The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1912, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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TAGK .18.
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fTfcue arttelra and Illustration! must r.ot
t rtprlnlsd without ;rclal pvrtnli
A Den soun-tltue play twtricb mid
wallows rvrrythlug In sIcht-lvaTr.
feathers, anils until she's full of In
digestible. What's her trouble?
She him a uViirurvil nviltc, prub
blj caused bjr catarrh of ibe crop.
Irritation ot tbe muscular walla of
that orpin.
Drop a greasy rope off a bam In tbe
pen. U'a swallowed quick, curls up
and blocks tb outlet, and there an
obstructed crop. Throw feed to naif
Photo by C M. Oarnllx,
rcmio. a ruct
tarred bens In straw; tbey pub
straw and all; there's obstructed crop
Ulre bens, on abort rations, chance at
full feed, turn a Dock that bus been
penned on grain stubbles, gire bens
that bave bad no greens full chance
at sprouted oats or winter rye and
you'll (lnd some parked .tight full, and
that's Impacted crop.
Where hens are kept In nnbygtenlc
conditions or watered and fed Irremi
larly or fed no grit surb troubles may
be exiected.
The imcked crop becomes exhausted,
paralyzed, contents decomposed, and.
If not removed, there Is a funeral.
Whrn there Is a clmnee to get liquid
Into au Impacted crop we attach a rub
ber tube to a funnel, run tbe tube down
Into crop and pour water strong with
tiaklng soda down the funnel, keeping
hen's neck stretched and gently
kneading contents of crop
When crop gets siongy we turn hen's
head down.squeete crop. and sour feed
runs from month. If this falls or
crop Is obstructed there must be an
I'luck feathers from top of crop
tnnke an Inch Im-lsion lu outer skin,
more crop a little over to opeultig. cut
Photo by C it (larnltz.
kicked cnor-KMrg auowa wuebb to
teiigthtvtse opening to fit finger and
remove contents, letting liquid run
out of hole Hn-l lit it be forced up
and run douu wludplpo.
Insert twoelmreuai tablets and three
five-grain rupsules of Venetian red.
then clou crop by neatly sewing with
white silk, tying eucb stitch separately
Kemove nil furelgu substance and
then sew outer cut In same manner
I'lace ben In quiet, dry place, wbero
she can get nu food aud feed a molit
mush the next day, aud on tbe fourth
day turn her loose.
Don't use a trough that
walk fn, or a water vessel
bens can
that tbey
cun scratch litter Into.
Don't forget' Alexander tbe Near
Ureal, fie cried because no worlds
were left, to win and died because he
could nut conquer gin.
Don't set scabby legged clucks with
tbe Idea thnt their chicks will not get
tbe mime scurfy triloba.
istta IljB
Ajfct&T' v
w5a I
.w -!.'
-c,a' i
IKvTfl aaw
HsnlisxnHH ' sB
laTaW; 1
- T)"T mimririn
My mind ts back to day Ions aco
Whsn w baratoottd kMs would mss
And twr our pants and stub our loss
At play In tha villas itrt.
"Shinny on your own ldP thy would
Ami If you wtrtn't spry
Tou'd art a cmck on (ur Ma to
Or a wood whack In ths tya.
Mow oft I've thought It ths Km of ttfs old thlnny plsyvd buck lhr.
Whrn soma of ths kids playrd a tfuod
Him r itsina
And othtrs wtr unfalrl
How oft ! wlshtd tor thst old hickory
With Its knotted. twlstnl hook
Thst I might knock soma bully out i
Or paral)sa a crook!
"Bhlnny on your own sldsl" ThtrVt lha
To win a worthy ram.
Tor thr fvllow who steals another's rises
Alwa)a plays a losing game
Q. I bitve cyvk lilnls here with very
long spurs. I'feiiHe Inform me huw to
shorten the spurs without uilu to tlio
bird. A. The spurs bine little If nuy
sensation urn) are only bard on tbe
surfae. With pincers break them off
to the length desired ami buru the
rough end with a mutch This will
smooth eud and stop any bleeding
Q. How many potato dues ntnudnnl
' twiultv mi a Leghorn's comb, and Iww
are these to stand on the female? A.
1 Five. All Milnts on hen's itimb turu
nxvr but llrst. which should be erAt.
I Q, What Is correct color of Wlilti
Wyandotte's eye. and din's this show
is soon ns chick Is batched? A.-ltiit.
In chick color Is light yellow ami
' gradually chutigvs to rel.
Q -I hare a large Bock or Mtiscory
ilmks. but It U hard to sell tliein
around here tecausc my customers
claim they bare a pcciillnr musky
tate. In there nny wuy to' dress them
to remove thh tlavor? .v. Yes; re
move the rump.
Q Why Is It some eggs hatch soon
er than others? I have had chicks
come out a day sooner than the rest.
A. Some embryos are rnorv rigorous
and seem to develop futcr than others.
Q Have you ever had any fowls die
from eating poisonous Insects? A.
No Fowls have the farulty to dis
tinguish between digestive and de
structive Inserts, except ducklings,
which often swallow honeybees aud
then cense to txs.
Q.-Whlch U best for chicks, rolled
nats or oatmeal? A.-Ontmenl. Unti
ed nnts nre s teamed, and this Is apt to
be spoiled In process.
Q. Is It true that round ended eggs
batcb pullets and long eggs with n
uarp end give roosters? A. No. The
rounder egg gives a plumper fowl;
tbe long egg gives a long necked,
gawky bird, but often does not hatch
at all.
Q. Which do yon consider the best
meat food for poultry? A.Hne cut
fresh green bone.
Q. Which do jou think better, fine
or coarse bran? A.-Flue. but It Is
more apt to lie adulterated
V?. What to your fee for answering
questions? A.-Nothlng. but Inquirers
should Inclose a stnmied. addressed
encelope and be particular In case of
disease to give full symptoms and
feeding methods.
Colorado Is not In the ttirker grave
yard belt, the turkey crop showing an
Increase of lixi i-r cent n lenr In
, ItUO the state produced 273.0UO turkeys
I valued nt $rij,(ioo
Roys nntunilly take to chickens and
should te encouraged when they gel
j tbe craru. There Is more In targe pout
try ror tbem than lu rabbits, pigeons
and buntums. so start them with a
bunch of pure bred bird. It's health
ful. Interesting. Informing, will keep
them busj- and make tbeiu practical
A single shipment of I.Om.ooO eggs
went from Pennsylvania to New York
for Raster Harrlsburg used 2IOj)0
eggs, or seventy-five miles of hen
fruit, for the ucrnslon.
Wbm a skunk on a foraging expe
dition started to clean up the hens In
the lutrnyurd of I'blllp Dersllne, lleeelt
Valley, Ph., he was prompt) t-bal
leugMl by the big turkey gobbler An
exciting battle ensued, and Ibe turkey
UiiUhed old skunk lu shun order. The
gobbler then look n vaiuilon for funil
On Jan I a California Ugborn
breeiler Imd nlready iHHiketl orders lor
iJT-'ViO eggs for hiilebiiig To rl It or
dern on t fin t scale and also provide
eggs for borne hatcllliiL- I hern run.,! !.
i great laying Iiwik buck of the tuan and !
brains back of Hie z
A Mct'niiuelbiburg il'a.i young lady
wrote her nmie on nn egg mid n year
after riH-elwd notice front the prel
dent of a cold storage house n New
York thai the egg Imd arrived In a
shipment from Mluueotu Next!
The IVlllMylVillOil Sisletj For the
Freveiitloii of Cruelty to Animals pnw
eclited KM person.. In (HI for cruelty
in animals Among the-i- the were up
for iiN-lsfightliiK and nwuty seven foi
plucking fciiili.TH from lire chickens
No; the Inhuman wretches didn't all
die when old Herod nml Nero kicked
the bucket
I'rofeswir Curtis of Western tinlver
slty Cleveland, declares ibe ben Is
losing lis tuuterual Instincts hc-jtue
It Is hatched by an Incubiiior nod
wii n is to know how tin fiiciibutor chl"k
cun have the same Instincts m one
hatcheil by Mother Hen The 8a run.
nah News replies, "Then how about
those Incubator babies of whom we
hear from time to time? Will they
now grow up to be good fnlhers and
....,.,,...,,.,,, ..,.,
U.VI. ,'. I
lnnes ft Davidson's barber shop Is
located now, temporarily on Oregon
street, In the old TngRnrt Hotel bulliU
Inc. Threo Rood barbers to serve
The deer season open August 1
nml )imi will need n license tit mi
liuiitlntf Appllratlons nt Tho Hullo
tlu ttlller.
The ItiiUctln lias n supply of appli
cation blanks for hunting license
tlilcli iin)ono can xevmo by calling
nt this otllec.
()Tlt'i: l-OU I'UIU.U'ATUiX.
Department of the Interior. U. B.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Kmury has not estaltllshed any resl
July 2lh. llia. (deuce on said laud nor made any lm-
Notice Is hereby given Hint Fred-1 ilrnvciii..iiis on snld laud as rcuulred
erlck K
aihsan. of Uldlnw, Oregon,
who, on June 7th. 1911, Hindu Home
stead Kntry No. 0U080. for 8H8WU.
Sec. 2. and SKUSKU. Bectlon 3.
Township it; South, Kaugo 11 Hast,
Willamette, Meridian, tins filed notice
oi imeuuou to inrko commutnuon
pr.of. to csnbl.h claim to the and
a bovo descrlbcl. before II. C. UllU
U. S. Conimlssloner. nt his office, nt.
Ilend, Oregon, on tho 11th day of
September, ID 12.
Ctnlmnnt nnnies ns witnesses:
Charles K. Wiley. Kdward White.
Bterllo Fryrenr, Walter IVtcrson.
21-35 C. W, MOOItK, llcglstor.
Selling Agents for
Aubrey Heights
i I,. i
The most beautiful rcsi
tlenct! property in Hend. Only
6 to 8 blocks from business
center on ensy terms. .
1 mi
Fire. Accident and Liability
Surety Bonds.
All classes of Ileal Estate.
Oregon Street.
Best Fresh Products.
Pilot Butte Dairy
Jones & Dates.
l Telephone Your Ordsrs. I
t We Deliver TwIcelDally.
Blank Notes
Rent Hooks
Receipt Rooks
Sales Contracts
Crook County Maps
Central Oregon Maps
Scratch Pads
Township Plats
Cruisers' Rooks.
We take orders for
Rubber Stamps.
'pCttNIAY, AWflUfiT T, HU8.
I., , , , i ,..,. ' sjjmhc:
- r. . li 'V J.'
)f U?K i
Doimrtinciit of the Interior, United
Btnlea Land Ofllce, Tho Dalles, Oio-
Run, July 10, 1013.
To Harry Kmvry, ot Hciid, Oregon,
You nru hereby notified that I. 1
Owen, who gives lleiitl, Oregon, ns
his poslolllco nddtcss, did oil Juno rt,
101S, lllo In this olhco his duly cor
roborated application to contest ami
Hccttro the cancellation of jour home-
..... ... U0..I..I V..
istuau. liitiry .o. ,,,..., .npiim "
08S89. inndo March 27, 1U11, ror
8WU, Hec. 8, NWU, Scclloii 17,
Titwiialiln 9(i. H . Italicn 1&. 1'.
,,untflu, .Mcruin, and at grounds for
! hi contest he alleges thnt nld I Inrry
i... inw nor .ni the wa'd Harry Kuiery
been on suld laud within six mouth
prior to October IS, 1111. having ap
parently nbuiidunvd said land.
Yon are, therefore, further noil-
i,,,,., ,.,, ,i,
e snld allegation will be
,nht,n ,,y ,, lfflM , hnvlllK ,,,,
TOllfcMei, ,,y )ou, MU, your ,,, try
' , ,, '',,, th;unil(,r lt,n,t
your further right to i heard there
in, either before this office or on a
peal, It )ou fall to flic 111 this olllce
within twenty days after tho
FOUItTH publication ot this notjee,
ns shonti below, )our answer, under
oath, specifically inectliig and re
spending to allegations of con-
trnu t jis ! "mim tisv
tat sit If trill full tv I tit lit trtnl IIiiim tn
nie lu this olllco duo proof that you
have served a copy of jour answer
on the snld contestant either In per
son or by registered mall. If ser
vice I made by the delivery of n copy
of oiir niuwer to the contestant In
person, proof of such scrxlco must be
either the said contestant's written
acknowledgement of his receipt ot
thn copy, showing the date of its re
ceipt, or the nflldnvit of the person
by whom the delltery was inndo stat
ing when and where the copy was de
livered. If made by registered mall,
proof of such service must consist of
the amidavlt of tho person by whom
the copy was nulled stating when
aud the port ofilce to hlch It was
mailed, and this affidavit must bo ac
companied by the postmaster's re
ceipt for the letter.
You should state tn your answer
tho name of tho poit office to which
)ou desire future nutlce to be sent
to you. C. W. MOOHi;,
Date of first publication July 17,
Date of second publication July 24,
Dnto of third publication July 31,
Date of fourth publication Aug. 7.
1912. '
Department of the Interior. I'. 8
Laud Ofllce at The Dales, Oregon,
-July 10th. 1913.
Notlco I hereby given that Kllen
W --
If You
Send $1.G0 to Tho Iicnd UuIIetln today, and receive both
year, ono hundred and four papers for $1,G0I That's
and a half cents each.
Samples of both
"7fffw t"I
Patlle. ot lien
nih 0
rt'Kon, who, on
August 32nd, 1S07, inndo Desert Hit-
try, No. 704, Horlul No, 0731, for the
KltHMU. Hcc. 81, nml WMiHWU.
Bectlon 33, Township 17 Boiitli,
HniiKu 13 Knst, Wlllniiietto Meridian,
tins lllm) notice of Intention to ntnk
llnal dosert proof, to citablUh claim
to thn land nbovo described, befoie
II. U. KlIlD, U. H. Commlssloiitiri nt
his olllcv nt lloud, Orugoit, on the
37th day of August, 11' U.
Clntmant iiniiins ns illnesses:
Charles lloyd, Admit Kotimnii, Nulls
Anderson, (leoruu Hales, nil of llend.l
Oregon. C. W. MOOItK,
lU..1p Iteglster.
Department of the Interior, t'ultud
Htntei Und Otrlce, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, July 10, 1913.
To Diiiilct lllluurd of llcud, Ore
gon, ContcMoo:
You nre Imrvuy notified that Frnuk
J. (Under, wilt)' gltcs Ilend, Oregon,
n his iKistofllce uddresi, did on May
id, 1013, llle In this olllce hi duly
corrolHirnled application to contest
aud secure the enueellntloii of your
homestead, Kntry No. .,.....,, Ho-
rial No. 05400, made October 11,
1V0P. for Wfe.NKU. HKUNKU,
WHSKU.NKViHKH.Koe. 3R. T. 1.
1 8. It. It, . 8W U NW 14 . NV U 8 W U
I Section 30. Townthlp ID, 8,, Itntige
IS, K., Wllllnmutto Meridian, and a
grouudn for tils contett ho ntlcge
,. , , t r..i .1 .iij it t it .
'.'" "' ,"n",v' "" on woi y
uiruiidtfiivu ii it ii uintifvii phi
Inud niut lta wholly fnltml to
cultivate rld lund as ie
quired by Inw to wit one
eighth of sail, entry has not been
continuously cultivated to agricultur
al crops or any other crop nt all bt
rIiiiiIiik with the second year or nt
any other time subiequeut to the
second year of the entry.
You nre. thof-forw. further notified
that the said allegations Hill bo taken
by this office as having been confess
ed by you, and )our said entry will
be canceled thereunder without fur
ther right to bo heard therein, either
before this office or on appeal, If
you fall tu file lu this orriro within
twenty days after the FOl'ltTII pub
lication ot this notice, as shown bo-
low, your answer, under oath, spe
cifically meeting aud responding to
these allegations of contest, or If
ou fall within that time to tile In
this office due proof that )ou have
served n copy of your answer on the
snld contestant cither In Person or bv
registered mall. If this son leu Is
made by the delivery of a copy of
your answer to the contestant lu per
son, proof of such service must be
either the said contestant's written
acknowledgement of hi receipt of the
copy, showing the dsto ot Its receipt.
or tho affidavit of tho person by whom '
the delivery was Hindu stating when
and where thn copy was delivered, ;
If made by registered mall, proof of,
Bitch service must consist of tho at
flavll of the person by whom tho copy I
wns nulled stating when aud tho post
. -
Were Offered
Would You Take It?
Would you llko to road tho Wirjroat find boHt weekly farm mnKnzIno In
tho Northwest? If so, aubscribo to
(ItcKulnr price $1.00 n ymtr ) Ily combining with
(KeKulnr prlco $l.G0 n yonr)
You Get Both Papers for
By tiklnjr ndvnntntro of this special offor you snvo n dollar, nnd Rot nil
tho farm nnd nuriculturnl news of the Pacific CouBt nnd all tho Ipcal
news of. your dlutrlct and of all Central Oregon.
papers Bent to you or your friends on
nrflco to which it wits' ninlled, nml itil
nrtldnvlt must bo nccdiiipnnlud by tli9
postmaster's rucelpt for tho letter.
You should state lu your answer
the n nin ii of tho post olllco to u hit h
you dnalro fuliira notlcan to lio sent
to you.
0. W. MOOKH. ItoKlntur
Hnto or llrst publication Jul 17,
Dnto of second iinbllunllon July 31,
Date of third publication Jul) ni.
Onto of fourth publication Anient
7, 1013.
There tire several hundred
TTo Development
41 pnges of interesting
articles about Ilend aud
Central Oregon. More
than 10 0 illustrations.
Wrapped for mailing.
Oct in your orders while
they last aud send them
to your friends in theKasl
a Copy
., (
papcrs.for a
ess than ono
4 T
- i
--"------'- TrTT,,rriTTTtttttH