rojiort to tbo
board I nuhmlttcd a tablo that did
aiiNwer Iblx (ueNtlou In reiect to eneb
i0iio. (.xceptlnj: three, of tbo 100 cloth
aiupliM iiroiiml which our month of
i liiiiitlKntloii centered After much nldo-
'iteppli'K and dUcumdoti tliU tnblo wan
exMirrated mid puhlhdicd In Un cma-
culalcd form. The bouril'N pxcuko wn
Ibut It wun not Un duty to utiaweV tbo
Iiir whether tbo tariff bad ticca raked
or lowered wun that the market lliictu
ntloua mode It of uo value ThU vriu
only n iiutbblo. Inx-nuim tbo rwpwtlvo
tariff acts were co a r muted that Ibo
lucrenmt tn duty on s nlldlus ncale kept
pace with tbo price fluctuations.
The tariff honrd chose to print tables
that would show only tho nneNiuent
or duty under the two nets and left It
to anybody who delrcn tbo Informa
tion to figure out for himself tbo sic
olflcant fnctn nbovo set forth.
Dnfit Only to PrlvlUg. '
From every jnilnt of rlew of the
tnrlff crofter It Is no doubt highly de
sirable that nucb facts, ntagKorlni; ns
they are to Hip dlxhnnest pretensions
that tho cotton tnrlff wns really lower
rd. nhould bo liurleil an deeply ns pos
lblo In n numa of uuoxpbilucd statts
ilea. But It Is to tho ndvnntnce of
ivery honest manufacturer ami mer
chant who In seckluR stability lu bust-ni-KN
nnd 'fair opKrtunlty to make a
renixinnbli' prollt that the truth should
tn made known. Jnt nucb policies of
ottlclal evasion nnd suppres.Hloii have
made pomdhh In Hip P'ixt tho JucKlInt:
nf tariff lculnlatloii by and In behalf of
tho privileged few.
It In uudlsputd that the cotton
schedule n h written In the house ways
land meunn committee liy Iti'presentn
live Serena K. I'nvuo of New York did
not provide tbo full measure of "revi
sion dowuwnnl" that the Itcpuhltcan
party had promised. Htlll It wan not
until nfter the Payne bill went to tho
U'linte finance committee, nf which
Mr. Aldrlcb. wnn chairman, that tho
"interosln" cot In their most deadly
work. It Is well known that Senator
Aldrlch freely consulted. If he did not
actually permit, the I.lppltt-.McOoll In
terests In write Into the amended bill
the duties nffectlug their own products
the fnnev weaves made br only a
few of the largest nml richest New
Eugluud mills, New York World.
Will Campaign In Now York.
New York. Aug. ,-Onvernor Wood
row Wilson will mnke his first luvn
alon of New York for cumuilgu f
poses when he will be the guest of
honor nt the WorkiuginonV Woodrnw
Wilson club or tho lower east nlde at n
dinner to be held nt the Care Hon le
vari! on Sept. 4. (lorernor Wilson will
deal, it Is expected, with the problems
ir Immigration nnd the false Impres
sions that have been put upon his
vlewn by tho quotations of Isolated
entencea from his different books.
.MAimil'I) IN COWUMH),
A clipping received from a Colo
rndo newspaper announces tho wcd-l
ding of Miss Lavcno Woolley, who is
nlt bniiwii In tlin Titmnlfi anil fiut
,,, ,,.,, ... ...v ,...u ,.n
nolglibfirhood, to William Grow, nt
Grand Junction, Colo., on August 7,
Mr. and Mm. Grow will renldo at
Codurcdgo, Colo.
of Culver.
of I'rlnevlllo. y
of Dend.
of I'rlnevlllo.
huii:hinti:nih;nt oi-' Kciiooiii.
MRS, I), W. ?1I0H0L8,
of Laldlaw.
of Culvor. i, w
of Prlnovllle. ,;
of Madras.
MAKE or MAR your health
WH ICH? lth for 'ou to de-
V IJIVII. c;,je whether you
nre. to make or mar your health. Proper
attention to the varnings of nature will
save you needless worry. A pimply skin
or slightly upset stomach are nature's
warning to you. They are the signals
that tell you ,to "slow down." Make
your health what it should be do not
mar ih Pay attention to nature's warn
ings. Help nature to assert herself.
There is a RJEXALL REMEDY for
every ill. We are exclusive agents. Ask
for free booklet.
will reopen for business in the store
room in the NEW FIRST NATION
Street as soon as it is completed.
Somewhat crippled by the
fire,' but still in the running,
Ralph Poindexter, Proprietor
- -------r-r---: --
HaHBB...BHH -mmammam-mmtamtmamtmmmmmBmaagmamamtatmm
I own and wish to sell my 020 acres of deeded
land, location the east half of Sec. 10, Town. 27
South, Range 18 Enst. Level, good soil, all tillable
except perhaps twenty acres, raw land no improve
ments, about two miles from railroad survey, free of
incumbrance, perfect title. I am told this should be
cheap at 0500 to 4000. If it is not worth this
price to you make me a bid on it. We must raise
some money hence this oiler. DON'T OVERLOOK.
Investors and Real Estate Men get busy. Address
LH l-l f XimfirtA uo? a
a . rm. va uuu
rv,-,-, ,,-,1,-j v r f ,.,xi '
Clover Leaf Dairy
and we will deliver
S. L. STAATS, Prop.
Orders taken for
Don't forget our
lici ci rs
-..----. ----.- -.m
lAiv Butte, Montana M
'V vvuvr ri "vn "fff ( "i "?