The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 28, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    inm warn mjm,etin, nnxii, wedximimy, amubt iw, iwz.
Dcllulit mill Inicri'ktH
Ontriil Orruoii Motor Ttiurlnu
Di'ki'rllti'il liy Purlliiuilci' ni
l.nkftlfw 'Mil Week.
In nu article publ'shed Inst week I
tlio nuto trip from The Dalle to
lluiul wiu iliwcrllivil hy 0. ('. Chap
iniiii. Tim followliiK U n further no
ooii nt liy Mr. Cliiiinnnii, which ap
peared In Tim OteKuulnii of I'ortlnnil,
of tlio Journey mi n th from llcnd, to
ICIiuimlli Falls, l.nkevlnw uinl Into
thii llnniuy country. It I of special
Interest thla week u ho ninny Port
land uinl lloml people are traveling
ahrouRh thii country described,
It In (inly it fuw mile nut of llmul
to (ho 1 100-foot Invul, mill wo nre on
tlio great plateau of Contrul Oregon.
reached hi one ilny h unsy motoriij
over niotintaliiH unit through valley
from wnriinr l.nku, To refor to tlio
Hummer I.nkn district u it "country"
In it I mum a iiilauniiiur, for tint mi
railed "country" Ih nmroly u nurrow
Htrlp of highly cultlviitoil Kroiiml
envoi ml ultll orchards uinl fnrm he
iweim thn wludliiK shores of tlio lului
mul tlm IiIkIi pieelplco to tlio Iminiu-
llllttll WUHt.
I'ioiii this precipice uiinIi thouH
iiiiiIm of springs, wnrm mul cold. Tin
InrKOKt of tlicii tlio Aiitiu Illvcr
Hpilng In Mild to ho noitrly loo
yiinU HunikH. It look nu IiIk im n
ulty ' block In rortlniitl. uinl tlm
aiuiiiiul of iiiiic. clear water pouring
fioni It In lnrrnr tl.un Hint whlih
mipplles Now York City, mul nearly
eight tlllll (tint which Hum Into
I'ortlnnil tliroiiKli our enormous tliu
linn Myittviii.
AcroiR imollior inountnln range.
tllKIIIKll n lMV pllH IllllIK tlio muter
1st Into Hllvur l.uko Viilloy, mill do
votml to oiiurnioua livestock ranches
ion account or tun rouioioiicwH rrom
rnllninil trnniiortutloii. To tlio
northeast U n great agricultural
plain, thu Christmas l.uko Valley,
now being homcsteaditd,
rrom tlio Christmas l.uko country
It U only a tiny' Journoy mostly
ovnr vast iilnlni to llnmoy valley,
Oregon's largosl lovnl vulloy. l.lko
Hourly all tlio large valley of CVntrul
Oregon, thl In tm level on n Itoor,
mul nt thu prevailing nltltmlu of
4100 feet. A very Hinatl part of It
linn Ih'cii privately owned mul opor.
Mod for livestock nineties. This li
Tlio Cheer Up Exception.
Life a rule Is hippy. Th tun ahlnt
(jull mougli.
Hie klektr l Imagining nlno-Unlln of all
iiin kuit
Hie tilnla Hra making tnualo, If w only
lop to bar
Tlirrc'i n good aupply nf blrialngai that
muvh l mail ull clear.
Tlifrit's kIiIii nlnua lurking at 'each
rnfiwr ua you u
Juil limit mul you will find It, much tntttr
Hi. in won.
Ttiara'a no cua for rowllnc tinUia
fuln'a iluMiirluht rntiin,
Ami )ou pIiik a wmrrrntlon and than find
Iha thin la itrt.n.
Tlila IMfiK of vonatniit worry and a eaaa.
! Knm of frit
If Mit.llHl In dear Lrolhrr, la lxund to
lltot veil tt.
Think bmiK on diiyaof Urlihtnaa If clouila
loom ovarhtad
Quit klcklrm on your hearthatona and
ral.lnit marry Nnl,
Thara'a inn a bit of raaaon tor any aurly
Tlit r n't truth In all lha wordlnc of thou
atacha uf clir up txmka
Tha oni Urn inm aivu you for a paatl.
mlallo inkn
la whrn you tujr a mtlon, Juat to find
the llilliN la iirarn
-Invrr lUpubllcan.
---- . .... -..-
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liy travollnK ulh .Ionic thl. IHnIi r "t '"? . . r"'.- CtS'lul . ' .'.:.
!! 'iMt an i-hii ,a ..-
Ininl, iillhouRli much of It iiun huen
It-viil, tlio roml In mitlrvly tliroiiKli tlio
fori-at nil thn way to l-'ort Klnmnth.
Thorn urn only two lillli to cllmli,
tlm KrnitoN nro ony mul thn IikIkIiI
only R00 root. Onrn In n whllo tlioro
In it lirouk In tha foriat--aomo oion
Klniln which rovonla ncnln tlio vnut
limiiirninii of tlm Cnacmlo Moiuitnlnv,
atiowtoiptl. 'Crntor l.nki. Mountain
or Mount Mninum. In only a fow uillca
to th wont of this roail mul tlio rim
uf thn crntor atmuln out clearly
nKaliiat tlio aiinnot aky,
I'ort Klamath mul tlio Wood Itlvir
llnalii am tlio coutor of a country
whloli nlioiimla In cryatnl atrrama of
nioai amaiiiiK cloarnoaa. Not uvoii
tlio allKhti tint of icrcon or hluu la
In Hid wntor. not a imrllcal or ovou
a ri'ltifilou of color - juat cloar
watnr tliroimli which the tlnloit pole
Ulca can ho nokii on tlio hotiom, 10
12 mul 20 foot from thu nurfaeo.
HUlitli Wnmlrr Hern.
Thn Woinl Itlvor lUaln la u nutural
Kraaa pralrlo whoro the wild liny
Krnwa nnil ylclda almntlmit cropa
)rly. It la lioKlnnliitc to bo rnriuod
In a morn lutonalvo wuy.
Thn Crntor l.ako roml la crnaaod
liorc, and of courao ovory autoinotill
Ut will apoiul a Iuiik n tlmu aa la
nokalhlo on tlm rim of tliU vIkIiHi
wotidor of tlm world. Kvcry motor
11 In thl vicinity ahould alao
llarrlmmi ImiIko mid Klamath Falla.
Tlio trip from the lodgo to tho fnlla
la mndu via atonmhoat on uppor
Klamnlh l.ako. ono of tho moat
acrnlc Inland uodlon of water In tlm
world mul nhoundlnit In rnro wntor
blrda ami ralnltow trout.
Iikrtlrn Nrcila liny.
'At loaat a day ahould ho apont In
tlm vicinity of l.nkovlow, at tho uppor
fint of Uooao l.nko Valley This
KTonl valloy nt an itltltudo of 4"u0
fcot la no favored olImAllcully that
frulta. early vojtotauleii mid other
fancy product of Hut lower altitude
row hero In profusion. A IiIkIi
muiiulnlii ranito aiirroiuul thin VNlloy
o that a cllmli of 0100 feet la nreoa-'
aary to rcnoh tho Warner Valloy.
Hummer l.uko Valley, Hllver l.uko
J Valley, Callow Vulloy and the llnrnoy
Valley. Tho cllmli la a fir-'
rat, tlm ronda nro IioIiik Iniurovwd
and tlm trip will lie fount) Intouavly
ploiiaurnhln In aplto of tho hauvy
Kradea, Tlm prettleat roail out la
that to Adol nnd thu Warner l.nko
I TlioiiomitU of Spring (
Thn Hummer l.uko count r
lionirRteailed within thu lint five
yenra. It In only a matter of time
liofnro tlm I In rimy Valley will ho pro
iIiicIiik mllllaim of hushoU of tha
finest wlutut annually. The rnll
ronda nro on tho way there, nnd when
thoy come anothor empire will huve
been mlded to the productlvu nron of
our atntp.
"I" Itnnrl. la HUtorlr.
Tho Unseat of the ranchvs U that
founded by old 1'oter I'rench mid
onlled hy him the "I1" ranch. French
was assassinated by n homesteader,
but before ho was abut down lio tint
nooumulated over U0.000 ncrs or
iimndnw laud, xreen tho your round,
mid tlm key to millions of ncrva of
Krailntc lamia In tlm nearby hllln.
This eiiormotia hold In if with Its Duo
bulldliiKN. ninny of thorn dealKtied
like stately old mansion nf the aoiith,
waa acitulrod from tho French eatato
by Mr. Ilauley, who, prlur to Hint
time, had been the second larReat
loud owtiar In Central Oregon, and
ho hy virtue or his purchaao becnino
OreKou'a larxest land-owner.
Hevoral days can bo spent motor-
Iiik anionic the llanlvy ranches, and
on oim or these trips (ho autolst
ahould visit tho summit of Warner
Mountain. Ihe road to tho summit
In by an easy trade and automobile
can no rltfht to tho brink- In fact can
Co down the steep Krmlo of the west
ern side. From the brink or the
mountain Is one of the most memor
able view or Oregon. Tho drop Is
sheer 207u feet and below lie a
verltnble Inferno, tho blue water
standliiK out In sharp contrast to the
salt, todn nnd brimstone dopoilta.
Comparatively fow people have
over seen this vlow, probably not
over 20 I'ertlandora have stood at
tha rim or this profound abyss.
L'ltlmatoly tills view will bo world
rattled, a will many other. of the
scenle features of tlm Central OreKon
country, too numerous to mention
Why the Squad Laughed,
Thoe who were there when this In
cldrut hupiened aome twelve year Dfio
lifter lire or lellluu the following yitru
on I. I. C'muiimvk, naalatnut surli
teiideut or M'hoolai
I'rtife-jujr CHinimirk was vlre prlncl
pal or the (Vlilrul IiIkIi mIickjI In KMiO
or thereabout, mid the athletic move
ment hud I til to the formation of a
fool bull iuuiiil. ThenmbltlouN were led
to one uf the attttly bulla on n Frldny
nfkTiioon. where l'nifciir Cnmmuik llii'in ufti-r this fn-lilout
"I am Kind to act yon tMiya here nnd
pleaa-d to notlic (hut you nre taklnirnn
Intcreal In nthlvtlcH. I think It la a
flue tblnt lo be lnlrreted In iicnlth
fill spuria. Football will kIio you con
tlilcnre. and your xdinollnu ahould be
designed to plre you rupriilence. We
"need boy and men of viifldciiee In
thl country. In fmt. I want to make
routldoure turn out of all of you."
IVrhufM the irculul profituKir I won
dxrliiK o tld day why the fool bull
ixtiuil broke Into loud lauchtcr.Kan
sea City Journal.
Tha Hippopotamus Osserlbad.
Johnny, who hnd Imi-ii to the clrcua.
wiia ioIIIiik hla teacher about tho won.
iK-rful tldiiK he bad seen.
"An lenrher." he cried. hey had
one blc animal they called the hip
"IllplkJtiotaraua. dear." prompted Ihe
"I can't Jim any Its nnnic." czclaltu
ed Johnny, "but It looked just like 0,000
potitida of liver." Youujrtown (O.I Tel-pratu.
If You Were Offered
Would You Take It?
Would you like to rend the biggest and beat weekly farm mnjrazfne In
tho Northwest? If o, subscribe to
(Regular price $1.00 a year.) By combining with
(Regular price $1.50 a year)
You Get Both Papers for $ 1 .50
By taking advantage of this special offer you save a dollar, and get all
the farm and agricultural news of the Pacific Coast and all the local
news of your district and of all Central Oregon.
Send $ 1. CO to The Rend Bulletin today, and receive both papers for a
year, one hundred and four papers for 51.50! That's less than
and a half cents each.
Samples of both papers sent to you or your friends on request.
A Sura Sign.
"rV) he took you out nuto rldlns the
other evenlwrr
-Yea. Wuatnfltr
"Do you think be I in lore with
"1 think so I know that every time
I rpoke to him the auto tried to climb
tree or Jump a fcuee. Houston
)-- .... .-.,.-. a a . t-t-t-t tmimttiiMiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiinii t-4.4.A fj?t
..,.,,...,, "" i H ,, s)y
J --- IM IK MM MM. (jXfi)
hook Foit oim:gomanh
Tiiuuatilp blanks, nrittly Ixuintl In
tMiiika, i!3 rents at Tlm lltlllellli.
Don't wslt until holiday time tor
thoko photo cnlitrKomenta, or set or
nlbum print.
The Star Theatre will qlva nwny
tS Kotd niece enrh Friday nlKht. See
' slide for further particular.
We Have Taken Over the l-ntlrc Stock of
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
nnd nre in n position to fill orders
of any size. In uddition we carry
n full line of
Building; Material
Lime. Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
OverttirfDavisMiller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
Wedding Is Du In the Tall.
Hue-What? Back from the seashore
so aoonr Honor, now, bow many fel
low proposed to you?
I 'rue-Duly one.
Hue .Mcn-yl Only one?
I'rue It waa all that was necessarr.
It' UMtiiln In my dlctophune locked
-P In my tiarntoua.-BL LouU Itepub-
Caught It.
Vou look warm."
"I huve l-en chaslnjj n hat"
"Did your hat blow off!"
"II was nut my bat It belonged
to n pretty Klrl."
-Did you ciitcJi Itr
"Ye. My wire saw me chasing It"
-London Penny I'lrtorlal.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregc.i,
July 24th, 1912.
Notice Is hereby slvcn that Fred
erick H. Gibson, ot Laldlaw, Oregon,
who, on June 7th, 1911, made Home
stead Entry No. 090S6, for SV4SWU.
Sec 2, and SKUSEU. Section 3,
Township 1C South. Range 11 East.
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice
of Intention to make commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before H. C. Ellis,
V. a. Commissioner, at hi office, at
Uend, Oregon, on the 11th day of
September, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses
Department of the Interior. IT. 8.
Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon.
July 22nd, 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that Ed
ward A. Knotts of Bend, Oregon, who
on October 3rd, 1910. made Desert
Land Entry. No. 07609, ror SEU
SWU, SH8EU. Sec 14, and NEU
NV, NWKXEU. 8ectlon 23, town-
nnip 18 south, range 12 east, Wil
lamette Meridian, baa filed notlco of
Intention to make desert proof, lo
establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before II. C. Ellis, U. a Com
missioner, at his office at Uend, Ore
gon, on tho 10th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses;
. Fmi.t nirMti wiiiimm. At.t,i
-' ..... . . .... w..M.. 1. ...wu 11 UU IU.
. -. .' xc .... l.... .. .. i.ri. . .
j n.,w.m.M.-. . ,,,. .uru '. i Charles D. Howe and Levi D. Wlcst.
QUI Co. Stcrllo Kryrear, Walter Peterson. aIl of Dend. Ore-ton.
"The Guardians of tho Columbia"
Is the title of a new book by John II.
William of Tacoma. the author of
"Tho Mountain That Wna God." Tho
latter waa a literary and pictorial
account or Mt. Kalnler; n beautiful
Ditto boot., Admirably written and
dolUhtrully illustrated, it told the
story ot tho great mountain In a way
that won thousands ot reader all
over the country. Tho new book,
regarding the mountain and forests
that flank tho Columbia river. Is of
even greater iuterest to Oregonians.
It contains over 200 flno Illustrations,
eight ot them In color, and a tascl
tinting account of the region.
Tho prices nre: In flexible leather
i-.'.cu postpaid, ciotn, si CO; paper
10.83. Tacoma, Wash.,
William. Publlshor. J. K.
Portland distributor for Oregon. j 21-25 C W. MOORE. Register. 21-25 C W. MOORE, Register.
A Frlandly 8uggastlon.
"I wont to sjieuk to you a one of
tuo plain people"
"Don't do It." replied Former Corn
tnasel. "You want to -enllxe Unit times
have clintiKttl mid n proapornu nurlrnl-
turlat looks on blmelf na somebody
rather speclal'-Washlu-jtun Star.
Auto Enthusisits,
"There I n tuuu In our block who
drove hla wife from home Inat night,
nud before nil the uelghborx too."
"Wlmt n brute!"
"She didn't think so. He was trylnc
their new cur."-Hnliluiort Amerliun.
Nolsalass Operation.
BtibbiilM I'll KiiNIi ciiiiIiik' my lawn
when I -U't home this eveulm;.
Nnybor-Flnlsh! 1 didn't know you'd
begun uu It,
BubhuliH Ob. yes. I rnn my eve over
It thl mornliijf.-Uoitun Trauscrlpt.
Joy at Living,
Blobbs We nre u tuition nf runti
PrehlKturlc inim was much Inruer thun
wo lire.
Slobbs-Wcll. for my part I would
much rnther ben runt tlmu be cr or
prehistoric. Philadelphia ItnortL
New Model
WhyThay Lov Him.
Mrs. Ileubtim-AII thu world loves it
lover, .
lenhiim-Huref A man enn bu popu.
lur any. time If he ts wllllmr to make a
foul of lilniNPtr.-New YorK Olnbo.
Not Rssllstio.
Pntlence Wn the burn dance In the
piny renllntlc?
Patrice No: they cut out tho turkey
trot nnd the swan glide Youkcrs
. EJ T rr.wyt.'iY.j-'m.iyLa' Ht s nMWZ. HMrMw 1 wmwviry
eSSKm&MSWffiSJt SaaklMSaBaB'1
CafSaBaflBi4J& Bni "'MHHvPPiBasaH II
WyW II II XmjW km I TAal ih Royal Sundird Typcwiitar
gfVV Bl l W jyAm I V U nude c( the lucbet grade ma. f
uX. kwJi IH flS fl ttralt obuuiuble and by tha i
flrftS. VMi3J II aVStV. lsKf mMt luU'u' wotkroen money
Bj2jJJ5jaj3S lnth of Uma al la
' xom for upkeep Uun M
fYwrnwrnitmrn hHI
TF you seek up-to-dateness in typewriter improvement, the New Model S Royal
I oilers the I wo Color Ribbon device, Tabulator Hack-spacer, Tiltintf Paper
Table, I linked I'npcr Fingers and other feature? (many exclusively our
own), which place the Uoyal unquestionably in the lead. i
II simplicity and durability ol cooitrucnon te ippcrmot to vou, irnxmber the Ro-al hat leu parti, snd
leu might thin oibei undard tvpeivrnert, wlulc iu tucngth and iudtne ic uch Uui a Royal Typewriter
lu never v worn out in icj.oiiablc icrvicc
II vou iudjte a tvpenritei bv n tion, vou will find in tre Royal a delicacy and h'ghtncM of touch combined
with petted alignment ami marveloy. ironiloidtng poei, wluvh will meet the moil exacting iccpiiiementi
Old miitake sic avoided, and new efficiency added, in the Royal. Let ut prove our lUtcmcnt, jou'll find
the piool inicietung
'Phone or write for "The Royal Book" and Free demonstration of New Model S
Price $75- . '
No extras