The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 28, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    rAOR 4.
Juvenite Headgear.
The drawing U a charming one of n
little Trench hat for n girl of six. This
tii made of blue tucked taffeta. Tbo
high round crown Is covered with the
taffeta Inld In Inch wlda lucks taper
Ing to the center, where they nro held
With n taffeta covered button. Tho
colon nnd sequins took well with
towns of chiffon and not
Gowns of heavy broendo and volvota
call for fans of brilliant coloring.
The Venetian fans of colored plumon
nro effective when carried with these
Quaint Effecls on Ins Bias or
In Zigzag Now la Mode, .
on many of thn tuttln gowns for street
woar; also on exclusive braking sergo
suits ns a brilliant decoration for the
edgo of collar and rcvers.
cnitrB rtaxcu iut.
brim drops at the slJo In scmlpoko
effect, turning up abruptly In the back
and front. This U also covered with
the pale blue taffeta. Around the
crown a band of black velvet Is fold
ed, knotting on the left side. From
this depend two black silk tassels,
which danglo coquettlshly over tho
wearer's curls.
Charming Fans.
The becoming and dainty stytcs
which this season has recalled brine
tho fan Into Its own Benin.
In the past many renowned artists
have been fascinated by the task of
fan designing. '
They have left perfect examples of
their art. which are the envied posses
Ions of collectors.
It must be borne In mind that If the
design Is of great prominence upon a
fan it must be carried with a dreso
which harmonlse with It.
With a picture dress of black satin
and white chiffon, which has a sugges
tion of "old fasblona" skillfully adapt
ed to modern needs, an otd fan should
be carried. A Ftagonard fan would be
With light evening gowns of satin or
lace the elaborately carved Ivory fans
barmonlxa beautifully.
. Fans of gauie decorated with, w&tpr
One of the things we mint I mm to
do Is to fasten our skirt nt the side.
Ic may oen In n straight Hue or on
the bins or xlgxag, but It opens some
wherv near the left hip Instead of tho
normal position of middle back or
When skirts have a sen id down the
hip this fastening, which goes rather
near It, I not atwnyx effective, but
the dressmakers do not seem to mind
that. In truth, they do not seem to
mind anything out of the ordlmiry. for
they put tucks where they shouldn't
be. place, plait In queer plm-ei. put
buttons In circles nnd diamonds nml
use any other dclgu that tippvuts to
them at the moment.
It U no loncer correct to take a plnlu
skirt and fasten It straight up the
middle of tho back or front. The nenr
mi approach to It Is a straight fuxten
Ing down the left side, three Inches In
front or the hip bone.
The envelope flap In front l a popu
lar method, and It Is not Ht all bud. It
goes acroas the figure from waist to
knees and then turn on Itself and govs
back to the hem.
Another kind of fastening curve) In
from waist halfway to knees, then
curves ont to the side seam and curves
back to the hem. Fortunately one Is
not expected to work good looking but
tonholes along tbeso queer Hues. What
are known ns glove clamps have taken
their place, and they are one of the
most blessed Inventions of the age.
Another quaint Innovation on plain
skirts Is a bunch of tucks In the mid
dle of the back where the broad panel
once went. They are seven In number.
so the odd nnd middle one ran serve as
a guide to the Otter In trying to get the
exact mlddto of the back waist Una.
8lyl Notts.
Cafe au lalt nnd old gold colored kid
gloves are fashionable.
The extremely wide, square Jalwt
tucked all the way down In tho back
and halfway down the front of blouse
la a modish finish for the simple frock.
Wool worked embroidery Is noticed.
Australia has taller trees than Cali
fornia, IMgvon shooting Is prohibited In
Bwltxertand. ,
Tho population of the Gcrrnnn em
pire now exceeds 05,000.000.
It will cost mora than (l,rOiono to
furnish New York's now uumlclpnl
Asphalt paving In London U prac
tically In the hands of two tlrius, one
French, tho other Italian.
Articles of food were 10 per cent
dearer on the average In Kiiglnnd at
the close of 1011 than at the close of
Somo remnrknbly fine frescoes, one
of thorn representing n temple, the
other Venus, have recently boon un
earthed In Poiuell.
A 8wlss oculist noted thirty-two
enses of serious dnmniro to tho eyes of
bis patients caused by looking nt the
last eclipse of the sun.
According to the latest Portngitosv
census, the present twpulntlou of Lis
bon exceed -KM, 100. whllo that of
Oporto exceeds 101,000.
8nnkc poln Is Iwlng mod tuoro nnd
mora for medicinal nnd other pur
poses. In Australia the collecting of
It has Ixx-ome n prontnhlu Industry.
According to an Ksgllsh dietary ex
pert, growing children should eat to
repletion. The minim of leaving off
hungry at a men I must not bo applied
to them.
For serving too much foam In tho
glass Of beer dispensed In his restau
rant n wealthy Munich brewer has
been Imprisoned six weeks nnd fined
0.000 marks ticstdes.
in the French aerodrome at Villa
coublay a well known aviator took up
on bis monoplane his llttlo son, who
thus mado his debut In tho air nt tbo
ago of three years and a half.
The salary lists of English touring
companies Includo men and womeu
who got only 23 to 35 shillings a
week and on that must not only live,
but dress well on and off tho stage.
In Manchuria the Chinese coollo la
borer experiences no competition from
tho Japanese, who In ercry Instance
pursues nn avocation a grado or two
above tbo Chinese artisan or laborer.
Austria seems destined soon to loso
Its radium monopoly. A Paris Jour
nal reports that largo quantities of
pitchblende, from which radium Is ex
tracted, have been found In Morocco,
In some parts or Ilosala the rent of
land la becoming tooblgh for shecy
farming on the old lines, whereforo
flocks nro being steadily reduced, in
some cases the tftcroiisa exceeds 30 per
Tho records of tho Ilrltlsh pnlont of
fice show that special efforts nro being
made (u Millie aeroplanes In naval
wnrfurt by contriving mentis for
Inunrhliig them from tho decks of but
Australia has huge areas of forest
Innd. ctdlumted nt ncros, ns
yet uninspected nnd uniwerved. Tim
ber merchants' have so far secured less
than ncros. chleily becttuxo of
lack of railways.
A letter Intended for nu Inhabitant
of Zurich reached Mm, although It born
no name. It described Ills nppenraiiro,
stilted that he bad traveled In Ituxda,
had married mo Kngllsliwoiiiiiii mid
lie er touched In-er.
Australia's new stump tins n picture
of i kntiiiiimo gnucly contemplating n
tuft of "kangaroo grniw." iih the gov,
eminent culls It. but scoffers say It
looks more like a rnhbtt sticking Its
hctid nut of a burrow,
A NMitilxh historian of distinction,
(Jnrvln de In Itlegn, declare In the
Corn's (lullego thai tie has proof post
tlve that Columbus was nut bom In
Genoa, but In the Sxiulh village of
Porto Panto, near Madrid
The menu of n meal given lately by
the London Vegetarian nio-liiHou In
cluded cutlets with brown
sauce, cnitllllowcr nnd new Hitiitoes,
nxikimgus on toast, Mwiylicltl on tonsL
tomato fnrclo nnd jouitg i-arrols,
HerlluerH who suffer from the III ef
fects of foodstuffs are nt lllierty to n
ply to the polhe. who will have nn ex
amination of the xuHi-icd food made
free of charge. This tcry uefnl Instl
tutlnu itwtx the city lens than 1000
a year.
The new Chinese republic dollars,
now N-ltig coined, have on one side
two lions mid the Chlneo characters
for "one dollar." while the other slda
has on It the characters "current mon
ey," ''Chinese republic" nnd a wreath
of flowers.
No American city, says the Rclentlflc
American, has a pneumatic tube sys
tem for postal use comparahlo with
that of Parts or tlcrlln. Tito nvcrnga
Parisian "tube letter," It asserts. Is de
llvered In an hour and a quarter after
It la posted.
At nn auction sate of Greek antiques
In Parla not long ago one of the on
lookers let slip a small turra cotta sky
phos thnt ho was handling, and tho
fragllo object was smushed to bits.
Tho fragments were swept together,
put up for sale and flnnlly sold for $202.
One of the star pitchers In tho Ameri
can league, whoso salary Is $7,000 a
year, competed In forty games Inst
year, so that his pay for a gamo was
$173. lie estimated that In each game
he was required to throw tho ball to
Um boiler 150 times, therebr earning
SLlflg-a wllfi erery throw. '
With translation of Hie Horlptiires
Into Koiiuuiy. tho Iniigimgo of the g.v'
sles, they may now lie rvml In 410
Inngungcn. A remnrknlilp fnct con
nectod with tho wide world use of the
llllilo nt tho present time Is Hint It tins
boon translated Into Inngunfjts thnt
know prnctlcnlly no nlher lltorntiiro.
Cupid's rtsesll,
"Fntlicr, whnt do you think of tho re
cnllt" "Well, my denr, I hnrdly know Knn'io
people think It Is dangerous. Hut why
do you nsk I"
"I sunt Ferny nwny Inst night, nnd
now I'm sorry,"-Mt. Luuli Post-DU
Tht Long, Long Run.
"I believe honesty u)s 111 tho long
"Ho do I, tint I often wlh II were not
such a mighty long run."-L'lilengo
Thn Iliillotln Inn lit atork 11 nunc
dor of tho now Crook county whllo
print innps, allowing nil toads, rlvors,
Irrlgntod Inuds, towns, tmvunlilp mid
section Hues, Tliu maps nro blggnr
unit loom i-nmnrnlioiiHlvo tllllll nilV
other iiiiipn nnd nro cnrofully prlntod
on heavy wiiitu pnper. Jiioy itiinii
III $1.00 ttlicll, IOBt(l80 10 COIltN. tt
limes &. DnUdson'ntmrhor shop In
located now, temporarily, on Oregon
street. In tho old Tnggiirt Hotel build
ing. Throo good linrhcrs lo sorso
Tho Main Thing.
Actor I enn bring tears to Ihe ryos
of tho nudlenco. Theatrical Manuger
II11I1I We wnnt someliodK who enn
bring the audience. Puck.
Nkntlng rluk open cwiy Wodiics
ilny owning. "Ilp
Send For
'Jhis Seed
.41. NHMfr4IM
...iiIm.Ih. N.l
fi? M ll lw rntijl! !?
Ut,f K..US s,mI,aI, Oul "
mlreu lUr ( "
,1 ( Mn I WH ftrnH,
Fire I. He Liability
Accident Plate (linn Automobile
Uurglary Live Stock drain
Wo have opened new olllcta In the .Mutilg building and
aio now prepared to writ all kinds of
Our Policy Forms rIvo IJROADER PROTECTION than
tho forms onllnnrlly used by Iniurnncc rompunlos.
Wo nre tho only Exclusive Innurnnco AifunU In Rend.
Why not kIvc us all your buiiness?
Oregon Investment Company
M, ,.-
fllf you want a good residence or business lot, investigate what we i
have to offer. We have the best on the market at the best prices
and on the best terms.
JSome great bargains in five-acre tracts with water rights, on your
own terms.
1$Ouy lists of irrigated lands include the best there is in Central Ore
gon. It will pay you to see what. we have.
IWe can locate you on very desirable 320 acre homesteads, or sell
you good relinquishments with valuable improvements.
flWe make a specialty of fire insurance, indemnity bonds and plate
glass, show caseand mirror insurance. Our companies are the
best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly.
JWe are the oldest established real estate firm in Bend, and have a
first class record for fairness and efficiency. If you have some-
. thing to sell or wish to buy, let us help you.
' , ft t
i i'
' - 'it
Oregon Investment Company
WaM Street,
Bend, Oregon
I vl