The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1912, Image 12

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Bongs ami Veils of Seattle YMtors
Moke Decided Hit, and Create
wt Alleged Poetical Come
back" S omo Extracts.
One of tho moit appreciated
feature of tho Bond Park Company
excursion wns tho aonga and yells of
the visitors. In addition to tho fol
lowing camples, selected more for
broTlty than special excellence, there
were a 'doion parodies:
My Davrff.
Ev'rr time 1 como to town
Tho boys keep klckln' my dnwR oroun
Makes no dlt'rcnco It he Is a houn
They gotta quit klckln my dawg
Every tlmo I turn aroun1
Somebody's knockin my dog-gone
, town.
Makes no dlf'rcnce If It Is new foun',
They,1 gotta quit knockin my dog-j
Thero nro flies on tho stonki
Thero nro tiles In tho enkot
To tho Dies thero Is no units
Ttioro nro tiles In tho ten;
Thoro nro flies ou mo;
Hut thero nro no tiles on Hondl
l)r The lionlV Knke, llend. ,
tor tho Lord's snko,
If you don't bend, you may hrenk;
If yoit do'bend, you enn't brenk.
For tho Lord's sake,
Soma locnl scribe, evidently Im
pressed by tho poetical productions
of tho visitors, and deslroua of show
ing that llond is nblo to hold her own
In this Hold, as In others, porno
trntcd tho following rhyme, cxtttlcd;
' To tho Soattlo Excursionists."
We're glad you canto, Seattle,
An wo want you here again,
For now you vo gone nn left lis
ll don't seem qulto the same.
We miss the got darned rscket
The smiles and anappy go,
An' compared, wo think a circus
Is a blame poor buncombe show.
The special train was bully
While tho diner made us grin,
Tho songs were sure itiuio skookum
An' the laughln'a left us thin.
For once, It seems, we're all agreed,
Slnco wo heard the llaioo groans,
that a coyote howl is mild compared
With Its mellifluous tones.
We're proud you seem to llko us,
An' we're glad, good friends, to say
That we'ro almighty certain
We'd like YOU better every day.
It. II. (lould mul n party of nlno
men loft hero yostordny for Crescent
tn begin preliminary survey work on
n power project nenr thoro. Hack of
tho project Is n number of cnpltnllata
of lloppuor, Ore., chief nmong which
1s Or. N. A. Wlnnnrd. Mr. (lould will
bo gone for nbout ton dnyu, nmt tho
rest of tho party will probably bo
thero longer. Tom Murphy
along as foreman of tho crew,
(Continued from Pago One).
Good Music, Good Eats
Special Sunday Dinner 12 to 2 P. M.
Thero are several reasons why you should tako your
Sunday dinner at Taggart's. To begin with, you may
not know what good dinners Taggart's has In store for
those who may "get the habit ' and bring the family
, , every Sunday, thus making the day ono of rest tho
W good housewife will appreciate this.
,,- Then you wJU hear the tunes sung at tho Ttend-Soattlo
V. banquet last Monday night, which you'll need to learn if
you're gfllng to be a Dend Dooster, These tunes will
set music to words which will go down in the history
' of tho building of a great city.
Part of tho music will be rendered on a very One" Plny
cr Piano. It. L. McFarland of Portland, a red hot Dend
Booster, has this piano, the famous Stelnway, and sev
eral others for sale or will consider trade on Bond real
estate. For further information regarding salo of tho
pianos, sco E. M. THOMPSON.
buck fniinliiK" hiul burnt tho vm-lit-Hive
order of tho day. Ills nilvlcu
wnn that Imoluiwo fnrmors nwnii
their ponies for hogs, mul tliolr chnpH
for n book of Bolcntlllo fnrmliin; their
spurs were to bo rotnlnud to scratch
hog bncks, because nothing makes n
hog hnpplor than to hnvo Its back
Then came W. l. Cheney, 'presi
dent or the (lend Park Company and
liOHt of tho evening, more than 100
Went i "0,ll I't'opiu ueiiiK "n Kin i in
union to mo excursionists nun visit
ors from other towns, lie told of his
enthusiasm though theru wns little
need of that, as his work for tho Inst
IS mouths already had spoken for
him. Ho explained that hu had
abandoned leisure and n comfortable
Income and In tta place shouldered
hard work for llend. Ills talk was
short. It was simply a "confession
of faith;" It won the nudlniice.
Among other things Mr. Cheney told
of his four visits to llond. The first
trip, by stage, cost hint JIG; the
second' by auto, $3r; 4ho third, by
special car, $000; tho fourth, by
special train, $3,400. "And the next
time 1 may have to walk!", ho wound
Itnxoo Hand Makes Hit.
"The llaioo Band" then gave a
sldc-spllttlng performance. This was
a "musical" organliatton led by
Bandmaster Cheney, which rendered.
or, perhaps better, "re ml ml" an elab
orate production, which was partly a
solo by Mr, Cheney and partly nn
operatic production by tho trained
musicians of tho llend Park Com
pany. The performance was tho
funniest ever seen In Bend, and
evoked howling applnuse,
"Wo feel qulto proud, you may de
pend. That wo should bo tho ones to rend
The first Oram! Opera performed In
by a
portntldn, wore absent.
W. I. Powers told something of
tho work and the results of the
demonstration farms, and 11. C.
Oliver neatly dodgod a call for a
speech with a clover word or two.
F. B. Poor, genoral manngor of tho
Bend Park Company, told of Seattle's
growth, of his faith In Bend, and of
tho wonderful possibilities here,
urging that llend people study and
fully realize just what remnrkablo
nssots tho town possesses,
D. E. Hunter talked on lumbering
and Manager J. P. Koyes of
tho Bend Company outlined tho pos
sibilities of the Inexhaustlblo water
supply of tho Deschutes. D. M,
Mosessohn, publisher of tho Port
land Chamber of Commerce Bulletin,
related his enthusiastic first Impres
sions of Bend, and called special at
tention to tho value of tho handsonto
local building stone.
Hudson Talks Funning.
C. S. Hudson, cashier of the First
National Bank, spoko convincingly of
his ever-Increasing faith In tho
country and explained why the farm
ers' work was the foundation of com
munity prosperity. Ills particular
thomo wns tho splendid futuro In i was the vocal finale, followed
atoro for tho hog and dairy Industry, I blistering burst of baton music.
In discussing
transition that
country w'lero
rhlch ho told of the
was coming to tho
up to now "horse-
fem !
E. M. Iara, president of tho Bend
Commercial Club, closed the pro
gram with a clever speech thnt won
a big bunch of applause. Ho finished
by telling the visitors, who were to
return to Seattle, while Bend people
went to tied comfortnbly here, the
story of the old German and his dog.
"Ach, Schneider," ssld the German
to his dog. "How I wish I us you.
When you die, you are dead, and
that's all thero Is to It. But me,
when I die, I gotta go to Hell yet."
Flashlight photographs of the ban
quet were takon by C. O. Reward
It was nearly midnight when tho
special train pullod out of tho depot.
The Parly's Pemoiinel.
Tho following people came to Bend
on the excursion:
W. D, Cheney, Frank II. Poor, Mrs.
A. C. Rhodes. Miss Vera A. Ham
mond, Mr. and Mrs. U F. Swift. O. E.
Williams. Mr. Boyd, Mrs. 11. It. Pom-
roy, J, M. MoMurray, D. J. Davi
son, J. P. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. M.
It. Wood, C. E. Hays, Mr. Herkvii
rath. Will T. Curtis. E. F. Batten.
E. J. Cronln, J. C. Brown, P. Ituhlo,
!'. ttuiiu, .1. J. O.mmasr, i. 1.iium,
Joint Lupus, Mr. Johnson, Knrlo
lluoiur, It. L. McKiirlnnd, .MIsn. Ilaxiil
Duvonport, M, M. WlniiliiKhniUi 1'uull
WltiuliiKham, I'lms. H. Woods, Mr.
Kroiloh, F. MeUotiilo, P, DmmltiKur,
M. A, llamer, Mr. Ellington, Mr. mid
Mis. P. 0. ChrlMtenseii, II. A. Ilortou,
II. W. Young, T. 1 1. Cruder, J. W.
linns. J. Ilrniiohuw, Mr. Wiiyhorn,
l.uinbuth Peterson, I). M. Mosessohn,
O. W. Foster, L. Cochran, .1. Ilornth,
F. . Ilnnglaud, J. A. Copes, It.
llalncH, A. Mesher, Miss MiiKltinls,
Mrs, Hastings, Mrs. Wanda Michaels,
Mrs. Chun, Boss, Mrs. T. F. Mnloitoy,
Miss Fosdlok, Mrs. II. F. Hcutt. Mrs.
K, Dobbins, Allnn Door, Mr. mul Mrs.
H, P, Lev, Mr. and Mrs. a. .tkurderun,
C. Haines.
Others I'Hitlclpste.
A plensnut feature of the excursion
and tho bunquet wns thnt men from
other towns were guests. From Me
tollus live representntlves ramu as
guests of Mr. Cheney. They Were
Hewitt Davenport, mauagur of the
lowtiilto company there, K. T. Pier
sou, editor of tho Central Oregonlan,
W. B. Smith, Deiitou U. Ilurdlck and
Otto Pierce.
While he did not stsy over for the
bnuquet, Editor W. T. Johnson of the
Terrebonne Oregonlnn wns also a
guest on tho excursion train, and tho
recipient of special consideration.
Some weeks ago, when a Crook
county paper took a fling at Beud,
saying some things not qulto pleasant
Mr, Johnson s paper made an nble
reply, characterizing the attack as a
sour grape product. Mr. Johnson
was presented by Mr. Cheney with a
pleasant souvenir In the shape of a
handsomely framed hand decorated
copy of tho following song, which was
sung on tho train and at the bnnquvt,
side by sldn with Mr, Johtiimi
udltorlal stHUil'iiMip fur llend
(Tiinn! "Oh, Voir llenutlnil li.ilp
Hero's In you, Torrohoiuin,
You true blue, now Terrebonne'
llninl will walk n mile to meet ion,
lluud will slop a train In greet mi'
OIi, you rare Terrebonne,
Vim full- nmt mmiti'n TnrrtitMinnni
Kvor fair ami frank, you put u
your debt.
Wo'vo como to thnnk you, ami k(ji
imii mrKvi.
l lorgei.
, llend, Bend, llend, drinks U
I, Terrubounol
we live
We Go Everywhere
If our wag-oea can't
Tour wash by upnu
rth you stndj
Bend Steam Laundry.
Put Your Duds
In Our Suds"
to loom that tho
la ono of tho
best nrx! cheap
est companies
nnd is known for
Its promptneiM
In settling loswa
Ho suro you have
lot mo flifuruon
before you In
sure, for 1 enn
save you money.
Olllcti two doom
south of post of
fice, or nddreu
Bund, Ore.
B !'TTTTTT' ' MH4Mttt HtotgiPj
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Operates the Largest, and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has
The Largest Stock of Lumber
in Central Oregon. We can manufacture what you want,
when you want it, and at the prices you want.
Special Bill Stuff furnished at .short notice. Your inquiries
are invited, and will receive prompt attention.
. ' t .
' "
The Bend Company
Bend, Oregon
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