The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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ll H I ll Mlll I
ii .
Wilis lliiritlAltW Umm
j on
nr i nn rnTiiinr
llr DtilirrlflNlir
Ul flUULl IllllULa
f Tnrlll, it N) stems of I'iiviiik, HIhiiiIiI I
lie (Jrniliiiilly Itcdiiccd IIcIIiicm
thi Piiudiiiiiciitnl Demon ucy,
An Able Presciitiillwi.
Ilolow lii tho text of Woodrow
homo 1 1 Honglr , .V J., "l ""M"
uuy. wneii ov wim ijiiiui-iiix nukinvu
..V.i -.1.... ..- it.- ..,..l.l..i.,v
Ul IIIH IIUIIIH1U1IUII MM till! f.a,.w,,v
by tho Democratic, pnrty
Mr. Jume uml Uetilleuieii of tho
Notification Committee Hpeiiklng for
tho national Democratic convention,
recently wucmbled nt llnlllmore, you
hnvo notified mo of my iiuinliinllon by
I ho Democratic purty for tho high of.
flee of president of the Uultinl Hint.
llow tii0 to thnnlc you very wnrmty
or tho ..u.rou. lenni lu which ,ou
nv. throuKh your dimiiiBuliiluM chnlr-
Man. cumonl tho mKltkntlon nml for
wiw luuukuiiHt ,..... ivu,,, .,..
Which you hnvo wrforutl your Inter-
rwthiK nnd liniNirtniit rrnnnl.
H wl' " om in no i wiiii n iuh-i.
i..o of It alvulOranve nml of
S enmt honor iloue urn nml nlo w It h
51) cry iirofouud im'Umi of my reoul
Willy to the pnrty nud tu the nation.
tivii mil rxicci i in nriviiiiiK mo
fWSoor to aiKnU very plntuty the fnllh
ttiit la tu me. You will ex(Xc( me. lu
tifwf. to talk Killtlc nml open the enin
Jfgn lu wonla whono mentilng no one
wfu urn win cxiwci me o
gwnk to the country.
mu cannot Intelligently talk polite
Sat.- we know to whom ne nrv talk-
lfl nnd In wlmt ilretitiflnnera. The
IiW.ent eln iiumtnuo nre clearly nn-
mm No prevbmn cmuHilirii
tiuviir nun- nn" nivi"-ni nuiiiiiiu iikr ,
ibem. 'I lie nudliuee we nddreM In In
TioTorilliiiiry temper It In mi nudleiice
orjIHirtuaun. riiuen or every nana
fiJ lM"'r nnd pre:MMiMdon alt o t
mm i'hti
flier, n nin
we umb i
Ingle triple, to loarn wlieth ,
rHtaiid their life nud know !
haw to r.ffoi.1 them the counel nml j
'Kwdnnce thev are uow kci-ulv nwnre i
ilmt they ntnnd In need of. We muni ;
Monk not to catch vole, but lo nnilnfy
jim uiougni nun conncieme or n eopie
rply atlrreil by the conviction that
hey have come to n crlrlcal turning
point In their moral nml political de
Tha Awakanad Nation.
We atnud in the pretence of an
awakened nation. Impatient of parti
aau make believe. The public limn
who doen not real lio the fact nnd feel
Ita atlmulatlon muat Iw nlngularly un
auncrptlble to the Induenrea that ntlr
In eery pinrter about hlin.
It 1 lu the lirond llglit of thU new
day that we Mund face lo fnee with
whnl I'lnlnly not with iuentbiun of
Iiarty. not wlih n conient for oitUe. nut
with n ietty atruggle for udvnntnge.
Democrat agnlunt Itcpuhllcnn. liberal
rencllouary. With gmtt iUetlimn ot
right nud of Juki Ice, rnlher-iUetlnn
of iintlonnl development, of the !cei
opiuent of vhamclrr and of aluudurtU
of nctlon nu li- I linn of n bellrr tml
nenn ajnieiu, itiorc free, imire eipiltiilde
more open to ordln-iry men, pnuilt utile
tu live under, lolenible In work under
or a lieltcr HwhI ylein who'e tnxe
nhnll not come out of the NMl,e: of
tho ninny to go Into the ixn-keiM of the
few and wlihlti wtioie liilrlrarlea ape-t-lal
privilege mny not no ennlly tlml
At audi a time nnd lu the preeuce of
audi clrruiuntnncvn whit In tbc menu
lug of our pin I form nud wlnit h our re
aponalblllty under It T Wbnt ure our
duty nnd our puriono7 The pint form
la meant to nhow thut wo know what
tho nntlon in thinking about, whut It I
moat concerned nboui. whut It wlnhcn
corrected nud whut It donlren to nii at
tcuiitcd Hint In new uml rountructlve
and Intended for Un long future Ilul
for un It In n very practical document
We ure not uhout to link the people of
the United Hinlcn to adopt our pint
form. We nre nboul lo nnk them to
Intrant ua with otllce uml power und
the guidance of their ulTiilm. They
wilt wlnh to know whut noit of men
wo nro nnd of whut definite purpoe,
wlnit trnnnlnilon of nctlon uml of wd
ley we Intend tu give to Hie general
terma of the platform which tho con
ventlou nt lliillliuore put forth nhould
wo bo elected.
Th Work to Da Dcni,
The plnifoiiu la not n program. A
program niunt eounlnt of meunuiiH. ml
inlnlniriiilve adn uml nctn of teginln
tlou, Tile proof of the pudding In the
outing thereof, I low do ne Intend to
make ll edible nud dlgcntllilor I'rom
till lime on we nhnll be under lutrrro
gittlon, Haw (in we expii-t to huiiiHe
each of the greni imiltern Hint uiuhi be
tnken up by the next cougrcibi und the
next mlmlulHiiiitloii?
What In Hiere to do? It In li.nnl to
auui tho great tank up, but iippnrentl.v
thin In Hie mini of the mutter: Thore
nre two grent thlngn to do One In to
nut up the rule of Juntlre nnd of rluht
in audi mnttera na the tariff, the regu
lation of the triiHtn mid ,lie preventlqn
of monopoly, the ndnplutlnn nf otjr
naiiKing nud currency Inwa to the
nrieu nnoa to which our people muat
il tiiiim, the treatment of (hone who
Til... ....,!.. I... ... 1
iiiv iiiiii moor in our ruvionua nun
tntnoi nnd throughout nil our trout In.
riustrlnl nud couuiierclnl unlcrlnMtii;n,
mill tlio pulltlcnl lire tit (bo pi'iilo of
tlio Philippines, for whom we liolvl
uiivcriiiiienliil nmciir In Irimi. fur thidr
wh-, not our . ni. ohht, ii
lH'inl ttuty In tln KriMit limk of
l"'tft.tliitf ntir mmiiU mitt nur ri'MUirifH
I1IHI Ifl ll-rlUK UH'I IJ llll H IIUIl' HT
pin tlio (loom of opportunity thruiigii
which they iiiiimI, general Inn by gciicf
ntloti, piiMM If they nro to inn In con
quest of their fortiiiii'H In licnllh. In
freedom, In pence noil In i-oiilciituieiit
In tlio performance of tll H'niml
grent duly wo tire fnco to fare with
questions of ronnorvntlon nml of de
U'lopmeiit, questions of forcnt uml
wnler power nml mine nml wntrr
wnyn, of tlio building: of nn adequate
incrcliniit marine, nml the opening of
every hlghwny nml fnclllty, nml 1 tit
netting ii of i-rcry safeguard needed
tiv nn ImliiHt rtiiiM. mimiiilltiu iinl'.oii.
. ..... u.u .... .
which tMy ,l(,,j bo H.rt. We
- ,..,.. .. .. . .....1.1 . i.. .. ..........
'""r ""' """ iniumw in mem Jini-
chiefly bocnitsv these largo things,
which might to havu been handled by
taking counsel with nn largo n num
ber of person nn jK)i8llilr, because
they touched every Intcront nml the
llfo of every dnnn nml region, have
In fact been too often bundled In
prtvnto conference. They have liven
i J"1") ,' xvr? J"'"1" n'"1 of,,n J'
llborntcly exclusive cnmpii of turn
lut iiiiilnvf ml in mimnit tim llui li'tuiti
, Wo ()r fw ,,.,.,, ,
i i..ri... nt n. ui..l miiiim-rprr
l ,im,,iy , ,nr xc, (, yi-ry temirnnl-
, , ,onu.,in.,t nn(j very ulioMnlpiitiiiiy.
(Hn 0)r .ni,,,!,,,,,, for K,.,
, ,, N Kn,, f ,nrKtori.
,nmk. or (K,,ml. rnn irak for n
, , .r, ,rtV(J ,.,,, , K)lnt
of v,,r nr , knowl(HKr. Vp nml go
revolution: we need no eictted chntiKe;
wo nefjil only n new iwlnt of view nml
a new method nnd aplrit of couiwl.
We nre nervnnta of the iHijde. the
whole ieople. The nation haa been
lirttiawMaMt-4!v lilt ranfentia III V fit WAT
i -iii.i- i(.r intercut haa clnatinl
K.h MeTtH whcl, tlrrf, Wl.rc com
mon ,,rlncl,,,., of r)R,,t nnJ of fr
-tenllng which might nnd nhould have
,,, 1CIJ1 ,, ,0fc.1Pr, , , rjvn).
,,, n ,,,.,,.. A, tUl. rvanta of
' ft) wp nrt, i,,, ,0 niiPrtn Hie
j., ,,,, cf ncc;,nmmiatlon nml ad
I ...f i.w.tif
We cannot undertake It except In n
aptrlt which nnme tlml It hnnl to un
,jrril,nml, M-ople only nmlle
K,.n ,. ,,i, f ,,lrpf n n-rv
.... of , ,,). i. acemn to them
in... -..... ..i.,.. ..,.. .(,..,. ..,.,. v
Thfy nk Wlnt ,,, nlhlnklii crowd
t ........ n. .i...,i. ,, ,.,..,. ra,m
,,cn,wj matteraof government, They
ahrug their nhouldera and lift their
eyebrown when you aenk na If you
renlly betlevel In presidential prima
rie. in Hie direct ehctlon of United
Btate aenatora and In an utter pub
licity aliout evprythtug that conccrnn
government, from the nourren of enm
patgn fund to the Intluinte delate of
the hlghent nlTnlr of atate.
Tha Publlo a Nobla Wheta.
They do not or will not compre
hend the aolemn thing that In In your
thought. You know nn well na they
do that there nre nil aorta nnd condl
tloua of tucti-tbe unthinking mixed
with Hie wlae. the recklena with the
prudent, the iitincrupuloun with the
fair nud henent-nud you know, wlnit
they nomellmen foraet. Hint every
clnaa. without exception, nffordn a
nample nf the mixture. Hie leurned nml
I lie fiirtuuute liu len tliuti Hie nuedll
en led Hud the tniggtlug urn Hut
04i imh- iiinr.- in in they do. You xt
Hint tlni-e Hiultltude of men. mlxeil.
nf e'e-y kind nnd ipmllty. ctnmtltute
oiii-'iow nu organic and noble whole
i Hlugle people, nnd that they have In
tcrcnta which no tuitii i-nn prlrulel.r
determine wIHmiUI their knowledge
nml eounacl That in the meaning of
rvpn-neutntlve govemmell. Itaelf
You mny think that I nm wnnderlug
off into n general dlnqulnlilnn Hint hnn
little to do with the bunluena In liitnil
but I am not. Thin In bunliiexn-html
nen of the dei'iM-nt nort Jt will noire
our dlllleulllen If you will but take It
n bllnltienK
The Tariff.
H- e how It niiiken tiualmn out of the
lartlf ijue II u The tnrltT ipicntlon nn
deiilt with In our lime n uuy mle hnn
not been bmlm-in. ll bun been MUlca
Turlff nclnstiilei huve iM-en uiude up
for the purpoMt of kei'plug un large ii
uumlicr nn poolble of the rh-h uml In
llueutlnl mnuufiicturera of the couutry
in n good humor with the Itcpuhllcnn
pnrty, whl.-h denim! their coiintnni
flmuiclnl MiipiKirt The tariff bun be
come n M-nleiu of fuvorn, which the
phmneorOgy of the acheilule wnn often
dullberutely coutrlveil to coticrnl. II
become n matter of bunlnenn. of legit I
mute tiunlneHM. only when the pnniu-r
ahlp and undemanding It reprenenu
nro between the leudern of rougrean um!
lint whole people of the Dulled Klutc
luHtcnd of between the lender of mi
grenn nnd nnmll group of umuufuc
turer demniidlug apechil recognition
and coiiNldonitlnu. That In why the
general Iden of riiprcNontiitlve govern
ment become a ueceHKiir.v part of the
liu Iff iiiOHtlnii Who when you come
duwu to the hard fnct of the mutter
have been represented In recent yenr
when our tariff nchedulen were being
iH'ounned and determined not nu the
llnor of coimrcHH, for Hint In not where
they have been determined, but in the
committee roainn nml confcrcm-cx
Thut In the henrt of the whole nffulr
Wlll you. enn ou, bring' the whole
people Into the pnrtucpmlry' or ,mit
No one In dlncnutmited wltli repniumtu
tlve government. It full" under ipien
Hon only when it ceunen to Ik rcprtv
scntiitlvo. It I nt bottom a queatlon of
good fill th und moral.
How doen Hie preneut tnrlff look In
the lluhl of It? 1 nny uotblug tor the
, ' ? ;.,'. ..;. 1 .i
moment about tho imiicy or protection
conti'lvcj nml cnrrltn) out m it dlii
tcri'Mtinl n tut n in nu uilulil conceive it
Our own clcnr courkllon un IJuirio
crn In Ik Unit lu the hint iiiiulyU tho
only niifo uml IckKIiiiiiio oIiJmU of tnrlff
ilulli'H, iim of mien of overy other klml,
n to riilno rinciim.' for ilx nupport of
tho tmvoriiimMit. Ilul Hull In not my
(ircHciil point. WV tUiiouiico tho l'nym
Alilrldi turlff net n tho mot complcu
)Ih oxiimiilv i'UT iirfoiilnl the country
of the Kpi'i'hil fiuorx nml iiiiiiohiIImIc
mi1viiiiii!ck which I lie liinlent of the
Itepiibilciili pnrty Imve en often nliown
luiii-i'h o wIIIIiik to extern) to ihone
in whom they looketl for.'iimpnlKii con
irlhuiloii. 'I'nrlnr liutlefi, on they luivv
t'liipln; ed them, hure not been u iiieuiii
of ccllliiK up nn t-iptltiihle Nynleui of
prnlei'iliiii. They hnvo Imi'H, on the
cuutrnry, n niclln4 of foterliiK xpfchil
I liilvtlnuo Tlmr lirtt'i' f initio II ill mi In
tMbibilKli imiuoKily In our domcwtl''
imirkeiN Tru-ln Imve owed their orl
Kin nml their Mi'iire iwer tirthem.
No Ouddtn Dliturbano.
We do not Ignore the fnct that the
buliiet of ii couutry Htte otint I ex
ceedingly reunltlvo to chuiipif In lcirf
latlon of thin kind, It hna Ikii built
up, however III udvlnedly, upon tariff
clicdnlen wrllieii lu the wny I hnve
Indlcuted, nud It foumhitlon mut
not be too mdhnlly or (imi auddeuly
dlMurhc.l. When we mt we nlimild net
vilth cniitlon nml prmleiice. like men
ubo know uliii t they lire nbotit nud
nut like tlnt'c In love ultli n theory
It U nhvlMiH Hint the cliiine we
innke ahould bo iniide only nt nuch a
mte nud lu audi a wny n will leuat
Interfere lth the mirmnl nnd lien I Ih
fill ixiuith of i-ummerce nud imiuufae
ture. Hut we nhnll not on Hint ac
count act with timidity, na If wo did
not know our own uiluiU. for wv ure
certain of our ground nnd of our ob
lu 'lliiiro ailiitlli1 liaa nil lltlfllaMllfl (
Ject. Tliere ehoulil l;e nn Immedlnte
revlnlnn, nnd It nlinntd be downwnnl.
tinheol'iitlnHly nnd ntendlly downwnnl
It nhould begin with the nchedute
which have been nmnt li lotmljr uwii
(o kill compel ll Ion und to ruUe pticen
I In the United Blnten, nr1 Itrarlly and
without regard to the preen jiertnln
lug eUewhere In the mnrkrla of the
world, nud It nhould. before It la tin
Intied or Intermitted, lie extended to
ettry Item In every achedule which
nfforda any opiwrtunlty for monopoly,
for aiieet1 advantage to llmltcM
grouw of brnellctarlea or for anlmldlx-
I ed control of nny kind In the innrket
or the enterprise of the country until
niwlnl fnvorn of every nort nhall hnve
Ihii nlinolutely withdrawn and every
IHirt of our Inwa of taxation nhall hnve
been trnimformed fmm n nyntem of
governmental pntronnge Into a nyntem
of JuM nnd renaonnlilr charge which
nhall fall where they will create the
leant bunlen.
Tariff Dameralltat Politic.
There hna N-en no more dcmornllx-
ing Influence lu our polltlra In our
time than the Influence of tnrlff legla
lotion, the Influence of the Idea Hint
the government wan the grand die
pchncr of favor, the ranker nnd un
maker of fortune, and of opiortunl
Ilea audi aa certain men have nought
In order to control the movement of
trade nnd lnduatry throughout the
continent It baa made Hie govern
ment n prlte to be captured nnd par
tic tho incnnn nf effecting the capture
It hnn made the bunlnena men of one
of the moat virile and cntcrprMng un
tloua In the world timid, fretful, full
of alarm: haa robbed them of aelf
confidence nnd manly force until they
hnve cried out that they could do
nothing without the nnnlntance of the
government at Wnnhlugton. It hna
mnde ibem fcvl that their Uvea de
iendcd uion the wnya nnd meann
corumlltre of the hnnne nud the flnnnce
committee of the nenale (In I hew later
yenr particularly the tlunnce commit
tee of !!: ncuntci, They hnve Innlnt
ed very nnxiounly that them- commit-lii-n
nhould lie mnde up only of their
"friend" Until Hie country In Ita turn
grew nunplcloita and wondered how
thoae commlttfca were Mug guided
nud controlled, by whnt luriueucen nnd
plnn of Krnonnl ndvnntnge. Govern
ment enutiot lie whnlenomely conduct
ed In Much nu ntmonphere. It very
houenty I In jeopardy.
Tor whnt hnn the renlt hcen
l'nnn'rlty? Yen, If by ironierlty you
menu vimt wenlth, nn mutter how dl
trlhuled, nr whether dlntrlbuttsl nt nil.
or not; If yon mean vnn cntcrprlM-n
built up to tie presently concentrntwl
under the control of cotuNirntlvely
nmnll Ixxllen of men, who can deter
mlB nlmont nt plennure whether there
ahnll lo competition or not. The nntlon
na n nntlon hnn grown Immennely rich
Hut whnt nf the other aide of the pie
Hire? it In not na enny for un to live
nn It lined to lie. Our money will not
buy nn much. High wage. eve,n
when we cuii get them, yield ua no
great comfort.
Tariff Cauiia High Prlcta.
Moreover, wo begin to perceive nome
thing nlmut the move ment of price
Hint concern u very deeply nnd Ilx our
attention upon the tnrlff ncliedulca with
n mure dellnlte determination tlnin
eer to gel to the bottom of thin mat
ter. We hnve been looklnu Into It nt
trlnln held under tho Bliiruimi net und
In luventlgittlona In the committee
roomn of congreea, where men who
wonted to know the real fncta hnve
been liiwy with Inquiry, und we begin
to eeo very clcurly whnt lit leant nome
of the metlinda are by which prlcce.
nre llxed. We know that they ure not
tlxed by the competition of the mar
ket or by Hie undent Inw of nupply nud
demand, which la to be found Hinted In
l the prlmvra of ccommilea. but by
private arrangement with regard to
whnl (be nupply should be nud agree
ment among the producer thcmnelve.
Thono who buy nro not even represent
ed by counsel. The high cont of living
la nrrnnged by private underntnndlng.
We nnturully nnk oumolvon, How did
MiHo Rcnjlemen get wntroi of theao
thliiR bu linndetl our economjc
lfm f-ll'A In llmttl Wim l..illill.liluii HlA
Inwa over to them for lclliillvo nnd
coulriictmil nlleruiloii7 We Imvo In
thedo dlmlonure atlll iinother view of
the turlff, nllll nnoiher (iriHif tlint not
the (icoplo of the United Kliile. but
only a very am nil number of (hem,
hnvo been pnrtiicrn In thut U'llntIoii.
Tim trimtn do not belong to the erl
fxl of lufmit Induatrlea, They nre not
the product of tho time. Hint old In
borloua time, when the tiri-nt coull
neiit wo live on tina unite eloped, the
youiiK nntlon cl.iiKKlIn to find Itaelf
nnd Ket upon Ita feet miildat older nnd
inoro cxiierieuecii couipi-iimra. iney
belonjt to n xery went nnd very no
jililMtlcnlei) n kc, when men knew whnl
they won ted nnd knew, how to get It
by the favor of the noccninieriL Ik
la nuother ehnpter In tho untiirnl Ida- I
tory of power nnd of "governing
rlnneti." The next chapter will net u
free nguln.
I ft in not one of thone who think
Hint competition ran he cntnhllnhed by
law npnlimt the drift of n world wide
economic tendeney; neither nin I one
of thono who believe Hint bunlneaa
done upon n great wale by n nluglc I
oritnnlwillon-cnll It corporation or I
what you will-In necennarily daiiRer- I
oua to the IPxTtlea. even the economic
lllwrtlen. of a p-enl HHple like our
own. full of Intelligence nnd of In
domltnblo energy, 1 nm not nfmld of
nuythlng Hint la normal I tlnre nny
we nhall never return to the old brder
of Individual competition nnd Hint the
organlMtlon of huMm-nn utou n great
acale of rH.iHTntlnn In. up to a certain
imlnt. Itnelf normal nnd Inevitable.
8hrmn Law Amtndmant.
Power In Cie tinnda of great bnl-
ne men doea not mnke me appro-
bennlve, tinlenn It nprlnga ont of nd-
ralltac( wnrt, tjirv ,aT0 t created
' .
for thcmnclren. t!lg bualneaa la not
dnmreroun lic-nne It la big, but be
enum Ita blgm-na In nn unwhotenomc
Inflation crmtcd by prlrlb-rea and ex
einpttona which It ought not to enjoy.
The general terma of the prvnent
felernl antl tnmt law, forbidding
"combination In restraint of trade."
have apparently proved Ineffectual.
Trunin bare grown op under Ita Ian
very luxuriantly nnd have pumued
the methodn by wblch no many of
them ban established rlrtual raonop
ollea wlHiout aerlonn let or hindrance.
It baa roared ngnlnnt them like any
ftticklnt? itiivr. I nm tint nM.MMlnr- Him
rm,IH)nlblllt.v; I nm merely ntntlns the
fBCt llut lp , fll, mt,MK,N ,,r
which tnutn hare entnbllnbeil monop
, olH,,, Unvt. mxr top,,, known. It will
, (l uovrrr. t0 uppleinent the pre
j ,.nt nw wj,n wllcn n,vi, ,,, t.,r, flml
i crimlnnl. nn will effeetminy punlnhnUd
prevent thone methodn. adding nucn
j other lawa na may 1 necenaary to
' prorble aultable nnd ndrqunte Judicial
procenea. whether civil or criminal.
to macule tliem nnd follow them to
final verdict nnd Judgment.
Hut the problem nnd the difficulty
nre much greater than that There
are not merely grent truat nnd com
binations which nre to tie controlled
and deprived of their jwwer to create
monopolies and destroy rlvala. There
ts something bigger ntlll than they nro
nnd more subtle, more evasive, more
difficult to deal with. There nre vnnt
confederacies ins I may K-rhnp call
them for the aake of convenience! of
banka, railways, exprena companies.
Insurance companies, manufacturing
vu(iuraiiuu, uniim i-urjioniiidiin
power and development companies
and nil the rent of the circle, bound
together by the fact that the owner
ship of their Mock nnd tho member of
their I ion nin of directors aro controlled
and determined by comparatively
small and closely Interrelated groupa
of persona who, by their Informal con
federacy. may control. If they plenne '
nnd when they will, both credit nnd
enterprise. They nre part of our prob
lew. Their very existence gives rise
to the suspicion or a "money trust" a
concentration of the control of credit '
which may at nny time become In
finitely dangerous to free enterprise.
If audi n concentration and control
do not actually exist It In evident
that they can easily be net up nnd used
tit will. Lawn munt be devised which
will prevent this. If lawa can tie work
ed out by fnlr and free counsel Hint
will accomplish that result without
destroying or seriously emtmrrannlug
nny so mid or legitimate bunlnena un
dertaking or necessary and wholesome
Th Labor Queitlon.
Let me snv ncnln Hint what we are
seeklug In not destruction of nny kind
nor the disruption of nny wound or lion-
est thine, but merely the rule of rich!
und of the common ndvnntnge. I nm
happy to any thut n new spirit hnn be
gun to nhow Itself In the lust yenr or
two among Infliieutlnl men nf business
und, whnt Is perhaps even mure nlguIA
enut. uimu'jj the lnwein who nre their
expert nddscra nml thut this spirit has
displayed Itself very notably In the lui
few months tn nn effort lo return In
some degree ut any rate lo the pmc-
tteea of genuine competition.
If I am right ntmut this. It ts going
to U easier lo net lu neconlnmv with
the rule of right nnd Justice tn deal
ing with the labor question. Tho ko
culled Inbor question Is a question only
bemuse we luixe not yet found the
rule of right In adjusting the Inter
est of Inlnir nud cnpltnl. The wlfnrc
tho hnpplnens, the energy und eplrl'
nf the men nud women who do the
dally work lu our mines uml factories
tu our railroad. In our otlkvs nnu
marts of trade, on our farm, nnd o
tho pea, are of the Vsm'uco of our nn
ii.... ..i n.. n.t.AK. -..... - i... .....t.i VSr
ll, nun mi-. iiiviv mil in- tit- loir:
wholesome unless tbelr life Is wboli
nome: there can tie no contentment ti
le they nro contented. Their pliv
cal welfare affecta the soundness c
the whole nation. We shall i-eer it
very far In the settlement if Hie-
vital mnttra m lonjf m wo reicnrd
trerythlnit done for tho worklnirman,
.a m . . .. . .
by Inw or by privnto nitrecmcnt. na n
couccaalou yleldetl to keep him from
nKltntlon nud n dlaturtntncn of our
pence. Hero npiln tho retiao of nub
veranl piiKiicrxlili innat eomo Into
piny If we nro to net like atn teamen,
na thou wlio nerve not n clnaa, but n
The working enple of Atnerlcn-lf,
they miiat Ik? dlattiiKiilahed from the
minority Hint rouatltutea the rent of
It nre. of eourne, tho bnifclxine of tho
nntlon. No Inw Hint aafegunrda their
life. Hint Inmrovea the iilnalcnl nnd
inontl eoudlllona under which they
live. Hint uinkea their honra of Inbor
rntlonnl nnd tolerable. Hint give
them freedom to act In their own In
terest nnd Hint protect them where
tbey cannot protect themnelvea ran
proterly be regnrded na clnaa legisla
tion or na nnytulng but na a meaaure
taken In tho Intercut of the whole
people, wIim partnernhlp In right ac
tion we nre trying to eatabllah and
make real nnd practical. It la In thin
nplrlt Hint we nhall net If wo are genu
ine apokeamen of tho whole country,
Currtney Lawa,
Aa our program la dlacloned-for no
man rnn foreennt It ready made nnd
liefore rounnel la taken of every one
concerned thin muat lo Ita mcnniire
nnd ntnndnrd, the lutereat of all con
cerned. J-'or example. In dealing wttb
the complicated nnd difficult nuentlon
,, ,i, . .., it,i,, n,i ,,
rcnPr lav. ,t H ,,,, mt we 0URht
t0 Ter, mnnr rn, bnidM
C un, mt lKaUK we dintruat
(,, fonVen, but louno they do not
ne-eanarlly comprehend the bualneaa
of the country, notwlthntandlng they
nro Indlnpennable nervanta of It nnd
may do n vaat deal to make It hard or
eaay. No mere bankers plnn will
it A a
meet the requirements, no matter how
honestly conceived. It should bo a
merchants and farmers' plan a well,
elastic In the hnnda of Uioao who use
It na nn Indlapcusnble part of ttidr
dally bunlnena.
In dealing with the riilllpplne we
nhould not allow oumclve to ntnnd
upon any mere point of pride ns If, In
order to keep our countenance In the
families of nations. It were necerjwry
for ua to make Hie name blunders of
netflnhnena that other nations have
made. We nre not tho owner of tho
1'hlllpplno lalnnda. We bold Ibem In
trtlnt for the i-cople who lire In them.
They nro theirs for the uses of tbelr
life. Wo nre not even thetr partners.
It la our duty aa trustees to make
wliatcver arrangement of government
will to most nervlceable to their free
do in nnd development Here ngnln we
nre to net up the rule of Justice and of
Prasldtntlal Prlmaria.
The rule of the people la no Idle
phrnne. Those who believe In It aa
who doea not that haa caught the real
aplrit of America T-belleve that there
can be no rule of right without It;
that right In iwlltlca la made np of
the Interests of everybody, and every
body should take wtrt In the action
that la to determine It We have been
keen for prenldcntml primaries and
, the direct election of United Stntea
aenatora becaune we wanted the ac
tion of the government to be determin
ed by pcrnona whom the people bad
actually designated aa men whom they
were ready to trust nnd follow. We
tavo lieen anxious that nil camnalgn
conmuuuona nuu exiieuuuures anonm
1 be dlncloned to the public In fullest
detail tiei-anse we regarded tbo Influ
ences which govern campaign to be
a much a part of the people's bnnl
nena as anything elno connected with
their government We nre working
! toward a very definite object the uni
versal partnership In public affairs
upon which the purity of iwllUcs and
Its nlm nnd aplrit depend.
I do nut know any yrenter question
than that of conservation. We have
been a spendthrift nation nnd must
now husband what we have left Wr
munt do more than that We must de
velop pa well os preserve our water
powers and must add grent wntcrway
to tho trnnniKirtatlon facilities of the
nallou to supplement tbo rnllwnyn
within our liordera aa well na upon the
Isthmus. Wo must revive our mer
chant marine, too, nnd till the seas
again with our own fleet. We munt
ndd to our present postotflce service n
parcels post na complete ua that of any
other nation. We munt look to the
health of our people upon every hnud
a well hs hearten them with Justice
d opKrtunlty. Thin Is the construe-
.I've work ef government. This In the
' policy thut iws u vision nud u hojie and
i'hut looka to nerve mankind.
Tllr-' many aides to these great
mutters. Conservation la easy to gun
erallte about, but hard to particularize
nliot't wisely. Itescrvatlou Is not the
whole of conservation. The develop
mem of great stntea munt not be stay
.d Indefinitely to await a policy by
Which our forests und water iwer
prudently lie made use of. Use
nl'1' development must go hand In
,m,ul- The policy we adopt must be
progressive-nut negative merely, aa If
we did not Uiow whnt to do.
Improving Our Rlvsrs.
With regard to the development of
greater nnd more numerous waterway
and the building up of n merchant ma
rine, we must follow grout constructive
lined nml not fall buck Uon the cheap
device of houuiles uud subsidies. lu
the ense of the Mlmdiwlppl river, that
grenl central urtery of our trade. It Is
pin I n ttyiwho federal government must
tmlld nnd inulntiiln the Iniwn nml keon
Jibe great . wntera In humuss for the
pnernl use.
. .v-"
The question of a merchant marine
turns lack to tho tnrlff ngnln. to which
all roads neem to lend, and to our reg
istry lawn, which. If coupled with the
tariff, might almost be suposed to
have been lutended to take the Amerl-
can flair off tho ecna. Ilountlei ro not
no.tnry If you, will but undo aome
f . H . . ' . .
or tlio tilings mat bnve been uono.
Without n' great mciVhnni marine wo
uintmt take our rightful plnco in ho
ci.mmcrco of (lie world. Merchant
Wio mnrt dejiertd tixni the cnrrlers of
rival men-nntlle natloim lo enrry their
goods to market are nt n dhmdrnntngo
In liilerontlomil trade too mnnlfest to
need to 1st polnteil out, nnd nur mer
chant will hot long surfer tbcmnclrci
ought not to suffer themnelvca ti
be phu-ed nt nurb n disadvantage. Our
luduntrii have expnnded to audi a
point that they will burnt their Jacket
If tliey cannot find n free outlet to the
mnrkela of Hie world, nnd they cannot
find aticb an outlet unless tliey bo
given nhlps of their own to carry tbelr
goods-nbli that Will gn tho ronte-1
tbey wflnt them to go nnd prefer tho
Intcrenla of America In tbefr aniline
orilem and tbelr equipment Qur do
mestic rnnrket no longer suffice. We
need foreign market. That la an
other force that la going tn break the
tariff down. The tariff waa once a
bulwark; now It la a dnm. For trade
I reciprocal; we cannot sell nnlcsa we
also buy.
The very fact that wo have at last
taken the Panama canal seriously In
hand nnd are vigorously pushing It tow
wnrd completion la eloqnent of our re
awakened Interest In International
trade. We nre not building the canal
nnd touting out million upon million of
money upon Ha construction merely to
establish a water comic-lion between
the two coast of the continent. Im
portant nnd desirable nn that may be,
particularly from the iolnt of view
of naval defense. It In mcriut to be n,
great International highway. It would
be a little rldlruloua If wo should build
It nnd then hnvo no ships to send
through It There havb been yean
when not a nlnglo ton of freight pass
ed through the great Hues canal Ih an
America n Iwttdtn, so empty are the
neaa of our shlpa and neiimcd.
Industrial Educstfon.
Thcro ls another duty whlcb the
Democratic pirty baa shown Itself
great enough unj cloae enough 16 Ibe
ficople to pei-elvo, the duty of govern
ment to niiare In promoting agricul
tural, industrial, vocational education
in every way possible within fta con
stitutional iiowcrs. No other platform
haa given this Intimate vision of a par
ty's duty. Education la part of the
great task of conservation, part of
the task of renewal and of perfected
We have net ournclvea n grent pro
gram, nud It will be a great party that
tarries It ont It must lie a party with
out entangling alliances with any spe
cial Interest whatever. It must nave
tbe nplrlt and the point of view of tho
new age. Men are turning away from
Ibe Itepubllcan party na organized un
der Ita old leaders because tbey found
Hist it waa not free, that It was entan
gled, nnd tbey are turning to ut be
cause they deem us free to serve them.
We should go Into this campaign
confident of only one thing confident
of what we want to do If Intrusted
with the government It 1 not a parti
san tight we arc entering upon. W
are happily excused from personal at
tacks upon opponents and from all (Jen
era I Indictments against tbe menjop
iwsed to us. The facts aro patent to
everybody; we do not baro to prove
them; tbe more frank among our oppo
nents admit them. Our thinking must
Lc constructive from sUrt to flnUh,
We must show that we understand the
problem that confront ua and that we
are soberly minded to deal with them,
applying to them pot nostrums nnd no
tions, but bard sense and good courage.
A Qovernmtnt For Pubtie Good.
A presidential campaign mny easily
degenerate Into a mere croual con
test nnd so lone Its real dignity and
significance. There I no Indispensa
ble man. The corerumcut will not
collapse and go tolecci if any one
of the gentlemen who nre seeking- to
be Intrusted with Ita guldnuce should
t left nt borne. Out men arc Instru
ments. We are aa Inqiortnut aa (ha
cause we represent, and lu order to
t Important must really reprosenfa
cause. What Is our cause? Tbe eo
ple'a cause? That 1 easy to say, but
what doea It mean? The common's
agnlnst nuy particular Interest what
ever? Yes, but that, too, nceda trans
lation Into acts nud policies. We rep
resent the desire to set up nn uu'en
tagled government, a government that
cannot be used for private purposes,
either In the, field of business or In
tbe field of politics: n government that
will not tolerate the uc of tho oryjin
buttlon of n great party to servo the
pcnmnal alma nnd ambitions of any
Individual nud that will not perpilt
legislation to tie employed to furtlier
any prlvnte luterest. It Is n great con
ception, but I nm free to serve lt..n-
you nl&o nre. 1 could not hnvo ac
cepted a nomination which left me
bound to nny man or any group fpf.
men.' No man can be Just who Is not
free, nud uo man who has to show
favors ought to undertnko tho solemn
responsibility of government In ajiv
rank or post whnterer. least of all lu
tho supreme potst of president of tho
United States.
To lie free Is not mwisarlly to
wise, llut wisdom comes with cojin-i-el,
with the fmnk ami freo confer
ence of untrnmmolcd men united In
tho common Interest Should I lie In
trusted with tbe great olllco of prel
dent I would seek counsel wherever
It could be lmil upon free terma. I
know ibe emper of the grent conveti
Hon which uomlnnted me; I know (be
temper of the country that lay bad
of that convention and spoke throng!
it. i heed wjtu ujjep tjjnjjkrulness yie
mesMge-youJbrlng me from It. I fije'
that f'ntn "surrounded tiv mei whose
principles and ambitious nro tbowfor
true servants of the people. 1 thank
Qod nud will take eounigu. y
.ii,iiiPy afcn1.! ,itHi.iftiii
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