The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1912, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    tin: mi:ni iiuM.irrw, iii:ni, wkuskhuay, himtkmhkim, jis
1'AOR f.
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''' C. I. BOZELL, Manager
All Our Seed b
1 Information for
Kvory Uuo of Tho Hullo-
tin records .tho progress of J
Central Oregon nml Iho ilend
country. If you nro a homo
seokor looking fur a now lo
cation, nr own property In
tlili section, thoro li no bettor
way to bvoonio acquainted
J !
with, or Kcop posicu on, wnai
J It being dono In thU port of
tlio world than by reading
I thli paper regularly. Rnd
I In your subscription at nnco,
t ao aa not to tnlsa anything of
what la going 011 In thla bis,
T rMniirrrnl ruiintrr I h I a
treat Inland empire that haa
Snow been openod for dorelop
ment by two great railroad
UKNII la located 156 inllea aouth
of the Columbia Hirer, on the banka
of the Dcachutca, at tho termlnua of
the Hill and Ilarrlman rallroada.
Geographically, It la practically In
tho rery center of Oregon. Kcono
tnlcally, Ita location la unsurpassed,
for Ilend atanda beildo tho groatost
(tower producing alream In tho North
weat, whoro rallroada, water-power
and timber first moot, and surround
ed by tho createat Irrigation sogro
gatlon In Oregon, with countless
.flll.n .f infAi nf vralll lullfla
Tho City Itself.
Tho ettlmatod population of Ilond
todny U 1700, Ita nltltuilo la 3000
root, with n cllmato that la practlcnlly
Ideal. Winter mid aummor, the
voatber Is magnificent, tho tompora
turo rnroly going below xoro mid
only twlco, during tho Inst throo
Nummora,' bolug hlghor thttn 100 do
grooH. Tho hlghi'it tomporuturo over ro
conloil la 102 dogrcua. At this ulll
tudo, In tho dry cllmato, actual
harmful fronting doea not occur at
3- degrees but at 20 dpgroos.
aovernmont records hhow an
Avorngo nnnuul proclpltntlon of 10
Inches with an nvorago yonrly of
8,0 sunny duya. That monna enough
rain for tho farmor, lota of bluo aky
and bright aunihlno, no oppreaslvo
hoat, and cUmatla onvlronment that
gives Nnturo ovory poaalblo chance
to got tho beat rosulta from man and
Ilend haa four churches, many
txviovolent sooletlea, splendid grade
(hoo!e lid & high school whose
4 --
Thoroughly Cleaned and Graded by Special
the Homeseeker
graduates nro admitted to the Htnto
University without oxnmliintlon, ox
collunt hanks, tho beat equipped
and stocked stores of any town nf
twlco tlio also In Oregon, brtek yard,
' stimo (juurrlofc, flour nnd lumber
mills, a creamery, cold storage
plants, ato-Dii laundry, nesiapcr,
well apK)lutcd hntola, and, Indeed.
ililo representatives of evury claaa
of nterprlso.
In other words. Ilend Is well
equipped, modern nnd progressive,
with a lot of wldo-Awako men who
have spoilt good money dovoloplug
tho town, and who aro getting good
returns on tholr Investments.
Ilend has tho best wator In tho
stato, and an excollent modern wator
ayatem, which Includes up-to-date
flro protection.
Ilond'a atreeta and homes aro well
lighted by electricity, which Is fur
nished from a now plant which cost
$00,000 to build and equip.
A local and long distance tele
phone, as well as telegraph, are
other (tenia In lJeud's metropolitan
Work la under way on a $80,000
sewer ayatom.
Thoro aro more beautiful resi
dences In Ilend, proportionately to
the population, than In any othor
town In tho Weat.
Kverywhoro there aro well made
and well kopt sidewalks, the stroeta
aro maintained In the host condition
and aro lit with powerful are lights,
giving tho (own tho best street light
ing of nny In Oregon. With tho
many bountiful vlowa of mountnlna,
rlvor and' timber, tho magnificent
troos scattered gonornusly through
out tho rcsldontlal districts, and tho
wondorful cllmnto, Ilond leaves little
to bo desired by thoeo who seek
Idoal plncbs In which to llvo.
In October, 1011, tho Kill nnd
llnrrlman railroad systems com
pleted to Ilond tholr, Oregon Trunk
and Doschutos linos.' Ilond Is tho
tornilnus "of both of theso roads.
Tho handsome depot, oroctod with
natlvo stnno, and tho boBt cqulppod
wurohouso In tlio stato, Indicate In
what Importance tho railroad com
panies hold Ilond.
An oxtonslvo distributing business
ulroady Is bolng1 conducted from
Ilend, to the country south and
southonat, and with th regular oper
ation of nutoraobllo truck linos, tho
volume of this business Is vastly In
creasing. Practically all of western Harney
county, and northern Lake, and
Klumath, will got supplies In by way
of llcnd, and In return will export
via Ilond enormous clips of wool
In connection" with this Istter pro
duct and Its shlpmont here, tho rall
roada have announcod that evory
Juno there Is to bo a regular wool
Milo at Head. This means that wool
from all over Interior Oregon will
iw collected hero, that buyers will
come hero, that thousands of sheop
will I10 ahonred hero, und that, In
tho very near future, woolon mills
will bo established.
In nil surveys that have boon
made for a branch Hill road to the
soulhcait. to command connection
with affiliated roads and an outlot
In that direction, Ilend has been
mado the terminus jiolnt.
A Carey Act Irrigation segregation
embracing approximately 200,000
acres, lies to tho east and north of
ilond. Thla land la watered under
tho supervision of tho State of Ore
gon, and becomes tho property of
settlers who acquire It by resldonce
and Improvement, paying from $15
to $40 an aero for water service,
with an annual raalntonanco charge
of SO to 80 cents an acre, tho lowest
maintenance rate In operation.
Non-lrrlgable nceago la purchased
nt $:.50 an sere.
Directly adjoining Ilend aro two
other Irrigation ontorprlaes, both
conducted 011 a farmers' co-operative
basis, and both exceedingly prosper
On the Irrigated lands all tho pro
ducts of the temperate xono proapor.
Tho soil and cllmato, howover, are
particularly adapted to tho success
ful prodhctlon of grasses nnd root
crops. Alfalfa, clovor, grain, pota
toes and othor root crops, Including
sugar boots, do remarkably woll.
Tho yield of butter fat from the
grasses Is exceptionally groat, and
this, combined wlh tho puro soft
water, and tho luck of oxcesslvo heat
and cold, dostltics this territory to
tako tho front rank as n dairy
country. Tho establishment of a
lntgo creamery at Ilond, nnd tho aid
given farmers In socurlug fine cowh
by tho local banks, means that a man
with forty acres who will raise grass
and feed It to his cows will bo as
sured of a comfortable, living,
Work Is now in progress upon a
groat now Irrigation canal, known as
the North Canal, which will Jrrtgato
somo 50,0,00 acros of land. Tho
canal gets Its water from tho Dos
chutos. Dry Farming.
Tributary to Ilend on tho south
oast Is a huge dry farming area, em
bracing more than 250,000 acres of
lovol and rolling sago brush land,
with dcop noil, no trocM and rocks,
and with woll wator ubtnlnablo at
modornto dopthn.
Much of thin territory haa boon
settled by homestoadom during tho
Imit year, nnd many families nro
dally taking ndvantugo of this last
big chnco to got free Government
laud. Tlio majority of tho ncrcnga
Is open to homcKtondlng undor tho
320 ncro Inw, which allows tho free
acquisition of that amount fn return
for rosldcnco and proportional annual
cultivation nnd Improvement. Tho
homestead laws nro bolng mado
onslor and moro attractive, with tho
result that mora and moro Bottlers
co mo to Ilend and rnaka homes on
this Innd tributary to tho town.
Good roads oxtoud through this
country, and dnlly auto and stago
Hues tap It from Ilond, to which ita
products will co mo on down grade
hauls to bo mlllod with tho inex
hnustlblo water jKiwer of tho Des
chutes Itlvor Immediately below
Ilend, whoro a dam Is bolng con
structed at a cost of about $00,000.
Tho work In connection with this
summer's development of tho now
cnnnl will reuulro an expenditure
of $175,000. All of this money will
bo H)tit close to Ilond. Tho cntlro
system will require approximately
$700,000 to comploto.
Tributary to Ilond. on down grade
hauls, Is 20,000,000,000 feet of tho
finest yellow plno timber. Jlesldcs
providing tho chonp powor for tho
milling of this enormous timber belt,
Ilend offers tho best of mill pond
Tho manufacture of this tlmbor
at Ilend Is a cortalnty, for tho largest
of tho companies Interested aro
hoavy property owners In Ilond lands
nnd watcrpowor developments, nnd
have signified their Intontlon of lo
cating their big mills here.
AP prcson thoro nro several
smallor mills, employing In the
neighborhood of 1C0 men. While
f these manufacture lumber primarily1
for local consumption, not only nro
many carloads exported to tho towns
north of Ilond, but also many aro
shlppod to tho middle western mar
kets, which lator will bo supplied
heavily with tho Ilond lumber pro
ducts. Water Power
Thero Is at loast 250,000 horse
power easily obtainable from the
Deschutes at nnd near Ilend.
Already a 1700 horsepower plant
la In operation in tho town, which
otters ns cheap electric power for
domestic and manufacturing uses as
Is obtainable In tho Northwest. Tbo
Inexhaustible and cheap powor at
her doors guarantees "fiends oxton
slvo manufacturing future
Tho man who cornea to Ilend or
tho adjacent sections of Central Ore
gon will bo agreeably surprised at
tho pleasant surroundings he will
oncountor, both In what naturo baa
supplied and In social matters.
For Instance a University Club
recently waa organlxcd In Ilond with
30 charter members. Thit Indicates
tho character of tho men who aro
building up Central Orogon.
The aportsman will find the Dend
country n veritable paradlso. Fish
ing In tho Deschutes Is a famous
attraction, that rlvor'a giant trout
bringing sport lovers from all parts
of thu Northwest. Door, boar, rab
bits sago hens, ducks, geese, swans
and other gnmo afford ample recre
ation for the out-door lover along
the rlvor and In tho foothills.
Canoeing and boating directly at
Ilond nnd up tho broad reaches of tho
Doschutos, coupled with oxcellont
auto roads, horse back riding possi
bilities without end, and near by
snow clad mountain peaks, combine
near Ilend Interest for every sort of
nature lover and health aeeker.
How to Get Hero
From Portland take either the
"North Hank Railroad" or tho Oregon-Washington
Hatlroad & Navi
gation Co. ayatem direct to Ilond.
The tare Is $7,45. Through tlckats
from all Eastern points aro good
directly to Ilend. Tho route up the
Deschutes Canyon la tho most strik
ingly beautiful railroad trip in the
Northwest, and, aay lovera of fine
acsnory, la in Itself well worth the
Thero are towns having good sum
mer climates.
There are towns having good
Thero nro towns nt tho right
Thoro nro towns having Attractions
for tho outdoor enthusiast.
Thoro nro towns having building
Thero nro towns having brick
Thoro nro towns having Irrigated
Thoro nro towns having tlmW,
Thero uro towns having mills und
Thoro nro towns liuvlng water
powor, -
Thoro nro towns hnvjng great tribu
tary areas.
Thoro aro towns which aro terminals
of two rullroads.
Ilut where Is there a town having
all of these advantages?
HENDlssuoh a town.
And that Is why It will pav you, no
manor whether you aro an'luvestor,
a homosoekor, business man or tourist,
to investigate what Hand and the ad
jacent country has to offer you.
The first emit thing fo lenrn In
feeding entile Is milium of produc
Hon. Man farmer In mnklng their
calculations as to' whether some of
their farming pays tnke ttu account of
labor, wrllo an I own feeder In Orange
Juild Fnrnier. As all labor on my
farm Is hired nnd as I never do any
manual lilmr myself. It Iwliooves mo
In all my farming operations to first of
all get mj labor down to a straight
hunlni'HK proMMltlon.
Years ago I urd to feed my cattle
com twlre n day until one day I ran
serous ProfiHor Henry's look and
there saw the statement that many
rattlomcn fed only mice n day.
I bare In my yards at present 300
head of calves. All are well bred
Hereford, bought from one ranch In
Nebraska. The were wenned the day
prior to shipping nnd were received
Oct. 23- Tiiee calves on Jan. II were
being fed i00 jKiiinds of corn and
cob meal, WO pounds of oatJi. 1JOO
pounds of clover or alfalfa bay nnd
000 KMinds of oat straw. The corn
and cob meal will be slowly Increased
so that as the cnlvtn Increnso In sir
the will get all tho grain the can
Crossing eow of a coarse descrip
tion with well Mlcted Shorthorn
bulls removes tht coarnt and In
this way Improve tho quality of
lha moat produced by cattl which
arc dtucenilfd on tb tmt U
from coaraa and Inferior lire stock.
The pur bred Shorthorn la of great
prepotency and never falls to rata
the beef atardard of I he herd Into
which It Is Introduced. Tba Illus
tration showa a fine Shorthorn bull
of pur breeding.
clean np at one meal There will be
no Increase lu the amount ot alfalfa
The 300 Hereford calves on March
S weighed 700 pounds each. TbU
enormous gain was made wlbte by
the splendid weather. They now each
get twelve wund of shelled corn ami
six tounds of alfalfa n day.
The calves are fed once a day. The
amount of hay nnd straw to be fed Is
weighted and put In the racks: then the
grain I weighed and put In the boxen.
TbU Is always done by t030 a. m.
One man with team eeds the Brain,
nnd hay and fewl and attends to
hogs b noon, 'in tbo nftcruoon ho
grinds corn or hauls bedding when
necessary. Tbo sheds nro bedded down
twice n week. Ho then loads bis hay
wagon nnd his grain wagon ready for
next day.
In the winter months there are two
men. and this work is often divided
so ns to allow for other work In tbo
afternoon, but from the middle of
March until the cattle are old In tho
I summer one man doo It all nnd has
. nil the ows and oilier Utters to look
' after as well Of courre he linn earlier
Blanks OF ALL
Blank Notes
Rent Books
Receipt Books
Sales Contracts
Crook County Maps
Central Oregon Maps
Scratch Pads
Township Plats
Cruisers' Books.
We take orders for
Rubber Stamps.
and longer daylight In thcie month.
Till pbin iilxo allows the men to bavo
tliflr Kiimlitys free, ns by combining
force Hunday morning nil work Is done
by 0 a. m. 1 do not wish you to Infer
from this that he or any other man
work all kinds of hours. It Is n fixed
rule on the farm that all work toM
at rl. p m.: supper at (1. This rule
Is never broken even for haying or har
vest unions I pay the men overtime.
Many young feeders make the great
mistake of trying to push their cnttle
too rapidly. Never forget that the ben
and blggeMt gains nre made the first
month on the smallest amount of
grain. It Is not big gains that pay. It
Is economical gains. Ever feeder
wben be gets his cattle ought to bavo
bis ration figured out that It. bis
cheapest ration. No two ears aro
alike in this. If clover or alfalfa Is
worth $7 per ton and corn DO cents per
bushel the ration might bo for n 1,000
pound steer, nineteen ounds cur corn
and twenty pounds hay, whereas, if U10
clover or alfalfa Is $10 to $12 a ton and
corn less than 40 rents n bushel. It
might better be a ration nf ten pounds
clover and twenty-fire pounds ear corn.
If yon have straw or fodder work It
Into your ration according to quantity
or price.
A Story That lllustratss Their Won
derful Intelligence.
Dogs on tbo trail often display Intel,
llgcnre that seems almost humnn. On
ono occasion I remember t waa driving
a team of dogs down the Yukon river
and had ono dog in the team called
Tommy, who waa n good dog in his
way, but who showed a strong dlsllko
to being harnessed to such an extent
that In the morning, when nil tbo other,
dogs were bitched to the sleigh. Tommy
would hide himself under a cabin or
bur himself In the snow.
Thbt continued for several mornings.
nrf IxHitlnir him necmed to hare no of-
I feet- One morning, however, too team
had been standing In tbo cold walling
! for Master Tommy. I Anally dlcov
' ered him biding nnder tbo roots of n
tne. and as soon as I came in sight,
dragging tho dog, the entire team, mov
ed by a common Impulse, uounded to
ward mo and at once administered a
terrible thrashing to Tommy.
I finally rescued him from his angry
companions, and after that Tommy
was always the first to put his head
In tbo collar in answer to my whistle.
WIdo World Magazine,
Best Fresh Products.
Pilot Buite Dairy
Jones & Bates.
Telephone Your Orders.
Wo Deliver TwIcelDally.
Selling Agents for
Aubrey Heights
1 uhi-iii l -ii-iL-iaa
The most beautiful resi
dence property in Bend. Only
6 to 8 blocks from business
center on easy terms.
t ilLJI
Fire. Accident and Liability
Surety Bonds.
All classes of Real Estate.
Oregon Street.
Sanitary Plumbing
Promptly Attended to.
I'ostolflcc BoxNo. t7 1
Roofing of all kinds. Repairing
promptly done.
Furnace Contractor
Guttering, Spouting,
Cornlces.and Skylights.