The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 28, 1912, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    TH IHWII llUliMJTJN, IIRNI), WKD.VKHllAV, AUflUBT 2, 1012.
rACJR 8.
t )
I '
Hiiirlii(iiHli'iit o r llcniiuiNlmlloii
I'nrniN UUciiMM'N (.'mumcm nml
HITccU of Alknll, Mint Toll
How lo I'limlint It.
J Ity V. U. I'OWKItfl.
, Thlrtuim ir cont of nil tlui Irrlgnt
oil Inuil In tho Weat In lujtirml iniiro
or liy nlknll. It appear whoro
.1... .-!.. fnlt l. I,.-.. !..... ........... !..-.
7-miu ihiiiiiiii in iimn inuil inijiiiy inuuun
Mtiil cutHM inon or lui troulilu In nil
i tin older IrrlKittiHl nectlona. Hxclu
nlvo u o of Irritation water nnd poor
tlnni(n of low IvIiik Innil nro lliu
pohlef tmujdii of nlluill troulilu.
In nit wilU inttiu.-al pnr.lrloa nro
rtutlnunuiily IioIiik wrntliorml mid
Mulillilo k.iIIn nro llhoratoil liy IhU
1 Hiriiftmi. in nolU whoro there Ih ovur
' twenty Inchon of rnlufnll unit Inneh
liik' occur, tlio exec of llii'Ki unit
)l onrrl il nwny In tho drntnaxo wat
or. Where tint rnlufnll li limited
hiii thoro I poor ilrnlnnKo. tticio
tV.ilu nro ilUolvcd by rnln or Irrlita
Ion water ami carried thru tlio noil
yintll tlio water movtw to tlio nirfacu
nnd i.vnpor'tvM, tirltiKltiK tint nnV.u to
tlio ,1011 mul dupimllliiK them tlmro
ui evaporation. This la tlio uaual
Method of accumulation at nlknll.
Ilonvy Irrigation U apt to caiwo water
lotxItiK nml ncopcil area In tlio Ioor
part of tlio project mid seeped arena
r tho fororuunora of nlknll. In tho
Slower pnrt of tho river valley, wntor
that hna lirou uaod mid rouaod for Ir
rigation mny Itronmo tally with aoll
ItKiahlnKa mj thnt It la unfit for tiao In
.' Cl)lllM(otl,
Alkali la apokon of na wlitto or
jbUak nlknll. Whllo nlknll la mainly
labia nalt. opunm aall, mid Klouliora
Milt, or In other word, odium chin
lido, magnoilum aulphnto nnd potaa
'tilum aulphnto. One-fourth per cent
In hnrmful nnd few nxrlcullurul
jitonia will tolerate half lo ono per
i out of thla In tho niII. Mack nlknll
la aodlum onrtxiunto or aomollmca po-
jv ,mlum onrlHiunto. It onn lo rocna
nliod liy lla puddlliiK, oruatlnR effect
nil mm aiirinsc, ua nam urown onior,
mul tho kind or atmonco of voiteta
'tlon, It la worao thnn whlto
Ikall became It cauira thrlnkaKo of
ino pinni ceiia nnu uiaaoivra piaui
ftltatira of you UK plant Juat nt tho, caualnK thorn to blight off nt
ihla Hilnt. One-tenth pr cont Is
harmful anil thrvo-lontha nor emit la
fatal to ninny planta. Alkali In Ken
Vrnl whore thoro la Kroaaowood, a 1 1
wort, or aalt Krauoa; nlao In flat Innd
not naturally drained or underlain
Vrlli linpervloua auhaoll.
In reporting annlyata of compoalto
nniplfa of aoll from tho Domonatra
.Ion Farm at Hodmond, Prof Tartar,
of O. A. C. any. In tho aurfneo aoll,
(l find totnl nlknll aalta to do alxthnu
'annda of ono por cont and constating
of hlearhonnto nnd ohlorldo and only
a trnco of aulphntoa. Total nlknll
Mlta In tho second foot la flftoon
thouannd. Thoao anlla conlnlu amuo
iiormnl oarlKnto( aome htonrlHUtnto
nnd aoiuo aulphatoa nnd tdohlnrldo."
Anolyala ahnw tho aoll In ho compar
atively froe from nlknll and thnt tho
aoluhlo anlta hnvo (icon Inrxoly car
rlod Into tho nccond foot by tho nat
For plowing, threshing, hulling, hauling, shredding, husking, sawing,
pumping, etc.
We have on hand a l)horse power Oil Turn engine which is a very useful
machine on any ranch, and we will be glad to show it at any time. We believe
we can convince you that it is one of the best engines on the market.
We also would like to explain to you about our Oil Pull engine for plow
ing, hauling and threshing; burns kerosene at all loads. Make farming easy
with un Oil Pull. Call or write and get prices before you buy.
Manufacturer of Harness nnd Saddles Dealer In Wagons, Buggies and
Farm Implements Seeds and Grain for sale.
ural rnlufnll, In tunny cnnoa nlknll
hnrd pnti linn Imou cnuaod, Thin huk
Koatn nt onco tho uocoaalty of innln
tiilnlux n aoll mulch to provoiit tholr
IioIiik hrnuiiht to tho aurfneo by ctip
lllnry ovnporullon,
foul ml.
Miinuro wilt form nclda upon do
rnyliiK whloh tend to noutrnltzo nlkn
ll Hpota,
HooiIIiik dollcnto plnuU whnro tho
nlknll la down nftor rnln or Irritation
la holpful.
IIIiihIIiik mny provldo nu outlet,
whom tlieio la hnrdpnn.
Cultlvntlou of tho aurfnrn, nftor
It hua hooti wot liy IrrlKntlou or rnln,
na ami na It In dry oiioiikIi to cruiuhlo
nml form n crumbly mulch la oxcood
limly Importnut to control cnplllnr
Ity nnd iirovont ovniiorntlou,
OrowliiR roalatnnt crop uoh na
alfnlfn I holpful.
Illnck nlknll la chmtRod to loan
hnrmful whlto nlknll by adding gyp
aiiin. Diwip plowing nnd orRiiulc mnttor
Incronao wntor onpllllnrlty of aoll nnd
check ovnpornllou nnd ucoumnlntlon
or nlknll,
Homotlmon nlknll cruata enn bo
acrnpod off or wnahod off the aurfnen,
Tho moat pnriumiont mid offoctlvo
wny lo reclaim nlknll Innd la to un
dordriln mid wnah tho anlt down nnd
out of tlio aoll.
l)rnlnnKi' of Alkitll Mud.
'Iboro I not it liirxo nmount of our
Innd which la tiudorlnld with atmu
ao Mil Id und iinporu na to pruvout
mi tu nil ilrnlnnKo. In aoinc cnav It
mny bo polhlo to roach tho porn
atrntn uudornonlh by dlKKlng down In
tho low apoln nnd lettltiK tho wntor
out In thla portia alrnlu. The drat
Mop In draining nlknll la to tnko n
aoll miner or apndo, innko n atudy
of tho auhaoll nnd aeopnico channel,
trnco tho wntor to Ita aourco und put
In n deep nffdrnlu If mhIIIo. After
that put In na IhoroiiKh n ayatom of
drnlim na needed to aupplotuont thla,
Tho depth of drnlna ahould bo audi na
to lower tho wntor tnbto to thnt capll
Inrlty or jlok notion cnu not ronch
from tho -wifter tnblo to tho aurfneo
Tile or cement nro dangeroua becauno
alkali cAiiaoa dliluloRratlun, Hum
el clny tlio nro oxponalvo lo ahlp Ioiik
dlatancoa nnd box drain or atono
drnlna nro tho boat fur draining nlknll
Kila In thla aectlnn. Hlio of drain
hould Ihi Inricor tho deeper nnd fur
thor npnrt they nro. Tho dirt ahould
ho tamped back Into tho trench whuro
nlknll Innd la drained nud watch kopt
tn too thnt Irrigation wntor move
thru tho aoll nnd loachoa It Inatond of
running thru holaa Into tho drnlna di
rectly, Drnliingo la the moat effect-
lo monna of reclrtlmltig nlknll aiota
tho tho removal of ulknll by drnlna
will bo nearly na alow na Ita accumu
lation nnd mny bo encouraged by tho
uo of mora wntor.
i:mkx vam.i.v ntosi'ijitoi's.
J. A. Ilnnk and V. Itengan. of
Kden Valley, In I.nko county, wore
hero laat week getting freight for
that territory, 110 mile distant.
Thoy roort w prosperous new
country, with 4,000 acre of vacant
good land, and water easily obtain
able. A roa'd for auto trucks I bo
Init laid out In thnt region to Alkali
I.nko, for tho transportation of equip
ment to tho reduction plant or tho
Orogon llorax company, and on which
borax will bo freighted to llond for
railroad shipment. Superintendent
Young of tho company was hero laat
riiosi'MeroiiH iiirri'ii.v.
M. It. Knutaou and J. W 1'ettltt
returned l-rdy from n flvo week
nrosnectlnc trln. chiefly da voted lo
work In the Taylor Hum country on i
tho McKenxlo dlvldo. Thoy hnvo.
filed on two prospects which t,hey roj
poll promlso well, nnd hnvo sout n,
number of sample to bo nssnyod. As
well na finding quarts they killed a I
buck door
l-JTJPMjjjaajiLiil j, ! II , 'HI Jl'i' 'I" I Mf- '!-.'. M ". -1J.-SS
Mt'Kny Hny I tond Would Open up
Jlrnullfu! Country anil Attract
Many Hero for I'orexta, Motin
tnliii I'lli anil finmo.
Hack from nn oxtoualro homobnek
trip through tho forcat reserve,
Clyde MoKny, flrn wnrdon, and V, ti.
INreit HupervUor Hoy Harvey, bring
glowing roiHirt of tho aconlc nttrnc
tloua nud Inloroata of tho timbered
nud mnuntnlu country nonr llond,
nud apoclally of It undeveloped poa
albllltloa for aconlc highroad mid
tourUt reort.
"Tlicro I H torrllory. hero," nnld
Mr. McKny, "which, when It la prop
erly dovolopod nud exploited, will
hold Ita own with ntiy of tho great
We have just received the largest shipment of
Tablets, Inks and other .school supplies ever re
ceived in Hend. We are now prepared to fur
nish the school wants of every child in Iicnd.
As a special inducement to those who will buy
their supplies this week and thereby avoid the
rash of the opening days of school, we quote
the following attractive prices for
20c Writing Tablets (good value) for 10c
10c Ink Tablets 4 for 25c
Heg. 2for-a-nickcl Pencils 4 for 5c
Penny Pencils 15 for 10c
5c Pencil Tablets (worth the money) 7 for 25c
flc Spelling Tablets 3 for 10c
Steel Pens, each, 5c 4oz.
to the fact that we are furnishing
School Books at wholesale list
prices we shall have to ask every
one to pay CASH for school books.
Patterson Drug
park an n drawing enrd for tourlata
nud out-door lovorn."
Trip la 1oiiK Ono.
Tho oxctiralonlata wont from llond
to I'aullnn l.nko, thonco to Iloalnnd
ranger ntntlon, then Crano I'rnlrlo,
Hlg Coultan I.nko nnd thonco along
(ho Cnscndo dlvldo pnat Irlah mouu
tnln to Horao nnd Hpnrkn lake.
From tho latter tho climb of tho
aouth peak of tho Thrco Hlatora
group wna mado. From Bpnrka Inko
tho return trip to llond wan mado
via Bo da Spring nnd llrokon Top,
nnd down tlio Tiirnalo,
Mr. McKay I onthualnatlonlly
working for tho oatnbllahrnont of a
rond from Ilepd to Soda Hprlng, nnd
thonco to Bpnrka, Klk and I.nvn Inko
nnd Crano I'mlrlo, there connecting
with tho proient road, and oonrplot
liig a swing thnt would covor no mo
li'O or more mile through an ox
tremoly beautiful country, whoao at
traction combine magnificent
acenory with excellent fi.hlng and
hunting, nnd unequalod opportunl
tloa for iiiountnlneerlng.
Tho project I vory fenalblo, from
n rond building atnndolnt, any thoao
familiar with It feature, nnd there
ncoma Utile roaaon why an nutoino
I Ho roulii opening up thla territory
froa Hend ahould not bo constructed.
Already, It I uudoratood, tho forestry
ofllclnla nro nctlvcly planning tho
ftral atepa for tho making of such a
road, 'vhoso primary purjioso, from
their standpoint, la that of aiding In
-.--- ..... 4
Central Oregon
Brokerage Co.
Agents for tho
Wo carry a comploto stock
of hams, bacons, salt menu,
In i-uN and eomjouudi with
tlio United Wnrohouso Co.
at Bend. Prompt uttentlon
to mnll or phono .orders.
Wholoulo ouly , . ,
Office and Salesrooms
Bend, Oregon.
".. 0
Our WulL Is the
best that science can make
This is hot weather timo. Why
not make it comfort time?
Be cool, use our ice
Central Oregon Ice
flro fighting and tho administration
of tho national foreatM.
Mr, McKay had much to aay ro
gardlng tho attraction or tho hot
aprlnga at I'aullnn Lake, nnd bo
llovc that tho ostnlillshinont of a
rond dlroct to tho lako will bo undertaken.
DlKcst of Dcclxlon Iterently Maris
by Hccrctnrf of Interior.
Bcctlon 4 of tho enlarged homo-
atond act of February ID, 1909,
clearly Indicates that an area equal
to ono eighth of tho entry under tho
act must lo cultivated for four years,
beginning from tho second yoar of
tho entry and that ono fourth thereof
tnuat be cultivated for three years,
beginning with tho third year or the
entry. Under section 3 of tho act,
all of tho cultivation may bo upon
tho original entry, provided a num
dent area thoreof bo cultivated to
in cot tho requirements as to, both
Ilcsldcnco and cultivation on tho
nddltlonnl may bo completed by resi
dence nnd cultivation on olthor entry
for such tlma and such area na la re
quired by tho enlarged homcutoad
Bcctlon 2301 It. S., n amended,
provides for commutation proof aftor expiration of 14 months from
dato of entry.
This necessarily Implies that tho
14 months period of rcsldcnco and
cultivation must bo tho 14 months
Immediately preceding submission or
commutation proof.
Commutation proof cannot bo es
tablished where tho residence con
sisted of periods of from one to two
weeks at a tlmo at Intervals of from
two to three months.
In order to commuto a homestead
entry, the claimant must show sub
stantially continuous personal prcs
onco upon tho land,
(Chamber of Comracrco Uulletln,
July 3. tho Ilcnd Uulletln, or which
Goorgo Palmer Putnam Is editor and
proprietor, Issued a splendid special
edition or 44 pages. It was all set
up and printed In Mr. Putnam's
oRlco, and would bo a credit to a
town ton times as largo as Ucnd.
Tho omco now has a (Ino brick build
ing with all modern facilities, In
eluding a folding machine, a linotype
machine, two job presses, a four
pa go cylinder newspaper press, etc
The plant contains 1C00 square feet
or floor apsce. Thla Issue or tho
Uulletln Is profusely Illustrated.
From It we glenn a fow facts regard
ing tho booming city of Uend. It
sh6ws a population or 1760. The
June payroll for tho town was $50,
000. Several big lumber milts are
soon to bo built. The Central Ore
gon Irrigation Company Is building
a 1150,000 dam near llond. Slnco
the advent or the railroads last rati
$80,000 has been spent tn permanent
buildings. There la a good water
syatem. five miles of sidewalks and a
brick plant with a dally capacity of
30.000 brick. Uulldlng stono Is
abundant. The town has an excel-
j lent electric system and plans are In
mo iiiuKiuK ior a sower system.
School facilities aro suprlslngly good
for so now a town.
- 4
American Bakery
IT you bare n luvemlou or any
jwlmt mailer, write ImmcJUttly to
I.OU& TlU lltltg. WhlKlbU, D. C
Cold Storage Co., Inc.
M. W. of A.
Pilot Butte Camp No. 9794
Meets every Tuesday In hall over
Visiting Neighbors always welcome
E. A. Sather, V. C.
N. p. Wcidcr, Clerk.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103
Meets every Wednesday
ovenlnff at 8 p. m. In
C'atle Hull, txMt-onlco
Did. VWtlng KnljfhU
M. A. I'almor, C. O.
N. P. Bmith, K. K. & B.
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday oq or
before the full moon of each
month. Visiting brothers
always welcome.
;. tl, tttrMton, W. M. U. H. Allen. HccreHf r
I. O. O. F.
Bend Lodge No. 218
Reg. Meetings every Monday night
Visitors welcome
Ralph Spencer, N. G.
U. N. Hoffman, Secretary,
who will spare a few min
utes of his time to tho
photographer will pleaso
his entire family.
His portrait produced
by present day methods
of photography will be an
agreeable surprise it's
done so quickly and so
JSewaro jjjtuoio.
By appointment.
First Class Work
of all kinds
done promptly.
Wall street, Bend, Ore.
I will
Deliver j
16 incti :
Block wood j
Limb Wood
a cord
R M. Carter
o --
UMl tmaJUf. kuiUin, itUti,
lJi .. Muta (xaliry K
m-iI.hkJ I Ux Uk &Un i
Ulr t'oulur UqcX uA reiatnt,
TU CW H. US G.,SMrf.