The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1912, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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mamm for ml
County Court Agrees o OUe $1000
to Aid In Developing Southeast
Tnrt of tho County.
"Tho Commercial Club met Inst
night, n regular acaslon being hold.
Tho special program wan postponed
until n Inter Uatc.
Tho committee appointed nt tho
last meeting reported that It had tak
en up with tho County Court tho mat
ter of an appropriation for drilling n
well for puhllo uso on tho road to
Duma and had secured tho promise
of the court for $1000. The loca
tion will ho at the Intersection of
the old I'rlnovlllo road with tho Uend
to Burns road. Tho understands
is that the money 1k paid only when'
water Is secured by the driller.
It was stated that the matter had
also been taken up with V. E. Co
man of tho Oregon Trunk, who wroto
that ho would bring It to the atten
tion of President Young.
A hog show committee consisting
of C. S. Hudson, P. W. Drown, J. E.
Sawhlll, A. l. Lara and II. M. Smith
was appointed. It was reported that
outside sources had signified their
willingness to co-opera to In holding
such a show. It was also decided
that It would be a good thing to have
prizes for a good collection of vege
tables, grasses and grains.
A committee to assist in getting up
an exhibit for the Great Northern
Railway to be sent to tho land shows
was appointed, consisting of P. W.
llrown, II. J. Eggleston and H. II.
Xord. A. T. Frame agreed to se
cure an exhibit from the Hampton
The next meeting of the club will
be on August 27.
Homesteader lit HKtem tVuntry
Victim uf Peculiar Accident.
iSUtors Herald.)
A strange and unheard of accident
betel! A. C. l.ndd, who lives on n
homestead about 1 i mtlca north of
Sisters, last week. Mr. l.add had
been using n S3 caliber rlllo and put
some of tho loaded shells In one ot;niuj RomQ 0ver Sunday night, boforo
his pockets with Ins pipe. ono of continuing southward.
Portland Auto, Kn ltoute,
Outer Here Sunday.
Tho end of this week llend will hcchd j tno u,0 omeriled under
puNim koh tiii: Hniooti.
Crook county's slmm this year of
the interest money on wlmt la known
na tho stntn irreducible school fund
la SR013.48. Tho division la made
on a basis of f 1.8(1 for every school
the shells becamo lodged In tho bowl
of tho pipe and not noticing It ho
tilled hla ptpo and sat down for n
quiet smoke. Tho heat from tho
pipe exploded the shell breaking the
pipe, pieces of whlon struck his eye
badly lacerating It. Ho thought at
first that somooho had shot at hltn
and rushed to tho door to see who
it was.
Mr. Ladd was In Sister Wednes
day and stated tbn; he cannot ae)
out of the Injured eye but is confi
dent he will recover tho sight within
a short tnme.
a lively nuto town for tho Portland i tho last cousus, between tho agon: of
parties bound for tho convention of nnd 20 years. In this county tho
tho Central Oregon Development jnum,,or " 3018-
League nt l.akevlew. commencing' .,. ..."T-.JT .,,
next Tuesday, will ail head for llend, INTEREST IN ROADS GROWS.
remaining here, some over Saturday
rarmsra New itsallia ths importance
of Dsttsr Highways,
When good ronda nru fully appreciat
ed by farmer a we lielleve fitruiera
are now beginning to nppreelnte their
I'rum Ho lid about ten people will
go to the convention. Among those
whom It la definitely known will at
Kducational Co-Operative Vnion is
Formed In District Kat of Town.
The farmers living east and north
east of Uend are awake to progres
sive Ideas, taking ho:d of everything
which they believe to be for their
betterment. This spring a Grange
was organized and a hall built, and
recently a branch of the Farmers'
Educational Co-Operativo Union of
America waa formed. The officers
of the 'organization are: R. M. El
der, president; E. W. lUchardson,
vice president, and Cole E. Smith,
secretary. ,
Meetings are held every first and
third Tuesdsy evening In the month.
Tho next gathering will be on Aug
ust 20, at the Richardson school
Kplscopnl Clergyman Will Prcarti
Twice Here Next Sunday.
Iltshop Scsddlng of the Western
Oregon Dlocete of tho Episcopal
church will be with the party coming
from Portland by way of Uend on
route to the convention at Lakevlew.
Arrangements have been mado to
have the distinguished visitor preach
hero twice Sunday, In the morning
at 11 o'clock ho will speak at the
Star Theatre, In place of Dr. Gorby,
and in the evening will conduct an
open air service on the old Drake
lawn. , '
The usual Presbyterian Sunday
school services held at
Star Theatre Sunday at 10 a. ni.
tend uro Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Hudson,, value farm life will be relieved of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. S.iwhlll, D. K. much of It. loueltmiM nnd educutlounl
Hunter and V. A. Forbea. Mr. Hud-' progrvea will be accelerated,
son Is on the program for ono of tho Not that farmers alone inn or should
Important speeches, his subject con- build the roads; the road ure as
corning tho co-operation of banks srntlnl to the mialne men In the
and farmers, particularly In tho lino town as they are to n farming pern
or stock importation. Mr. Sawhlll, munlty. . Hut wheu fanner fee the
as secretary, wTlf also be heard from, lvalue of good roads they will take the
Initiative In vollng bonds, securing
11APTIST CHI'IU'II Siaio nnu rcoerai niu aim in giving
--.. ii O...U... .m 1. .,. - ome of their own time tu road vuu-
...,'. c...s.: :-:.:i" ' . "".stmction.
A vlakkllled nd In The llnllrtln la
rend by hundred and brlnga the nd
vcitUcr good returns for tho money
There are many farmers who, al
though not directly opposed to paying
tho price of good roads, are neverthe
less reluctant In voting bond ami actu
ally doing their own part In building
roads. These passive men will tiecomo
active and the country will be annexed
A gravel and sand pit haa been
opened up by W. A. Dates and W. A
Heaver In the field on the cast side
of the rive; opposite The Uend Com
pany s sawmj.i. 3i r. Hates states
that an "excellent quality or both ma
terials Is obtainable there, and that
it Is to be used In the concrete con
struction of the new electric power
plant of the Uend Water, Light &
Power -Co.
usual next Sunday, morning nnd eve
ning. Morning topic, "Tho Crlrds
and tho Ilemeux." Evening, "Spirit
ual Agrlsulture." Hlble school at 10
a. m. The school Is bolng reorgan
ized and graded; toucher have been
secured for all dephrtments and tho
lussit tiinlhmU will lia ta
make It an up-to-dato organization. t0 ,hc cUjr for b,wln,"M tv,xottt'
Mlsa Winifred Elyea will hrvo chargo
of the young peoples department.
Tho young men'a room will be
thrown open next Sunday for Jiso.
All are cordially Invited, especially
strangers and thoso without any
church homo.
Next Wednesday .night at the Star
Theatre there will be. a benefit per
formance to raise funds for the Meth
odist church building. There will
be special music, including solos and
duota, as well as special reels. Tick
ets will be on sale at Corkett'a and
Bltumtn Bound Roads Durabl.
An example of the strength some
time drveloied by bitumen bound
broken stone road was furnlihrd re
cently In the city of Ilouoton. Tex..
where storm water washing Into an
excavation at a street eorurr under
mined a sertlon of btlullthlc pavement,
thirty square feet In area. The pave
ment wai) ltd about three years ago,
and Is said' to have carried the traffic
pacing over It nit bout support of any
lntrtiiiieuiN Filed In the Oil Ice of tlu
Comity ('Ink nt I'llnexllle,
llend Park Co. to II. IJiigstrnm, It
!), blk lull, I'liHt Add., Hind Park.
ii i......... .it .. i i Ifu I
7, H. ii, blk IS, Lytlo.
m I'Iiio Towuslto Co. to Alfred A.
Ayn, Ita 7. 8, 0, 10, II, II, tillt tt.
I'lrst Add., La Pino; Ita 20. 21, 32,
n lilt 12), blk 32; It a, blk 31, La
Gertrudo I, Ooodfellow to llessle
A. Merrill, It 14, blk 18, Csiilcr Add.,
llend. Hdi).
James II. Stewart to llarwood I).
rue. wUneU, see. 21-30-1K. $1000.
I). L. Miller to 1. M. Xumwnlt, 14
Interest In Ita 4, S, 0, blk 2, Sitter.
I. M. Kumwnlt to Walter K. Gra
ham, It 4. blk 2, Sisters.
A. V. James to Lewis K, Coryell,
wttU. cc. 3I-I&-IU. 12000,
Lewis E. Coryell to U. M. Huffman,
aamo aa above.
llend Park Co. to Harry L. Allen,
Its 3 and 4, blk 112, First Add.,
llend Park.
Jacob Hasmutscn to Chas. U. Pen
sion. iwU sec. 3&-19-12. $2200.
Deschutes Valley Co. tu It. II.
Webb, Ita 1C17, blk 2, Kenwood.
llend Park Co. to Pete Mettson, It
1, blk lid. 1st add Uend Park zo
llend Park Co. to AiulruV ,Lin,
24, blk 103, 1st add llnbd Park, OK,
Fred Clmpiiinn to L (1. Unilie, l
ia-2, kh nou, it-u.-ii. iTr.oo
,1, K, Ooodfellow to O. M ltd
Hold, Its 7-H, blk in, Lyllo. $ln
13. M. 'riiotnpmin (o Virgin I! 1 1 tmi
Held, It I, blk 2(1, llend. f I
lliitid I'nrk Co. tu Mrs. I.lmlit wfl
limn, It 2!l, blk 119, 1st mid i(n,
Park. $120,
llend I'nrk Co. to Mao (liiilini
It 17, blk 113, iHt add lleml At
We Go Everywhere
An example of Uend's position as
a manufacturing and distributing
center Is furnished by the fact that
a rancher named Dixon, who lives
about five miles down the Crooked
River from PrLnttllle. finds It ad
vantageous to buy all hla lumber
from Bend. The lumber, manufact
ured here. Is shipped to Redmond
I and thence freighted to Dixon's. J
The Hill and Ilarrlman lines have
offered to transport all children's ex
hibits to the state fair and return
them free or charge, included in
the exhibits list are drawings, needle
work, agricultural products, canned
goods, preserves, poultry, livestock
or Industrial work.
The school election last Thursday
night, held to select a successor as
school director to Mrs. C. 8. Hudson,
resulted In the election or Qlyde Mc
Kay, Who was formerly director, his
term expiring at tho time or the
last election. There was no other
candidate nominated at the meet
ing. Mr. McKay receiving 25 votes.
"11. H
fit M l"5V?t,
it eor wtcooi can't
Tour wsib- by upr.
yea n4
La Pine, Crook County Orejron
Bend Sieam Laundry.
fiB sj V r r - w -tttttt w 'VBVfftlVt9ffVlf94)9v4y4)4)4)4ktt4)t4 4
Put Vour Dud
la OUr Suds"
we live
tu Ivnrn tlmt tho
ii one oi tho
best nntl chenp
est compnnlea
And la known for
iti promptness
In settling louvfl
lot me figure on
before you In
sure, for I enn
save you money.
Office two doors
south of post of
fice, or address
Bend, Ore.
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" 4b
"'v $
Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has
The Largest Stock of Lumber
in Central Oregon. We can manufacture what you want,
when you want it, and at the prices you want.
Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries
are invited, and will receive prompt attention.
1 ' h -I
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The Bend Company
Bend, Oregon
. 1 t 4. tift
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