The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MM) J 4.
W WHO wfiMffift nftfi), wxnNn,Y At'T T iwi.
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aak "HjiV
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JKmAl iM.'
itipilt Jut & Sen enftngt gtn Kof
food -or. digest without. grit.
Komo ajdla haVo nhundneo of Robd.
gratel; oa others It la too sort or lacks
certain mineral elements or too much
of one, na In n enso neiir by, whero tha
gravel contnlna so much Iron that tho
ptumago becomes pink.
Home soil have llttlo grovel, and In
winter, whore snow cover tho Holds,
grit must he supplied to poultry.
Heal crlt (loon not weitr round and
mooth. hut kiHM tin rutting edge, and,
though broken Into smaller cryalttla by
continued m-tlon, It ctita to tin last.
It contain certain clemeui. atteh as
Iron, silica, aluminium, mien. 1 1 me,
IThrn urtlclM and lttutrtlon tnuil not
bo reprinted without ipUI permla
ion. J
t ' .
HEN TEETH. a hen gathers her trcth
PIT, the ground and chews with them
In tier glxiard ao far from her mouth!
A human toaca hie grinders one by
one, audjf It waau't for store teeth he
would auml hts latter days cummins
grub; but, although a ben seta n old
na Methuselah, abe can pick up a new
act everjr da of br life.
tier digester la tike uu old time pud
dle wheel gristmill
The crop I the hopper thnt holds the
grain: the muacular gizzard bolda aud
' J BaaaaaWBWaHMM3B9aaaa1RwOiS3ra
ft PJEJjfi , , j;f
. Rff4aMMAA,
m- jH''W'" 'F - asH
sWaaaaf aawaaBaV 'aaflL H
iJWK saaaaaaaaaaaV I
bepi'u? ho states something jmj know
You will find enough to occupy the
time nUklng. hint quovjon about what
yon don't know
Ktv'o up the bnixliliiH nftor
tliu cowa ijo out to pitHturv.
There will alwaya th hoiiiw Utile
KtutT cIIiikIHU to ttie com 'a aide
where abu hna lulu down 011 Um
H round
line only a thorouuhhtvd but.
ter brtl aire for next jenr'a crop
of cnlwM The nlm aliould Ih
to make iiich heifer better thau
tier diiiu
The young ralfa atomnrhMa
aenaltlre, and pood rcaiitta can
only le hml wheu the milk la fed
at blood heat, or the trmrnture
that It cornea from the cow,
It plrne. the cow to lie milk
rd iiulekly and ceta her In the
habit or ctvltiK down promptly.
It la often the alow mllUvra that
nmko the Htrlpia-ra
tlentleneiM and patience are al
wayn luimrtuut tu the dairy
barn, but doubly ao when han
dling the youtm heifer.
olhcrr or the r hi lied Jar. may ahuw
nothing orfqualra durlntt t(io hmttlnn
lu fact. It may Rive off it rather clmtu,
pleitatuii odor, aiich n emniuilea frum
pure milk while helutt heated,
Tho diMlititlona from thla almplo teat
are thai the talor liupiirteil by tho row
tu the milk while yet In the udiler wan
not, ut leant, of audi n nature or of
millleh'iit quantity to demnnil nenitlou
hut how about tho milk which atitmla
open tiboiit the burn for aoiue time
nml dinwa odora from wllhuut na well
na froui the cow) Thla almple tent will
tend to abow any pcraoti how rnnifully
milk ahould be bundled ut all time In
order to evade the Impurltlua to which
It la ao aeualtlto.
A PortabT Hog Houit.
The ho hoiiHc hetv deacrlla'd waa
doaluuel by W. K ilct.'oy, ColleKi' of
Agriculture, llhlo Htufe utilteraltyt
The iKirtrtble bou tlcnWe prorlile a
natural and nanlury ayatem of houa
ItiH awlue, aa It can be moved from
place to place whenever dealrvU. I'lir
therniore. It l eaally aud ei-ouomlcnl.
ly cnuKtruileil. The tmuao tlluatrat
cd huretvltti ueed not coat mora than
Photo brtll tUrnlti
oood out norran.
which tone up the aj-ateiu and make
bone and eccMl,
The New linsland quarries arfnrtt the
heat In the form of granite cryatala.
thown In cut.
Coal aabea, oyater ahelL broken crock
ery and claaaurepoorautitituic.Klaaa
belnc dangeroua.
Orli cornea In three alxca foe chlcka.
duckllnc, turkey poult and plgeona,
for half grown fowls and fur bena,
tnrkeya and ducka, ao b aura to give
your fowls tcetb that OL
Photo byCIL TUrnltx.
turna tbi atonea between which the
Brain la ground.
And Jut aa that mill could not grind
without the great, round, revolving
atonea, between which tho grain wju
Dont weep and wall bernuve you
falL Just think bow of leu wbeu a k!d
the funny tumbling atuiila you did and
when you tried to learn to talk Oh.
goodne-w, wbat a funuy balk! So do
not let thuMe failure atop your prog
rata upward to the top.
Don't forget that euthu-d-am la nrr
eaaary to aucreaa In poultry. If you
ire not chicken crazy you are apt to
jet laxy.
Don't try to convince n (multry pe-l
ojIm with word. If you aliould dlag
noe bU head you'll find It Jut like
bard pie lead, ao wbat'a the uw of Ink
trig palna to convince fellow without
Don't critleNe an lntltute Irrturer
Simple Ttat Oamonttrattt tha Valua
of Dairy CUantln.
To find out how animal 11 ml atablo
odora get Into milk one may take two
one pint glaa fYtilt Jara. waab them
perfectly clean, adjuat the mbber
rlnga, acrew the rovera down and take
them to the alable at milking time.
While the air In the alable may aeem
to be nuaieralely pure. It la probably
not better thau the average In aueh
buildings. Aa aoon aa a cow bua bcuu
milked Ike Jara may I tilled twu
tblrda full of the warm milk, the cover
of one ecrvwed ou tightly aud the Jar
at once aubmerged In very cold run
ning water until thumughly chilled,
when It ahonld be placed upon abelf
until morning. The other Jar ahould
bo allowed to remain open on a shelf
bark of the cowa until after supper,
when It nbould be closed up for the
night, write 8. Van Allen In the Farm
In the morning ahake both Jara. open
and teat for odor. No mlatako In de
termining whlcb one waa left open
need tiKuatly he made, lu fact, you may
call In on outaldcr who can detect the
odor In the one without knowing the
prevloua hlatory. The aaiuple whlcb
waa chilled may oImi have an odor,
but not un objectionable una Each
ample may then lie iourrd Into a
glaaa flank und slowly heated. Aa
they warm up the opened one will give
off a uotlceatily offensive odor, which
entirely dlyuilar u imi later- The.
J(i. ."'... t Itii 'n .., 1 .
B u m 1 1 1 11 , iT
rooTAnLK 1100 uocaa,
$10 or tl'i where alt the material la
purchased, and where odd lumber la
utIIUcd'th coal can be made much,
teas. A auggeated bill of material U
as follows)
ttunnr. I plceea, I by tacbta by 14
Krama. I plKsa. t by t lnch by a fti
t ptca, 1 by i tnchta by I frL
BMIng, IS plca, I br II lnchia by It f rati
IX niveau, I by t tacbta by U ftL
lllnsMi 1
Nail. I pound twntypnny, t pouoJi
Uhtpaany, 1 pountl tlvcpinny. ,
."Tiffoh or the rnir Thl Inal la ofgnai
Impnrtnin'e If the lc(a Art? HHeil lh
milk und a portion of tjic hag i'tikil
before Hie row frealielia lite rtlfii'lNI
part ahould nlwnya bo milked mil tit
onro. Delay In thl la what cnllaea ao
many raaoa of linil'y ciiked tiddor.
Amorlenii Cultltntot.
Don't get milled nml throw outrgga
bcrmiHO they don't hnri right when
you expect them. Tliey 1110 aoiile
tlmea tlelayed, ao don't he dlaumyetl
Don't bother building your own In
culHitor. Hitch homemade lunchluea
aeldoiu work or pay, make peopl
awear and often blow up.
IJttll't t ynraptuntl over tlowrry
mtnlouveierlpiloua. The more nd
jretivoa ytyj ace In an ad. the more
likely youUl) sold tmd.
Don't wafto life kicking. Human
Amies are fyi)!.
Don't cut, down feed btvnnao It
hlnh, If your bena do not pny e
muc and r reaaotialile pro lit change
stock, unlraa tbu man la tho alum
tiling block,
Don't expert the same profit fnm
poultry thai , you read of tu ayatem
promoting ailvrrtlxeiiamts. ta there l
often a rilgger In the wood pile, ao
there la ofttuer a nigger In the chick
en coop.
Tho llulladii lita In stock n mini
tier of tho now Crook county wluto
print mnpx, aliowlnif nil roada, rlvora,
IrrlgntOd litndd, towna, township nml
arotloii Ultra. Tho tnnpa nrn Mitnur
nml morn comprououitlvo tlinn ntty
ollior mnpa nud uro ciirelully prlnteit
on heavy whllo i.tpor. Thoy retail
nt $1.00 onuli. poattiRo 10 rents, if
Anyone 'siting l bid u (ho pew
I'rcahylorlan clitircli, plimne am Itov
I. I. (lorby, who hna tho pinna nml
la EBfeUI
Send For
This Seed
rniWiijle. ntHnUnxHilM
lWwf Ut(ll, OwliJr
iolert UlMiry li tht
iiMVMi t a t i-a m.' tiia
Maita'')""'.! "
lMr4M MI,
k Ut' Wr l,y U t
Trtmnt For Caked Uddar,
When a cow hna a badly caked uddei
alio aixaild be fetl a cooling ration of
rtmta. Until maah and gtatd hay A ta
lilcHKxurul of nlleter will aim) le
rneilelal She uliould in watered at
leant twlre a day, and If the "cake'
feel warm buttle It In rather cold mill
water, afterward rubbing dry In per
sNtent cu'", liowever. the "cake" will
feel cold It ahould then tw bathed In
tery wnnn alt water While lailhlng
and at other times milk tlgorouJy,
limiting upward with ihu hand Hi Iml
PI re l.lfo Liability
Accident I'lnte (linn Automolillo
Ijurjclary Live Stock Oraln
Wo have opened new ofllccs In the Mutxlff building and
are nbVprtp'ared to write all kinds ot
Our I'ollcy Forma kIvq IIKOADKIt PKOTKCTION than
tho forma onltnnrily UHctl ly Insurance compantoa.
Wo nru tho only KxcIuMvo Inaurnnrc Agents In llcml.
Why not itlvc ua nil your bualnota?
-- . ,
Oregon Investment Company
flIf you want a good residence or business lot, investigate what we
have to offer. We have the best on the market at the best, prices ',
and on the best terms.
Some great bargains in five-acre tracts with water rights, on your :
own terms.
OuY lists of irrigated lands include the best there is in Central Ore- '
gon. It will pay you to see what we have.
flWe can locate you on very desirable 320 acre homesteads, or sell
you good relinquishments with valuable improvements.
CJWe make a specialty of fire insurance, indemnity bonds and plate '
glass, show caseand mirror insurance. Our companies are the
best in the United States, and pay their losses promptly.
We are the oldest established, real: estate firm in Bndj andi ljiave a
first class, record fpr fajr4nes ajij efficjenpy. l"ou;hayeome- .
thing to. sell or wish. to. buy, let us. help, your
Oregon Invtimnt Company?
f i i $ ' . .
Benid Qregon
" V ,' V y ,
'I tl)i , ... ... I
t . .