The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 28, 1912, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    'jrAffta io.
THR flRND. JHIMiKtn, hiNi. wwiwromAv. Awh't JW. Wtft.
It docs not require n lot of cnpltal to
become a breeder of pur bred entile,
provided a persou can bo satisfied to
crow lu the business rntlier than ro
Into It, says Hoard's Dalrymnu. The
first thine to decide ta what breed
meets a person' taste and conditions
best. When this point Is settled theu
a bull of Rood breeding should be se
lected ami bred to the herd uud calves
raised from the beat cows. The rais
ing of crude cnlves will give the own
er a wider experience and help hliu
understand some of the fluer points
concerning the rearing of special bred
dairy cattle,
, The knowledge gained by raising and
developing grades will le very help
ful when a pure bred heifer or two are
purchase as foundation stock for a
pure bred herd. The Information gulli
ed by the care of grades will not only
be useful, but the selection of a bull
will give an experience, at least It
should, that cannot bo gained lu any
other way. This step of selecting a
bull places the dairy farmer In touch
with the breeds of dairy cattle, nnd
he Is awakened to the fact that there
Is a great difference In bulls. A pure
Dr. A. U OoluW, cyeslgTit special
1st of Tho Dalles, will bo at tho llcnd
Hotel, ltond, Friday nnd Saturday,
August 30-31. to examine eyes and
fit rIrsscs. As tho only exclusive
optician of threo counties, pornin
imntlv bu-Aied. ho has had a lnriro
ami successful practice. It you want
work guaranteed to bo tho best con
suit him. 243G
1 .JMT " BV M 1,1
Tou cannot grad up a dairy hrd
with th Introduction of unknown
milk blood any mora than you can
Jump over tho moon. Thcra Is no
Uf in arsuln loasr on this point.
ThU la a truth wo must accept,
Tb effort and experlcnca of tha
past prvcludo tbe ponlblllty of sue
cess by aueh means. It w art to
Brads up the dairy htrd It can ba
only through tha us of aires which
hav known dairy breeding In their
veins. Tb pur bred Dutch belted
bull ihown herewith la a One specU
men of th breed. Many cow of
this breed hav mad great records
for both milk and butter.
bred bull is a great educator, for be Is
the means of leading men to think and
With one or two good heifers It re
quires but a few years to build up a
good herd of pure bred cattle. In the
selection of pure bred heifers pains
should be taken to select good animals,
but greater care should be exercised In
the selection of the bull, for It is
throngb the bull the herd (s improved
In other words, the bull has an Influ
ence on every calf born In the herd,
while the cow Influences but one calf a
year. ' It therefore becomes the great
est Importance for a dairy farmer to
select a well bred and good breeding
I To summarize briefly the steps to be
taken by a dairy farmer wjio desires
to become a breeder of pure bred cat
tle: First, select the breed that Is pre
ferred and meets conditions best; sec
ond, select a welt bred bnll and when
possible one that has proved himself a
getter of good stock; third, when
finances and experience will penult
bay a pure bred belfer or two. and
frxra these animals grow into pure
bred a.
Raiting Fall Pigs.
White we know some exceedingly
successful farmers who do not favor
the 'practice of raising fall pigs, yet
we bold the opinion that under certain
circumstances the practice is advisa
ble, says tho Iowa Homestead. We do
not favor raising two Utters In a year
from a gilt, but It Is no hardship In
the case of the mature sow. The Item,
of greatest Importance In this connec
tion Is pointed out In the above com-'
niunlCMtlon, nnd It relates to the sleep
ing quarters that must be used. The
fall pig cannot take pot luck and come
through with a profit for his owner.
Individual bog houses may tc used to
excellent. ndrantnr. so that expen
sive quarters are' uot an absolute ne-
'Ceislty. The man who raises, hay. 100
spring pics ought to be aide to carry j
through one-third of this number ojf. i
fall pigs. On the Intter an Income Is
realized at a time when there are few
other forma of farm produce to umr- i
ket. so that In this way. we tnlirht say, I
It Is carrying but the Idea of rotation
of Income.
Treatment For Foot Rot.
A lame sheep should be Immediately
examlm-d. If it's u stone wedded in
tho hoof take it out or festering nnd
loss of hoof may result. If the foot
Is hot. moist and smell" bad It Is foot
rot. Trim the hoof thoroughly and ap
ply a solution made its follows; Four
ounces nitric add. three ounce of pul
verized blue vitriol, two ounces of sul
phate of potuHti. one ounce of verdigris
nnd ten. ounce of ruin water. 1'ut the
sheep on a plowed Held or anywhere so
thitfoot won't bo kept wet from dew
-and rain on the grans. Rational Stock
man, 8cours In Pigs.
, A j good remedy for scours In pigs
consists In dissolving n chunk of quick'
llmo as big as your two tints In a'
.bucket of water. Htlr well and allow
It to settle, dive from one to two
quarts of the clear liquid to each sow"
dally at feeding time, twlco a day If
jiecessary, Hegin soon after farrow,
lug time, nnd give two or three times
a. week as a preventive,
Thn llm.l ItrlrW t'ninnnnv ilnalms
Ito call special attention to tno nil-
vantages of using brick fur cistern
nnd similar work. It Is tho most
economical and tho most satis
factory material, 23tt
Department or tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Olllcc at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
August S, 1012.
Notice Is hereby given that Martha
Good, of Hond, Oregon, who, on No
vomber 3, 1910, mado homestead
entry, No. 07664, for N4 BBW, NH
8V4. Bectlon 30, Township 19
South, Itange 15 r.'nst, Willamette
Meridian, has filed uotlco of Inten
tion to make Commutation proof, to
establish claim to the land nbovo de
scribed, before 11. C. Kills), United
States Commissioner, at his office at
lleud, Oregon, ou tho 20th day of
September. 1912,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Geo. Mtllloan, O. C. Uenkle, F. E.
Kopper, and U. N Hoffman, alt of
llcnd, Oregon.
23-2.7 Ileglstor.
Department of tho Interior, U, 8,
Land Otllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
July 17th, 1013.
Notlco Is hereby given that Oconto
W, Trlplott, of lleud, Oregon, who, on
February 8th, 1909, mailo homostcud
entry No. 04488, for lots 1, 2, .1 and
N12U NWU, Section 31, Township
20 South, ltango 11 East, Wlllnmotto
Meridian, has tllud notice nt Inten
tion to make threo year proof, to
establish clnlm to tho laud above de
scribed, before II. C. Kills, V. B.
Commissioner at his otllco nt lloml,
Oregon, on tho a 1st day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses!
Oeorgo V. Shrlner, Frederick lluoy.
Martin J. Main and Hubert U. Cnhb
wall, nil of Demi. Oregon.
20-24 C. W. MOOUK, Ileglstor
Notice Is hereby given that senlcd
proposals will bo received nt tho
otllco of tho City Recorder, (lend,
Oregon, up to six (C) o'clock 1. M.
on Tuesday, tho 24th day of Sep
tember, 1913, for tho purchase of
.Municipal llouds of tho City of llcnd,
Oregon. Said llouds are lu the sum
of JCO.OOO par valuo, Issued In de
nominations of $1000, nnd Issued for
tho purposo of constructing a sower
system nnd nuthnrlied by voto nt n
special uloctlun hold in tho City of
llcnd on tho 2011' day of July, 1912.
Bald bonds nr' nntcd September 1st,
1912, and hot.r Interest at a rntn not
exceeding six (d) percent per milium
Interest payable 'semHinntmlly.
Hnlil bonds mature September 1st,
19.11. Interest nnd prlnMtml pay
ablo nt llontl. Oregon, or the Oregon
Fiscal Agency In Now York City.
Said bonds arq Issued nnd to bo sold
In accordance with tho provisions of
tho Charter of tho City of ltmul.
1'roposnls for said bonds shall
atnto tho rate of Interest on which
tho proposal Is based.
Knoli proposal must bo arcompau
tod by a certified check In the sum of
One Thousand ($1000 00) Dollars,
mado paynblo to tliu City Treasurer
of the City of lloml. na n guarantee
of tho good faith of the. bidder.
Tho City reserves tho right tu re
ject any or all bids.
Hy order of the Common Couurll
of tho City of (lend, Oregon, dated
July 20th, 1012. First publication
July 24th. 1912.
(1. 1. PUTNAM. Mayor.
H. C. KI.U8. Recorder.
In Justice's Court for Rend Product
No. 3. Crook County, Oregon,
Mrs. Nclllo Wright. Plaintiff, vs,
J, 13. Kolley, Defendant.
To J. U, Kolloy, tho nbovo immod
In tho nnmo of tho stntn of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
npponr nnd answer Iho complaint
filed against you lu tho nbovo un
titled action mi or before October
1st, 1912. mid If you fall to so
answer the plaintiff wilt talto Judg
ment against )uti for tho jnlni do
mnndsd tu her complaint herein, to
wn for the sum or $20,110, besides
tho cost mid disbursements of this
This stwnmoiiH Is ordered to bo
served upon ou by Ihu publication
thereof In Tho lleud llullotlu. a
weekly newspaper puhllslied In Crook
County, Oregon, by tho order of J.
M. Lawrence. Justice of tho nbovo
untitled Court; said order being
daled August 0th, 1912, date of llrst
publication August 7th, 1911,
length or publication six suooosslwi
Dated August 7th, 1912.
C. 8. llri.NBON,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
j m. i.a wrench.
Justice of tliu Poncu for
Rend, Precinct No. 3,
22-27 Crook County, Oregon.
RACES $3000
Tho Animal Wrtncoitntl Hooil Itlver
Comity Fnlr will lu luilil at Tlu
OiiIIoh, Octnlmr 1, 2, II, ), 11)12.
This KxlilliltlonwIllcoinprltK) horse,
cuttle, aliocp, nwlno, poultry, farm
protlucta, fruit, flowcrn. iiiorclinn.
iIIho, iimnufiicturt'H, niacliltiory, wo
man's work, art, children's exhibits
of nrt untl Kiinlctilnu;, Hpeeil con
losts, novel attractions and enter
talnnionta Unit will tleklo you very
muclily. Cotmt aiul havo tho Iksi
tltnu of your life, ami you will llvu
llfty yt-nra lorw-r. DON'T F().
JUDDS. F1HII, H'cty.
A two horsepower Falrliauki
Morse gasolltto eiiRinn for sain nt n
great bargain at the lleud IhtrdMHM
Company's store. In first class con
dition, tt
The Itiillctln tins n supply of appll.
cation blanks for hunting llreiues
whlrli anyone ran secuit. by railing
nl this olllrc.
The BEST all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can be
produced. Made in bothlRO
The rotary makes both
Lock and Cbitfn, stitch. The
latest up to the minute steel
attachments with each ma
chine. Sold on easy payments.
Send name and address for
our beautiful H. T. catalogue
White Sewws Machine Co.
1400 Market Street
San Francisco, California.
There are several hundred
TT Development
44 pages of interesting
articles about Bend and
Central Oregon. More
than 10 0 illustrations.
Wrapped for mailing.
Get in your orders while
they last and send them
to your friends ill the East
a Copy
That New Steel Comity Bridge
Will Conned Bend Direfl With
Do you know what the new bridges across the
Willamette have done to the prices of East
Side Portland property?
Well, prices of East Side Portland property.,
have doubled and tripled during the last few
Has it occurred to you that this new bridge
across the Deschutes into the very center
of KenW00(J will greatly increase the value
of all the splendid residence property there?
And do you realize that our prices are 30 per
cent lower than those of any residence proper
ty the same distance from the center of the
business center of town? And that our terms
are the easiest offered? And do you know that
Kenwood' is the best view property in Bend?
And do you know that there is a first class
water service in Kenwood, many blocks of
sidewalk and many attractive homes?
Prices of Kenwood Lots will be advanced
10 per cent on September 1st.
I. "r' ' M UV
Corner of Wall and Oregon Streets