The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 31, 1912, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Hiiltor an-1 Publisher.
Managing Btlltor.
An inilepemlont nowsnanor stand
ins for tho squaro deal, clean busi
ness, clean politics and tho best In
terests of IVnd anil Central Oregon.
Ono year. . J1,60
Blx months 8
Throo months.... .60
All subscriptions aro duo and
of expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and If ronowal Is not made with
in reasouablo thno tho papor will be
Pleaao notify us promptly of any
chan go of address, or of failure to ro
colvo tho paper regularly.
Make all checks and orders pay1
nble to Ilend Uullotln.
Emanating from Its tendor regard
to the unrarnlshcd truth. The Spokes
man of Itedmond publishes a rather
hysterical but well Intentioned out
burst under tho caption of "Wildcat
Tho calwa belli meaning, the bone
that fot stuck In tho Itedraond edi
torial throat-U tho fact that some
exaggeraed statements regarding
Bend wore published la a Los Ang
eles papor. The Dulletln agrees with
the critic thai such advertising Is
harmful to the country; also, It Is
confident that there Is enough and to
upare o first class copper riveted
truth right hero In Dond to supply
the most grasping advertiser with
ammunition, without any excursions
Into the realm of fancy and falsehood
Therefore It, too, regrets that the
Los Angeles enthusiast told lies, sim
ply adding that It knows that said
lies were the unauthorised action of
Botnoone who had lots to soil and did
not have senso enough to employ
lrorer methods.
Hut, In Its zealous effort to clcanso
the goddess of truth, tho Redmond
paper It modii, sroes rather out of
Its way to do a little exaggerating. It
self. If It wasn't for tho fact that a
tinge of dyspeptic sour grapes ap
jHsara to lurk beneath the four-column
dissertation, It wouldn't bo
worth whllo to go further. Dut. by
way of correction, we venture to call
Attention to the following, believing
that It is a rery shorUblghted pot
Jthat calls a kettle black.
The Spokeataaa says Dend Is 20
ycara old. There was, we believe,
one or two settlers at 'The Dend-
previous to 1900, but careful search
.falls to reveal the fact that there
over were more than a doxen humans
lore, for any length of time, before
1901. It one family comprises a
"town" in the Judgment of Tho
Spokesman, perhaps Dend will have
to plead guilty Xo a decrepit middle
"What would any sano man think
of paying $200 to 1250 for lots In a
town of leas than 1500 population?"
Is a lament offered by Tho Spokes
man. The Dulletln humbly believes
the answer Is that the man who fail
ed to buy, at such terms, In some
towns, is several kinds of a fool.
Also, dt may be well to remind our
brotheiu to tho north that so mo of us.
In palmy days not so far gono ly.
have paid even such fabulous
prlctrt for lots but a stone's throw
Irom Tho Statesman's own editorial
sanctum. Nor are we entirely sorry.
"The wildest imagination would
hardly give Uend more than 3 to 5
per cent of Crook county's lumber
output In future years." Oh, dear!
And there Is a lot more ltko that, ono
learned remarking, In effect,
titut tho largest M-wmlll in Crook
county cuts only 20,000 feet of lum
bar a day while any ono with the
sumption to And facts can learn that
one Dend mill cuts 30,000 feet every
day, and Just now Is running a night
uhlft as well, doubling tho output,
while another mill outs in excess of
20.004 feet dally.
"The thermometer In Dend has
ranged from 10 to 22 degrees below
zero every winter for the last ten or
'twelve yeas at least." The lowest
temperature recorded here last win
ter by the government thermometer
was S decrees below.
Dut w Hat's the use?
"There Is so much good In the worst
of us, . . 1
And so much bad fn the.bcat of us,'
That it little behooves any of us
To xatft a&aut the rest of us."
Tho following Is an artlclo that re
cently appeared In Tho Ttmbcrman of
Thoro Is no sot of men engaged in
nny lino of business effort who Kivo
moro and receive less in the way of
compensation than tho editor of tho
ttvorngo country newspaper. He Is
expected to bo tho mouthptcco and
pergonal organ of every entire- In
which his community Is Interested.
It rarely ever happens when a local
organisation for mutual benellt of tho
town In which ho lives is to bo form-
oil bv a fow live. nronresilVo. but of'
ten very thrifty cltltons, that tho cost
of tho necessary and absolutely os
sentnl publicity is paid to tho local
editor. Ho Is supposed to bo n chari
table megaphone and too often he
Is tor anybody or anything that hap
pens along.
Tho local morchant otton feels that
tho small monthly pittance doled out
In oxchungo tor a geuoroua adver
tising space. Is like money donated
to any charitable institution orphan
asylum or homo for tho feeble-minded.
It rarely occurs to tho local mer
chant, Irrespective of whether ho In
a dry goods morchant, grocer or lo
cal retail lumber dealer, or simply nn
Individual who has decided that mer
chandising consists in buying n fow
goods and marking up n price with
out regard to quality or previous con
dition of servitude And this Is of
ten too often tho typo of merch
ant ho has to doal with.
To succeed, tho avorago country
newspaper msn has to be as wise as
a serpent and harmless as a dovo.
The plea of many of tho merchants
against supporting the country news
paper Is baaed upon tho theory that
either everycuie In. the community
knows the storo Is in existence, or
tho big mall order houses of Sokane.
Great Falls. Ullllngs. Bait Lako. Be-
attlo, Tacoma, Portland, Ban Fran
cisco. Minneapolis, Chicago, New
York, or Paris, art Rotting tho busi
ness, and hence advertising would
be probably of little more valuo than
a scronade at a funeral
Tho editors of the Inland Empire
met at Spokane on June 23, and or
ganlxed an association of mutual
helpfulness, at which It was the pleas
ure of The Tlmberman editor to bo
present. The resolution which hits
tho nail squarely on the head' when a
lot of maudlin sympathy is being ex
tended to the mossback morchant. is
to the point Here It Is:
"Wo further believe that the mer
chants of tho smalt cities and towns
are In a measure responsible for the
Inroads of the mall order bouses upon
their trade. Having the advantage of
Immediate and personal contact with
their customers, they should, by
adopting modern merchandising
methods and thorough, Intellcgent
and persistent advertising, be able to
compete successfully with said mall
order houses."
The resolution also deprecates tho
sending of money away to the various
largo cities when tho goods can often
bo purchased at home for less money
believing that such a couise Is In
imical to tho development and op
building of the community. Sncu.l,
reasonable and loglcat doctrine, but
only country newspaper men who
havo bled, suffered and died it -n
the poignancy of grief and shedding
of crocodile tears by the average mer
chant who feels that his best Inter
ests are often served by sending a va
for his Job work, In dlroct contraven
tion to the policy he Is attempting to
carry out for the benefit of the loan
and aptly Illustrating tho "differ
ence twlxt tweedledum and twutl
This now brings us to tho.crut of
this article; What tho lumber Man
ufacturing Intorests owe to the coun
try newspapers, and the policy the
should pursue towards them.
A recital of a fow of tho active
campaigns which these powerful lo
cal organs for molding public opinion
have assisted to carry out to suc
cess: The forest flro legislation of tho
various Western states was made
possible largely through their advo
oaoy of tho cause.
Without tho co-oporatlon of tho
country nowBpapers the strong and
vigorous public 'sentiment whloh sus
tains tho efforts of the local stato for
est fire associations, and the broad
er and moro comprehcnKlvo work of
tho Wcstorn Forestry and Conserva
tion Association would not bo pos
sible In the passage of the sptondld
workman's compensation law now In
erfect In the stato of Washington, the
zeal and disinterested advocacy of
tho country press was the renl domi
nant power whloh forcod this meri
torious plcco of humnne legislation
through a nono too willing icgisia-
turo. Hacked by the ambulance
chasing lawyer, the casualty Insur
ance company, which fattens at tho
oxpense of the Injured workman on
ono hsnd, and the Imperative necessi
ties of the employer on tho other.
Tho passage of similar lawn In tho
various states can only bo mado pos
sible through tho co-operation of tho
countr ynowspapers.
For reasonable and Just taxation
laws affecting overy class of property,
In national affairs the country
newspapers of the states of Montana,
Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Call
fornla did their full sharo In tho pas
sage of the amendment to the Inter
state commerce act which guarantees
to every shipper the right to be heard
before bis rate can be advanced. A
stable freight rate Is as essential to
tho manufacturer as a stable curren
cy. , In the passage of the Dorah Irri
gation bond bill, providing for tho
Issuance of $20,000,000 of bonds to
complete the national Irrigation proj-
getting your clothes where they sell
good tilings Unit look well and wear
well and cost little. A full line of the
Hart, Schaffner (8b Marx
and everything you will want for the
summer in Suits, Hats, Shirts, Under
clothing, Shoes, ete.
ects In tho West, Senator llorah will
hear testimony to the Invaluable ser
vice of the country press. Irriga
tion means more to the lumber busi
ness of tho West than to nny other
slnglo Industry.
In this brief cursory rovlow of
somo of tho measures which tho
country press has sided, tho writer
speaks with authority, as it came to
hla hand to help creato tho sentiment
which made posslblo tho enactment
of much of this legislation.
When labor troubles come and
they come unbidden like a plague of
locusts tho 1, W. W. hordq swept
all before them for a time. The
country press, always conservative,
counseled the men to remain and
work, and discouraged the movement
In overy way possible.
In financial crises In many a com
munity the personal equation of the
editor of tho local newspaper often
scarcely known and little appreci
ated has helped stem tho tide of
disaster. Dut why continue?
What can Iks dono by tho lumber
Industry to repay and continue to de
serve the support of theso bravoeoun
try newspaper men who with often
only a hatful of typo help fight tho
battles? Ono word tells It all: Ad
vertise, and advertlso liberally. Beo
that every man Jack around tho mill
and office subscribes for tho paper.
Havo your Job ork printed by tho
local press, whorover possible. If
tho local newspaper oltlces aro not
equipped to do tho work, let them
handlo tho order. Tho big printers
In tho city will pay a commission and
In tlmo. aa tho community develops,
the local plant will bo prepared to do
the work; tint glvo him a chance nrst.
Although the operations of tho lo
cal Hoy Scouts havo been upon a
small scale, they aro deserving tho
highest praise, and cortalnly the
camping trip taken by tho buys was
an admlrablo enterprise, and those
who mado It posslblo deservo much
credit for the troublo to which they
put themselves. If this outing haa
taught a dozen Dend lads something
about how to take care of themselves
In tho open, how to keep camp and
leavo clean camps behind them, how
to caro for fires and tako precaution
against their spreading, not t6 mon
tlon the physical benoflts they have
dorlved. It has proved Itself a valu
ablo precedent.
Governor Marshall, Democratic
candidate for tho vice presidency, ad
mits unblushlngly that tho only fish
ho over caught wero dog fish, and
that he never Intends to l(sh again.
It Is to bo rogrottcd tho Governor
can't And tlmo to visit tho Deschutes
and learn tho fun of real fishing.
(Portland Journal),
Tho Ilend Dulletln gives nn Inter
esting account of tho not profits of
Ixm) IIolilw at hog ruining ou his
farm at Powell Ilutt, Crook county.
The First National Hank of Ilend
Imported brood animals from Ne
braska, and sold them on tlmo to
farmers last December. Tho cost of
Hobbs' five sows was $118. 60, and
his note was given for the amount.
Time nnd tho five sows havo pros-
pored Mr. Hobbs. Ho has been of-
loroa eigut ana ono-nair cents per
pound for tho pigs from tho 11 vo ani
mal. Had ho sold at tho flguro,
the proceeds, after deducting tho cost
of feed, would have left him (31C aa
net profit, all mado without the out
lay of a cont In cash for tho original
stock. The flvo old sows aro now
worth much more thnn tho $148. 00
which was paid for thorn. Tho Ilend
papor says tho profits of Mr. Hobbs
at tho business aro typical of tho re
turns othor Crook county farmers
havo reallzod from the hog business
Introduced by the Dend bankers.
Tho building up of tho Industry
as it Is bolng dono at Hond by tho
bank In co-operation with the farm
ers is an oxample of public effort all
kinds of bankers can woll afford td
emulate. It has a counterpart in tho
expansion of the dairy Industry
through the inltlatlvo of bankers at
Independence, Polk county. Tho lo
cat bank that brought In the hogs
has also Imported 43 head of Hoi
stein dairy cows and sold thorn to
tho farmers of this vIclnlty.-Edltor.J
VKINK81AV. 3Vh 1, IftlO.
SknthiK rink open every WVdne
dny oteiilii)t. Ut-lp
Currant nnd (tiMMpherrlm
nn be had for tho nlcklnr. nt 28 els
n gallon for currants and 30 cts a
gallon ror gooseberries, nt L. D.
Wlvst's. 21
(let your application for hunting
HoertDO nt The Dulletln ofllre.
HATES: Five cents a lino ror
first .Insertion In this column, four
cents a lino for each subsequent In
sertion. Cash in advance unless
yon have an account with Tho Hal
leUn. Count six words to the line.
Including the address.
For Hent. .
FOIl ItENT Good pasture one
mile oast of (lend, newly fenced.
Mrs. Hsrrlot Uarncs, llond. v 20-3p
FOIt IIBNT l-room painted
house Deschutes addition with water
$13 per month. Inquire Dulletln,
FOIt HENT 10-room flat, nlcoly
finished, heart of city; cheap, Ore
gon (.and & Immigration Co. 20tf
FOIl ItENT Rooms over itosttif.
flro In Trlnlrlt litillilliii- Aim n-irf
of store room next to postoftlco. Sea
F. O. Minor. HMf
FOIt ItENT Cabin furnlshed.$6.
Ono block east of dopot, 7th and Fir.
inquire W. II. I.esh. 18-21p
FOIt ItENT Four room house.
Inquire nt Postoftlco. 2 ltf
- ,
WANTED To rent typowrltor lor
several months, J. G. Hhodcs. 1911
WANTED Olrl for general house
work. Small .family. Apply Mrs.
H. E. Allen. ltf
WANTED Rags. Will give In
exchange old newspapers. The
WANTED Crow manager and 6
solicitors at onco. The Iteat of wages
paid. Address Clrcuatlon Depart
ment, Pacific Homestead, Salem, Ore
gon. 18-23
LOCAL Representatives, lioth lady
and gentlomnn In every town nnd vil
lage. 8alary and commission. Ad
dress Superintendent of Agonclrs,
Room 9, Now Hroynian lllock, Satom,
Oregon. 18-23
of Washington. Must bo llvo, up-to-dato
nowspapcr man and bo ablo to
handle crew nnd orow managors.
Only llvo wire need apply. Address
Circulation Manager, Room 9, New
Hreyman lllock, Sulom, Ore. 18-23
WANTED TO buy or rent a sheep
ranch. Parties Interested wrlto C. O.
Tronson & Son, Glenhnm, H. D. 19-22
WANTED Steady employment In
Dend by married, sober man of 30.
Experienced clork In dry goods or
groceries. Good roforenoes. Stoady
Job wanted. Address II, Ilox II,
Camas, Wash. 21-22p
For Hale,
FOR HALE Span of horses, G &
7 yrs. old, wt. 2100. N. E. Gilbert,
Park addition. 20tf
holding upon Deschutes river. About
20 Irrlgablo acres. Two acres In
vegetables. Addrs T. Hollai'd,
Deschutes, Crook County, Oro, 21p
FOR SALE Fancy saddle horso,
or will trade for a driving horso. In
quire "L," Dulletln
FOR SALE Second hand ur
nlture and rugs. Inquire Central
Orogon Trucking Co., at Knstes of
FOR SALE Good team, wagon
nnd harness. N. E. Gllbort, Park
Addition. 18tf
FOR SALE Strawberry plants,
will bo ready In about a month. Or
ders must bo placed now, Mrs.
Henry Llnstor. 21-24p
FOR BALE Rco 1-cyllnder run
about, In first class condition. Top,
lamps, Jumper seat, etc. Dorgaln at
$135. F. R, Harbour, Laldlaw, 21
FOR BtLE Cook stovo, bed
springs, mattress, table, frying pans,
dishes, etc; ftill bachelor's outfit;
everything new last winter. lVir"
gain at $26 for wholo outfit. In
quire at Dulletln. . ' 21
FOIt SALE 40 acres 4 miles from
Ilend, on county mnilj uuoncumbor
edi water rlghtj 10 n norn cash,
(411 on tonus. Address HOI East
97lh street. Portland, Oro. Ul-83n
FOIl HALE Typewriter. In Rood
condition, cash, ur cany tonus. Ap
ply llutlotlii nniuu. itllf
For Sale or Tnulo.
WILL EXCIIANdE old iiowspupors
for clean run. Tho Uullotln.
TO TltADE HoUso mid lot lu
llnnil, valuo IttoO, for farm property
within 0 mill's of town. Address
Hope's Fur ill turn Hlnro. 1 Itf,
WILL EXrilANUK for ranch or
In-order to clean up the
odds and ends on all low
cut shoes 1 will make
the following prices
All $4.00 oxfords, now $2.70
All $4.50 oxfords, now $3. 5
All $5.00 oxfords, now $3.70
30 per ceil discount on all
summer suits
They wont last long
at these low prices
Oregon Street
Wc Have Taken Over
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and are in a position to fill orders
c? any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building: Material
Lime, Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Overturf-Davis-Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
Wears longer than any other and gives better servlcsi
For Sale by .
Bend Hardware Co.
ttmbor claim (10 horsepower Hpood.r
wull ulitoninbllo, cost 3000, Is U
perfect riiimliiK order. P. O. Hog
213, llond, Ore. 2 1-34.
TO HXCIIINOI117P acres Irrl
Katud Innd in in I Ion north of llond,
III wires olonied, fenced .mil watered
mid liolim put Into cultivation. Will
oxchnngn for rnildnnco propel ty lu
llond AddroHs M. 0., Uullotln
llond, Oronon. ?
Taken Up.
TAKEN UP-Hnrrell mare, blotch
brand on rlnht stlllo. (loo. Liwell, ou
road to llums, 7 ml. of llniul. 17-31
the Entire Stock of