Tim ii:nd nvhuvrut, iiknd, wi:ini:hay, hv.vtvmuvmi, joia 1'AOR 7. I y tfgF SflS Wp" gv Guarantee Everything They Sell. Not pnrlinlly, hut absolutely. Every article Hint you buy at this store MUST give you perfect satisfaction. If for any reason it does not do so, please return It and we will gladly replace it or re turn your money with a smile thrown in. We have just that much confidence in our merchandise that wc know we will not lose. -We arc here to please our customers and wc know that wc cannot do so unless wc satisfy them. No sale is complete unless you are just as well pleased with your purchase ns wc arc with your money. Ask your neighbor whether our guarantee is good or not. 1 J&k&Sws3C& 'The Store of Better Values" J BITS ABOUT TOWN. I. I. Hmltli wojjt Portland" tfunday. , William 1'lobrans left last weak (or Montana, K. I IMlmnn was down from l.n 1'lno Hundny. , J. II. Ilmmr of I'rlnovllte spent! nunuay in noun. I'rsnk May esmo In Monitor from hi I'ownll llutto riuich. IC. I. Htono spent Sunday mid Mon lny In I'rlnovlllo on business. Friday nftcrnuoii Mm. 0. H. Hutl nn entertained tho bridge oluli. J, M. I.awroneo U In I'ortlnnil lilting Mr. I.awrenee ami Marlon. Mr. nml Mr. (Jeorgo A. Jones went to I'ortlnnil .Monday on n short busi ness trip. J. W. Irwin left this wi-ck for Port" Inml, whor til lfo bus been for mimo time Mrs. II. W. Hkuso Iim roiio to Port Inmt In spend month or moio vllt In relative. Dr. A. I.. (Inlder. an ojo rfirolallit of Tlio l)lles, una In town Friday unit Hdturdny. I). W. Wilson Nrnt In Tlio Dalles I'rlday ntul from thoro to Portland on n InutncKH trli. Thu Homl Company linn liiMtiillnl all tho bulbs In It IIr electric sign across Wnll street. Mini Mcilnra Hloolo, who linn liccn visiting horc, rotiirnml yesterday to hur homo In I'ortlnnil. JuMgo ami Mra. II. C. Kill went over to I'rlnovlllo yesterday. County Court la In session thla week. Mr. H. Mcintosh hold her Jul I mllliiory opening Hatunlny. Hho has loHia stunning tint on display, Mr. and Mm. W. II. Hunt nnd I'rlnco dmvo to Iwikvvlew In their luto Friday, returning Knturdny. W. K. (liiorln. Jr.. went to Port Inml Monday nlRht on tlio Cheney nolal nnd will return tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mm. I II. linlrd mid their daughter Mnrjnrlo loft Hutiday on no (txti'iideil Canadian nnd enstcrn trip. A. II. Ornnt nnd little nn of llond were In town thla mornliiR visiting old'tlmo friend. Prlnovlllo Review. C. H. lletiMin nttonded n meeting of tho director of tlio rwnllry Irrl RRtlou company In Deschutes Batur day. - Mr. mid Mr. O. M. Patterson moved jcslorday Into the I.. II. linlrd house, whlah Mr. Pattemon pur ohated. Mm. C. F. 1irlng of Htinnlko, wtio hna Ik'Cii vliltliiR friend nt tho oo-osyva, a, 40&. 0m 1 0 MIIl lfi; jSeaA Qmyi- jCot-a of ftcoftle who are prefiaAcd to re ceive you in their paAtoA would be ashamed lo Unve ot cc Hie la kitchen, a? Leiiev? that the kitchen Jiouid Jbe the tidieit Aoom in the uAoid houie and fit foA company to enteA. Stood tastes io muci LetteA when ybre paAcd in a nice, clean kitchen, J7ly kitchen ii a Joy to me. , ' Qtxuaxfi youA friend, Xou. P, S,-jCauAu aot heA a Leaxity of a kitchen cab inet ifeiieAdaif fAom , E. M. Thompson Where Your Dollur Does its Duty, Altftluont Hotel, roturnud homo yoKlonlny, (Icorgo A. Joiioh linn ImiiKlit tho Interest of (Icorgo llnte In tho old experimental farm nnd Pilot llnlto Dairy nonr town. Formal nrattionles of laying tho coiiiorutouo of tho now Presbyterian church will ho hold at 2 o'clock Hun day, Hcptomhor 22. il.nit Thuradny Mr. IIukIi O'Knuo entertained n coro of ladle on a pleasant picnic ouIIiik to Dutch John' place on tlio DcMChutc. OuorRa K, Curry and Ollf Mom tond) who have hnmotoud In the dOiilliooHt country, havo roiio to Ho attlo on n leave of almonco. Ml lono AppleRnto wa hero Sat urday ulRht on her way to Creicaut to tench durltiR tho winter. Bho npont her vacation nt Drain, Ore Paul K. Potumon loft flatnrdny for Hnlom to tuko In tho vtato fair, koIiir from thero to hi old home at Friday llnrlior, Wah., to vImU for n few week, Tho J. W. Flood Vnudovlllo Co. played n nvu-iilglit oriKaRemout nt (ho Droit in the pat wenk, their per foriimncw pleanliiK local vaudeville lover. Ml Mntide Cook of OrcRon City I vUUIiik nt tho K. A. Knott homo KOiithoait of town. Ml Cook I n teacher In tho Portland public vciiool. Mm. A. II. Illnck returned Hutiday night from Iai AnRele, whero ho ha hrcu vUUIiik her dauKhtcr for n mouth. Hho will reopen her milli nery huilne, A new ildcwalk ha been Installed nlonR tho wet ldo of Wall Ntreet In front of tho Whlta Kitnte, Mutilg and WleiV property, whore occurred tlio July 3rd lire. There will he a meeting; of tho W. C. T. V. Thurmlay at 3 o'clock, Bept. S, at tho Flmt Ilapttit church. All iiilcreated In till work are heartily Invited to he prcent. The hand hi changed tho time of giving It concert from Friday eve ning to Monday Afternoon at 3 o'clock The next one will ho on tho old Drake lawn next Hundny. On Friday occurred tho death of tho Irffnnt daughter of Mr, nnd Mm. .'.suit llallherR. Iiitormvut wn made tho name day, Dr. 1. I. Gorhy conducting the aervlce. Charlc l.owe returned Saturday night from n lx week' trip through Idaho and Waiulngtou. lie reported huMuomi hrlMker hero than at the majority of tho place he wa In. Howard Voting, George Young's brother, left Saturday for Han Fran cUco to enter achool. Copt, nnd Mr. Young will remain over for Mornl week yet vUltlng their on. MU Vera Knott, who hna been attending tho summer nt tho home of her fnthor, K. A. Knott, haa Just left for Portland for a ten day' l1t he-, fore commencing teaching nt Itufu, Ore. O. A. Thoraon has moved hi JoHclry atock mid eiiilpmcut from tho Johuiou building, where ho hua been aluco the Are that burned him out of hi old quartern, Into tho Itowe atoru on Wall trect. Mr. mid Mm. Thomas K. Cray and son Arthur left lait week for Kugcno to point tho winter. Mr. Gray ha a. Iminegtead nt Whltakor and I taking tho ttvo months' lenve of absence which ho I entitled to till year, W. K. Johnson nnd W. K. Thiol vol (It of lerroboiiiw wore Ruc.it at the Pilot llutto Inn Saturday ulght. Mr. Johnnoii, who la editor of tho Torrehonno Oregonlan, went down to Motollus Sunday morning mid canio hack on tho llend Park Co. special. Dr. It, 1). Kotchum and wife camo over tho lattor part of tho week from llond to visit friends and relative, and to remove their furniture to their present location. They are permanently located at llend and do ing nicely.' Prlnovlllo ltovlow, Jack Wenandy, John Klktna and Frank Kulp returned Sunday night from a prospecting trip In the moun tains, They repot t lieuvy rains that almost drowned them out. Three of tho party stayed In tho hill, con structing a cud lu near tho claim. Miss Glondora Davlea of Fremont. Nob., arrived with Mis Martha Shi ner last Thursday moiling, leaving Sunday morning for her home. Wlnle Intro sho had tho misfortune to lose her" watch hut It wa found, after sho left, lu tho Hotel Taggart uuto. Governor West has appointed dole Raton from Crook county to the National Irrigation Cougresa which meet lu Salt Lake Cty on the 9th. Among them nro Colo K. Smith and P. II, Doucor of llend, W. D. Ilarncs of Uldluw and C. M. llodtlold of Deschutes, ' Thoro will bo n congregational meeting Sunday morning nt tho closo of tho Presbyterian services nt tho Star Theater, for tho purposo of lin ing vacmiclos in tho board of trus tocH, Successors to W, 11. Hollers, deceased, nnd I II. Ilalrd, who has loft llond, will ho olectod. Nina Splnlng, tho 12-year-old daughter of Mr, nnd Mm. Howard Spilling, has nu exhibit nt tho Salom fair this week which may bring nor u premium. This Is a handstltched dress. Sho has taken prUos nt a niimbor of fairs lu Washington, whoro she formerly llvod. Guy Oliver, who Is In a hospital lu Soattlo recovering from Injuries re ceived In a runaway accident, last week sold through J. H. Miner J 40 acres of ' dry farming land In tho Powoll llutto country, Tho prlca wn not given out. Tho buyw was Karl Mooro of Bhorldan Oro who with hln family will tnko etinrgo of tho ranch this fall. W. 0. McCuUton leave Hundny for a month's trip to tho Kant. J. II. Putnam of Now York, fnthor of (I. P. Putiinm, arrives tonight for a week's visit in llond. Ho was horn throo yours ago, Mr. nnd Mr. W. K. Baylor wero In town Hatunlny night from Turnnlo. r.Mm, Hnylcr was formerly Miss Ilnttlo Dlckoy and n rosldont of llend. Hho was married to Mr. Haylnr at Pendle ton recently. They havo boon re siding at Tumalo but will go Knst on nn extended trip. Mm. flnylor'it par ents, Mr. and Mr. Both Dickey, left hero In tho spring for Hatern Orc- I gon. IIUWAUD A g onerous ro wnrd to anyone taking up and re tu ru ing to tho Oregon Investment Com pany a Mnck mnro branded "M N" snd weighing about 1100 pounds, l.nst soon nenr Fly Creek, In Motollus river country. 2Clf ciiAiitH 1'oit ham:. Tho Hlnr Tin-litre Iiiin I'M flmt clioiN foldliiK tlmlm for Mile nt n loiv Or ii re. Hro f. S. Miifliimn. I'ltCMONT MAKI.N't; CIIF.K. Tho choeso factory at Fremont, In J.ako county, Is now In operation, having started up last week, W. H. Coble, who was thoro on business, brought homo with him Saturday night ono of tho first cheoso turned out by tho factory. It Is of good quality and It Is probable that tho Central Oregon product will soon bo on tho market In llend. council mi:i:ti.n ti'khdav. As Allen, I.attln and Putnam wero the only members to show up, tho city Council mettlng scheduled for Isst night was adjourned until next Tuesday Chairman Allen of tho Are committee Is arranging to havo a iKiwerful electric siren Aro alarm sont In for trial, and should It be as suc cessful as anticipated doubtless tho council will purchase It and havo it Installed. MONKV CAItltlint HYKTKM. Another Improvement that adds to tho metropolitan aspect of tho Lara storo Is a monoy carrying system which has Just been Installed. In stead of going to the cash register to got change, tho dorks now send the money to Cashier Arnold over the cables and In n moment havo the ehango they want. Thero are four stations located at convenient points In tho storo. WELL DRILLERS (Continued from Pago Ono). than hitherto has ten tho case. With well water positively obtain able. In large quantities, the probiom of "proving up" on desert claim will he an easy ono, and the exceptional opportunities for acquiring valuable lauds under tho desert acts doubt less will attract a great number of fliers during tho next sixty days. The now well Is also vastly Im portant to llend. Flmt, It practically "cinches" tho grain production future of tho southeast country, with Its hundred of thousands of acres tributary to llond. Secondly, the water means big Improvements In transportation facilities on the road to Hums and tho southeastern country, with a resulting Increase In tho already heavy business conducted from Uond is a railroad supply point. Will Aid ltullrond. Another factor that doubtless will (inter tmportnntly Into consideration later Is that tho well establishes the fact that there Is auro water supply for construction crews, thus mater ially lessening posslblo difficulties on this scoro when work Is commenced upon the Hill eastern railroad al ready surveyed from Uond through tho heart of tho homestead country. The country affected, which Is all of a generally similar nature, occu pies tho southeastern portion of Crook, the northern part of Lake and the western portion of Harney counties. During tho last three years hundreds of settlors have flled on the lands, and today hundreds of acres are In successful cultivation. While many wells havo been estab lished, few have boon of permanent character, thoy being mostly more or loss surface wells, not capable of furnishing continuous Biipply. The now woll Is tho flmt oxperlment in drilling: Practically all of tho locating on tho government lands has been con ducted from llend. proxlmltv and oray tr importation naturally having centered tho business hero. Wnter nt Tea Feet Also. Walter Taylor, who has, a homo- PIANO Instruction I hnvo located in Horn! to ac cept pupils for the piano. Ucfrinnors nnd advanced pu pils a specialty, A term of four lessons for $5.00. Address Prof. G, L. Miller caro Bulletin, ' Appropriate music for lodges banqueU, etc., furnished. Our Establishment is Headquarters for ECONOMY In all apparel which gives neat appearance but never at the sacrifice of quality. We are showing this season's authentic - styles in Skirts, Dress Goods and Trimmings Knit Goods Etc. We'll appreciate call to have you look over the latest things in these Beesana you'll he glad you canra.. Almost everything in fall goolt has arrived. Mannheimer's The DEPENDON Store. stead In section 2, township SO, rnngo lit, on the old road to Burns, was In town tho last of tho week and rc (ortcd that ho had one of the finest wells In all tho southeast country whloh he dug himself. He went down ten feet and has two and a half feet of water. "I can't go down any further," said Mr. Taylor. "For two hours I dipped as hard as I could with a 14 quart pail and could uot lower tho vrater wore than a few Inches. This Is tho fifth well I havo dug and now I have plenty of water for myself and all my neighbors. All the other wells I dug aro deeper and have a scapago ot water, but this one Is cer tainly a dandy." r Announcement THE OWL PHARMACY will reopen for business in the store; room in the NEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING on Bond Street as soon ns the quarters are completed, probably about September 10th. Somewhat crippled by the fire, but still in the running, with new stock and low prices. Ralph Poindcxter, Proprietor. J HIGHEST GRADE TOOLS FOfc CARPENTERS or BUILDERS JfAiPWARE THAT 15 ftTGHT IN QUALITY : PKK-t. ( XJmr veir&K . ww r&?MtsttrcJ) vj: vhw - wjr ,Kx? I TV l ' ! WEvmictMsX vm i sj" w ss,v lil I ffcl - StSagama-' A GOOD WORKMAN USES GOOD TOOLS. GOOD TOOLS COST NO MORE THAN POOR TOOLS, WITH THE BEST TOOLS NEITHER WORKMAN NOR TOOLS LOSE THE TEMPER. THE TOOLS WE SELL ARE SHARP AND REMAIN SHARP. WHILE OUR TOOLS ARE EVEN TEMP ERED.. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. NO SHARP PRACTICE USED nY US. ONLY TO PLANE DOWN THE PRICE. Skuse Hardware Company. mpr