The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 28, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
' . n
NO. 25.
i .i
I '
f T W fl srt I I srt srt I f f
mm buuutbb
HiiiIkimi mitl HmWilll of limit t'lioiru
I ,(! up Trriuurcr nml Hwrrfurjr.
Coiinly Com (n iiroirlatc
I'tiutln for the Work.
Tho convi'tilloti of (ho Central Orc
Ktin l)ovloimnt Iaguu held t
Lukuvlow last wt'ok provoil tnoit sue
restful both In olnt of nltcmlnc
nml In the sccornpllshtncnts of tlio
) scnlon. That Uakevlew msde nu
xrivlnliltt record m an oiitortnlnnr I
tiilhuslnstlrnlly W-stMed by nil who
hntl thn Rood furtutiti to ti tho
Kuest of tho huiltablo southern
' town.
That lltnd wm nctlvuly rnrecnt-
, -d, bii (I that tho )fnd'rlilt of tho
town U recoxnlicd by the losfcuars,
U shown by tlio fact that two of tho
I wont lniKirUiil offlcm fell to lltinU
men V H. Hudson, cashier of the
First National llank, wai chosen
I treasurer, nml J. B. Hawhlll re-elect-ed
a secretary, na which he remalna
the salaried mauaicer of tbe urisaul
The other offlcera elected were!
President, William llnnley; vice
( iirraldciit, J. W. Ilrower of Itedmond;
JudKo W H, Worden of Klamath
I alia, l)r Daly of UVevlew; honor
ary vice-presidents, (I. F. Johnaon.
. W K Coinan, C. ).. Builth and C. C.
Secretary ApKlneil.
It wan decided to have the secrc-
J tary hereafter niiolnt'd by tho ex
' ..,.. . .. ft.i.... i-...-
f uiitv iHinru uiaivau ui iniu,. ciw
rd, na formerly, nnd to hold office
.intv aa lutiir ai Ma wnrk ttrnved
l' S aatlafarfnrv In (tin board. Thn
amount of aulary for thn aecrctary
hna not aa yet been decided iion.
It wna also voted to do awny with a
headquarter for tho enauInK year.
j Inaainuch aa there aeemed reason to
Mleve that the appointment of one
place headiiuartera created cauae for
' jealouay on the part of other towna.
Klnmnth Falls waa awarded the next
i annual meellnic, tho exnet date to bo
aet Inter.
Thn moat Important accomplish-
t ment reported at tho convention waa
the action of the county courta of
Crook, Harney, l-ake and Klamath
rountlea In appropriating each f 1000
to maintain the operutlona of the
lenguo during- the year. These an-
proprlntlona weru mnde under .',, oWwl AaUKhlvr ot Mr,
provlalona of a recent enactment of
. the iPKlaUtura nrrnillllnic county m-,c "m" ,0 JuUu Ko
i pendlluro for publlolty puriKinea. The, the home of the brldo'a pnrenta,
expenditure of thin fund will bo madul The wtddliiR waa an Informal af-
j at tho dUcrctlun of tho executlvo fnr ,,(tnacd uy few outaldo of tho
I'"0" llmiucdlato family. Tho Hcv. John
Many ltrohitlniiN l'ni.r(t. ' Williams of I'rlnuvllle wua tho olllcl-
' AmotiK tho Imiiortunt reaolutlona! ntlnK clervyman. Mr. and Mra.
pnssed at tho convention waa one
. heartily endorsing tho courro out
lined by Governor West for tho com
pletion of tho Columbia Southern
Irrigation project near l.aldlnw with j
state school funds, tho latter to bo'
The Golden Rule
A YOUNG FARMER went to his
" bunker a, short time ago nnd asked
to borrow $1100.00. After consulting the
depositors ledger and noting' the condi
tion of said farmer's- account the banker
snids "Alright sir, you can have it. I
observe that while your account is not
large, yet it has been gradually increas
ing, which shows that you are succeeding.
I also note that you are apparently doing
all your business with us, which shows
that you are our. friend, and we always
feel like helping our friends." Was the
banker's conclusion logical? This bank
preaches and practices the Golden Rule.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
'Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
8. MOHHIS LAUA, President V. O. MINOR, Secretary
It, M. LARA, Caihler
n. l'HRRHM., P. O. MINOR, U. M. LARA,
returned from the I
land aulea.
Tho llnriiiouy Knod
Indorsed. A ri'Ao!
tlio Ins of Clinrlo II. Mer.rlck, mid
beiirliiK testimony to his Krent popu
larity mid atntowluo worth, wna
apreiul iiMiii the Itiluutw. Tlio road
building nnd other activities of the
county court of Klnmuth county wore
Indorsed, na wna tlio atutewida work
of tho O. A. C.
Ktntv participation hi nml nld to
OrtKon Irrliottlon projc-ct waa In
doraed, while mttlonul notion along
the aumv Hues, or cooperation of
atnto nnd nation, wna cenaured,
Olio of the lui)ortuul speeches nt
the convuiitlou wna made by C. H.
Huileon. Ita subject inuttur will bo
publlahvd next weuk,
Hrntlle lrtirloiiUtt Near One
liiindml HtrtniK, "Will lrc(-rml I'jioi
Toun on llrt'oril HlKlifMeliiK Trip.
Tho Q..W. It. A N.-llond Fork
Company "Hcti'l Hpeclal" from Bo
attle, Tacoum nnd I'urtlond will ar
rive Kunday evenliiK, probably at
alout all o'rlock. Clone to 100 ex
curalonlala will come on It. and nil
will remain hern until teu o'clock
Monday ovcnlm?.
A slight chnnico of plana haa been
made, whereby tliu train, Instead of
comlnrt th round without alopa and
nrrlvlnx earlier In the nfternoon, will
atop for half nn hour at Metollua and
at Hedmund, giving the vlaltora nn
opportunity to aeo tho demonatratlon
farina at theae placea.
Monday will be devoted to aoclnit
tho town and adjacent polnta of
Intereat. A picnic lunch will be
aerted bealdo tho river, uinr.tlio Hoy
Hcouta' lodKo, Inatend of at the top
of I'llot llutte, na nt flrat comldored.
An opportunity will be kIvvii all who
dcilro to acalo tho butto and enjoy
the inaKnlllcint view.
In the evenliiK n bumtuet will be
Klven to nit the vUltora and a lnrpo
nuuiler of local bualneaa men, all
beltiK KUetta of W. 1). Chenoy. While
tho oxnet number of thoao who will
be prMut hna nut yet bwn deter
mined, It la probablo more than 1C0
will pnrtlclpate, thua mnklmc tho
affair the larxcat or Ita kind In Hend'a
hlatory- The meal will be nerved In
tho old hall over lara'a atoro.
Tho llend band will meet tho train
upon Ita arrival Huuday. having
Keneroualy offered to contrlbuto Ita
aervlcva townrda maklnx the recep
tion of tho Ultora aa pleaaant aa
llauKhtrr of Itrntl People Itecoinm
llrlilc of JuIIuk Kortpinn.
I.nt Wcdneaday evenlns occured
tho iimrrlBKe of Mlia Helena M Do-
and Mra.
Kortmnn, at
Kortmnn will mnko their homo In
llend. Mr. Kortmnn has been with
tho llend Milling & Warehouse flour
mill prnctloslly since Ita founding
here, nnd will contlnuo to work for
his fathor-lu-lnw, Mr. Hotel).
::ir:::::i n ENGINEERS
utlon ' deploring ill III LIlUIIILLIIU
Activity of llnrrlmnn Force Kore-
riiniHT of Hill Ihmtcrn Itond
Coiutriictlon From lU-iui,
In t li o I'redlcllon.
Friday a Inrfto party of 10 OrcKon
Bhurt Mne aurveyora arrived In a
kh'cIiiI enr that l.roiiRht them from
Halt l.nkn City, and the following day
went from hero aouth, preaumnbly
to tho vicinity of Creacent.
Tho objective work of tho engl-
neora apparently la tho final location
of tho Harrlmnn eaat-and-weat line
that. It haa been announced for two
veara, will como weatward from the
Malheur Canyon to connect with tho
Matron Cutoff and tho mulu Central
Oregon north-and-nouth lino near
Creicont. it la understood tnat a
final location of the prooacd rond
haa been completed fur aotno time
weit aa far aa Tho Narrows, In liar
ney county.
Another engineering party. It la
reported, la working weatward from
Tho Narrows. A conalderablo quan
tity of auppllea haa been ahlpped from
hero recently to Crescent, Indicating
that work thereabout la destined to
continue for aomo tlrno. It la be
lieved that while one party la work
ing caatward from the Creacent
country another la to survey tho lino
north to llend, here connecting with
tho llarrlnian ljeachutcs rond.
Will HelirfH Mend.
While audi an eastern outlet would
bo vaatly ImiKirtant to Hend, In that
It would menu direct connection with
middle western lumber markets, Ita
greatest Importance locally la thnt Ita
construction undoubtedly will haaten
the building of the Hill eastern line
from this point, which haa been aur-
vuyed for over a year. Mon familiar
with the lumbering nnd genernl ship
ping business point out that tho Hill
Intercata acarcely could afford to al
low their competitor to tap the Des
chutes timber exclusively, aa would
bo tho case If the Harrlman line
alone aupplled n direct eastern outlet.
Tho lumber, nil agreo, will supply
tho great nnd moat profitable brunt
of nil tho shipments from this region
fur yeara to come, nnd thoso familiar
with railroad affair predict that
activity on tho Hill east road from
hend will bo announced very ahortly.
Tho Second Field Artillery of tho
United States Army la in camp at the
Warm Springs Indian Reservation
now having tnrgct practice About
47C men are participating, and they
will spend several months there.
They nrrlved last Friday, hiking In,
They came from tho barracka at Van
couver, Waah.
Wo ilealre to extendi our sincere
thanka to all thoe who mmlnteO lu
extinguishing the lire In our building
Maturttny night.
may always be expected from a square
dealer. We deal in Squares and every
other essential for Carpenters and other
handicraftsmen., And the tools we
sell are all on the square, accurate,
strongly made and of the very best
and most reliable materials. All trades
supplied with all necessary tools. Also,
we carry general Hardware lines of the
best qualities at most satisfactory prices.
Also Full Line of Builders Supplies,
Sash, Doors, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc.
N. P. Smith
Mori Tim n 91200 !tnl.rl nt Tvto
Service Sunday lr. K. II. Todd
of Knleni I'rrnrliew Mention -Kill
flee In of lite lluupilow Type.
Dedicatory services opening the
new Methodist church building were
held Hunday, large congregations
being present both morning nnd eve
ning. Bubscrlptlons amounting to
mora thnn $1200 wcro pledged, as
suring tho board of trustees enough
to pay not only for tho building It
self but also for excellent furnish
ings. Dr. K. II. Todd of Willamette Uni
versity, Salem, was present and In
charge of the services, preaching tho
dedicatory sermon.
Tho building waa practically com
pleted, although pews were not yet
Installed. Thesa will be put In
within the next mouth, the church
officials being In communication with
various furniture houses. Until
then chairs will be used.
Tho .Ladles' Aid Moclety haa sub
scribed fundsfor the purchase of a
handsome piano and for carpeting
the church. A pulpit haa been built
by W. II. 11. Williams na a donation.
The building la located on the hill
near tho J. N. Hunter home, at the
corner of Ohio street and Olympic
unco, ii is ui in uuurbiow xypo.
It Is plastered, well lighted and the
acoustic qualities are good. The
seating capacity la about 275.
Tho cost of tbe building Itself waa
niKJui luuw anu wun mo lurnisn-
inga win represent an investment of
more than 1COO,
At both services Sunday subscrlp
tlona were taken, tho total being
about $1225. Thla with tbe I&00
previously subscribed give the
church truateea 172G. -
Tho other Protestant denomina
tions Joined with the Methodists In
the dedication, there being no ser
vices by the Presbyterians or Ilap
tlata in the morning.
Work on the now ateel county
bridge that will span, tbe Dcschujts
at Hend waa commenced Monday.
All the ateel for the big atructure haa
arrived. M. J, Uanlelson, who was
superintendent of the construction
of the Hend Compnny'a power dam,
will bo In charge of tbe erection of
tho bridge.
G. W. I a) rimer I'ralsea Hend'a Sub.
ktnntlal Grout It During Year.
O. W. Lorlmer and K. 1). Miller,
the forruor of Plqua, Ohio, nnd tbe
latter from Chicago, were guests of
D. E. Hunter here last week. Mr.
Lorlmer la a atock holder in the,
Itond Company and Mr. Miller n con-
"You people who llvo hero enn
really npjirtclHto tho trcmendoii
velopment that hna taken plnc
Ing the Inat year," Mid Mr. fxirlntor.
who haa not been In Itond nlhee last
Mnreh. "Why. when 1 waa hero fce-
foro the station was not hulltf there
wasn't n house i-nat of the tnaeka In
Center Addition; thoro wnan't n
atone or brick bulld'ng. And now
tho trackn nro laid, the splendid
depot and tho big wnrehoure are
operating, nnd thero nro scores of
homes In Center Addition and else
whero where twelve months ago thero
were none. Tho construction of per
manent builnes blocks also Is re
markable. In fact, I never saw a
healthier dr more promising growth
In my life. Nothing can hold the
town back now."
Chemical Engine dm Hmm Have
Htrucfure, Getting nt FUme Karly
Dancers Itecomc Firemen.
Fire which wna discovered ahortly
before midnight Saturday In the First
National Hank building wag prevent
ed from totally destroying tbe
atructure only by the prompt work
of volunteer Ore-fighters. As it was.
a damage variously estimated at from
J1G00 to 2S00 waa effected, a
considerable portion of it from water,
for na tho flame apparently had
made their way between practically
all the walls It waa necessary to turn
a lot of water on to get at them. The
bank and other occupanta lost con
siderable In the way of stationery
Tho fire undoubtedly etarted In
tbe hall In tho northeast corner of
tho tmtliilntr. nnnn whlnh thn nfflm nf
c. B. Uenson opens. There was a
,mal, pno of ,tove wood tnore andf
prouawy, aomo trash. While no
definite theory can be ndvnnced. It
aecma probable that a cigar or cigar
ette atump thrown there slowly Is
nited. The flaraea seem to have
IDre.d into .j,- .... hanV room. .nd
up through the walla. So far aa la
known, no one had been In that part
of the building since 6 o'clock.
The chemical engine did very
efficient service, and to the prompt
work effected with It the saving of
the building la probably duo. Aa a
dance waa progressing at Llnster'a
Hall a lot of men got to the flro
Sunday morning another little
blme got under way In tbe south east
corner of tbe second floor, when a
window fell down upon a box of
matches. Tom Murphy, who waa
reeling up hose below, saw the flames
sad got to tbem beforo additional
damage was done.
The First National Dank owna the
building, which la not transferred to
G. P. Putnam until the time of the
bank's removal to Ita new quarters,
probably in November. The building
will bo thoroughly repaired da soon
aa the Insurance la adjusted.
Final decision hna been made by
tho Presbyterian Church offlcera as
to the materia) to be used in their
new building. It will be of stone.
Torkel Swanaon'a bid of fl,G00 for
tbe stone work waa accepted. The
walla are to be of llend pink rock.
quarled close to town, and tho foun
dation of lava rock.
aultlng engineer.
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. OOC, Prttldnt t A. 8ATHER, Vic Prildnl
O. 8. HU080N. CM.r
Capital fully paid ... S38.000
Stockholder' liability OJS.OOO
Surplus .... . SO. COO
Much of tho success of this bank is due to
tho many friends it has among the farmers of
this community. Wo thank them for their
past favors and hope to be of service in tho
A good crop year means a good business
year. Agriculture and finance go hand in
hand and neither can be efficient without tho
other. Wo shall try to hold our end up by
standing back of our farmers to the full ex
tent possible.
Whether in safeguarding your funds or
in lending money to tide over tho "tight"
places in tho year's work, we shall always
treat farmers impartially and with courtesy.
Three Grade to Iks Taken Care of'lit
Tltett Klevcn Teacher Have
Ueen Kmployed to fnatrurt Heml
Children Thl Year, i
The 1912-13 session of tho Bend
public school will open' next Tuesday
morning, September 3; with a teach
ing force of eleven and probably the
largest flrat-day enrollment ever re
corded. Threo new buildings havo been
completed on tbe ground and are
ready for occupancy. They are lo
cated north of the main building and
only a abort distance away. They
will be used by the fourth, fifth aad
sixth grades. Tho buildings were
constructed at a cost of $415 each,
and at the rate of rent which the
school board paid last term for the
room it rented, $16 a month, they
will practically pay for themselves In
three years. They are well built and
comfortable houses, with plenty bf
light. Tbe district haa enough desks
to furnish them now, but more
furniture will be put In as tbe enroll
ment demands.
Teaching Force of Klevcn,
All the teachers for the year hare
been elected, eleven In all. This Is
two more than last session. The
following Is the staff:
Principal J. B. Shouse.
High School Ethel Uorden and
Dorothy Schoolcraft.
Eighth grade Eva Huntington.
Seventh Katherino Trautner.
Sixth' Kathryn Uyan.
Fifth Mrs. Clara' Allen.
Fourth Ethel Holmes.
Third Mrs. J. II. Bittncr.
Second Harriet Dolsen.
First Martha Sldner.
Prof. Shouse and Misses Borden,
Trautner, Holmes and Sldner taught
here last year and Miss Dolsen the
year previous. Miss Huntington
comes from Kelso. Wash., 'and Miss
Ryan from Grants Pass, Ore. Mes
dames Allen and Bittner reside In
Get Another Examination.
Prof. Shouse has sent notice to all
the members of last year's eighth
grade who failed In their examina
tions that another trial will be given
them on Thursday and Friday of the
first week of school.
Mr. Shouse has also Issued the fol
lowing notice:
"High School pupils are requested
to call at the school house Kriday
afternoon of this week to effect regis
tration. Pupils of grades below the
High School may call on Saturday to
obtain information concerning books
or grades to which they belong."
One High School girl may obtain
work in exchange for her board in a
prlvato family by seeing Mr. Sbouso.