The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
I hum
r fal
' tn
llend', position ii m n lumber maim
fncturlng mill distributing point for
Central UruKOIl wm iiu-nlii iliitiwin.
Htrntod Innt week when (lio Ororturf-l)nvl-MIIor
Company Mhlppod flvo
enr lonilN of lumber to Itvdmond
Thin lumber, cut hero, will bo mod
In tllQ tlW ItodlllOIld wntnr avalfliii
Tho plan I to fliium water from tho
wescutiio near Cllua Kail to tliu
linnu of i1oiik HiiIIh. 1 u inil-0 .ii..
taut, whence It will bo taken to inwo
by plpo. Tho system will bo gravity
NO. 20.
Huccr nt Hampton llooiti Free
IjhiiI Territory anil Open Desert
Art OppoVtmiltlr Siunly
l'ny for KxKrliiieiit,
Tim moil Important ilnglo achieve
ment In the history of tho southeast
li'iiiifMtrad country wo accomplished
Inst week when a permanent water
supply was obtained by wull digger
ot llmniiton. Tho now well I 1C7
feet deep, and hn from 20 to 40
feet of wntor, with every Itullcntlon
of nu Ineihaustlblu supply,
A a result of llin "ulrlW.i". whlrh
proven thnt water Is obtainable with
llttln dlMculty throunhout tho free
laud territory, a renewed interval In
KottuiK tue nut untnken acre from
tho goverilnfent ll manifested, and
what promise to bo a considerable
laud rush la under way, There la,
of coune, Jubilation among: tho
hnmcatoadors nlrccdy on claims, and
ll ! understood thnt tho well drilling
company la awamped with orders
from settlers who want well auuk
on their property.
County l'ny for Well.
Hampton, where the now well l,
I about 70 mllea aoutheniit of lletid.
Tho well I ou tho tlend-llurn road.
It hni been dun at the expenta of tho
eoiimy, tho County Court recently
having aicreod to devote 11.000 If
necemary, to securing a well there,
not only for Ita benefit to the Bel
tier and to ascertain tho cost of
obtaining permanent RUpply, but also
to serve aa a watering point for the
heavy freight trafflc between (lend
and Hum. J. K. Hawhlll, of the
Central Oregon Development league,
uiu noim commercial Club, and many
ThU I 20 Morn Than at Km of
Mm Week taut I'mII l-'Jve
Henlon. In High Hrliool.
The llend ichool nnnii vn.Ur.ix
with v2 pupil enrolled. Till I 20
more than thoru wur in mMww.i .
tho end of the flrat week lint year,
J no oilier district school alo ojienod
yesterday. Air (11pm ll hihpW ,..i,.
lug the Arnold and Mis Hdna I'yatt
i no toting iciiooi.
All tho teacher wore ready to
assume their d title veMlnr.lnv .
cept Mli Kathryn Hyon of tho sixth
grade Owing to the serious Illness
or nor mother at Grant J'un, he
wa UIIBblo to take Uli her wnrt tinw
and the school board grantod her
month' leave of absence, Ml
Marion Wlest I teaching tho alxth
grado during thl period.
In tho High Bchool there aro 30
ttudcuU, about tho itiuo number a
at tho opening last vonr, h'lm
senior roortod yeiterday. Two of
uie number win finish the coune by
the middle of tho year. Thorn am
no glrla In the aenlor clnsa thia vr
All ii Rldnor ha 30 llttlo hoy and
girl In the primary grade. About
K5 of theie have Hover been to school
before. There ore 2H nnw fa, in
the grade abovo the nrai. iti..
pupil having moved to llend during
win ummor.
Unique Special Train, With 68 Pugct Sound Visitors
Headed by W. D. Cheney, Spends Strenuous
Day Here, Taking Town by Storm.
"The belt exetiralan. mnt nnirm.l.
tic oxcuralonlit and tho llvest ban
iiuot over pulled off In the North-wct."
Tht' what llnml thlnba ih
llend Park Company special train,
about tho Hound C'ty visitors and
about the banquet that topped off the
- iiuui oi rapid nro aigntueelng
I'realdcnt Cheney of tho company,
Otld flrat Ud (in UnlmnA ll.ii
Monday morning tho ichedule bo
gan. The omnloyee of th Mtn.n.
atartod out at alx. going over the
company properties in auto. The
forenoon wua devniiwi tn tw.iir,. ,..
the town and with auto Jaunt In the
In a nutahell, the whole affair waa a adjoining country
iimguineeni auccew. mid It wou d be At noon lunch .. .,h i i
hard to ay whether It wa mm ... ..T" '.unch w" ervod, being
thoroughly enjoyed by tho Beattlclte "7m ' .". ,n. J0on building Inatcad
I. nut Friday a. deal vm rinan.i
whereby Sylvetar Htai i,uim
owner of the dairy limine formerly
owned and onornteit i.v n u tvi.i,-
won and Krncat T. I.uthy. Tho dairy
iv cow anil n full equipment,
Mr. Htaat atatc that ho will con
duct the bualnoia llnna nnM .!..
hereafter It will b known aa the
Clover Leaf Dairy. Tho location of
tho dairy will bo moved tn ti. 111..1.
property on the river aouth of town,
whoro extemlvo IroprovemenU are
oeing maao 10 accommodate ll.
ur iij iioiiuer,
in tho flrat place, the oxcurnlon
wa tho biggest thine of th kimi
yst wtncacd In the Wot, from a
railroad standpoint, and undoubtedly
I ana of tho most unlquo Junket on
rocord. Hunduy ovenlng, shortly
after lit. the "Ilnnrf Kunrlal" arrlv.,,1
comitosed of four sleeper, a dining
enr biiu a njiprarf rnp vmtn .tin
time they bought their ticket In Ro
of on the lawn, aa originally planned,
mrcuuio or threatening hower.
llend ladle served. Tho picnic
luncheon wa provided by Corkctt.
and proved more than popular with
thu hungry excuralonlcta after their
morning In the onen.
The afternoon wa devoted to an
auto trio to lienhatn t-'atlu (.- ......
going up the c&st aide of the river
.....u iiij uuumii iiinir iicnei in -"" " "D '""l u " me river
attle until returning there, tho ex-innd taking In Lava Ilutte aa well aa
llrlck lIuolncM NtructurrM mid Htoue
Cliurch Itlnlng.
Itantd nrocrei I blnv ihhiI mi
the construction of the brick business
lillll.llnu tejl,lMl. r U t...l .a
" V.U1.U1.VH1111 y,iuu, uuii nmiij ""i"o m.iv.. . a, uuuiuil aim u.
Ifinitl .llMP,tH I. M M.,.1 I.M.I I f fllM MM Ii.hIhu .. -...... .. .,
...-. ... v, v. ,.., ,.,,,. v,i, ivi nan iiiuvill" .w ..a.lllK UICVIVU OU nil
to do with having the wall drilled, 1 treet uoxt to thu Htar Thuater.
It, however, being the direct outcomoj The I'reabyterlau church I begin-
curalonlaU wore tho guosta of the
nonu rara uompany, their money
wai no good; they slept on tho train,
and ate In the dining car. The com
pletene: of tho train la hinted nt by
the fact that even the luxury of a
barber woa Included In Its equipment
From tho roar nlatrorm n Mr nni
emblem, electrically Illuminated,
trailed a meaaaee of llend from inm
Bound to the Deichulra. nntl U.r,
again. There were GH uponln nlr,t
They made enough nolao and had
enougn entnuslaam for 680; when
they wero awoke and at work
meanlne 33 hour nut nf th it
their performance would have put a
conservative calliope to the blush.
Aiulou Here.
of the progresslveues of the Hamil
ton country settler mid the wise
action or the County Court.
A. T. Khnver I at the head of the
well drilling uutflt. Water was
struck at 1G7 feet, and now stand
24 feel deop. Tho total expense of
tho experiment has been but $332. CO.
Tim well drilling cost fX(,0, wocd
mid water I&8.&0 and board $20.
The well remains tho property nf
tho county. Just how It will ho
managed I as yet undecided, but
lirobably someone Will l In oharir.
and water will bo sold to settlara and
lllng to rise also. Torkll Hivanmn
Who has tho atone contract, hna be
gun work 011 the foundation. Tho
carpentering coutract ha been lot to
k. u. Aicintosh, tho price being ap
proximately $1450.
Workmen aro busy thl wnii r.
pairing tiie First National Hank
building which waa damaged by fire
on August 34. J. W. Dlmlck has the
Kvery one of the C8, wlih two ex-
copuons, paid tlielr way. because
they wanted to iinmt. u'h.n
SOtllOWhnt similar mrnralnn frcim H.
attlo wa undertaken ten months ago,
only 1C people wero aurUclently Inter-
eaien 10 co mo io llend, and of those
but four nald their tiuavn-wiiiph
goea to atlOW that thl nuin'i rrnn
of Hcnd enthusiasm In tho l'aclflc
Northwest Is a bumper one.
The O.-W. It. &. N. Co. handled!
tne apeclal, From Seattle a apeclal
acolng characteristic atretche of tho
enormou tributary timber belt.
In tho evening, at 7. occurred the
banquet. It w Iiih in .,- -.-n
over Lara'a store, Mr. Ura generous
ly noi only offering the use of the
room but also flevntlnif n Int ..r iu.
to decorating It with agricultural cx-
uiuiia irora me Commercial Club.
More than 17f. people were at tho
table. Which WITH inrvml l.v Mt U....I
girl "also Central Oreaon nro-
ducta.'' aa Toastmaator Rnwhiii ..1.1
The meal wa prepared and managed
uj (.oracK, every item on the bill of
fare, aa shown by the menu, being
produced within a few mile of llend.
The meal waa dainty, admirably
""'" "no nearuiy enjoyed by all.
Tho Her. I. 1. n.irhv nn .,,
meal with an Invocation.
Paper Predict Future.
During tho course of the "eata"
newsboy delivered to th .!.,.
cople of "The Dsllr Ilnll,.iln .n
evening edition doted September 3,
i.t, wnicn waa supposed to have
ik-cij nuunaned ten v.r. i,.nM
Tho little paper (which waa Ur
mailer than usual, It waa explained,
Kxause me plant woa In the process
Priecu Ilrlght That Till Will be
Chosen a Official Itoute of
tho Pacific Highway.
Tho prospecU of Central Oreron
getting the Pacific Highway are get
ting brighter orrery day. Leaders In
the movement met In Portland 8un-
doy and decided that a route east of
tho Cascades wa proper owing to the
great Interest taken In the tourist
thoroughfare by Wasco. Crook and
Klamath counties. The Willamette
vnlley people not only have shown
Indlfforence toward the mnmn
but havo neglected to maintain the
signs jilttced along the route through
tho valley which autolsla have been
using In their travel from north to
south. In many Instances the signs
have been turned so aa to guide trav
eler up blind roads that ended la
the mountain.
Tliree Men Hare Ileen Oot AH Hum
mer In the Cascade Mocking
Mountain Watera-ililpment
Itecclved In llend Lat Night.
acont ., .m .i.." "cu " I"nt WOB I
land. From Portland to llend . ' T11!' ln, now -IxHitory Ore
return the rosd'n w.n Vn,.u .Z 'l "uiiaingj contain!
J. C. Rhode, local manager for the
nena t'arx uomnanv. hm mn.. nf
the leaflet containing ih mn,. .,n
at Monday'a banquet, one copy of
which he will give to anyono wishing
It, while the supply lasts.
Mr. and Mra. W. S. Lockwood
closed a deal last Friday with Furst
Ill-others, newcomer to llend, where
by tho latter took over the auto truck
line from here to Durns. The two
truck were included In thn ) Vr
and Mra. Lockwood horn nn tn
Pottland whero thev will it f. r r.n-..
For all around Plrnllrinr lha
nllll!.,a pla.,l ll,la vmm I... I..I... o.-lii
mmu h.u. tc.ii wv "uiii tu Kuiuurn nun I ",. - ..Vm .... jvh. uj uiiu mvi i
freighter for lust mioucli tn hi home In l.ytle are Durban lh.
Blhl nlialliiM .... .. u... 1 1 111 ItVilP heAilile..! In a. I u..-l....
lino or other engine probably will bo
employed for tho pumping.
I IUkih to All
Tho new well will be a boon of
tremendnu worth to the Hampton
and all thn hnmnittnnit tnrrltnrv It
permanently olvr anr wnter diffi
culties which existed. It probably
also means that hereafter far more
Attention will bo paid to acquiring
tract under the desert land law
(Coutlnucil on Page Seven)
best over produced In thl ecllon.
Ho ha lutim on exhibition at tho
Commercial Club that aro very large
und well formed, The four tree ho
hi are six year old aud aro heavily
Tom Shevlln of Mlnneutmll.. a lilr
iimuerman who no oxtenslyo hold
ing In Central Oregon, arrived In
llend Monday night In his private
Pullman car. Ho la accompanied by
his family and aeveral frlenda. Tho
party will be here until tomorrow.
The Golden Rule
A YOUNG FARMER went to his
" bunker a short time ngo nnd tisked
to borrow $1)00.00. After consulting the
depositors ledger and noting the condi
tion of snid farmer's account the banker
said: "Alright sir, you enn have it. I
observe that while your account is not
large, yet it 1ms been gradually increas
ing, which shows that you are succeeding.
I also note that you are apparently doing
all your business with us, which shows
that you are our friend, and we always
feel like helping our friends." Was the
banker's conclusion logical? This bank
preaches and practices the Golden Rule.
return tho road' well known repre
sentative in tin district, H. C. Oliver,
wua in charge. Judging from the
enconlumna heaped upon them, ho
and Conductor A. E. Dalrytuplo and
the real of the crew made, tho biggest
kind of a hit with tbelr booster
On the ud trln the train lnnn.,l ml
the O. A. C. demonstration farm at
Metollua. where Sunerlntiu!int V
J Power and P. II. Spillman wore
on hand to explain the wprk. J. K.
Hawhlll and O. P, Putnam also
boarded tho train thor. Annthnr
atop waa made at the Hedmond farm,
whero a hurried walk was taken
through tho field, thn eianuil, nf
Central Oregon productiveness do-
iteming ino visitor.
"llend Park March" by Hand.
At llend a good crowd wa on
hand. Also the band, which dls
tlngulrtod Itself with welcoming air.
chief amonr Which waa thn "It.n.l
rarit March," specially composed for
enntalnA.1 nw t u
next uecaue: of trolley lines, largo
lumber mill, eastern and southern
railroads: amonr mhir ihinn 1. .
lated that nearly all the knockers of
am- wero aeaa or hod moved away.
Throughout the banntint th lt.n.1
Parkora kept thing lively with songs
and yejla. They were the cleverest
and most appropriate parodies pos-
siuie, ana urougnt down the houso.
Then camo the speaking.
J. E. 8awhlll. secretary of the Cen
tral Oregon Development League,
woa toaatmaster, and proved an ad
mlrablo presiding officer. O. P.
Putnam, publisher of Tho Bulletin,
Waa called unon fnr ih nnanin. -.
drea. welcoming the visitor, calling
attention to some of Uend'e resource
and comparing transportation today
with that of the Bhanlko routo
period. Both Dr. U, C. Coe and J.
H Corbett. scheduled
apeak concerning climate and trans-
Howard Bnlnlnc. whn liv thru,
mllea out from Dcnd on the Prlne
vllle road, has an apple tree on which
ro 10 appica mia year. Tho graft
woa planted three yearn ago and tho
ireo transplanted last inrlne. Thio
la a remarkably faat bearing record
for a fruit tree here or anywhere
The directors of the Deschutes
Reclamation &. Irrigation Co. have
authorltcd the further enlargement
of the Swalley ditch. The company
hoa on agreement with tho Central
Oregon Irrigation .Company whereby
water In a lateral of the Pilot n..t
canal la conveyed for some distance
In tho Swalloy ditch, and It 1 this
stretch that will be enlarged now.
(Continued on laat page)
The Dend Comnanv ha nurrhaaod
and la Installing a new Dcrlln planer
at their lumber mill, the machine
costing about $3,500. With the ad
dition of the new eaulnment thn dallv
capacity of the planing mill la ralaed
10 over so.uoo reet.
Stocking the lakea of the Caacado
mountains and making them a veri
table paradlso for tho an;lcr, within
few years, has been the work of
the State Game Commission thl sum
mer. Threo men havo been encored
In thl work since the middle of May,
dUtrlbutlng 80.000 flab fry In 70 or
moro lake.
S S. Mohler, with two MlataDtj,
et out on May 12 from Catadero,
wwt of the mountain, and have been
all over the range. They 'have visit
ed many remote lakea lake which
are not put down on any of the gov
ernment map and placed In them
variou kind of trout. Four varle
tlea have been ucd Eastern Orook.
Sllrcralde. Rainbow and Illack Spot
ted. Tho Eastern Brook have been
placed In the coldest waters, n ther
thrive better In them than the other
pedes. Tho men worked out from
Detroit, nt the end of the Corvallla
Eastern Railway, on thn not m
nnd havo now como to Bend and aro
receiving shipments here.
hrom Ilonncvlllo HaUliery,
Tho flSh Como fram thn Ilnnnrrrlll-
State Hatchery, on the O.-W. R. & K.
between Tho Dalle and Portland.
Laat night a shlnment of in nnn .m
In and were taken today by wagon to
iwo ukcs in township 31 south,
range 8 cast, about 40 miles south
west of here, known as Twin Lake.
The name will be changed, however,
aa It has alreadr henn ann!l.i tn
other lakes.
Mr. Mohler StStea that he ha Hnn
very successful in the work. Tho
number of fish that have died -whllo
being transported to the lakes has
been vory small. "I have rn out
as high aa six dara with h h
said, "and lost less than CO In 10.000.
Onco wo packed trout fnr twn
days Into the mountains, nod the loss
was oniy seven Dsh when we reached
tho end of tho Journey. 1 mnk a
map of all tho lakes stocked which
will be turned over to the Mtate.
"The season's work will hn andnt
In about thrca weeks. Wn will re
ceive three more shipments here la
aaauion to laat night's 10,000."
Carried Cans on Ifcw-k.
Mr. Mohler told nf im nimnit
experiences In getting" the Ilh to tho
lakes. A number of them could not
be reached even by pack animals, so
rough are the mountains, and tho
cans Of fish had to ! enrrlr.l In nn
tho human back. Many were tho falls
that Mr. Mohler arot. hut hn hn,1 th
good fortune not to get badly hurt or
to lose many of the fish.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend. Oregon
"Contervative Basking for Conservative People."
may always be expected from a squore
dealer. We deal in Squares and every
other essentiul for Carpenters and other
handicraftsmen. And the tools we
sell are all on the square, accurate,
strongly made and of the very best
and most reliable materials. All trades
supplied with all necessary tools. Also,
we carry general Hardware lines of the
best qualities at most satisfactory prices.
Also Full Line of Buttfers' Supplies,
Sash, Doors, Glass, Pakts, Oik, etc.
We accept them ,
Hotels gladly accept the "A D.AH TRAVELERS' cmrmii ......
are aTuxv and ,rywS,rm good. Slf4dnUiylns. Carry them on
f your neat trip. They save time and worry.
The First National Bank
8. MORRI8 LARA, Prudent P, O. MINOR, Secretary
R. M. LARA, Cashier
N. P. Smith
iPimnnm.T r uiunu t .
" 1 ..wv( , Ol, 4.AKA,
Wall Street