The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1912, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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.Method of FItitlnR Thin lct Out
lined Hectic Han Made lis Ap
Urnnuire In Vlnh, Where It I
Dolus .Much Harm.
notjck foh vuhmcatiqn.
Department ot tho Interior, U. 8,
Land ortlco nl Tho Dalles, Oregon,
July 2lli, 1012.
Notice is hereby Riven that Fred
erick E. Gibson, of l.ntdlnw, Oregon,
who, on June 7th. 1011. tnada Home
Bteiul Entry No. 03080. for B4SWVI.
Sec. 2. and SKU8KU. Section a,
Townahlp 10 South, Range 11 East.
Willamette Meridian, haa Hied nottco
of Intention to make commutation
nroof, to cstnbllsh clnlm to tho land
I above described, boforo II. C. Kills,
I V. S. Commissioner, nt hla office, nt
ticnu. unKuii uu wiu iiiu u.ij u
September, 1912.
Clnlmant names nit witnesses:
Charles K. Wiley. Edward Whlto.
Sterile Fry rear, Walter Peterson.
21-25 O. W. MOORE. Register.
Iu tho state ot Utah an Insect pest
has appeared which la doing much
harm to the alfalfa cm;. This ln
aect (Phytononiua post teles) haa
been known for a long time In tho
old vorld For many decades if not
Indeed c.-nturlcs, ,t Ins prejed upon
the alfalfa of Southern Kurope,
Western Asia and Northern Africa.
In this country It was Orst noticed
on the outsklrU of Salt Lake City,
Utah, In 1901. Its ravages had be
come w extended by 190? that tho
attention of the Utah Experiment
Station was called to It. Ry 1911 It
had tjeaehed parts ot Wyoming and
Idaho adjacent to Utah. In 1909
the government of Utah appealed to
tho United States Department of
Agriculture to aid the Utah Exrl
ment Station In fighting the ihmI.
Since that time the department haa
employed sctenttita to try unit find
some effective, means of counting
the pest.
The alfalfa weevil la thus describ
ed In Uulletln No. 112. Department
of Entomology, U. S. Depnrtmor" ot
Agriculture, by Prof. F. M. Webster '
"It is a small, rather Insignificant,
appearing beetle, slightly under one
fourth ot an Inch long, of a brown '
color, mixed with gray and black
hairs arranged In Indistinct spots
and stripes on tho hack." The eggst
are laid In the spring and early sum
mer within the stems or on the buds,
and leaves, and they hatch within
about ten day. The Unas are!
mall greenish worms with a black
head. When full grown they are
about one-fourth ot an Inch long.
They prey upon tho crop buds, the
leaves and even upon the stalks.
The damage resulting may vary with
the' conditions from very alight to
.almost complete destruction of tho
cutting. The hay obtained from in
fested Gelds is very woody because
of the absence of leaves, and it is
much liable to induce coughing when
fed to horses.
Fighting the IVt.
- Various methods of fighting have
been tried. These have only been
partially successful. These include:
discing to stimulate growth, grazing
with sheep, drawing a street sweeper
or wire brush over the field, and
burning the stubbles. Attempts are
.also being made to Introduce para
sites from the Eastern Hemisphere
which will prey upon the weevils.
It Is also considered Important to
destroy all trash such aa grows along
.the borders of irrigating canals, and
in waste places generally. The In
sects hide in these and also under
cloda and about the crowns of alfalfa
plants where they byuernate.
The bulletin referred to doea not
say anything as to the measures that
nhoujd. be adopted In uninfested
areas to prevent the introduction of
Ihe weevils. Of course in areaa near
to infested territory, the Invasion
will occur through the migration of
iie weevils in the spring of the year.
Uut the fact that the beetles came to
Utah from the Old world, makes It
clear that Invasion may come in
'other ways. It may be that it may
come In poorly cleaned seed. It may
, certainly come In alfalfa hay.
It would be nothing short of a
oalamlty to have this Insect Intro
duced into Montana where the
future promises so much in regard!
io mu growing oi miaim uiiu aiwj
alfalfa seed. It would seem to be
eminently wise to make sure in all
areas where alfalfa is Imported that
It" doea not come from an InfestedJ
region. Whether the Insect can llvel
In an area with wlntora like Man
tana and the Dakota haa not been
ascertained. It la to be devoutly
hoped that this will never have to
be)proveU in any northern state by
actual' test.
Department of the Interior, V. S.
Land Office at The Dales, Oregon,
July 10th, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Ellen
Pattle, of Uend. Oregon, who, on
August 22nd, 1907. made Desert En
try, No. "04, Serial No. 0731, for the
EUSEU. Sec. 21. and WHSWU.
Section 22, Township 17 South,
Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian,
haB Died notice of Intention to mnko
final desert proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at
his oRlce at Bend, Oregon, on tho
27th day ot August, 1912.
Claimant names ns wltneices:
Charles Hoyd, Adam Kotaman, Nells
Anderson, George Hates, nil ot llend,
Oregon. C. W. MOOUE,
19-?3p Register.
Department ot the Interior. U. 8.
ImxhX Office at Tho Dulles, Oregon.
July 17th. 1912.
Notice is hereby given that George
W. Triplet!, of Mend, Oregon, who, on
February 8th, 1009, made homeatcad
entry No. 04488, for lota 1, 2, 3 and
NEU NWU, Section 31, Township
20 South, Range 11 East. Willamette
Meridian, hns tiled nottco ot Inten
tion to mnko three yonr proof, to
establish clnlm to tho land above de
scribed, before II. C. Ellis. U. 8.
Commissioner at his otllcc nt llend,
Oregon, on tho 3 1st day ot August,
Claimant iinmca na witnesses:
George W. Shrlncr, Frederick lluoy.
Martin J. Main and llubort 0. Cald
well, all ot llend. Oregon.
20-24 C. W. MOOUE. Register.
Nottco Is hereby given that sealed
proposals will bo received nt tho
urace of the City Recordor, llend,
Oregon, up to six (8) o'clock P. M.
on Tuesday, the 24th day ot Sep
tember, 1913, for the purchase of
Municipal Honda of tho City ot llend,
Oregon. 8ald Honda are In tho sum
of $00,000 par value. Issued in de
nominations ot $1000. and issued for
tho purpose ot constructing n aowor
.i., ii numfi nnwinmnprr
Wm JlHl ivuthortyid by vote at n
special election hum In the City of
lljmd on tho 20th day ot July. 1013.
8ald houdn nro dntod September 1st,
1912, nnil bear Interest nt a into not
exceeding six (0) per cent per annum
tntercHt payublo soml-nuutinlly.
Hold bond mature September 1st,
lp.l J. Interest nml prlinlnnl pay
able nt llend, Oregon, or tho Oregon
FUcaI Agency In New York City.
Said bonds nro turned and to be sold
tit nccordnnce with thu provhloim of
tho Charter of tho City of llend.
Proposals for said bonda shall
statu tho rate ot Interest on which
tho proposal l hnied.
Each propositi must bo accompan
ied by n cor tilled check In the mint of
Olio Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars,
mnilo payable to tho City Treasurer
at tho City of (lend, an a guarantee
of the good fnlth of the bidder.
Tho City reserves tho right to re
ject any or all .bids.
Hy order ot the Common Council
of the City of llend, Oregon, dated
July 30th, 1912. First publication
July 24th, 1912.
(I. P. PUTNAM, Mayor.
II. C. ELLIS, llecorder.
In Justlee'a Court for llend Precinct
No. 3, Crook County, Oregon.
Mrs. Nellie Wright, Plaintiff, vs.
Jt ), "'olley, Defendant.
To J, K, Kollcy, tho above n annul
In tho nuiiio of tho state of Ore
gon! You are hereby required to
appear and niiHwer the eoltiplnlnt
tiled agnlUHt you In tho nbovu en
titled action on or buforo Ortohor
1st. 1012, ml If )oti fall to mo
niiHwur tho plaintiff will tako judg
inunt against you tor tho sum do.
intituled In her complaint herein, to
wit for tho sum or $20.00, hcaldva
thu cost ii ml dlshuritomiititn of this
This RtiininoiiH Is ordered to ho
served upon )ou by thu ptilillentloii
thereor In Tho (lend llulletln, n
weekly newspaper published In Crook
County, Oregon, by the order of J.
M. Lawrence. Justice of tho nlaive
entitled Court: Hitld order being
tinted Augmft Oth, 1012, date of first
publication Augtmt 7th, 1912.
length ot publication six micoesslvo
Duted August 7th, 1912.
O. 8. llrJNSON.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Justice ot the Pvacu tor
Jletid, Precinct No. 3,
22-27 Crook County, Oregon.
RACES $3000
Tho Annual Wnneoniul Hood lllvor
County Knlr will lio hold nt Tlio
)nll(-H, Octolmr 1. '.!, II, 1, 1U12.
Thin Inhibition will comprise horses,
cuttle, she-op, Hwlno, poultry, fttrm
product, fruit, lloworH, niorclmn.
iIIho, iniinufucturcit, ninchlnury, wo
iiiiui'h work, urt, chtldrunVuxlilhltN
of urt nnd Kunlunlnu;, npeeil con
UIm, nuvol nttnictlnna nnd enter
tnlnmcnU that will tlcklu you very
muchly. Cotnu nnd hnvu tho lioul
Hint) of your life, nnd you will llvo
llfty yenra lontfcr. DON'T F().
JUDD S. FISH, Socty.
A two horsopowur Fnlrlmuks
Morso gasoline engine for sate at n
grent Imrgalu at the Uniid Hnrdaru
Company' store. In first class ren
dition, tt
The lliillrtlii liax i ntipply of npptl
rntlnii blank for IhiiiIImk llirn.M
wlilrli anyone run hm-iii by inllltut
nl IliU orilt-e.
ii.. iUMumater
BBBBkMlBV-'ar??? fJLd
The BEST all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can be
produced. Made in bothHUO
The rotary makes both
Iock and Ckom stitch. The
latest up to the minute steel
attachments with each ma
chine. Sold on easy payments.
Send name and address for
our beautiful H. T. catalogue
White Sewwg Machine Co.
14G0 Market Street
San Francisco, California.
Department of tho Interior, l. S.
I.and Office at Tho Dalles, Otegon,
July 22nd. 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Ed
wnrd A. Knotta of Uend, Oregon, who
on October 3rd, 1910. made Detert
Land Entry. No. 07609, for SK'4
84. 8j8E4. Sec. 14. and NEU
NWU, NWU NEU. Section 23, town
ship 18 south, range 12 cast. Wil
lamette Meridian, haa filed notice of
intention to make desert proof, to
entaOIIsh claim to the land aUJve' des
' crfbed,'leforo H. C Ellis, XL B. Com
missioner, at hla oltlce at Uend, Ore-,
gon, on the 10th day of September,
1 1913. .
Claimant names aa witnesses;
, Ernest Garrett, William Arnold,
Charles D, Rpwe and Levi D. Wlett.J
an oi ncnii, urcgon.
21-26 C. W. MOORC. Register.
There are several hundred
Kbe Development
44 pages of interesting
articles about Bend and
Central Oregon. More
than 10 0 illustrations.
Wrapped for mailing.
Get in your orders while
they last and send them
to your friends in theEasV
a Copy
That New Steel County Bridge
Will Conned Bend Dired With
Do you know what the new bridges across the
Willamette have done to the prices of East
Side Portland property? . . . ,
Well, prices of East Side Portland property (f u u .
have doubled and tripled during the last few ' '
Has it occurred to you that this new bridge
across the Deschutes into the very center
of Kenwood will greatly increase the value
of all the splendid residence property there?
And do you realize that we have not ad
vanced the price of lots one cent, and will not
do so for sixty days, and that our terms are as
easy as ever because we want you, too, to
make money in Kenwood, and become the
owner of a home lot that is worth having.
And do you Ijnow that there is a first class
water service in Kenwood, many blocks of
sidewalk and many attractive homes?
KENWOOD is the Best Residence Lots
in Bend at the Lowest Prices.
Corner of Wall and Oregon Streets