The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1912, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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rF '
llinitu lijr Wity nf MrKmrle I'iim on
IU IVr (Viu (Iritis IWIIilr,
Sii) IliiKlncvr After Care.
fill ItcriiiiniilNnniit'P.
ICl'OKNK, Or., Aiir. 10 In view
(if mini) rerun t illncimnlnn of nmlor
Iiik scrim tlm (.'(lHciuloH, tlin roport
tf CiiKlnonr Itnlpli Hunt, who linn
Just rotnrnml from h recmuiojiiniico
it tliu npiiur iKirtluu of tain Mo
Kunl 1'iiitH tiiiul, lit of particular
lntori'itt, especially nn his report
ttliiiuit how, hy (hn (ixpnintltiiru of it
umiimrativcir riiirII nmouiit, on
h iinniolillo roml with n iiuklmmn
yrrtilo of 12 pur colli In olitnlnuliliv
Mr limit wnn hi rod by l.nnn county
in look tlm c(iu n try ovor nml rnpnrt
on tlm runnlhlllty of oIiiiiirIiik tlm
piHjii'iit roml nml 11U0 on tlm ilo
ilrliiy of stirvoyliiK n now roml.
Thin iiiovnmonl lit Hindu n thn rcniilt
01 nn iiRrvomont uiitoreil Into nuvurnl
0'i'flm ii no with Crook county for pro
vlillnic proper lilnliwny acron tlm
,!cnilitn. Crook rouuty lids already
provided n nplcudld roml up tlm
iHutrn nlopo of tlm Cncaili'ii, nml n
ow cIiniirck will innko I.niio county'
Nlmrti Kmiit,
Alter thornuRli InvestlKntlon, Mr.
Iluut recommends tlm rutcntlon of
tlm prrmmt rond by way of l)t
rrrok I'nnn, hut Im nulmiltn t-atlinntoa
tin tlm cost of puttliiK a road noroM
the 11111111111 hy wny of tlm "Old Hrott
trail," nml tlm "llnud l.nxu anil Mo
KtHitlo 1'nnn" niuto.
Hunt Mm km Hiiniinnry.
Inasmuch nit tiutiiiiinhlle nro ditlly
iimkltiK trlH to McKuiixlo HrlilRn nml
lUlkimp nml I'oloy HprliiK. 0 nml
morn ihIIpn from Kurkiki, Mr. Hunt
nummary of tirade ovor tlm nuinuill
In of lutnrtHit to iniiliirUl. IIkIii
iiIiik at milt' Mwt No. 10, which U
Y.i mllen oantorly from Kiikwiio. nt nu
kWvntlon of SUOU fuit. as compnriHl I
"im r.iiKHiiuB tuu, .ii r. iiiiiii nun
'm'"iiiui nmaiiuua nun Krauw.
(JliT lonow.
Mllo pout feet
In foot
por mllo
31 2090
31 , 3260 300
I3 2400 210
31 2X20 330
.31 .,., 3200 380
30 3S60 300
37 3960 410
1S . , 4IC0 CO
39 4770 310
40 4790 20
'41 4..4MC0 00
42 E07fi 22S
,43 6100 26
41 tltO f.0
4U H340 200
Jim! 1310 10
Mllllrnn Rrndo, Ktrnwberry onnynu
nnd Dond Homo Hill onoli prenout
heavy Rrndo to tlm motorlit, In
miiiio canes n inuoli nn 15 pur cont,
J.ui nccordliiK to Mr. Hunt' plnn
tho Mllllrnn Rrndo enn ho hrotiRht to
17 por cent nl n cont of $500. In
.Htrnwhorry Cnuyon 1000 foot of rond
will hnvo to Imllt to tlm northwnrd of
proncnt rond. Tlm oxpomllturv of
'JD30 will rod urn tlm Rrndo from V
For plowing, threshing, hulling, hauling, shredding, husking, sawing,
pumping, etc.
We have on hand it iMiorse power Oil Turn engine which is a very useful
machine on uv.y ranch, and we will he glad to show it at any time. We believe
we can convince you that it is one of the best engines on the market.
We also would like to explain to you about our Oil Pull engine for plow
ing, hauling and threshing; burns kerosene at all loads. Make farming easy
with an Oil Pull. Call or write and get prices before you buy,
Manufacturer of Harness and Saddles Dealer In Waffons, Dutrgles and
Farm Implomonta Seeds and Grain for Balo.
pnr cent to 8 por cont nml will put
tlm rond In huiiIi nlinpo iim to provuiit
n rouurriiiico of wimlioutn.
Dond Homo Hill Ih n very Impoit
nut uhniiKu nml ruitilnm u ityntum of
loopH or hwIiikh cniHMliiK tlm pmnoiit
roml II tJnii-H In tlm SoriO root nml
ourryliiK tlm iiiilforin Knulo of 12 por
mint limtoud of IiiivIiik 25 por cont
itrndn In ono pluco nml ti por tout In
niiothur. "Thlit Km do," miyii Mr.
Hunt, "Ih tlm only run I inoiinlnlu or
roiiRh piirt of tlm on tiro llim, nml tlm
OHtliiinlnd cont for thin clintiRd In
"Tlm maximum Rrndo onrh ntc.op-1 MrMnn hnn nlml lloUoo ,)f ,,.
out mllo I U.rt ir cent, wlilln tlm n,,,, to mnka Commiitntlou proof, to
nvornKD maximum Rrndo Trom .12 t t-HtnMUti clnlm to tlm land ul.ovo lo
mlloiioit to 30 mllumitt 'Rovon mllos'iinriiiiiit. i,.r,.r.. n i i.-iii. n.,n..,i
on tlm tnnln ollmlt of 2620 foct U
.. . .. . . . .
0.8 per cent.
Iloutn Id Mrcnlr,
"IICRlnulhK nt tlm 27th mltopont
(01 iiiIIon from KiiRnim) nt tlm fork
of thn rond to llolkimp HprliiKi. tlm
rond runn northoHNturly IK 23 mllm
to tlm county line, via Jom Urcok
"11m 111 Hi firm mllon nro throiiKh
ilonm Iiomv) llr tltuhnr nml nloiiK tlm
Miulli nlilo of lOnt Crvk. Tlmiicu
mitur n Imx aiiiynu nhout throe
liinrtDrn of n mllo wldo nml nurond
ovor n HouthwcHt ntope throiiRh
I'lnipnrrnl ItiihIi, nt which point tlm
rond turnn to tlm north uml pnHxun
ovor tlm IdR iiioitilown to tho Invn
How from llolkunp crntor.
"Thl ! tlm mont mpiiIc route,
which piuhuk tlm Krciit nprliiRit whero
Unit Creok IkiIIm up from ll nix
Ullht umlorRrouud courn, nml tlm
vcrtlrnl rock wnll on oltlmr nldo nnd
on to within nix mllon of tho hnnu of
tlm North Hlitcr, tlmuco pnt llnud
l.nkn nml otlmr In ken nod ovor n
woudnrful In vn flow from llolkunp
lir. Hunt conclude thin portion of
hi roport with n ntntoincnl of tlm
wntcrltiR plncc nlonit tlm rond:
At tho aO'inllo pot l)t Creok
O-W. R. St N.
All Trains Arrive and Depart From
Union Depot, Portland.
Trnln leaves Hcnd G:30 A. M nrrlvlntr Portland
Union Depot 6:30 I'. M. Koturnlnjr, leaves
I'ortlond 7:60 A. M or 10:00 A. M arrlvlno;
Bend 8:16 I1. M. For particulars apply to
J. Ii. CORHinT, Acmt, Ucnd.
Visit North Beach
A cool, delightful summer resort on tho shores
of tho Pacific Ocean. Only n fow pleasant
hours down the Columbia from Portland, renched
"T. J. POTTKir out of Portland at 10:30 P.M.
or tho "HASSALO" at 8:00 A. M.
',('iK&! HbPB hny?MiitntOBBLBnLLLB '
i ' Mm IM BBBMniinBnrrrnigwrw'i fii
,8K-'',PnPJfciagMg)ifJfci1aj1 y
i ' wBHR i
Tin: iu:nd iium.ktin, iikni,
iHprliiRii .12 M, White's rnnolif 31 A,
Alder HprliiRHi 30 ft, IIIk Moadows;
, Colo llrlilRo; 42 ft, Cold HprliiK;
44, Inku nt tlm cmIro of lavn flow.
SimvK von njiiMCATKj.v,
Dopurtinont of tlm Interior, U, H
I.mikI Olllco nt Tlm Dalles, Orciton,
Notlrn I hereby nlvcn that Mnrthn
(loiid; of Hum!, OruKon, who, on No
vumlior 3, 11)10, iiiudrt homentond
ontiy, No. 07UH4, for Nft HK', Nft
,H", Hecllutl :ir, Township 1
IHnillll. lilililfn I r. t'.nmi. Will niiwill,.
i - ' - , ,....., u. ,.,
Htnlc CommlMloiicr, at lili ofllco nt
Homl, OroKon, on tliu 20th day of
Koptoiulmr, 1012,
Cliiiiimnt iiniim a wltncinu:
(loo. Mllllcon, O. C. llnnklo, P. K.
Kopper, nml I'. N, lloffmnn, nil of
Homl, (JrvRun.
23-27 ItciclMcr.
Central Oregon j
Brokerage Co.
Afc'ontn for tlm
Wo carry n contplotn ntock
of linmn, liaconn, unit inontt,
Inrdn and couikjuikU with
tlm United Waroliouno Co.
nt Ilend. I'rouipt uttcntlon
to innt) or phono loiJcr.
Vlioloalo only
Office and Salesrooms
1 Bend, (
Bend, Oregon.
wkuikhuay, auch'bt h, idis.
Ailvniili)en of Coot ii I OroKon for
I'lielUc IHulittny Koiito Out-
llmtl By Horrrtiiry Hnttlilll
of Drvolopinriit Ia-hkim
A Rrcnt rond Is to ho Imllt from
Old Moxlco up tho 1'aclflc Count to
Cn n nil n. It In (o ho known nn tho
I'nclllc HlRhwny. It I not a dream,
nor In It yot n reality; hut plan for
It construction Imvo proRronnod bo
Inr tht nlroudy tho highway's com
pletion In n cortnlnty.
Tho oonnlriictlon or thl rot
rond I n mnttor of pocullnr Impor
tnnco to OroRon, hccnuito OroRon oc-
cuplo tho contral territory through
which tho routo will pain, nnd will ho
nuppllod hy It with n ncenlc outlot
both north nnd nouth.
Tlm mnttor I nltto ono of npcclnl
moinont to Contra I Oregon, hecnuso
Contral Oregon offer hy fnr the hent
north'ttiid-nouth routo ohtnlnahlo In
tho statu, nnd a strenuous effort
I Ik-'Iiir mado to locato tho road
through thin territory.
Mnny who nro familiar with tho fncts
In tho cane, who nro not Central Oro-
Konlnnn, arc equally enthusiastic con
cerning tho merits of this country ns
n location of tho new rond. Ono of
tlm chief effort of tho Centrnl Ore
Ron Development League nt It Lake
vlow meeting will he to get tlm offlo
Isl location of tho routo oast of the
inountnlnn, In preference to having
It pas through the Wlllnmetto val
ley. An Interesting c(.jitnontar)' upon
tho plesnant feature of tho Central
Oregon route I offered In the account
of hi auto trip through this conn-
t Irv l,V P P Phniimnn mftnava, it
tho Portland Commercial Club, which
I printed In thl paper.
An cxcolletn digest of some of tho
mnny reason for tho entnbllnhment
of tho routo through this territory
Is contained In a letter written by
Secretnry J. K. Snwhlll of tho Centrnl
Oregon Development league, to the
Illghwny Commission of California,
In which ntnto some $15,090,000 has
been appropriated for road Improve
Tho letter, In part, follow:
"Wo nro advlned that the State
Highway Commlnnlon of California
will very soon decide upon which
route It will adopt for the entrance
of Its portion of the Pacific Highway
Into Oregon.
"It Is our understanding that It Is
Urn Intontlon of tho promoters of the
Pacific Highway to develop a scenic
routo for automobllo tourists from
Old Moxlco, through California, Ore
gon nnd Washington to Vancouver,
U. C . as a means or cresting and
stimulating Interest In the "Soe
America First" movoment.
"This being tho coso, wo reel that
It Is Incumbent upon nil parties hav
ing authority In thu nutter to glvo
very careful consideration to p the
routes offered through tho territory
to lo traversed.
"Wo of Central nnd Kaatcrn Ore
gon feel that tho very best Interest
or all will bo served by having this
route on the enst sluo or tho Casoado
mountain in Oregon.
nturnl rond conditions should
bo a primary consideration In select
ing such n route. Investigation
will provo that natural rond condi
tions on the ennt side of the Cnscndo !
mountains In Orsgon nro fnr super
ior to tnono on tho west sldo. In nn
Intervlow, published In tho Portland
Oregonlnn, Mr. Deck, In chnrgo of
tho pnthflndlng car of tho Portland
Automobile Club, who has trnvohd
all ovor Oregon In connection with
tho tour book, states that tho roads
through Klnmnth. Crook and Wasco
counties In Oregon nro tho .very hst
natural rond to l round anywhere.
Our roads havo none or tho "dobe
mud stretohos thtt nro round In tho
Willamette valloy. With a very lit
tlo work, providing drainage for
plncos where tho water collects In
tho spring and rail, which work Is bo
lug rapid. y done these roads will h
pansnblo nil or the )Mr round ami
Our liiL is the
best that science can make
This is hot weather time. Why
not make it comfort time?
Be cool, use our ice
Central Oregon Ice fi Cold Storage Co., Inc.
will ho Ideal for auto touring In tho
summer tlmo, Tho roads in Klam
ath county will bo completed during
tho next yoar. When tlmso roads
aro complotod there will ho nothing
in California that will oxcol thorn.
Crook and Wasco counties will not ho
far behind In this work.
"Another consideration nnd ono
nlmont equaling tho nnturnl road
conditions In Importance In tho scenic
attractions offered by tho various
routes. Horn again wo know that
tho routo east of the Cnsoadcs will bo
round upon Investigation to bo rar
superior to any routo through the
Uoguo river or Willamette valleys.
"Vory row or tho snow-capped
mountains or the Cnncadcs nro vlnlblo
on any route wont or tho Cascades In
Oregon and this I ono or tho very
greatest attractions that Oregon has
to offer to tho tourist. There Is
nothing In this country or Kuropo
that excels from a scenic standpoint
tho sky lino ns seen from the high
plateaus or Contral Oregon. What
Is tnoro to tho point, this sky lino Is,
on account or atmospheric conditions,
visible nlmont ovory day In tho sea
son. Wo hnvo known people to stay
ror weeks In Portland In order to get
odo gllmpso or Mt. Hood. What at
tractions has a routo to offer, oven
though It be surrounded on nil aides
by tho most magnificent scenery In
world, If tho conditions aro such that
It Is imKsMh!o to get a gllmpso of
such nttractlons only upon rnro oc
casions. "A magnificent rondway Is now be
ing constructed from Tho Dalles
through tho Columbia river gorgo, a
routo that Is destined to become ono
or tho greatest scenic attraclons or
tho world. Anyono going from Cali
fornia through Oregon via tho Rogue
river and Wlllnmetto valloy would
miss this route entirely. This ono
thing should bo enough to warraut
tho routo of tho Pacific Highway
through Centrtl Oregon.
"The sldo trips that tho routo
through Central Oregon offers are
For Sunday,
Always Something
at an
That You Can Order
Anj That We
Make Deliveries.
We Make And We
Our Own Ice Cream.
Hotel Trade A
American Bakery
- --"--.. ----v
m v ' nr-
pacik n
almost Innumerable and present a
greater variety or scenic interest than
any section or tho United States, The
desolate and historic lavn bed haunts
ot tho Modoc chlcrtnn, Captnln Jack;
tho grcnt Klamath Inkcs, Crator lako
and almost Innumornblo smaller
mountain lakr cacn with Its own
pntlculnr charm, tho broad fortlle
vnlloys or Crook. Lako nnd Harnoy
counties, tho Deschutes rlvor canyon,
aro just a row or such attractions that
wo might mention. For tho nature
lover and sportsman Central Oregon
has everything that tho heart can de
sire. "Hotol accommodations nro tho
equal or any to be round in any trio
over a like dlstsnco and stinerlor
to those that will be round through
any sections travorscd by the Pacific
Illghwny. The Whlto Pelican Hotel
at Klamath Falls and The Dalles Ho
tel at The Dalles are the equal, In
architectural beauty and service ion-
dercd, of those to 1ms round In any ot
me jarjtor cuts of tho coast."
I First
I I will
1 16 inch
: Block wood
I Limb Wood
a cord
F. M. Carter
- "- 4--4
M. W. of A.
Pilot Butte Camp No. 9794
Meets every Tuesday In hall over
Visiting; Neighbors always welcome.
E. A.Sather, V. C.
N. P. Welder. Clerk.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103
Metis every Wednesdsy
i-vcclcjr at S p. m. In
tattle Hall, t-ost-ctfee
Uldjr. Vlsltlcz Knlshtt
M. A. Palmer, C. C.
N. P. Smith, K. R. & S.
I. O. O. F.
Bend Lodge No. 218
Reg. Meetings every Monday night
Visitors welcome
Ralph Spencer. N. G.
U. N. Hoffman, Secretary,
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday on or
before the full moon of each
month. Visiting brothers
ahvav.s wetcome.
J. 1). IXildrtm. V M. II. It- Allen, SrcUry
Doable "Barrel Uammerltss
Shotgun -l ttrongut where
other i;una nro vtakut. Tho bar
rel and luff aro drop-forgvtl In
ono piece of high Jirvssuru ntccl,
rhoko boral for nltro pontic
with matted rib.
rick up till lira nnd feel the balance
or It eiamlno the working parta
clotclramlac the ttne cure uul
of Uetall rou will uy It'a a vinntr.
It lUta at only $30.00 and will bo
CIDrawd DTfDald direct from the
factory la com v cannot arrur Vv I
11 lAroufA a uiaiir,-!
l An Cti.
Oui P I
j.mvua amb
-"" - -.-
I '(Kil f. & S4
LuMvksrC .o wui
MV2 V U.y .ati-nv
. WMH-.uai K f f
1 TmsTiI wt in 1 tmCSi