The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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When n linran fjela n Imrb wro nil do
tint npply uxlc Krciici' or nny uronay J
Hiiiiaiiiiuv. wriiea ,. h, ,oxiiinlor. ,M.
I). U., In lint I'urm .Idurinil. WiiHhtln.'
purl clcwi, Clip oir tin tinlr iirouiul
tliu won ml mill (tint wiihIi nmiln to ut
rid of Imlr mill nny forHitu aulMtiiurc
tlmt limy hnve Indited In llin wound If
ncceaaiiry to remove muni, enrlh or clu.
item from it wound, dm- in u full, fur
liiNtunro. line cleim cotton luilllnu or
ntHiirliftii rotlon mid no( u Npunpo, A
MpoiiKu lioenmea dirty iind remllly in
fect it wound. Kiuli dny uu freali
iihanrbent cotton (it do iiiiv uli'iiiixliiu
niHi'wwiry In trentlnu m wound or mire
When iliu wound tniM lit i'ii demised do
II c m W
ly lu en i iso prcHNiiro upon llio pnrl ,
U'Iioii a tiorne ki(n ii mill prick, nnd
nurli wound ore wry common nnd
noiloim, nlwiiy Iiiiw tliu wound cut
down it ton to hIvu vent to nny lilood.
nvrutii or pun which ahould coiiio
nwny, Hvon (lie allulit mill wound
should lip do bundled, After tho cut
tliiK nnliitittc tin1 wound with ii otic
live-hundredth moIiiMoii of corroHlvc
auhlliiinic nnd then cover with Hit hint
pri'Mrrllicd diixtliiu powder, nbnorliciit
col I on nnd hiiudniru. Ilcnow the drcan
lull dully If piiH Inmiic from the
wound In i'n refill to cut nwny every
pnrt of the iindcrnni horn or mdi'i then
nwiili wild the eorronlvn Miihllmntc o,
liillon nnd ue ttiisiluu Miwdir Hint rot
ton ii mt Imiidituo once n dny. I'oiirlmt
turpentine In n null prick does not mif
lire Tin' ulluht wound nmy lie fol
lowed ly luekjuw The t r-nt inriil we
Imvo piewcrlbod proiont Hint dlciiMr
Tht I'archaron nrtt Intro.
1uc! Inlii Amarlca about fifty re
no, ami II ama to 1 Browing In
favor Tli brvol U known for lu
charartarlatlo aray eolur llowavr,
black I coming Into favor an a col
or, ami Ihe baya. roana ami chaat
nuta may ba found. Tin I'.rehtrun
la a maaalva, haavlly muVlnt ani
mal, from II lo 171 ha rid high,
wl(hln uaually from I.40Q lo tao
poumla. Tlia I'archaron tiai iikhJ
action, allhouih It la a a Id dial Ilia
atrMa la not ao abowy nor quit ao
aollva aa llial of Ilia Clydtadala.
Tht Olio Tor Deaf Production.
lliTt'lofnrt' Hie only clniiiri' for profit
In winter fredlnn of entile lm Ih-cii in
tin iimrulii between the prleea of tin'
feeder In I lie frill nnd the Unlabel)
beeve in the xptinu 'Mill itinrtilii hud
to more I hmi eomiieniMiie for Hie lw
on the union put on In the fml lot If
I lie coi of priMliiriloii foiild lie n re
diiciil Hint the utiliin rtH'iiri'd would Miy
Hie iihI of production the chief clii
men I of iiiiierlnlnty would If ellinlfint
ill Thin H wherr the alto inula piod
Nut only diiiM mvi( Hie entire clop,
lull It rcduee the fciHlluit cot u u
prulllnlile IiiihU.
llcinovo Ihrf inllli from (ho n(n
hie ii ml hi in I n liiiim-dhitely,
Uhh ii null alcvu, the licnt dnlry
an It nnd kovp (irotoclud from
CllppliiK flnnkN nnd udder will
help keep cowa cleun, nm) nlao
Hie milk.
The aepiinilor mr(n ahould lm
cleilliiil oil ciuli occualoil limm.
dlllely nfter linn.
The dnlry linrn ahotild Ih vrcll
llvhlcil, Widl veiitlliitod nnd well
Hepnrnle nn quickly na pollli
nfler mllliliiK, Cold milk inuiina
Ur of Putter fnt.
Ilejii'l the find few ilmpn from
cneh lent when comiueiicluu lo
milk, whether hy huud or urn-
;( ciiine
'f The f') for miilnlennnce muy
V be I lie cuiiie for ii ww I lint re
luriN odii piuiiiiN of hotter fnt
mt ritir mm for one Ihut rulurna
liyi ik. tin. Ij V
. " -, Hill, fl. 7,
WWWVW W W WWW 99 9 9 9 9 9 - A - A- A- A A A AA .-m. AAA -. a. .. .......... ..I'
mVm. . . --,--.r - -r -rT-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-WWWWWWWWWWWWW--
BfK"7 - 9 99-w9w9999 99 9999tt.99.. ...rmn
If You Were Offered
not put In Mltehr (auturcv If the
wound la deep or nipised or In n ilncv
Unit will nm ln nTfii tly in rem when
tho lioro l alnndluu, wulkluif, lylinf
down or rMuc II llirr.fore la ne
lea (o alltrli n wound In frunt of the
liiK'k Joint or on the thin akin In Hie
tieml of nny Joint or In Hie akin ntnl
luuaclca of the rear mrln wlihh ure
Mruliiiil n ud iiitil In rl-lnu Ofleii n
liorne wirTrra n wide open womul of the
aklll Mild the IIIIIM Iim lit the aide of Hie
lull luiUi l e I l.y ho kick of I he lmro In
I he next alall Thla MoiiihI rnrely mil
In autlinil UrtifMflllly The alltchea
letir out wlieu I tie liorm ciia tip, nnd
the wimiihI U made wooe lliun la-fore
Tie lip (he illilllinl ao (hut In. cdllliol
He down wiieii aueti h wound Ima m lie
Heated. K mny then Ik atiiniiil If the
miiaclea nre liol deeply eliU The wound
then ahmild in weltetl often wllli white
lotion, or n dry dnlliii; Hitder nmy lie
npplkil twice it dny
A cheap dllHllnn (Kiwilor la innite liy
mlxlint louelher iUiil IMrlM of ahlked
lime, aillpliur mid clnininil Hun (Ida
IhroiiKli ii Hour alfter to iiinkv It line.
Thla la n cood.tKiwder lu dut on iHrxe
aorea. In tly (line Mild h dm in of IihIii
form ht ounce and the ftlea will lx
keit o rT, A inure ciM-iilro diiatluu
powder for iiao on aortnt nnd woiinda
mny Im mitdo by iiiIiIuk locelher one
dm in of Imluform iiml aereii dmina if
boric ncld. Thla la good powder to
Uae on n wound of the hoof lieiul
(coronet). 8urh wouinla ahould not lie
atltchnl. Clciinae them, clip nwny the
tinlr, dual freely wllli the powder, then
cover with cotton ImttlUK or nlMorheiit
cotton nnd bnudnue aiiuitly lleiiew
the drcfuluK once dully If then la it
bts wound nnd n tlnp of akin 11 cnlloiu
liuiieh la likely to ri'iunln when tlio
wound Ima healed Thla cnti lv Iiitko
ly prevented hy plncluu u Hut wnd of
oiikum over tliu Hot turn or two of
tho bundiiKv Iminrdlntely Uin the (lap
and wound mid (hen luiudnuliiif Unlit-
Milk Willi Dry Handa.
Never milk the iitw with wet hnnda.
No more filthy hnhlt la luduli;iil In
thmi Unit of mllkluu on Hie luiud lu
order lo atrip (he tent. Mllklmr ahould
nlwnra m done with n full, dry tiund.
Eton and Harrow.
Ono of tho l.'ton nud llnrrnw achool
cricket nmlchea rtvnlla nn iimnaliijr In
cldetiL Kioii hud n iiinnotonoiia v
rlw of wlna for aomo year, nnd ono
dny tho llurrow captain received tho
O y boya of Harrow achool.
Of crlf het y tiavt tio hnowladjal
II la not crlcktl, but Ilia fool.
You filay acalnit litou collaga,
Tho llnrrotv achool oct wna liunleil
out nnd tommnnded lo aud n llltliiu
redy. ThU clowr reaKiumi mndo liliu
If, aa ynu aay. play lha feol,
Na wurxltr wa wna boaten,
Vr ai that khi ih ollwr thol
CouM 'r itnta wllli Hiuo.
Allana In Old London,
Hero la n curkma ivHirt of Hie niton
lu 1iinlnn In the yeir 1017: -I'lien
betlitf n Krimt llicrenae of forelL'nera III
the city, her uinjcaiy onlertil the, lonl
major to tnko tho iinme. ipmllly nud
profeaalou of nil atrtiliKera reakllnc
wllliln the city of Guidon." Tho Hat
wna Infilled hy ttie Item, "So.ta. AO."
Other imtloiia were reprccntcd by
Trench, w. Hpnnlnrd nud I'ortu
iriieH Ii: Itnllnna, 110; Dutch, '.MUhl:
Itunjuiiillnna. ll;I)niie,2: IJcifcol. 1,"
red Qultabla Tor tha Economical
Producllon of Mutton.
Kxpcrlnieiita cnrrliil on nt the vn
rioiia alntloua almw Hint there nre
mnuy feiita aullnhle for futtonlnit
aherp. The quaoii na In (he value
of corn will nnltirally nrlae In (he
mlnda of the fnrmera of the middle
weal, any the Ornnce Judd I'lirmcr.
The XllchlKnn... Wlacoualn nnd Mln
tieaotn alntlona cnrrliil on n aertca of
(xHuimcnt. In which the nvcniRe
corn rnllon wnii one nnd ouo-tjunrler
tMiiiniiK nnd the avenue clnrei; ration
one (Miiind, It required M pounda of
com nnd 0.V) pounda of buy to pro
duce UK) (Kiunda of pilii.
l-'lro trlala nt four alntlona allowed
Hint n ration of when! nud liny la lean
valuable than a rot Win of corn and
bay. I'or 100 pounda en In 4TA pounda
of rhcnt nnd M3 jwiiiuda of buy wore
rcnulrcd. Oat a nnd bny prove alljthtly
leaa rnluable than corn. At western
alntlona fire trlnla with bnrloy allowed
bnrley la allchtly N-low corn.
Tho Mlrhlpnii atntlou found Hint aup:
nr lvc! nio nllehtly Ix-Mer tlmti corn
allnve for fnttculm; Inmba nnd that
corn alhiKr wna lctter I linn nilnbnt:na
At (be Iowa atntlou Intnlm fed corn
allHce tiown nluiOKi na good pnlna na
when fnl iiMtipeN mid nt n lower nwt
At VI-onlii exiK-rtlnelilH allowed Hint
WIH' iNiHture wna mon vn Inutile than
blue Km. The IiiiiiIm not only did
lietter wlieu on thla iiiature. but com
tinned to ilu teller when contlucd to
n fettllui; lot The IVynmloit ulntlon
found thut hunlm iiuitured on Hold pcni
Would Yoh Take It?
Would you like to rend tho bfjrffest find bout weekly farm maRazfne In
the Northwest? If so, subscribe to
(Regular price $1.00 a year.) By combining with
(Regular price $1.50 a year)
You Get Both Papers for $1.50
By taking advantage of this apodal olTcY you save a dollar, and get all
the farm and agricultural news of the Pacific Coast and all the local
news of your district and of all Central Oregon.
Send fl.CO to The Bend Bulletin today, and receive both papers for a
year,onc hundred and four papers for $1.60! That's, less than one
and a half cents each.
Samples of both papers sent to you or your friends on request.
Har Coatumt.
"Mnrle." naked Hie ainr of her timid,
imtlint Mrplexedly nt her rvHirtlon In
the mirror, "wlmt wna I nhout to do
atep Into tho bnthtub or co on the
Mnrle "hrtneiied biralmuldera. "How
on it loll? Mmleuitdaelte la dreiwcd
for eltlier,,-.lude.
I ---4-a)-4----a)l
Making Coed,
The fluent- When I nuked you If you
had kImmi me u quiet room yon wild
Hmi after ii o'clock I coiihl hear n (tin
ilmp. mid now I find It'a rlnlit over n
"1111111 nlle.v The Nlubt Clerk
Well, iiin't you bMir 'cm drop-ltx
U'llllo Pnw, wlmt la n tellliic aiu.
n(lon? I'nw Any occnalon when two
or more women luecL-Cliiclniintl Ku.
1 Hirer.
Lnbor to keep nllve In your brcnat
Hint little apnrk of relcatlnl (Ire called
eoneeiieiv--(Ioor!e Wnaldncton.
Ttia Chvlot ha a provn a valua.
Ma ahp on American farma ami
makaa a Kond croa on uatlvnatock
Tli .! ara llna inllkara aiul gool
muiliara. loalng faw lumlii Tha
wool la mwlarataly lonit itralght
ami frro from ahort hair and cov
ra rll all parta of lh body.
Whan i'road on native atoek tha
otTaprlna ahow a marked Inereaaa
In muilon quality and wool produc
tion Thr rirrco of tha Chavlot awca
M'laha u lo alhl ounda.
Tha Ink Dan Squid.
J When (be aipild U ulflrmcl the Ink
I bnc Hint connect with tho alphou
I oiK'tia Itn valve nnd n cloud of blnek
' fluid Is eJccJed Into the witter, where
' It liccomcn quickly dlltuacd. formlnc
nu cffcctunl bar to piirnult. The iuiilda
alao bnvo n faculty of chnntflni; tbelr
color with rnvnt rapidity, nnd when
Inborlnir under prcat excitement wnrea
of color neeni to paa over them lu
quick aticcoaaton. Their nmtlona are
extremely rapid, dnrtlnc alonK with
tho velocity of light, now ruablng Into
n achool of amnll fry (nil drat, turuliiK
quickly lo aclxe n .victim nud preaa it
, nRiilunt the hlrdllkc benk. where, by
niaktnc tiianeular nlpa, the vertclirno
la generally Inatnntly wvcrcd. It l
IntcrvatluK to note that the bite l nl
wnya In (he kiiw plncc the neck.
Charles Frederick Holder
Mrs. Svnon make a asteclnlty
f Stc dlHnoM, families oupeelally
Invited SondnfH. Ladle' roat room
In oonnactlon.
A rlnv.liloil ml in The Itiillttln la
rend by liundmla nud IiHiium tlie nd
vertlacr Kxd icturim for tlio iiiouej
Business Directory
A Dlractory of each City, Town and
Vlllac. giunr Ucrlptlr aktlch of
each plac. Iccntlon. populallon, !:
graph, ahiplnc and banklac point i
alto CiaMtntd niraclory, compllad by
butloaaa and proftuloo.
it. i- itiuc cc Br.vnxE
xotick roil I'
Department of the Interior, U. S.
lind Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
August S, 1913.
Notice Is hereby Klven that Martha
Good, of Dead, Oregon, who. on No
vember 3, 1910. mado homestead
ontry. No. 07CtH. for Nfc 8UU. Na
swili Section 36, Townaalp lt
South. IUoko 16 rfnst. Wlllamotta
Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten
tion to make Commutation proof, to
estatdlth claim to tke land above dc
MrlixHl. bfore II. a Kills. United
States Commlwlonor. at tils ofllca nt
llend, Oregon, on the JOth day tf
September. 1912.
Claimant namea as witnesses:
Geo. Mllllcan. O. C. Henkle. F. K
Koppcr. and U. N. HofXman, all of
Dead, Oregou.
23-27 KegUtcr.
Wc Hnvc Taken Over the Entire Stock of
' of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
nnd nre in a position to fill orders
of nny size. In nddition we carry
a full line of
Building: Material
Lime, Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Overturf-Davis-Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
imide lurucr :ulna nnd were lu better
condition Hum tho? fed on abellud
corn mid ulfulfn liny.
Corn U Hie beat itmln for fnttenlm;
aheep Oil Hie weatern mnj!oa burle
inkea Hie piuce uf corn Whcut la
worth leu t linn corn, na It produce
crowtii miher Huid fnt. Wheut Hcrceii
I m." wheii of iiood iiunllty rirr nhout
na vuluiilile na ctini when fn with
n I fulfil buy Outa nre cxeellent. tend'
Imt i produce growth. They atiould
l mixed with corn.
The concentrate nuch na cotton
hiikI meal, gluten feed nnd the like
mny tie fed nt tlmt If mixed with
corn or other Km In. Kleld peim nnd
aoy henna urv rich In protein, lu com
non with other romviinites. they
ahould be mixed with corn.
Clover, ulfulfn und cowieim nre about
equul for fiitleidUK IniutM, though !
fulfa la aomewhat nuiH'rlor to clover
Corn fodder properly cured ta nlao n
vuliiible roiiKbiiKo. Hoots of nil kind
nre relMhed und ierform u valuable
function In atluiuhitlui; the apHllte.
eiqwclnlly lu the winter months, Kqunl
ly vnliiiiblo with root In sllaice. the
Kiwllil.v of protlucltiK allnpe on the
nveniKe fur m ahould imike It n vain
nble purt of tho rut Ion when sheep are
to no ftHi.
Watar Horsas Frtquanlly,
Tnke to the Held a bnrrol of wnter
for the homes na well n n Juk for
yourHolf if, nfter lurnlm; their IiciuIh
to the wind, you nlve them n drink
every time you, tnko ono youraolf or
every time you oil the mnchluo you
Will be nurprlaed wlpit un effect it will
luive uon the team. Jn addition to
U'lni: kept rrcaher In the field, the
borne will not itorpe themselves at the
Innk when they come In nnd will be
In much better nhnpe Internally (o bnn
dje (bolr feed. Plenty of Rood water
never hurts a home if (he wator is
irlTe'n frequently instead of wnKlnR un
lit the nnimnl becomes half exhausted
from thirst.
New Model I
Thai tha Royal Standard Typewntcr ,
U mada ol me lutnat graoo ma-
teruu obtauubla and by tho
most wailful wotkroeo money
That it win do work of ths
till quality for a areatw
length of tune at lea
pant for upkep thin
any other trpawrner.
rtardlca of pnea.
, Knu. nrtwra i
IF you seek up-to-dateness in typewriter improvement, the New Model 5 Royal
offers the Two Color Ribbon device, Tnhulator, Bock-spacer, Tilting Paper
Table, Hinrjcd Paper Fmjters and other features (many exclusively our
own), which place tho Royal unquestionably in the lead. i
II limphcuv and durability ol construction ie upprmot to you, icmtmber the Royal lui Irit pant, and
leu weicht thin othri ttaiuhtd lypcwnicu, wtule it itiength and atuidineu aie uch ttut a Royal Tyiewriitr
lui never yd worn oui in icaorublc ten'ice.
II voo judpe a typcwruti by lit action, you will find in the Roya.1 a delicacy and llfihtncit of touch combined
with perfect alignment and mrvelou numloMing powei, wluch will meet the mo exacting eo,uirement.
Old mliukei aie avoided, and new efficiency added, in die Royal. Let u ptove our lutemcat, you'll find
the prool inieiciUng.
'Phont or write for "Tht Royal Book" and Free demonstration of New Model 5.
Frlc $75-