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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1912)
tiik iiijni) nvhhirciif, ijijni), Vkd.Vi:hiav, AVOVHT JW, 1012. rAGE r. r 1' t 1-i I U&fek SCHOOL DAYS AGAIN! Noxt Titemlny hcIiooI 0cnH anil that menna school nupi(M for till of tho younKstor. Theeo supplies tiro qultu nn Item In tho family oxiKinw nnd wo a ro koIdk to holp you ut tho children nlnrtcd rliriiL. Wo nro Kolntf I" nvo you considerable inonuy on thutio mipjillos. Compnro tliesu prices nntl our koxIh with tho prices you hnvo been paying: AH of our Pencil Tablets nt. 6 for 25c All of our Ink Tablets 3 for 25c Pencils, rubber tip lc Pencils, Flashlight 2 for 5c Pencils, rcRulur fie 6 for 25c Composition Hooks 6 for 25c Pencil Hoxes, filled with Pen, Penholder and Pencil- u 10c Huler, hardwood, brass edge 5c Ink, lletf. fie 6 for 25c Pen Holders 2 for 5c Our Wnll Street Window will show you n few of tho number wo huvo In tnbluU. School Shoes Wo cannot Hut nil of our dilTuront stylen of chll drcn'n Rchool shoes but you enn navo from 2c to 7Bc on every pair bv looking over our lino of GUAItANTKKD ALL LEATHKU SHOES for children. Wo carry Ui famous "Distrid: 76" school (hoe ami wo Kuurnntee every pair to jtlvo satisfactory service or wo will rIvc you another pair. This Kuarantce menru just what it anys. a kMyCM "The Store of Better Values" BITS ABOUT TOWN. Fred Huey U on the otck Hit this week. II. II. Mutilg loft for tho Hast Hundar, Mr. It, I). Ifetchum l visiting friends In I'rlnovllle. W K. Uuerln csme In last night from Sandusky, Ohio. Chnrlrs lloyd wont to Portland Sunday on business. fer IJLjUg- e4ZM$f jDca r Qmyj- Would you Lelievc thai in my nicely furnished home af've lccn u-sino.- the Same old Atove ioo lony to tell, "Well, now o've ftut a Lrand-ncw Anno,e in my kitchen. )Cot haftftif o am oveA it. She kitchen looks like unaiher ftlace, and the cooking iaiies LeiieA, 37ie new Aiyle stoves, ioo, oAt o much moAc convenient to vie than the pld, Jjouri a J eve r, JCou (P. S."Vhu don'l you pet you a Aano.e Juii like mine? &a to? , t I N J. E. M. Thompson Where Your Dollar Does its Duty. Ralph Polndotlnr nnd Ixmls Doonnr spent Monday In Redmond, H, .1 Hponcnr linn K"iui lo I.nOrnndo mid will ho away probably fix weeks. Saturday night (ho band kavo n iinmt enjoyable ilanco at l.lnwtar'ii hull. If. K. Horfitmit returned Mondny from u Inn dns vacation trip to tho CoilHt. It. K. Urny, of tlio I'rliinvlllo Jour unl, with n party of friends, was lieru Sunday, Mrs. Ilnrry Manlon tins been on tho sick list fur iiotcrul days hut Is Improving- ' Dr. K. II. Todd was a guest of Dr. aim) Mrs. F. II. Thompson while In town over Hunduy. Jnok I'nriiilnlnr, wno linn been lo HtK)kniio on n ImirIiics trip, returned Inst Wednesday. Miss liva (irnvbs tins moved from tho May lumrlnitints mid Is now llv liiK with tho I'rluxlfs. Miss Dorothy Hohnolcrnfl, who will tench In tlio Mend schools this sum mer, nrrlvod Insl week. Mrs. I'rntik llonrn Ims lon slek for em urn I days, lioliu throutonud with favor, It Is roared. Mrs. (I. W. Mall, who Iuih lieen In Ilcnd for sovorsl weeks, returned to DtffchtitMi istnnUy. Mrs. I'. (. Pish has gono to lx AriRclos li(r she Is to vUlt mom horn of her husband's family. Mr. and Mm, OoorKo lluettc, for mvily of C'smns, Vnnli., hove come to Itond to mnko tholr homo hero. Ilcnd MmIkc No. 131t, A. I'. & A. M. will hold n meeting tomorrow nlfilit (Thursday, the i'JXh) Hpcclnl work. Mlr Anno nnd Uortrudo Markol siont tho week-end on. tholr homo ntends southeast of town, some Sf miles. Joe Hunter. John Hlpss and Carl Hunter mtumed Bundny from n liuntliiR and flshlnK trip to Davis Crook. MIBa Kntherlne Trautnor and Hthol Hordeu nrrltvd Uunday nlitht from the Kat whoro they sjiont the summer. Tho Krptemlicr numlicr of Bunsot Mnitazlno contains an article by G. I', rutnaui uMin tho hlftory of tho I'nnamn Canal. Dick Smith and Dr. Kerrell wore Iho first or tho Itond party to return from hnkmlew. In tlio latter' car !nrrllu& Thursday night. i W. I.. Creeii and family or Port land, who woro Knouts nf C. I. Iloioll, woro hero Isnt week, IcnvltiK Thurs day by nuto ror Crater l.ake. Durlnx the last week much dirt has boon dclltered at tho Overturf lots In Park Addition, preparatory to tho erection ot a residence. Tho Infant daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Bmlth olid Sunday morn Ins; ot cholera Infantum. Tho 8rulths live In Wlcstorli. It. i:. Koon. eniclneer In charice ot tho aower work, returnod last week after a trip thro unit western Oregon. lite was accompanied by his sister. W. K. Merrll, of the Pacinc Tele I phono Compnn). who at preacnt Is In ! direct charxe or the operation or tho Pioneer Company, six; lit much ot last week hre. The tet of Dr. tlorby'a vesper sermon on the lawn Sunday was: Tako th shoes rrom off thy reel for tho Riound upon which thou atnndest Is hoh Kround." Tho Itev. Holiert K. Paddock. Kplicopal llUtuip of Hastern Oregon, will be hero Friday and conduct sor tces In the 'euuilitK at tho now Mcthomst church. ArcordlnK to tho IT. S. ncologtcal Huroy press bulletins tho mineral production of Crook County ror the past year has been 10.35 ounces ot Kotd, valued at $214. '.. W. MndlKirg, formerly hero at the Bather storo. has bought a fton- oral store six miles eaht of Oregon iCIt), noar whleh ho also has no ntilrcil a nu ncro tract. 1 Jack Wonnndy. John Klklns. Les ter Msnoar and William Ilhono left Monday ror tho mountains, tholr destination being tho Rolit prospvet they recently discovered. Ouiiunr YouttR or Vonlce, Cal.. arrived In Ilend Monday ulslit to look Iho town over. Ho Is on his wcy nusu r.:.r, vv . '': wee 3ZZslHHBKHti3KajKl3EKmBM LOOK OVER THIS LIST and prove for yourself that our prices are lowest, con sistent with the high quality of merchandise we offer. AmuMkcttft Apron OliiKhnms, per yd, 8ic i!7 Inch Dren (JIiikIihiii", per yd. 10c OutliiK Flannels, (Uxxl Quality per yd 8,& 10c fJriiiiiplnii all I.lnrn Crnili TowclliifC, White or Hi-own, per yd. 10c, 12ic, 15c ()(M)d f lurk ToncU, racli !0c, 15c, 25c LI ii en lluck Towels, enrli 25c, 35c, 50c Until Tovu'In, each 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c O. .V, T. Darning Cotton 2 for 5c lli-t Mnen Khoo Ijirrs 3 pr. 5c I'nKlc C'rucliet II(Mks 5c llnlr .Vrt, Willi or Without Mantle Dent Quality, 5c, 6 for 25c Hull I Ira r I iik Itflirrttes, a new one It they brrnk, rnrh 25c Iloyn' anil rilrU' htsck Cat Hone, heavy or medium tibial double knee 2 pr. 25c Iloya' lllouke WaUU anil Shirts 25 & 50c A full line of Ladies' Suits and Coats Dress Skirts Waists and Muslin . Underw'r to be here Hoys' HlblMil Underwear 25 & 50c Ladle' Double Hole Dot Calf fthora, nn excellent wcMrlnjt ahoe for the ranch, at $2.25 Hhccts, 81x00, rocli 75c, $8.50 doz. Pillow Hllps, 42x30, each 15c, $1.50 doz. Cotton IllnnkeU, 75c to $3.00 ea. V(M)I and Wool Mixed lllankcU $3.00 to $8.50 Work Bhoc. Btar ISrattd, per pair $2.50 to $4.00 CnrhartU Oreralls (Host by Test) $ 1 .00 pr. Work Khlrts, Aniotkcag, Cliambray Khaki or CJicrlot, each 50c Genuine Itockford Kofte, 3 pr. 25c Monarch Shirts, each, $1.00 Arrow Hlilrts, Kach, $1.50 Men's Fleece Lined Itlbbeil or Plst 1'nderwcar, per garment 50c BETTER Merchandise for LESS if you trade at MANNHEIMER'S The DEPENDON Store. .... i ..-....,, .., .. ....... - , . . MILLINERY OPENING Tho Public is invited to attend the Millinery Opening at the fiend Millinery Store on SATURDAY Aug. 31 MRS. S. McINTOSH H h H I i i i Kast and If he likes It hero will re turn later to make thla his home. I). I.. McKay returned, last n'ght rrom Idaho. Portraiture enlant'ng and copying at the Seward Studio. Home cooked chicken dinner Hun day from 4 to 3 p. ru. at Altamont Hotel. S. X. Steele or Portland, whose daughter. Mcdora. Is visiting here, came In last night. Walter Wing returned yesterday from California, where fie baa been ror sereral months. I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wing expect to leave soon on a lslt to their old home In Vermont. Mrs. Ralph Spencer, who has been visiting relntUcs In Alberts, Canada, ror several months, Is expected homo ' tomorrow. On Sunday, September 22nd will occur tho formal laying of tho corner I stono ot tho new Presbyterian jcuurch. I Mrs. Stevenson make a specialty I of 25c dinners, families especially Invited Sundays. ladlus' rest room , In connection. i Misses Hthel Holmes and Martha Sldnor nro expected to arrive tomor- I row evening from tho Kast, where 'thoy hnvo becu spending tho aummor. I Miss Shultx Is now playing tho I piano at tho Star Theater. Tonight MUh lva West will play a violin solo, nnd- Kilda) Mlsa Arrle !Uuck will alng. The Piittci-Non Drug Co, auuoiinrt'N clxewhcrc hi IhU Ihmip that an they aiv furnishing n'lutol hooka at whole Mile lUt prices they shall hac to sell thene ImmiLm for rush only. ' lien Sawhrldgo left Saturday for Palo Alto. California, where ho will attend Stunfonl University this winter, tie was given n (arowell irnrtv Friday night by Mrs. 0. P. Putnam. S. A. Slmonson, who has n hump atead near llaruoy Holes, came In Monday rrom Astoria, where ho has boon working In n Men ennnory dur ing tho summer, to tako up rcsldunee on his clntm. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Mnnley and Ned Mnnloy of Portland Bpont yesterday In He ml. Thoy hao boon making an extended nuto tour of tho state. Mr. and Mrs. Manloy are old friends of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. KaBtes. Ii, D. West la constructing two handsomo bungalows In WIestorla. Each building la 41 by 24 foot, and will ho ror rent. Tho bungalows are on the eastern corner lots at the Intersection f 8th 'avenue and K street. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson gavo a dinner last Wednesday evening In honor or Miss Anne Market, Those present In addition to the hosts and the guest ot honor were Misses Ida Anderson, Certrudo Market nnd lva West. Mrs. F. F. Smith and Mrs. A. M. Lara gavo a bridge luncheon this morning at 10 o'clock at Mrs. Lara's residence. In honor of Mrs. L. D. lialrd. who leaves Ilend next Sunday. The guesta were members ot the brldg club. There will bo a baptismal service on Sunday morning at the Presby terian service at the Star Theatre. Any others wishing to consecrate tbolr children to the Lord In the rite or baptism will kindly notify the pastor at once. C. S. Benson, whose offlco In the bank building waa badly damaged by lire and water during Saturday's blaie, will have his desk temporarily In The Bulletin office, until his old quarters are repaired. ;Tho remodel ing of the old office will materially enlargo It. Uev. J i:. Williams left Monday morning for Ellensburg, Wash., to attend the annual meeting or tho Columbia Illvor Conterenco of the Methodist church This confereneo will assign a pastor ror tho Ilend church, who will devote his entlro time to this charge. W. S. Lock wood and wire wero over from Dend this week looking after their auto truck business. The trucks ore making good time these daya and handling a vast am ount of freight. The wagons am also hauling much freight from that point. Darns Times-Herald. The Dend Park Company has Is sued an attractive new folder des criptive of Dend. In addition to sev eral psges of reading matter there) are a doxen or more excellent new Illustrations showing Dend'a develop ment and two comprehensive plats of the town and a map Illustrating tho town's economic and geographical position In the stato. Rev, 1. I. Gorby, Presbyterian pastor, wilt preach Sunday a, m.. 11 o'clock, at the Star Theatre, subject. "The Laws of Heredity nnd Environ ment." Tho evening services will be held on tho old Drake lawn at 7 p. m. A special musical program has been provided for each of tho services. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m Bharp. Mr Darrowdale, Supt. - 1 ;thticl HORSE METS TOLI ret PC. ? BWSSX T- rnTLll. WSX- '3E ffkiA c yemJ es5 . .w ill innn ruin -k, rfi - 8 Cvv """ J It ill IN III m ..mvmsi 22fZvsxa&z L ROBES .WHIRS T( if '.Vu-a,- CAUE FOR YOUR HORSES WELL AND THEY WILL DO BETTER WORK FOR YOU. WE CANNOT MENTION THE MANY THINGS WE CARRY IN OUR STORE. BUT WHENEVER YOU NEED ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. COME TO US AND YOU WILL FIND IT. OUR QUALITY IS ALWAYS THE BEST. OUR .PRICES ARE ALWAYS FAIR PRICES. Skuse Hardware Company. z I