The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 31, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THU J1KNI) llUM.KTiy, 11KNII, WKUSKHVAY, JUIiY fll, 1012.
rAOE r.
I .
i ""t . A? V
r -
that you will find all over our store have a definite
meaning and a positive value. They mean that our
Eighth Regular
House Cleaning Sale
is running in full blast and the value is found in the
of ttrlctly rtBaMe mtrchandiw. Tbto note h Just what we advertkt---a
House Cleamng Sale
m4U of our broken Ham aftd"
Summer Goods
ore reduced In pricemany of them below cost. We must clean house
before our new fall goods begin to arrive. This Is the solo that you have
been asking about and now wo are ready to offer you exceptional values in
all lines.
House Cleaning Sale
comes only twice a year. Don't miss the values offered at this one
"The Store of Better Values"
i Young Morris Lara went to Port
UnJ Balurday on a vUll.
, C ! Chalfan or aiit waa doing
huilnea In (lend yesterdsy.
, Mr. and Mr. Kdd N'owman' nro
bow loonlud at Itnymond, Wash.
It. T. Starr, traveling agent for the
tJront Northern Hxpross Coinimny,
wa hero lnl wool.
' J. J. Klein and family havo moved
Into their now ImlldlnK noxt to the
jAltamont Hotel.
A new oro walk linn boon Intd
across Ohio itrcet on tlio oast aldo of
Mr. W. II. Bellera left Monday
for Hppkane, to be gone a week on a
business trip.
V. t). Ilarrla camo In Sunday even
ing from hla homestead In tho Glass
tlutte country.
The city chemloal engine la now
located under thu ahed adjoining 8.
C. Caldwqll'i store.
There will ho a e price nt tho Cath
olic church Kunday at 10:30 n. in.,
conducted by Father Duller.
Italph Spencer, fnremnn of Tho
lln lint Iti hIioo. haa boon sick alnce
Sunday, hut la bettor now.
II. II. I'ord loft today for Vnlo to
look Into tho reported strike of oil ro-
I contly ninilo In that vicinity.
Into the Bean stone building
across the street from my
former location. With a
greatly enlarged floor space,
I will be better able than
ever to serve my large num
ber of customers. This will
be the biggest furniture store
in Central Oregon, and my
prices will be the lowest.
4-1 J '
E. M. Thompson
-y ; Where Your Dollnr Does its Duty.
Jena llasielbera; of Laid law waa In
tlend Monday.
II. D. Ward of Kcho, Oregon, la a
risltor at the Hotel llond.
Muta Pearl lllghtowor returned
Friday from Prlnevllln where ahe
visited Mra. Claudo Smith.
lira. Clyde McKay entertained tho
llrldgo Club Monday afternoon at
tier homo In Park Addition.
Samuel Jannoy and family of New
York havo comti In to provo up on
their ditch land near Alfalfa.
Presbyterian services every Sun
ilny hereafter at tho Star Tneatro at
11 a. in., with Sunday achool at 10.
Mli Ada Portor left Frldny for
her homo In Mllwaukco. Win. Sho
will teach near. Klamath Fall uext
Vlohnol Kelly of Mlncapotla, rep
resenting tho Shovlln timber Inter
ests, has boon spending tho pant
wofk in Ileml;
A. II. Gortsan and MIks Carrlo Mo
Qulloy of TuiiihUi oamo over Satur
day for tho dnneo and woro In llond
over Sunday.
M. 0. O'Mnlloy of Portland, -Into
mumiKor of tho Fraternal llrothcr
)()od, vlsltod tho llond lodgo Friday
ind Saturday.
A. M . Lara loft yesterday morn
tug on a week'a IjiibIiio trip to tho
aouthenst and aouth, toguther with
II J. Kggloaon.
Tlioro will bo Mothpdlat preach
lug aorvtcua In tho bcIiooIIuhibo Sun
lllnncho Wtlllnma will bIiir nt both
butvIcos. All welcome
HxtoiiBlvo nltorat'onB hnvo boon
rondo In the S. O. Caldwoll atoro dur
lug thu week, greatly enlarging tho
front atoro room.
Jcbho Stcarna, eccretnry, and Itos
coo Howard, niauagor, of tho Central
Oregon Irrigation Company, wero In
town Saturday,
Frank llonnott leaves tomorrow on
a trip to Portland, Sonttlo and
Spokauo. Ho will Join Mrs. llon
nott In Portland, whoro alio haa boon
for Bovornl wooka. ,
J Sam Hill, tho "well known good
ronda a'dvocato and capitalist of
MUryhllti Yash., and party, took
ibroakfaat nt tho Hotel llond Sunday
nti'jltnttvnv nillli liW nitrrt
State Gnmo "Wardon W. L. FInley
waaa hero Thursday night hut was
called" away Vrldny morning by nn
urgent messago and did not get to
vioot with tho local aportamon.
Polish up your rifles and hunt up
your cartridges, for tho door soason
opens tomorrow, Aug. 1, for a thrco
mouth puilod, during which tlmo ono
has tho legal privilege of killing flvo
buck door,
K. M Thompson began moving on
Mtndny his fiirnlturo store Into tho
Lllonn building, ncroRs tho street
from his old location. Ho will hnvo
tho largftst fiirnlturo storo In Cn
trrl Oregon,
I. M. McKnlght Inst week bought
through J. I). Minor lot 10, block 3G,
Wli'storla, of KM Pray. Thoro Is n
.'ntir-room houso on the lot. Mr.
Cray expects to buy farming land In
Mm Hlstois country.
According to men (raveling In the
Hampton country ,tho crops out
I thoro are exceedingly (.rosporous.
On the Horace llrooklnga pliho and
olsowhuro flax, potatoes, corn and
Bruins nro In flno shapo.
Monday evening a largo number
of tho friends of Mrs. Joo Innes sur
prised her at hor new homo In Ken
wood with a household shower, sup-
I plying her with many articles de
stroyed In tho recent flro,
Tho following business firms havo
sought safes of tho local agent of tho
Victor company, A. II. Hlack; It. M.
Smith Clothing Company, N. P.
timlth, O'Donnell Ilroi. and tho Ore
gon Land & Immigration Company.
Thomas Uargan, a Seattlo attorney,
Is spending somo tlmo In llond. Nino
yoara ago ha filed on a timber claim
of 320 acres In section 8, township
21 south, range 17 east, and last
week went out to look It over again.
A fait of aomo 2G foot resulted In
nothing mora serious than a few
bruises when Nick Zakola met with
the accident at the North Canal con
struction works. He Is In the hos
pital recuperating and will be out In
a short time.
It. H. Croxler. advertising manager
for the B. P. & S. Railway, accom
panied by Kolger Johnson and A. J.
Anderson, In C. S. Hobson's auto,
were here Friday on a tour of tho In
terior gathering photographic mater
ial for the railroad's publicity work.
C. H. Duaenbery, who haa been In
Portland for tho paat aeven months,
returned to Uend Sunday to find all
the property he had left here waa
destroyed In tho fire of July 3. It
Included a completo camping out
fit, guns, buggy, etc., worth about
Mrs. Holtertson, mother of Frank
Hobortson. together with Mlsa Mar
lon Hwlng, waa In Uend for two days
laat week, after an absence of two
yoara. Frank Hobortson, who for
mirly was associated with A. M
Drako hero. Is now touring Kuropc
In his auto.
Tom Murphy returned last week
from a two weeks trip to North
field. Minn. "I saw Just two real
cities on tho trip," said Mr. Murphy.
Ono waa Uend and the other St.
Paul." which goes to show that the
local street commissioner la somo
ihjng of a booster.
The road east of town which con
nects with Greenwood avenuo and
runs northerly and easterly to Inter
section with the old road to Prlne
vllle at the experiment farm baa been
put In good shape and Is now the beat
highway out of Uend for the count)
soat. It Is not a county road but Is
Tho William .Arnold Irrigated
ranch five miles cast of town waa
sold last week by J. A. Kastea to A.
C. Armstrong, formerly of tho Klon
dike country. Thero are 120 acres
In the farm and the price was about
ftSOO cash. The Arnolds are leav
ing on a trip to the Willamette vat
'or. Vernon A. Forbes and Itnlph V.
Polndexter will havo built on lota 1
nd 2, block 20. Center Addition, at
tho corner of Greenwood avonuo and
Blghth street, two modorn cottages
to rent. F.nch will havo flvo rooms
In addllon to bath nnd pantry. Tho
dimensions of tho houses will bo 26
by 36 foot.
Flndloy Jones waa found yester
day not far from the Swalley ditch
and near tho railroad truck north of
town. He was badly bruised, and It
Is believed that ho foil, or was put
off tho train, hut ho tells another
story about receiving his Injuries.
He U badly bruised on both legs uud
ono aide, of the chest.
Ileglnnlng tomorow, Mrs. J. W
Dlmlck nnd Mrs. a. W. Shrlner will
tnko chargo of the dining room at
tho Altamont Hotel. Thoy will oou
duct n high cUbs boarding house.
Mrs. Dlmlck was In chnrgo of the
Uuortn I101180 tho first part of last
your, and Mrs. Shrlnor ran tho fam
ous Stockade Hotel In Seattle for
several years.
Th Empty 8II0.
This In n kcxhI tlmo in devote an
hour or two to tlif tlKhtiMilm: up of silo
hoop mid mukliiK tan! the uuuhor.
Inpt. any tlu Kiiiimiih Fnrtner The
prulxibllltles tiro thm most or the !
luta Ik fisl out 11 nil ilu hIIo will tnnd
empty until tlmo to reilll Tlu wind
uud sun will dry out tin Ktiive. nnd
unknot tho hoops urv kept tight and (he
anchoring! nre mire there I dun
per from wind. If the Htnve are pull
ed well together the danger of dam
ttgv to tht ullo from blnwluu down or
rocking In tin wind U very nllght. We
know of hIIoh which hiivt Htood twer,'
years, whleh have bn llov,i, down
but It hua required mime cure uud fore.
xlght In keeping them iwi It does
not pay to api'itd'tood money or any
tllltm nnd then iolwt It. The old
adage. "A ntltPh In tlmo save nine,"
nrku well In practically every furm
Others Follow
Watch for the new things
. in fall merchandise
which are
. -.-
. . i -.-.j,y.
Thr Is a f.llow r1ht near by
Who cot th chlckrn ftvtr.
II whs so crazy sfur ban
Ills wit ftd b would Imts r.
On dijr ib nM4 itrnctrr iter
And aw bl( lnM.
Bh bought six dottn of Ih sam
And quickly boinaward bird.
Bh took lh ten from rjlir bis hru
And Mt th ttor egs thcra.
Then Klxttrd. clcftrd. sivsled to
That ib rtl on a. chair.
Tbo chtna st woo't batch!" ah
-Jli, hat Won't Dm h told?
IU'11 quit hU craiy chlcktra stunt
And lor in a of old.
Dut. say. tba sci h Mt wr docks.
And Ulll caught on to It.
BUI walitd for lbo ss to batch
To ( bar sit a fit.
Juat sixty Httla quacka cam. out.
II took lhm to lb door
Tbty waddltd rteht Into th bou
And iprvad all o'r U floor.
"Quack, quackt cam from th parlor;
"Quackl cam from cvrrrwhtr.
"On. horroml Wbat'a that noUr '
Sh crltd from up tb sulr.
When h irot dawn th alalrway
Rli dropiw.1 all In a bunch.
And all thn quacka cam waddling: op
To rruk of bar fra luuch.
Tho duck tracked all har porchta;
Tbay at har How.r bed.
They quacked around bar day and niabl
Till ih waa almoat dud.
Tou bet ah quit her bulling lol
Hill has th Inald track,
6h know If ih aya ut on word '
IIUI UI U loud, "quack, quack"
Tbo cold, wet spring broegbt failure1
to many sections. Eggs were chilled or
low In fertility, bens refused to bo
broody, many fanciers did not set eggs
on account of toe weather, and tbo
chick hatched by bens and Incubators
bad a light for life: hence batching has
been continued later than ujua.lvand
If these late chicks are proper'iy cared
for they will pay handsomely, for con.
dltlon will make prUvs for egg and
market poultry higher than ever.
La to chicks should havo range,
shade, and. where heat kills herbage,
grown greens should be supplied.
Meat or milk must substitute for
Inacct life killed off. and freab water
should be plentiful and pure.
nouses and brooder ronst b kept
clean and coot, and vermin that multi
ply so fast Id tae summer mtwt ba
fought hard.
Little corn, bat ranch protein, tba
builder, should be fed. Duttermllk- and
sklmmllk should be nsed In preference
to beef scraps, that to deteriorate In
the beat and can much mortality.
8prtng la the fowls' natural breedlnj;
season: then eggs are more fertile,
give atronxer chicks, the chicks bar
more natural food, and lice do not
breed fast ITo who would raise late
chicks well must study the situation
and meet the unnual conditions that
confront late birds, and bo can win
aucrvsa and get the gains If bo takes
the pains.
Township blanks, neatly bound In
tiooka. n cents nt Tho Ilulletln.
iimv- -Fi:nQ
Ffta fB'lirJrtil
9tmtAr s- 'mmammmimm
a!ryt. tjyMptwnrtC!rl,'i - ItMi .tOt
k .. " fc "' -
Do you know who ! m? - - - y.
Well, if you 4on't, ask somebody.
I've come here to ay a few years -aiHsMtU you
Where to buy hardware a! things. ' fbHi
l'JlJo something different each week;-' Ltet-ofmy
young friends are going tjjb cut me out of th'ir each
Week ami'maica a scrap book. You'll ltaJ th tots of fun.